Mom is pregnant with quintuplets and gives birth like a real hero


A great number of couples who are struggling to conceive turn to medicine in order to be able to become parents. Such was the case with Guillermina Garcia and her husband Fernando who welcomed a baby daughter but wanted to have more children. They didn’t want their girl to grow up as a single child and desperately wished to give her a sibling, but things didn’t go as smooth as they predicted.

After trying for some time without success, they decided to undergo an IVF treatment. Of course, they were aware this treatment could lead to falling pregnant with twins but they were willing to welcome as many babies as God would gift them with.

When the pregnancy test came positive, Guillermina was over the moon. Some weeks later, she was told she was indeed carrying more than one baby but not in their wildest dreams could this couple imagine they would welcome quintuplets.

Hearing five separate heartbeats was the most thrilling sound this couple has ever heard.

As multiple pregnancy are way more complex than single pregnancies, Guillermina was under the supervision of Doctor Elizabeth O’Brien until the five bundles of joy were finally welcomed into the world at the University of Utah Hospital in Salt Lake City. The little ones were delivered through C-section at 31 and a half weeks.

Before the procedure, Guillermina’s belly was all covered in bruises which isn’t unusual when carrying that many babies.

Luckily, all five of the siblings were born perfectly healthy and weighted between 2 and 3 pounds each. “It all went very smoothly, better than one would anticipate,” Dr. O’Brien said during a press conference. ”They are all doing remarkably well.”

Fernando, Esmeralda, Fatima, Marissa and Jordan spent six weeks at the hospital before they were ready to go home to their parents and their one-year-old sister Julietta.

“We feel like we’re dreaming,” dad Fernando said in an interview. “It’s incredible that we have five.”

One of Guillermina’s doctors, Tracy Manuck, praised the brave mother and said that despite everything, she never complained about anything.

The five siblings are now nine years old. May Gob bless them and their family.

Teen mows lawns and scraps metal for months to save $10k for a safe heaven baby box which helps save 15 lives


Before we are quick to point a finger at new mothers who are forced to give up their babies, we should first think of all the reasons that can lead to such a heartbreaking decision. Many times, parents who struggle financially and are unable to take care of a child decide to either put the little bundle of joy up for adoption or simply leave it behind. Since the chances of a newborn baby to survive if not placed in safe hands are slim, a woman named Monica Kelsey, who was abandoned as a baby and then adopted and raised by a family from Ohio, created safe heaven baby boxes.

These boxes are installed on the side of a building, usually fire stations or hospitals. When someone places a baby inside, a silent alarm is activated and firefighters or doctors get to the baby in a matter of minutes, or even seconds. The baby is then rushed to a hospital.

Source: Safe Heaven Baby Boxes

The parents are not charged with abandonment of a child.

Knowing that these boxes can save the lives of a number of children, a teenage boy named Hunter Wart of Seymour, Indiana, made it his mission to collect enough money for one of those boxes to be installed in his hometown. The cost of a single box is $10,000. He did it as part of his senior school project at Columbus North High School.

Of course, saving that much money isn’t an easy task. Hunter spent a lot of time mowing peoples’ lawns and scrapping metal.

“It was a lot of hard work. A lot of blood, sweat and tears,” Hunter’s mom Julia said.

Source: John Wart, Jr.

Shortly after the box was installed, a mother placed her one-hour-old daughter inside. The baby was then taken out of the box and provided with extensive care. “We are ecstatic that the system was used. It worked perfect, exactly how it was designed to work,” fire chief Brad Lucas said. So far, 15 babies have been saved using Hunter’s box.

Source: John Wart, Jr.

Thank you Hunter for doing such a kind deed.

Bride’s 12-year-old daughter asks groom to adopt her during wedding ceremony


Tia is a single mother who was lucky enough to meet someone who loved her daughter unconditionally. When she started dating Frank Tyson, her soon-to-be-husband, it was obvious he was more than happy to accept Tia’s daughter Aryanna as his own. In fact, Frank is the perfect example that a step-parent can sometimes love a child more than the biological parents.

Source: ©

Frank and Tia decided to tie the knot after dating for 2,555 days which is the exact amount of time Aryanna waited to ask Frank to adopt her. It was during the wedding ceremony that this sweet girl walked towards Frank and handed him an envelope. Inside was a piece of paper with the most important question written on it. Aryanna asked Frank to officially adopt her. She felt he was her father and wanted to have his surname.

Frank couldn’t contain tears of joy rolling down his face.

Tia, Frank and their daughter Aryanna became a lovely family of three.

Source: Today

In a video of the emotional moment, Frank explains how he felt at the wedding and we are all deeply touched by his words.

For more on their story go to the video below.

Maureen McCormick credits her marriage of 37 years to their faith


Maureen McCormick rose to fame with her role of Marcia Brady in the ABC television sitcom The Brady Bunch, which ran from 1969 to 1974. Later, she appeared in several spin-offs, including The Brady KidsThe Brady Bunch HourThe Brady Brides and A Very Brady Christmas.

Maureen started her career when she was just six years old after she won the Baby Miss San Fernando Valley contest. What followed were a number of commercials. For a long time, Maureen was considered a teen idol with millions of fans.

Photo by Newsmakers

At the time The Brady Bunch ended, Maureen’s career didn’t go as planned and she started using substances. On top of that, she struggled mentally as well.

“I’ve been through a lot of hard times, but I take all those experiences and learn and grow from them,” she told People in 2016.

Getty Images

During the darkest period of her life, when she felt like there was no way out and struggled to keep herself away from drugs, she met the man of her life at a concert.

“I turned around and saw this guy behind me,” McCormick wrote in her autobiography, Here’s the Story: Surviving Marcia Brady and Finding My True Voice.

“I’d never seen him before. He had dark hair, a great build, and chiseled features. I looked straight into his eyes and thought, ‘This is the man I’m going to marry.’”

The man was Michael Cummings. Once she learnt his name and who he was, Maureen started attending the same Bible studies as him. She would also sit next to him at church.

Once they went on a date, they both knew they were meant for each other and it was the start of a relationship and later a marriage which still lasts.

”She was very honest with me from day one. She has always been honest with me, an open book. And I was never worried about her reverting to her old behavior as I figured, whatever comes up, we will just deal with it,” Cummings told Daily Mail in 2015. He was her biggest support whenever she felt fragile and was tempted to turn to alcohol and drugs. “Michael said that he’d made a life-long commitment and decided he was going to work at it until it’s unworkable,” she wrote in her 2008 autobiography. “He thought child stardom had arrested my development, and in many ways he was right.”

The couple welcomed daughter Natalie and will be celebrating their 37th wedding anniversary in March of this year.

“I know there’s one reason that Michael and I managed to stay together through all the heavy-duty ups and downs: our faith,” she wrote. “The two of us had faith that our love, despite all of our problems, was real, strong, durable, and worth sticking around for. Our faith made us believe our love was real.”

Besides being a huge film star back in the day, Maureen has also released a music album which received negative reviews from music critics. She has also been part of few reality shows, including Celebrity Fit Club and I’m a Celebrity…Get Me Out of Here!

Four decades after forced apart due to race, high school sweethearts get second chance at love


True love always finds a way. No matter the circumstances, when two people are in love, they would do all in their power to stay together even if it takes years for them to reunite.

When Penny Umbers and Mark Bethel met, they both knew they were meant for one another. She was living and England and he was from Nassau, Bahamas, but was studying in Nottingham. She was 16 and he was 17 at the time. The two stayed together through secondary school and college. They studied at different universities which were located nearby so that they could continue seeing each other.

Their love was pure and strong, that is why Penny was left utterly heartbroken when he decided to return to his homeland and leave her behind.

Source: BPM Media

Years passed by, but Penny never forgot her first and true love. She married twice and divorced both times. Mark also married someone else, but that union also ended with divorce.

39 years later, he reached to her through social media and that’s when she learned the heartbreaking reason behind his decision to leave her when they were young.

Source: BPM Media

Mark explained how Penny’s father was against their relationship because his daughter is white and Mark is black. While at secondary school, Penny’s dad approached Mark and said to him: “You’ve had your fun, now move on, boy.”

When he realized that Mark wasn’t planning on splitting with Penny, her father went to Mark’s college and threatened to pull ties to have his scholarship taken away.

“I didn’t have a lot of force. I was in a new nation, 3,000 kilometres from home. My scholarship was my only source of income.” Mark explained. Unfortunately, Mark was still very young and felt like he didn’t have a choice.

Source: BPM Media

However, just as the two agreed to reunite, the COVID-19 pandemic prevented them to see each other again. They had to wait a year and a half before Penny was able to travel to Nassau. When they saw each other, they picked up where they left off almost four decades ago. What’s most, they are now planning their wedding.

Penny was heartbroken to learn that it was her father who ruined her relationship, but since he’s suffering from Alzheimer’s, she can’t confront him.

Penny and Mark published a book about their life titled “39 Years in the Wilderness.”

“We have had 39 lost years yet we are anticipating a truly incredible future,” Mark said.

Source: BPM Media

We are glad these two finally found their happiness.

Dog saves baby girl’s life after she stops breathing in the middle of the night


Henry is a cute Boston Terrier whose humans love him to the moon and back. Having him around is a true blessing, especially after a heroic deed he did recently.

One night, Henry started acting strange. He never barked at night, but this particular evening he seemed quite distressed and wouldn’t let his owners sleep. He also kept getting inside and out the nursery where the baby was sleeping and was trying to keep her awake. The baby’s mom, Kelly Andrew, got a bit mad and decided to get up and see why the dog was upset. She didn’t want him waking up the baby because she was sick and needed a good night sleep.


When she approached her baby, Kelly realized the little one wasn’t breathing. She called the ambulance and the girl was rushed to the hospital. It was then that Kelly learned the dog could sense there was a problem and was only trying to alert the family.

“I don’t know what would have happened if he hadn’t woken her,” Kelly wrote on Twitter. “We don’t deserve dogs.”

The baby spent the night at the hospital and is now doing much better.

Kelly also thanked the staff at the ER for their quick reaction and for saving her daughter. Had it not been for them and Henry the night could easily end up with a tragedy.


Once the story of Henry went viral, other dog owners shared similar experiences which only confirmed once again that dogs are the best pets and friends we could ever ask for.

“We couldn’t figure out for the longest time why my service dog kept going in to my parents room several times a night sniffing my dad’s face and nudging him repeatedly,” one woman shared. “They always pushed her away and she would still circle back. She stopped as soon as he got his pacemaker.”

“I’m chronically ill. There’s been many a time I’ve gone to the hospital because one of my dogs has started sniffing and paying attention to a body part and alerting something’s wrong,” another person wrote. “Dogs are heroes!”

Garbage man surprises great grandmother on her 100th birthday with heartwarming gesture


As people get older, the circle of their friends is getting smaller and smaller, and sadly, many of them don’t have any kind of social interaction but spend their days in solitude. 

An elderly lady from England named Dorothy ‘Mercy’ Ballard is looking forward to any chance of being around people. That is why she enjoys the company of the garbage collector Ben who picks her trash once a week. 

Although they chat for like 10 minutes only, the two became very close friends over the years. In one occasion, Ben told Mercy how he would bring her a cake on her 100th birthday. And a great man he is, Ben kept the promise. 

The video of the amazing act vent viral in a matter of days and people are left speechless. They all agree that what Ben did is truly special.

He can be seen walking towards Mercy’s home caring a birthday cake. But he’s not alone. His colleagues are there to wish Mercy a happy birthday too. 

Once she opens the door and sees the cake, Mercy is overjoyed. She just got the best surprise ever and she even got to blow candles. 

Ben is happy to have someone like Mercy in his life. He says how he has picked her trash in years and she always waits for him at the door with a huge smile on her face. Mercy loves sharing stories about her life with Ben, and he’s more than happy to tell her about the new technologies and gadgets that didn’t exist back then. 

I’ve been a binman for about 11 years and love listening to her stories about her life – having been born in 1919 she can hardly believe what technology can do now and she can’t get her head round my phone.

When I was taking the selfie of us with my two colleagues she was saying ‘Where do I look?

These two are an example that when it comes to true friendship, years are just a number. 

People loved the story of Mercy and Ben so much that the two became sort of celebrities in the area. Some TV news and outlets even asked them for an interview. 

Mercy says she’s very happy that there are still people like Ben out there who respect elderly people that much. As for him, he says he’s happy to be her best friend and wishes for her to reach her 105th birthday so that he can surprise her again.

Lovely Mercy, however, believes that living for a century is more than enough. She has seen so much during her lifetime and we can learn a lot from this charming and wise elderly lady.

Take a look at their interview in the video below and make sure you share it with your friends. 

Girl Sent Home By Doctors To Pass Away Peacefully, Jesus Calls to Her, A Miracle Happens!

Jaime, who was Brittany Backenhaster’s mother said that her child was so “full of life” and enjoyed singing in church. One day, on the morning, Jamie found her daughter on the floor of her bedroom… She was lay on the floor having some sort of fit, shaking and gurgling, she was actually having a grand mal seizure, Jamie was familiar with this type of seizure herself. Jamie had control of her condition with medicine, but conventional means were failing Brittany completely, they began to lose sight of their hope that Brittany could live a normal, whatever that is, life. Jamie took it very personally and blamed herself for all that was happening, she just kept thinking about how it was her condition she gave to her daughter, she even said it to the Christian Broadcasting Network. Brittany had such severe fits that she had to wear a protective helmet, so when she had one of the seizures she had some amount of protection from injury, her medicine to try to help her was expensive too! The strain of having a child that was sick was hard and took its toll both emotionally and financially, one stage Brittany had been in the hospital for three weeks. Her brain scans showed that her whole brain was seizing, there was nothing they could do for her, doctors told the family to take her home and let her be relaxed and feel surrounded by things she knew at home in her final moments… Jamie prayed all night long for her daughter, then in the morning, Brittany began to respond for the first time in a year! The very first words she said were:

“Jesus! Jesus!”

She looked up at her mother and said that she had an encounter with Jesus, she described her experience vividly, not at all like a five-year-old normally would… Doctors were completely surprised by what had happened, they said that she had a clean bill of health just the day after! See the story below yourself in the video, and please SHARE with friends and family this truly astounding story… Peace and Love Bored Daddy