Photo of Florida deputy carrying girl struggling to walk up stadium stairs at football game goes viral


Being kind is the best policy. It is because of people who are willing to go an extra mile for the well-being of others that this world is a better place.

A photo from the Florida State University football game which took place in November of last years has gone viral for all the right reasons.

A woman named Britney Howard was a spectator at the game. She was hoping to have some enjoyable time, but ended up getting even more than just a fun day at the game. At one moment, Howard noticed an incredible sight. A young woman was having troubles climbing the steps and finding her seat, but an angel in the form of an officer stepped in.

Deputy C. Hall approached the girl’s mother and asked if it was okay for him to carry her daughter to her seat.

“I just wanted to take a minute and recognize Deputy C. Hall that was working the Florida State football game Saturday night. This young girl that has difficulty walking was struggling to get up the steps to her seat so he asked her and her mother if they would be okay with him carrying her. He walked at least 30 rows up to her seat and did not hesitate one bit in offering to do so,” Howard wrote along with the photo she shared on Facebook.

The Leon County Sheriff’s Office was proud of the deputy’s kind deed and praised his action.

Thank you, Deputy C. Hall. People like you restore our faith in humanity.

Auschwitz survivor who was kept at gunpoint and forced to dig his own grave celebrates 100th birthday


Not many people get to live to be 100, but Nat Ross, an Auschwitz survivor, is one the few lucky ones.

This brave man celebrated his milestone birthday surrounded by those who mean the world to him; his children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren.

Ross has been through so much in his life. When he was around 20 years old, the German Nazis took him to a concentration camp as he was one of the many Polish Jews the Nazis launched a campaign of terror against following the German military defeat of Poland in September 1939. Those were days filled with horror, but one particular incident has hunted Ross his entire life.

Fox 10 News/ Facebook

He was ordered to build a sewer system. While working on it, he came across some potato scraps which he tried to hide and eat in order to survive, but then the Nazis caught him stealing the scraps and punished him in the worst possible way.

Ross’ granddaughter, Dana Arschin-Kraslow, went into details of this awful and scary event and explained: “Every few weeks the Germans forced the prisoners to throw their clothes into a pot of boiling water to disinfect the clothing they were wearing, and my grandfather found a way to throw in a few scraps of rotten potatoes that he found. He sewed it into his uniform and that’s how he got nourishment.”

Fox 10 News/ Facebook

After realizing what Ross did, they forced him to dig his own grave.

“When he was almost done digging, they asked him to lay down on the ground to see if his body fit,” Dana told Fox 10 Phoenix. “When he did, the guards told him to keep digging. And there was a gun to his head this whole time.”

As he was kept at gun point, a prisoner collapsed. One of the Nazis turned to the man, killed him, and told Ross: “isn’t today, your lucky day.”

“That grave was 100 percent intended for my grandfather, but the rest of his life he had to live with that guilt that it ended up being for someone else,” Diana added.

Speaking to Fox 10 Phoenix, Ross said that he witnessed few prisoners taking their own lives because of the horrors they suffered, but he had a strong will to continue living. “I wanted to live because I wanted to tell the story,” he said. “Of how humans can suffer. I wanted to live through it.”

Luckily, all that is far behind him. After he was released from the concentration camp, Ross has lived a happy life. He lived in New York for many years before he moved to Florida where he worked and resides even today.

Happy birthday, Mr. Ross.

19-year-old takes twin brother with special needs to his senior prom


“Siblings are the people we practice on, the people who teach us about fairness and cooperation and kindness and caring – quite often the hard way.” – Pamela Dugdale.

There’s no bigger blessing in life than having a brother or a sister you can lean on whenever things get hard. What makes siblings special is that we get to share with them out happiness and our sadness, but most of all our childhood, the most special period of everyone’s life.

Brianna and Carlos Colon are twins from Massachusetts. What is special about these two is that they were welcomed into the world at 24 weeks, weighing a pound and a half each. While this didn’t affect Brianna in any way, it caused health issues to Carlos who was left blind. At the same time Carlos has autism, but that didn’t prevent him from fulfilling his dream of graduating from high school.

Brianna on the other hand, graduated a year earlier and is now attending Bryant College.

She has always been very supportive of her brother, and she proved that once again on his prom night. As it turned out, Carlos didn’t have a date and was likely to miss the most important night of his life. Brianna, whose prom was canceled because of the pandemic last year, offered to be Carlos’ date.

“I’m lucky to have experienced it this time with him and somebody that I love very much,” she told Boston 25 News.

Needless to say, Carlos was over the moon and had the time of his life.

“Just because he’s blind and autistic doesn’t mean he can’t have fun. I’m glad he got to experience it and he danced a lot, so I’m really glad he went and all that,” his loving sister said.

It’s truly amazing to see how much Carlos has accomplished. He thrives and has a fulfilling life because he’s surrounded with special people who are there for him every step of the way.

However, although he graduated from high school, he’ll stay at the school until he’s 22 to be part of the Life Skills Program. His dream is to attend the Perkins School For The Blind. With the help and the support from his loved ones, especially his twin sister, Carlos will certainly accomplish everything he sets his mind to.

Cindy Landon recalls last days of late husband Michael Landon’s life


The role of Charles Ingalls in Little House on the Prairie remains until this day one of the greatest father roles in the history of film. The series itself taught people how to live humble life as “it is the simple things that matter most.”

However, before this iconic role, the actor behind it, Michael Landon, landed another role in a long-running series that would help him make a name for himself, that of Little Jose Cartwright in the western show Bonanza.

Landon was much loved by fans for what he had to show on the screen and his talent earned him a number of awards, including a Golden Globe nomination in 1979 for Best actor in a television drama series for Little House on the Prairie. The show won 4 Emmys and additional 16 nominations. That spoke a lot of the popularity of the show and the cast who became America’s sweethearts practically overnight and kept the status even 37 years after the final episode aired.

What is very interesting about Landon is the story of how he found himself in the acting business. As a pretty handsome young man, he worked at a gas station near the Warner Bros Studios in Los Angeles where he caught the attention of a talent agent, Bob Raison. However, before he got inside the studio to film his debut TV series Telephone Time, this young man, whose original name was Eugene Orowitz changed it to whom we know today as Michael Landon.

Landon played plenty of roles in famous movies, including Highway to Heaven, and got a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame in 1984.

The heartthrob tied the knot three times, but it was his third wife Cindy Landon whom he called the love of his life. The two remained together until Landon’s tragic death in 1991 at the age of 54. Landon was a father of nine children and all of them agree he was the dad everyone would ask for, caring and loving, a true interpretation of Charles Ingalls.

After his passing, Cindy spoke of his battle with pancreatic cancer and how he turned to the nature and changed his lifestyle thus became a vegetarian. He was also undergoing chemotherapy sessions, but his tumor doubled in a short amount of time and spread to his liver, so not much could be done.

“I could feel every nerve in my body,” Chris, one of his sons with Cheryl Lynn, said in an interview with People in 1992. “Like it was all lit up. I was the father, and he was the son, I had to help him up the stairs. I am sad sometimes…when I think that I never said. ‘Sorry.’ I never looked at him and told him that I was sorry he was losing his life.”

Landon was a very considerate man and he was aware he was losing the battle so he and his wife made sure they prepared the kids for what was coming. It was reported that he read them a book titled Butterflies and explained how his body would be like a cacoon and his spirit would be a butterfly looking down on them.

During his last minutes on Earth, Cindy was by Landon’s side and she recalls his lasts words were “I love you!”

“I think it was watching him go through the whole process that prepared her”, LeslieLandon, daughter of Lynn Noe said in an interview with People.

Cindy spoke of the time she first laid eyes on Landon during the set of The Loneliest Runner where he was the star and she was an extra. ”I looked at this man and I just thought he was the most extraordinary man I had ever seen,” she said in 1998. ”It was not just his look, but there was something about his personality, about how he carried himself. There was a charisma about him and a strength that was just incredible.”

“People thought he was extremely serious, but that wasn’t Michael at all,” Cindy told Closer Weekly in 2019. “He was excited about his work, but he always came home happy. He was a fantastic father who was curious about everything and loved to teach the children.”

One of his daughters, Jennifer, who followed into his footsteps, recalls how Landon was very much respected by everyone in the family and how there was “a tremendous amount of discipline implemented in the house,” but yet, her dad always made things fun.

“He had this ability to make you feel like something magical could happen or that you were on the edge of a discovery,” she said speaking to Closer Weekly.

Today, Cindy is the president of the Michael and Cindy Landon Foundation. She has been involved in events for Doctors without Borders, Free Arts for Abused Children and is an advocate for the Pancreatic Cancer Action Network. She also works as a director and producer.

Cindy is a huge animal lover and has a number of rescue dogs she takes care of and a 250-pound Mexican hairless pig saved from a lab.

In February, she posted a photo of her dear husband taken years ago and wrote, “Wow I took this photo many years ago.. I found it going through my storage .. it ended up in a coffee table book.” In July, paid him another tribute, “July 1 we said goodbye to you. You left us way to soon. You will always and forever be in our hearts. Memories last a lifetime.

Rest in peace Michael Landon, you were an acting legend loved by many and we will always remember you as such.

Lexi and Danny Reed weight loss: Here’s their incredibly inspiring journey


Determination is a trait very few people possess. The truth is that not everyone can achieve their goals and dreams, and the reason why is the lack of motivation and giving up easily. However, once one changes their mindset, the sky is the limit.

Lexi and Danny, a couple from Terre Haute, Indiana, had been friends for around ten years before they started dating. At the time they tied the knot, Lexi weighted 480lbs, and Denny was 279lbs.

Although he weighted less than her, Danny didn’t lead a healthy lifestyle and he only gained more and more weight over the years.

“He never saw me as my size, asked me to change, or made me feel as anything other than beautiful,” Lexi wrote on Instagram. She, however, admitted that she has always been an emotional eater, and the two ate over 4,000 calories a day, mostly through fried food.

Danny admitted that vegetable was almost never part of their meals.

Source: fatgirlfedup/Instagram

Then, back in 2016, they both decided enough was enough. One situation made Lexi aware of her current situation. She was obese and she wasn’t healthy, and that needed to change. “I had long been looking forward to going to an amusement park and riding the roller coaster,” Lexi recalled. “But when I got to the beginning of the queue, I was told I was too heavy. I couldn’t go. It was so incredibly embarrassing.”

This was her wake-up call. She knew her life was in her hands and that she needed to make a change. Of course, both her and Danny were aware that change doesn’t happen over night, but they were willing to do whatever it takes in order to lose weight.

Source: fatgirlfedup/Instagram

Speaking of their unhealthy eating habits, the couple revealed, “We often went to Asian eat-all-you-can-buffets. Then we went home and ordered more fast food.”

In order not to give up, Lexi decided to document her journey on her Instagram account “Fat Girl Fed Up.” At the beginning, not many people followed her, but now, in 2021, she has over 1.2 million followers who admire her determination and praise her hard work.

Source: fatgirlfedup/Instagram

Another thing that made this couple change their lives for the better was the fact that they struggled having a family considering their weight.

“We were fed up with the life that we were living and all the things that we weren’t able to do together as a couple. We also feared if we didn’t get our health under control, we would never be able to start a family,” Lexi said.  

The first step towards a healthier lifestyle was hitting the gym. Going there wasn’t easy for Lexi, but nothing could stop her at that point. “I started going there when I got a free trial and — since it was never really crowded, my machine faced the wall (so I didn’t feel like everyone was watching me), and I found a machine called the CrossRamp that didn’t hurt my joints at 485 pounds — I fell in love with it.”

Lexi and Denny made a rule they swore to follow. “No eating out, no soda, no alcohol, no cheat meals, and working out for 30 minutes five times a week.” Initially, this rule was only supposed to be followed for a month, but once they started eating healthy, there was no going back.

Source: fatgirlfedup/Instagram

Believe it or not, both Lexi and Denny look like completely different people today. They have always been happy, but now they are also healthy.

“Danny and I are still working very hard every day to achieve our goal,” Lexi says proudly. “We’re not there yet, but, still, I’d never thought that we’d even get this far. It’s just incredible. Many small steps can go a long way.” 

Source: fatgirlfedup/Instagram

Their journey serves as inspiration for many. The couple appears on shows every now and then where they speak of their achievements and what it takes to not give up.

“Every day is a non-scale victory and a reminder of how far I’ve come. Like, I loved myself even at 485 pounds, but just to be able to wake up and do whatever I want to do and go wherever I want to go… I don’t feel like I’m a prisoner in my own body anymore,” Lexi says.

“Start small — small changes add up to big results — and focus on each day, not how far you have to go,” she adds.

Source: fatgirlfedup/Instagram

We are so happy and proud of this couple. They are a proof that hard work always pays off.

This is why Michael Landon’s ex-wife refused to attend his funeral


Few actors would ever reach the fame of Michael Landon, truly one of the greatest actors who have ever walked this Earth.

Best known for his roles in the iconic TV series Bonanza and Little House on the Prairie, Landon was much appreciated by audiences from all over the world. His role of Charles Ingalls made him the most famous American TV dad ever.

It is because of him that many actors who were part of the series made names for themselves.

Besides being a huge name in the film industry, Landon was also a father to nine children whom he had with three different wives.

When he and his second wife of 19 years, Lynn Noe, announced they were splitting, the news came as a shock to many, including his children and co-workers, especially because the reason for the split was Landon’s infidelity. While still married to Noe, he started dating Cindy Clerico, who would become his third wife.

Speaking of Landon’s divorce, one of his fellow colleagues, Mellisa Sue Anderson, who played the role of Mary Ingalls and was still a child at the time, told Outsider, “For us, as kids, it was a real blow. Although we knew he could be difficult at times and had his flaws, we never dreamed he was capable of inflicting that kind of pain on his real family. For me personally, I had held him up to a higher moral standard. He had really let me down.”

Ron Galella/Ron Galella Collection via Getty Images

In an 1985 interview with People Magazine, Landon was sort of forced to open up about his personal life and his wife Cindy who was 20 years his junior.

“You don’t dissolve a relationship to go to bed with someone 20 years younger. You have to have major differences and a deep-rooted need to stop a relationship after as many years as I was married,” he explained.

“I would have done anything to make that relationship continue, but I could not. It’s not just difficult for the wife. It is painful for the husband too. But it is far better than letting it stay the way it was.”

Kypros/Getty Images

Cindy was by Landon’s side until the last day of his life.

In 1991, Landon was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer, and died just three months later at the age of 54. He had undergone chemo treatments and turned to vegetarian diet, but the tumor grew bigger and spread to his liver.

He and Cindy prepared the children for his passing. They started reading a book titled Butterflies and he explained to them that just like the cocoon, his spirit would turn into a butterfly and he would watch over them from above.

Before he passed away, he whispered “I love you” to his wife.

Ron Galella/Ron Galella Collection via Getty Images

Landon’s funeral was attended by over 500 people, among which former president Ronald Reagan and his wife Nancy Reagan.

According to Alison Arngrim, who played Nellie on Little House, Landon wanted his funeral to be the time during which his family and friends cherish the time spent with him instead of grieving.

“Michael had insisted his funeral be funny, and he got his wish,” she wrote in her book Confessions of a Prairie B*tch.

“Some people had wondered if Michael would have a religious funeral when he died. He did. It was Jewish.

“But even the rabbi made fun of him: ‘Michael was not religious, in the traditional sense of the word,’” she added. “He spoke of Michael’s response when the doctors told him that the chemo treatments would destroy his beautiful mane of hair. He said, ‘I’m rich, I’ll buy a hat.’”

Youtube/SueAnn Bellucci

The funeral was held on July 5, 1991, at the Hillside Memorial Park and Mortuary in Culver City, California.

However, one of the people who weren’t among the attendees was his ex-wife Lynn Noe.

Back in the day, Noe spoke of her relationship with Landon and of the time he left her for Cindy.

“I was too busy being the kind of wife he wanted me to be. I lost myself little by little, I made Michael my god,” she said during an occasion.

“We speak without talking. Our conversation consists of, ‘When will you pick up the children?” Noe added, saying that she wasn’t angry with Cindy. “If it hadn’t been Cindy, it would have been somebody. He had reached that point in his life.”

It was reported by IMDB that the reason why Noe didn’t attend Landon’s funeral was that her divorce from him “had already been like a death to her.”

Tomm Tennent: The unique baby born with enough skin to cover the body of a five-year-old child


Back in 1993, the birth of a baby boy named Tomm Tennent from South East Australia stunned not only his parents and doctors, but pretty much the entire world. The story of his mysterious condition which left him with enough skin to cover the body of a 5-year-old made everyone wonder what life would bring for this boy.

Tomm’s parents were aware their bundle of joy would be different, but no ultrasound could prepare them for the severity of the condition. When they were told something was wrong with their baby, they even considered terminating the pregnancy, but luckily, that didn’t happen.

Source: YouTube/60 Minutes Australia

Speaking to 60 Minutes Australia, Tomm’s dad, Geoff Tennent, said back in 2003, “When he came out I was quite shocked (…) I didn’t think a human, or a little baby, could ever look like that.”

His mom also spoke of the moment she first saw her baby boy. “My heart came up to my throat, but at the same time it was lovely to pick him up and cuddle him,” she said.

Over the years, Tomm spend a lot of time at hospital, not because he was sick, but because doctors wanted to examine his condition and learn how to help him. Since the literature never documented a case like his before, they had a hard time learning what caused him to have so much excess skin.

Source: YouTube/60 Minutes Australia

Upon further research, they were finally able to give Tomm and his parents some answers.

Namely, experts saw similarities between the way Tomm looked and the Chinese dog breed Shar Pei. They discovered that Tomm’s level of Hyaluronic acid, found in skin, was 100 times higher than normal, which is the case with Shar Pei puppies.

Knowing that those levels drop as puppies grow older, doctors hoped the same would eventually happen to Tomm. And they were right.

Source: YouTube/60 Minutes Australia

However, until reaching that point in life, Tomm experienced certain difficulties. Besides that, he has always been a lovable boy who loved the way he looked.

When asked if he had any concerns about how his friends saw him, Tomm told 60 Minutes, “Not really (…) because they are my friends and they don’t really care how I look like. Sometimes they (people) say I look cool, sometimes they say I look really cool, and sometimes they don’t say anything.”

Source: YouTube/60 Minutes Australia

Since 2003, when Tomm and his parents gave the interview to 60 Minutes, 28 have passed. Today, Tomm looks completely normal, no excess skin at all.

Although his story didn’t receive much media attention while he was growing up, except for, of course, when he was born, many people wondered how Tomm looks like nowadays.

Well, according to his Facebook, he’s happily married to wife Hannah.

“Life’s simple. You make choices, and you don’t look back,” Tomm posted on his Facebook profile, and we assume this quote sums up his mindset and whole life.

Isn’t it nice to see him after so many years?

96-yr-old Dick Van Dyke proves he’s still got it in music video with wife that people can’t get enough of


Dick Van Dyke might be 96 but he’s still as active as ever. This incredible man who has given us much fun over the years with the musicals he was part of, including Bye Bye Birdie,  Mary Poppins, and Chitty Chitty Bang Bang, keeps dancing through life and knows how to have fun.

Over the course of his long and very successful career, Van Dyke earned plenty awards as well as recognition for his contribution in the world of dancing and film. He is a recipient of five Prime-time Emmy awards, a Tony, and a Grammy Award. In 1995, he was inducted into the Television Hall of Fame and received the Screen Actors Guild’s highest honor, the SAG Life Achievement Award, and a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame, among the rest. In 2021, Van Dyke was honored with the Kennedy Center Honors.

Source: YouTube/ Arlene Silver

This time, he stole our hearts yet again with an enchantingly beautiful video of a performance he did along with The Vantastix, a group Van Dyke put together in 2020, and his amazing wife Arlene Silver. The members of the group are Eric Bradley, Bryan Chadima, Mike Mendyke, and Van Dyke himself.

According to the video description, it was filmed last Valentine’s day but was released on February 14 of this year. In fact, the video was made to honor Van Dyke and Arlene’s 10th wedding anniversary.

Back in the day when the two started dating, people talked about their age gap. Arlene is 46 years his junior, but from what we can see, he doesn’t have a problem keeping up with her.

Source: YouTube/ Arlene Silver

The song they chose for their lovely performance is “Everybody Loves a Lover.” Their voices blend in perfect harmony and their dancing is out-of-this-world. Jazz trumpeter Tony Guerrero adds to the enchanting melody and it looks like everyone is having fun.

Source: YouTube/ Arlene Silver

The video has been seen by more than 790K so far and the comments brighten up our day as much as the video itself.

“That little sidestep at the end is what he used to do on the opening credits of the Dick Van Dyke show. He really is a joy!” one person wrote. “This was so tastefully done, everything from the decor, wonderful singing, dancing & humor, absolutely love it,” another person added. “Great job! You can see Dick’s joy of life and sense of humor that has kept him young at heart. Here’s to 100+!” someone else wrote.

Source: YouTube/ Arlene Silver

If you want to see it, scroll down and enjoy!