Man’s girlfriend gives him ultimatum, either the dog goes or she goes


Moving in with someone means your relationship gets serious. But what happens if problems arise even at the beginning, just like with this guy whose girlfriend gave him an ultimatum/

Namely, she loved him and really wanted to be with him, but there was one problem. She hated his beagle Molly. In fact, she resented the dog so much that she said he had to make a choice, either the pet goes, or she goes. Tough one, someone would say. Well, not for this guy.

Flickr / Clay Larsen

He posted his problem on Craigslist writing, “My girlfriend does not like my beagle Molly. SO I have to rehome her.”


“She is a purebred from a wealthy area and I have had her for 4 years. She likes to play games. Not totally trained. Has long hair so she’s a little high maintenance, especially the nails, but she loves having them done.

“Stays up all night yapping but sleeps while I work. Only eats the best, most expensive food. Will NEVER greet you at the door after a long day or give you unconditional love when you’re down. Does not bite but she can be mean as hell!”

Flickr / Amy Marbach

And his post ended in a way not many expected. Not because of the choice he made, but because his words misled them to think this story ends otherwise.“So…anyone interested in my 30-year-old, selfish, wicked, gold-digging girlfriend? Come and get her! Me and my dog want her rehomed ASAP!!” he wrote.

Flickr / Amy Marbach

Honestly, we believe he made the right call. Who dumps their pet just like that? His girlfriend must not have asked him to get rid of his furry pal in the first place, so I guess she got what she deserved.

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Truck driver jumped into forbidden zoo enclosure to rescue a drowning Chimp when no one else would


Zoos tend to place signs around the enclosures of the animals, warning visitors not to get too close. However, that didn’t stop one brave truck driver from jumping inside one in order to save a chimpanzee’s life.

As Rick Swope, his wife, and their three children were admiring the animals at the Detroit zoo, they witnessed a fight breaking out between two male chimps. 

Source: YouTube/ Animal Planet

Jo-Jo, one of the chimps which was less aggressive and tried to avoid the fight, fell into the the moat which was deep. The poor animal started drowning and people were just helplessly looking at him, still unaware of what was happening. 

Then, Swope jumped into the water without hesitating even a bit. He grabbed the chimp and brought him back to safety. The onlookers were left in complete shock because of the incredible scene that unfolded in front of their eyes. 

“It was the most pitiful thing I ever saw,” Swope said after the rescue. “This chimp had his hands up and his head was sticking out of the water. He was looking at the crowd. It was like he wanted someone to rescue him.”

During the rescue, the zoo staff kept telling Swope to get out, but he never thought of doing that without Jo-Jo. “People . . . were showing me which direction he was in,” Swope recalled. “The water was so dirty you couldn`t see through it. I swam around on the bottom. Finally I found him.”

Source: YouTube/ Animal Planet

Luckily, Swope managed to get Jo-Jo over a cable designed to keep chimps from slipping in the moat. 

“He was pretty lifeless, but you could see he was still alive. He was looking at me. I think he knew what was going on,” Swope said.

Jo-Jo looked straight into Swope’s eyes as though he was saying thank you. He was aware a man saved his life that day. 

“Well, you see, I happened to look into his eyes, and it was like looking into the eyes of a man, and the message was, ‘Won’t anybody help me?’”

Source: YouTube/ Animal Planet

Jane Goodall from the zoo said how Jo-Jo’s life wasn’t an easy one. He was brought to the zoo when he was very young after his mom was killed by poachers. 

“[But] if you see that look with your eyes, and you feel it in your heart, you have to jump in and try to help,” she said.

This is definitely one of the most dramatic rescues you’ve ever seen. Swope is such an incredible man. He risked his life for an animal’s and that speaks a lot of his bravery.

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10-year-old is terrified when bully puts her in a chokehold, so she decides to protect herself


That bullying needs to be addressed with greater attention than it actually is is crucial. The number of people, especially children, who fall victim to this form of violence is huge, and sadly, schools fail to put a stop to it.

Giada Oates is a young girl who had the courage not to stay silent when a seventh grader placed her in a chokehold and told her he was going to kill her. “He said ‘You will die a silent death,’” she told CBS New York. “He was holding on so tight I think he actually meant you will die.”

The incident took place at Hackensack Middle School.

Source: YouTube/ Inside Edition

Needless to say, Giada was terrified. But despite her fear, she kept telling herself to stay strong and not to cry, but it was easier said than done.

The good thing is that Giada didn’t stay silent. Once home, she shared the terrifying story with her mother.

Hearing what had happened, her mother, Toni Imperiale, said: “My heart sank. I burst into tears. And then I became angry.”

Source: YouTube/ Inside Edition

They talked and thought a lot and then they came up with a useful idea. Giada decided to start carrying a whistle with her while at school in order to use it if she gets bullied again. The whistle is meant to diffuse dangerous situations and bring them to the attention of anyone nearby so they can intervene.

“It made me feel like I had more power over the bully, and it made me feel empowered,” the girl said.

Toni said that she had no idea if other students in the school were bullied, but a number of other students, mostly girls, started carrying whistles at school themselves.

Source: YouTube/ Inside Edition

While it is great that all these children now know how to protect themselves, it is a sad fact that they feel the need for it while at school, the place where they are supposed to feel safe and protected.

Giada’s parents purchased 90 whistles for her to hand them to her classmates. “They told me, actually some of my friends told me, that without the whistle they would be lost, and they feel more safe with the whistle,” she said.

Besides that, this brave girl is trying to draw the attention of the media because she knows what it feels like to be bullied. She says that she still sees her bully at school sometimes and still feels scared.

Source: YouTube/ Inside Edition

The school on the other hand released a statement which said they cannot give a comment on the matter.

“While the Hackensack Board of Education cannot speak on this matter due to student confidentially, student safety and security is an ongoing critical priority,” they wrote.

For more on the story go to the video below.

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Shannen Doherty to record final goodbyes for her family as she battles stage IV cancer


Shannen Doherty, the Beverly Hills 90210 star, beat cancer once, but was diagnosed again in February 2019. Ever since she got the devastating news, Shannen is openly speaking of her battle and her condition.

During an interview that aired on Good Morning America, the actress said, “Our life doesn’t end the minute we get that diagnosis. We still have some living to do.” Such encouraging words coming from a celebrity can mean the world to people who are experiencing the same.

Of course, learning that the evil disease was back wasn’t something she could accept easily and said it was “a bitter pill to swallow in a lot of ways.” But Shannen is a fighter, and she fights hard. This incredible woman is optimistic despite the cancer spreading from her breasts to her spine. Giving up is never an option, and that’s a lesson we should all live by no matter how hard things get.

For an interview with Elle, Shannen reminded everyone that what truly matters in life are the small things. “I try to treasure all the small moments that most people don’t really see or take for granted. The small things are magnified for me. We have this endless well within us, and it’s just about continuing to dig in that well for the strength to face adversity—and so that we can also see all the beauty.”

Shannen’s looks won’t reveal what she is going through.

She says she feels healthy and her husband, Kurt Iswarienko, wants to tell people that IV stage cancer patients don’t just sit in a room looking out a window on their deathbed. “I don’t see a cancer patient when I look at Shannen. I see the same woman I fell in love with. She looks healthy and vital.”

However, despite feeling well at the moment, Shannen is perfectly aware that things might not turn out the way she wishes.

She wants her friends and family to have a piece of her after she’s no longer part of their life. Recently, she spoke how she wanted to record messages to those who mean the world to her, like her mom and her loving husband, but doing so felt to her like she was confessing that she will eventually lose the battle.

“Whenever it comes time for me to do it, it feels so final,” the actress admitted. “It feels like you’re signing off, and I’m not signing off. I feel like I’m a very, very healthy human being. It’s hard to wrap up your affairs when you feel like you’re going to live another 10 or 15 years.”

She then added, “It’s like anybody with Stage IV faces this sort of thing, where others want to put you out to pasture. I’m not ready for pasture. I’ve got a lot of life in me.”

According to her, what is truly painful isn’t physical, but mental.

She cares of the emotional effects her state has on those around her. “Pain is manageable, you know living without a breast is manageable, it’s the worry of your future and how your future is going to affect the people that you love,” the Charmed actress told ET. She added, “Cancer has in a strange way done some amazing things for me. It’s allowed me to be more me, like much more in touch with who I am, and much more vulnerable and the person that I always was, but I think it got hidden behind a lot of other stuff.”

“I definitely have days where I say why me. And then I go, well, why not me? Who else? Who else besides me deserves this? None of us do,” she told Good Morning America.

The good thing is that medicine progresses with each passing day and metastatic breast cancer isn’t the immediate death sentence it used to be. Many patients live long years after being diagnosed.

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Nick Tullier, deputy wounded in 2016 ambush that killed three officers, dies after years of complications


Sheriff’s deputy Nick Tullier, who was shot during an ambush which took place in 2016 in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, has died on May 5, his family confirmed.

Deputy Tullier spent six long years fighting for his life and overcoming one complication after another. Sadly, his health deteriorated and he died at a hospital, aged just 47.

Tullier was wounded on July 17, 2016, two days after Alton Sterling was killed by Baton Rouge police. A shooter started a fire with an assault rifle at a convenience store on Airline Highway in Baton Rouge and shot six police officers within 13 minutes before a SWAT office shot and killed him.

Source: facebook

Following the attack, Tullier was rushed to the hospital and doctors only gave him 24 hours to live. However, he was determined to fight for his life and lived for six more years, a period during which he had undergone a number of procedures.

In 2021, Tullier was hospitalized because of severe stomach pain. He was diagnosed with intestinal obstruction but he subsequently needed emergency surgery after an IV filled his arm with fluid and his stomach operation was postponed for a week. Unfortunately, doctors weren’t able to resolve his problem entirely because of the injuries he sustained during the shooting.

He was unable to eat or drink and was only getting vitamins through IV. This affected his overall well-being and he refused to talk to the doctors or his family and friends.

“He’s fighting for his life again, as he has been since he was shot. Doctors believe there is nothing extra they can do than what is currently being done. He’s puffy. His stomach is swollen. The bloodwork shows no evidence of improvement,” his father, James, wrote shortly before the deputy died. He was aware that his son’s passing was just a matter of time as there was nothing to be done.

“Nick’s injuries were caused by his selfless acts in courageously answering the call to guard and serve. He has no doubt that he was also immensely carried by his family’s, friends’, and colleagues’ love, prayers, and faith. It’s easy to understand how Nick grew to be such an excellent guy after witnessing his parents, James and Mary, nobly and selflessly commit their life to Nick’s rehabilitation,” Sheriff Sid Gautreaux said in a statement.

We are very sorry for Sheriff’s deputy Nick Tullier’s passing. He was a real hero who was never afraid to put his life on the line if that meant protecting others.

Rest in peace.

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Cop gives ‘unadoptable’ dog second chance – 4 years later, she leads him to the woods for a stunning discovery

When Matthew Zarrella, a Rhode Island State Police Sergeant, heard about a shelter dog about to be put down, he knew he needed to do something. It was hard to believe that such extremely hyper and energetic dog wasn’t adopted, he got the feeling that the dog has something special and Matthew decided to take a closer look. He wasn’t wrong after all, and when you see how this serendipitous story unfolds you will quickly understand why. One of the shelter staff, Patricia Inman was sad when she learned that this precious dog was about to be put down. She worked hard trying to train the rough dog, hoping to find her a loving home. The dog was actually making progress in her training, but it wasn’t yet enough. Only hours from his euthanization, she didn’t give up on him and decided to act fast. She then called Matthew Zarella and begged him to adopt the dog named Ruby. Little did she know that the story would take an unexpected yet incredible turn of events. When Zarella met Ruby for the first time, he instantly fell in love with her. Although she was a bit wild, he discovered that she’s very smart. He immediately contacted fellow officer Daniel O’Neal, and made a proposition he couldn’t refuse. Dog lover himself, O’Neal had been asking for a K-9 partner for years. It was a lifelong dream of his, so when Zarella offered that he keep Ruby as his own, he was thrilled to get to know his new partner. Devoting the next four months to training, O’Neal set out to turn the “unadoptable” dog into his K-9 partner. Not only did he succeed, but as he would soon find out Ruby was about to serve a much bigger purpose. Four years after becoming his K-9 partner, the pair set out on a patrol in the woods to search for a missing teen. As they made their way along the path, Ruby suddenly veered off course, barking urgently at the officer as she pointed him towards a mysterious sight. O’Neal told Providence Journal: “We were a mile and a half into the woods when Ruby all of a sudden quickly darted.” The officer was stunned to discover the missing young man, severely injured and in need of critical care. Little did O’Neal realize at the time, but Ruby and this stranger shared a deep connection. Once he realized who this man was, his heart instantly dropped in his stomach. Can you believe how this story unfolded. It is just another proof that everyone deserves a second chance. The chance Rudy got ended up saving someone’s life. Watch the video below to see how this stunning story unfolds – what an incredible coincidence! Please SHARE this incredible story! Please SHARE this touching story with your family and friends on Facebook!

People are placing coins on military tombstones, when you learn why you’ll pull out your change


As a nation, Americans show utmost respect for the military men and women who fight for our country and our freedom. The need of paying respect to these service officers grows even bigger on Memorial Day, the day when we remember those who lost their life for the country. 

People now found a unique way to pay their tribute to the fallen soldiers; by placing coins on their tombstones. So in case you see any, please don’t touch them, but put one yourself. 

The coins serve the purpose of the soldiers’ families to know that someone had visited the grave and is thankful for the sacrifice their loved ones made. 

The value of the coins depends on how close the person visiting the grave was to the fallen soldier. Seeing those shiny coins means the world to the families because they know people still remember the brave servicemen and women who we own our freedom to. 

This is both emotional and comforting. 

If you see a penny, it means the person who placed it only wanted to thank a fallen soldier whom he or she never met. Nickels shows that the deceased person and the one visiting the grave were at boot camp together. Dimes stand for soldiers who worked together, and quarters means the person was present when the soldier died. 

From time to time, cemetery workers collect the money which are later used to pay for the burial costs of veterans. 

Dave Taylor, a Vietnam War veteran, never misses a chance to place coins on the tombstones of his fellow combat friends. He feels like that way he’s keeping the memory of the deceased military members alive.

“It’s a story about life, about sacrifice, and about remembrance,” said Taylor. 

For more go to the video below and share this story with your family and friends on Facebook in honor of those who lost their lives for our country. 

For more go to the video below and share this story with your family and friends on Facebook in honor of those who lost their lives for our country. 


Homeless man enters Burger King and asks worker ‘What can I get for $0.50?’


Doing good and being helpful towards those who need it the most is what make this world go round. And during these times when most of us feel like humanity has failed us, stumbling upon people like young Matthew Resendez restore our faith and give us hope that things are not as bad as they look.

While he was on the job at the local Burger King in an area where lots of homeless people stick around, one of them entered the restaurant and showed Matthew a handful of coins. He then asked whether they were offering a meal for $0,50 because it was all he had. This man wasn’t asking for mercy, he was ready to pay for his food, although he didn’t know that what he had wasn’t enough even for the cheapest meal on the menu. However, Mathew just couldn’t tell the man to leave because he knew he was hungry so he decided to do a good deed.
Facebook/Michelle Resendez

He paid for the homeless man’s food using his own money and it was beyond touching.

After he got home and told his mom what he did, she decided to share the story with her friends never assuming it will go viral. This is what Mathew’s mom Michelle had to say: “Proud mom moment! Matthew worked this evening and a homeless gentleman walked in the restaurant with 50 cents and asked if there was anything on the menu he could buy. Matthew asked him what he would order if he could, and the man said anything would help his hunger pains…”
Facebook/Michelle Resendez
“So Matthew rung him up for a hearty meal and then used his own debit card to pay for the man’s meal. He handed him the receipt and told him to relax and take a seat. The story could end there and it would be a happy ending, but apparently, a woman watched my son during his random act of kindness. Not only did she write the company to let them know about the caring employee they had working for them, [but] she also rewarded my son with a very generous tip! So proud to be his mom and I can pat myself on the back knowing that I’ve played a part in raising this big-hearted young man.”

Although he’s still very young, Mathew knows empathy and compassion. He believes that we are equal and that everyone deserves to be treated with respect no matter their social status.

Facebook/Michelle Resendez
This teen’s story was read by millions of people who say that he’s an exceptional young man. His mom is proud of him and so are we. Please SHARE this touching story with your family and friends on Facebook!