Man gets stopped by police and his Facebook post about the treatment he received goes viral


A man named Steven Hildreth Jr. was pulled over by a Tucson Police officer because of a broken headlight. But as it turned out, the officer had questions. He wanted to know if Steven had any weapons, to which he said yes. He explained that he had a gun but had a permit for carrying one. 

Then the officer asked for the man’s licence and registration. As he had them in his right pocket, the officer had to disarm him so that he could reach his wallet. 

Steven shared the rest of the story on his Facebook page and it quickly went viral with more than 600,000 shares. 

“So, I’m driving to my office to turn in my weekly paperwork. A headlight is out. I see a Tucson Police Department squad vehicle turn around and follow me. I’m already preparing for the stop.

“The lights go on and I pull over. The officer asks me how I’m doing, and then asks if I have any weapons.”

“Yes, sir. I’m a concealed carry permit holder and my weapon is located on my right hip. My wallet is in my back-right pocket.”

“The officer explains for his safety and mine, he needs to disarm me for the stop. I understand, and I unlock the vehicle. I explain that I’m running a 7TS ALS holster but from the angle, the second officer can’t unholster it. Lead officer asks me to step out, and I do so slowly. Officer relieves me of my Glock and compliments the X300U I’m running on it. He also sees my military ID and I tell him I’m with the National Guard.

“Lead officer points out my registration card is out of date but he knows my registration is up to date. He goes back to run my license. I know he’s got me on at least two infractions. I’m thinking of how to pay them.

“Officers return with my Glock in an evidence back, locked and cleared.”

“Because you were cool with us and didn’t give us grief, I’m just going to leave it at a verbal warning. Get that headlight fixed as soon as possible.”

I smile. “Thank you, sir.”

“I’m a black man wearing a hoodie and strapped. According to certain social movements, I shouldn’t be alive right now because the police are allegedly out to kill minorities.

“Maybe…just maybe…that notion is bunk.

Maybe if you treat police officers with respect, they will do the same to you.
Police officers are people, too. By far and large, most are good people and they’re not out to get you.

“I’d like to thank those two officers and TPD in general for another professional contact.”

“We talk so much about the bad apples who shouldn’t be wearing a badge. I’d like to spread the word about an example of men who earned their badges and exemplify what that badge stands for.”

Amy Schumer inspires women to embrace a positive body image by sharing no-makeup photos of herself


Amy Schumer is one of the few celebrities who are never afraid to speak their mind. She appears to be honest to the core and that’s something people either love or hate about her.

During her childhood she experienced heartbreaks. When she was just 9 years old, her father lost the family farm and filed for bankruptcy. Her mother then left him and moved to Long Island together with Schumer. Some years later, he was hospitalized because of MC.

When she turned 13, Schumer learned how her mom fell for a family’s friend named Lou. This revelation affected her relationship with her mother a great deal.

Photo by Michael Loccisano/FilmMagic

Speaking of her love for comedy, Schumer told Laughspin: “I was a funny kid. It’s funny because now, when I go to headline, I think back to how I used to make my parents and my friends and my siblings sit there and listen to me tell stories and try to make them laugh. It’s ridiculously clear – for as long as I can remember, I wanted this specific type of performing.”

Once she graduated from Towson University in Maryland with a degree in theater, she moved back to New York City to pursue a career as a stand-up comedian, something she dreamed of almost her entire life.

“After college, I found that you don’t get to perform as often as you do in college,” she recalled. “I found a group of people backstage, or god knows where – an improv group, of which the leader was like this total schizophrenic – and one of the girls in my improv troupe was a comic. She did stand-up. She was like 45 years old at the time, and I went and saw her.

“I was like, ‘Oh, this is really appealing.’ I had seen a lot of stand-up before, and I’d never really thought about the possibility of doing it, but then when I saw this girl from my improv troupe doing it and getting some success, I was like, ‘I can do this.’ I tried it within a week or two, and I liked it right away.”

Shutterstock/Ovidiu Hrubaru

Soon after, Schumer made her television debut on Comedy Central’s Live At Gotham. What followed were a bunch of gigs. She even competed on the fifth season of Last Comic Standing in 2007 and ended up on the fourth place.

In 2010, Schumer was given her half-hour special with Comedy Central Presents. Her comedy included topics not many women talk about, such as sex, dating, and drinking. Some three years later, Schumer started her comedy show Inside Amy Schumer, which attracted the attention of a huge number of people and earned plenty of awards.


Besides doing stand-up, Schumer also turned to writing other things, including her first film in which she starred alongside Colin Quinn, Trainwreck. The film is based on Schumer’s life and portrays her relationship with her father.

Speaking of him, she told Barbara Walters on ABC’s Barbara Walters Presents: The 10 Most Fascinating People of 2015: “Some days he’s really good, and he’s with it, and we’re joking around. And some days I go to visit my dad, and it’s so painful. I can’t believe it.

“In terms of my dad being sick, it was just confusing to me, especially the way MS works,” she added. “He was in physical pain. That’s when I kind of took the lead and took care of everybody in my family. I would keep them – I would keep everybody laughing.”

Eventually, she surprised her father by buying the farm he once lost.

Alessio Botticelli/GC Images

At the moment, she’s writing a television series named Life & Beth which is in post-production.

Schumer has always been self-confident. She is not afraid to show off her natural beauty and shares photos of herself with no makeup on. She spreads a message that we should all love ourselves the way we are. Some few years back, she even started a movement after she asked her fans to tweet photos with no makeup in a parody sketch.

“I have been brought to tears with all the strong, badass, incredible women tonight. In jungles, jumping out of planes, holding their babies’ and mothers’ hands. All the strong lovely men who tweeted too. We are all different and beautiful. Let’s waste no time stressing bout looks,” Schumer wrote. “We are sisters and fighters and laughers and happy strong women. Smile at yourself in the mirror girl.”


Besides being a huge celebrity and one of the best comedians there are, Schumer is also a wife and a mother. She married professional cook Chris Fischer, whom she met after he cooked food for her family. He’s the brother of Schumer’s assistant Molly. It was she who introduced them.

As honest as she is, Schumer also opened up about motherhood and said that no matter how wonderful it is, it is also a ”constant feeling of guilt and vulnerability.”

Dia Dipasupil/Getty Images

During lockdown, she and her husband started a show called Amy Schumer Learns to Cook and showed her fans yet another side of her.

Martin Sheen says his wife of 60 years is the scariest woman he’s ever met


Martin Sheen has had an incredibly successful career in Hollywood. Born Ramón Gerardo Antonio Estévez, Sheen was “forced” to change his last name because he believed that way it would be easier for him to land gigs back in the day. While Estévez is still his official last name, he is widely known by his stage name, Martin Sheen.

“Whenever I would call for an appointment, whether it was a job or an apartment, and I would give my name, there was always that hesitation and when I’d get there, it was always gone. So I thought, I got enough problems trying to get an acting job, so I invented Martin Sheen,” he once explained. “I started using Sheen, I thought I’d give it a try, and before I knew it, I started making a living with it and then it was too late. In fact, one of my great regrets is that I didn’t keep my name as it was given to me. I knew it bothered my dad,” the actor added.

Sheen has always known his place was under the Hollywood sky, although his father didn’t approve of that career back in the day.

While he was trying to make a name for himself, Sheen met the woman of his life, Janet Templeton, who was studying art in New York City at the time they met.

In December, 1961, just a year after the two laid eyes on each other, they married in a small ceremony, between an 8 a.m. mass and a funeral.

Kevin Winter/Getty Images

During the filming of Apocalypse Now, Sheen, who was 37 at the time, suffered a heart-attack.

“There was a struggle to get me to a hospital because we were in a remote area of the jungle,” he shared with Closer. “My wife, Janet, was running down the corridor, and I was on a gurney being wheeled in, and I looked up and saw her face. She leaned down and whispered, ‘It’s only a movie, babe. Please, it’s only a movie!’”

This only assured him once again that she was the most special person in his life.

Ron Galella/Ron Galella Collection via Getty Images

The couple welcomed four children together. Their eldest child, actor Emilio Estévez, was born in 1962. A year later, they welcomed son Ramón. In 1965, Carlos Estévez, or better known as Charlie Sheen, was born. Their youngest child, daughter Renée, was born in 1967.

Over the years, Sheen and Templeton have been through so much together. They dealt with a number of problems and struggles, one of which their son’s troublesome behavior. Charlie Sheen’s personal life made headlines because of his drug and alcohol abuse. He was also accused of domestic violence in the past.

Jim Smeal/Ron Galella Collection via Getty Images

Martin Sheen also struggled with alcoholism, but it was his wife who saved him each time.

Speaking of Templeton, Sheen shared with The Washington Post back in 2015: “I was fortunate enough to marry the scariest woman I’d ever met. She did not know how to lie. It was impossible. For me, the truth was a sometimes thing. For her, it was eternity. She would always call me out, thank God.”

However, besides calling her the “scariest woman,” Sheen and Templeton’s marriage has been an incredibly harmonious one.

When he undergone a quadruple-bypass heart surgery some years ago, his wife helped him heal. “She was there the whole time and I laughed my way back.”

Last year, they celebrated their 60th wedding anniversary and they are still going strong.

Inmate with broken leg and cracked ribs rescues tornado victims at candle factory, then turns himself in to police


The devastating tornado which struck Kentucky on December 10, 2021, claimed the lives of eight people who worked at the Mayfield Consumer Products factory, making it one of the most catastrophic sites in an outbreak of at least 30 tornadoes hitting across six states in the Midwest and South.

Among those working at the factory at the time of the disaster was an inmate named Marco Sanchez. He and six other inmates were there as part of a program. Unfortunately, the tornado caused the factory to collapse, leaving a number of people trapped under the rubble. Sanchez suffered serious injuries; a broken leg and cracked ribs. Luckily, he still managed to free himself.

“Mr. Sanchez after freeing himself, with a broken leg and cracked ribs, unselfishly went and found tools and other items and returned and re-entered the rubble,” Graves County Sheriff Jon Hayden said in a Facebook post.

After rescuing a number of people, he went to the hospital and asked for help. He stayed some time there until he recovered and the first thing he did after being discharged from the hospital was approaching a state trooper asking to be taken to custody. Allegedly, the trooper told him he couldn’t do that at the moment because the Graves County jail was destroyed. Sanchez then went to a public shelter and asked to be put in contact with the jail staff.

After he turned himself in, Sanchez was taken to custody. He didn’t brag about saving anyone, he just explained how he needed to stay at the hospital for some time because of his injuries. It wasn’t until police learned of an inmate rescuing trapped people that they discovered it was Sanchez who saved them.

This kind-hearted man had 14 days left to serve and even though he was offered probation he decided to fully serve his sentence.

“We hope someone will take a chance on him and give him an opportunity to start a new life,” the sheriff wrote. “He is a hard worker, as he has been assisting county government in moving offices since the tornado, and he is a very humble man. We wish him the best and applaud him for his sense of humanity.”

One of the people who lost their life at the factory was deputy Robert Daniel who was overseeing the inmates.

Mom who struggled with infertility for years shares her roller coaster story


God works in mysterious ways and that is why we should never lose our faith, no matter how tough things get.

Desiree and Ryan Fortin always knew they wanted to be parents. So, when they tied the knot, the next logical move was for them to have a baby. Unfortunately, that turned out to be way harder than they hoped.

Desiree was diagnosed with polycystic ovaries, hypothyroid, and low progesterone, and no matter how hard they tried, the results were always disappointing.

Speaking of her struggles, Desiree wrote on Facebook, “It wasn’t just that I couldn’t get pregnant. [Infertility] brought me more tears than I ever thought I could shed…. I lay on my bathroom floor in complete emptiness after countless negative pregnancy tests time and time again. I had to endure shots, bruises, and all kinds of meds because when you are infertile and you seek fertility treatment for help, that is what you are in for. [It is] expensive and exhausting physically, emotionally, and mentally.”

Eventually, they turned to medicine and Desiree underwent an IVF treatment. Finally, their prayers were heard. The treatment was successful and she was pregnant. The best thing was that she didn’t have one baby, but three. It was more than these two ever hoped for and their lives felt complete.

The pregnancy, however, wasn’t an easy one. Being tiny and not that tall, Desiree was told she would probably fail at carrying her triplets. But she proved doctors wrong. At 34 weeks and one day, she underwent a C-section.

Source: Instagram/ theperfectmom

In the summer of 2015, babies Sawyer, Jack, and Charlize saw the light of the day. They weighted 5 pounds each.

Desiree didn’t see her bundle of joys right away because she needed to undergo an additional surgery, but Ryan made sure they FaceTimed every day.

”I’ll never forget my delivery day. Like all things involving parenthood, there were unexpected turns. After the triplets were delivered, Ryan went with them to the neonatal intensive care unit and I was sent to recovery‚” Desiree told Today.

”We are blessed, but parenting is also a hard job filled with the greatest of responsibilities — caring for tiny humans. Our babies have severe reflux and colic — times three. Getting into a routine is difficult, as is maintaining your relationship amid crying babies, sleepless nights and a new routine,” she said.

Today, the kids are all grown up and ready to welcome more siblings into their lives. Yes, Desiree and Ryan will become parents again and their story is just another proof that we should never give up trying in life.

Grandson brings 88-year-old grandma to tears after revealing a special room he built for her in his home


Those who got to grow up around their grandparents are the luckiest people of all. Gradmas and grandpas are those special individuals who would always go an extra mile for the happiness and well-being of their grandchildren. However, when they get extra old, we should be there for them and return the love and the kindness they showered us with during the years.

Matthew Stewart, who is a popular TikToker from Florida, melted the hearts of a huge number of followers after he posted a video of his grandma’s sweet and very touching reaction after he told her he built a special room in his new home just for her.

Source: Instagram

88-year-old Bobbe, or GB, as Matthew called her, couldn’t believe she would be given her own bedroom, sitting room, and a bathroom. When she says “just to know someone wants me” and starts crying tears of joy, Matthew gets overly emotional.

He remembered all those times his granny was by his side during the most challenging periods of his life. He was glad he could return all the love she had given him throughout the years.

Since the video was taken back in October 2020, in the midst of the pandemic and the lockdown, Matthew even turned one of the rooms in his new house into a hair saloon so that he could style GB’s hair. She had always enjoyed having her hair styled, and Matthew knew he missed that. Although he didn’t have any previous knowledge, he still managed to cut his grandma’s hair the way she wanted.

This fun experience helped raise her spirits. She loved her new look and said her grandson made her “beautimous.”

The cute video of the saloon session has been seen by over 1.3 million people. They all praised Matthew for treating his grandma like a queen.

Another of Matthew’s videos shows GB’s reaction when she learns she would become a great-grandmother. She was over the moon and said she was more than ready to change diapers.

Unfortunately, GB had an accident shortly after this last video was posted online. She fell and needed to go to rehab, but she didn’t make it. GB passed away in January 2022. A month later, Matthew and his family celebrated what would have been his loving grandma’s 89th birthday. Sadly, she didn’t get to meet her great-granddaughter.

GB made everyone’s life a bit better. She was a very special woman and her grandson knew how to repay her for all the love. Rest in peace, Bobbe.

Teen surprises biological mother at Pittsburgh Half Marathon


When teenage mothers give birth to their children at a very young age, they are not always ready neither mentally, nor financially to take care of the little ones. Their bundles of joy are often given up for adoption and end up with new families. This was the case with Stacey Faix who had given birth at the age of 15, some 35 years ago.

This woman believed she would never see her son ever again, but fortunately, that wasn’t the case. The state of Pennsylvania passed a law back in November 2017 that allowed adopted children to have access to the information about their biological parents. When Stephen Strawn, Faix’s son, learned of this, he was determined to meet the woman who brought him into the world.

Once he got the documents into his hands and finally learned his biological mother’s name, he could finally start the search. He told Inside Edition that “It was a big sigh of relief.”

The first thing he did was to try and find her on Facebook. I guess that’s one of the greatest benefits of social networking sites, that you can get in touch with people who are long lost. Once he found a woman with that name, he sent her a message, saying, “Hey, I have a really weird question. Did you put a baby boy up for adoption in 1982?” The answer he got was the one he was anticipating to hear for so long. He then proceeded saying, “I think you may be my biological mom.”

These mother and son shared common interests. It turned out they would both take part in the Pittsburgh Half Marathon as team members of the organization Red, White and Blue.

The day of the race was the day the long lost mother and son would finally embrace each other. However, Faix had no idea she would see her son. She only realized that would happen after someone handed her a card that said, “It’s been 13,075 days since you last saw me. I didn’t want you to wait one more day.”

“We must have hugged about 10 different times,” Strawn said. “We get done hugging, look at each other and then hug again. It just felt really surreal that it was finally happening because it happened so fast.”

This marathon was the first of the many things Faix and Strawn would enjoy together in the years to come. We are so glad they are now part of each other’s life.

In 1850 farmer discovers a secret door in the ground: what he finds on the other side causes the world to lose their breath


Many of the fascinating discoveries by people interested to learn what life was like back in the day leave us speechless.

Now if you believe the pyramids of Egypt hold secrets, take a look at this perfectly preserved city which was accidentally revealed in 1850 after a storm swept across the Orkney Islands. The place was hidden under the ground for so long, but now people can see it and enjoy its unique structure.


The settlement, called Skara Brae, was discovered by the farmers who were shocked at what came from under the ground as a result of the storm that caused devastation and killed around 200 people.


What resembles an entrance made out of rocks leads to eight stone houses historians believe were inhabited between 3180 and 2500 BC which makes Skara Brae, or the Scottish Pompeii, one of the oldest agricultural villages in Britain. It has gained UNESCO World Heritage Site status as one of four sites making up “The Heart of Neolithic Orkney.”


It is estimated that this magnificent place had been the home of around 50 to 100 people who were probably forced to abandon it because of a storm. The settlement was gradually covered by a drifting wall of sand that hid it from sight for over 40 centuries.


In each of the houses, there is furniture which is also preserved. Among the rest, there are lockers, bureaus, seats and waterproof storage boxes. Some believe the people living there kept live seafood inside those storage boxes to consume it later. One of the houses, in which there is no furniture, is believed to had served as a workshop. What is fascinating is that the settlement has a sewage system with tiny toilets in each of the houses.


Many of the findings leave archaeologists puzzled, like this carved stone ball on the photo below.


In hopes of protecting Skara Brae and keeping it as it is, a concrete wall has been built around the houses by the Scotland’s government as the sea waters pose a serious threat to it along with the number of tourists eager to visit the prehistoric place.


Skara Brae is a fascinating piece of humans’ history and we should do all to protect such places from destruction.