11-year-old on period forced to bleed through clothes twice after teachers won’t let her use toilet


How horrible this is..

A mother of a young school girl from Bristol was recently left horrified after witnessing her daughter returning home from school with blood stains on her clothes. On two occasions, she bled through her clothes because she had no choice – her teachers would not allow her to leave the classroom. The 11-year-old pupil of Cotham School was humiliated by the incidents, thus she no longer feels comfortable to attend school while on her period.
After a few complaints made launched her mother on her daughter’s behalf, the girl has since been given a toilet pass.

“They should not be making young girls feel guilty because she needs to go to the bathroom and sort out her basic care. Now, she’s scared to go to school in case they won’t let her out of the classroom, that’s not what we should be teaching girls,” claimed her mother.

The first incident happened in September, shortly she began her new term in school. During one lesson, she politely asked to go to the bathroom due to her period but the female teacher said no. It was a non-uniform day and she was wearing light blue jeans – the blood stain was greatly noticable. Luckily, she had a long jumper which she used to barely cover it – much to her embarassment and horror.

Later on in October, a male teacher had again, refused to let her go to the bathroom and even told her that should she ask again, she would receive another strike against her name on the board and then be sent to the SL learning classroom instead. Yet, her daughter did not an apology from the school, and the whole issue was made to seem like it was her fault. A spokesperson for the school had argued that it was against school policy to let children out on toilet breaks unsupervised, plus they just needed to show their toilet passes. What do you think of this?

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Bored Daddy

Dog saves paralyzed owner from freezing to death by his smart move


A man from Michigan got himself into a perilous situation that convinced him he was living through the last day of his life. He knew no one was around to help him except for his loving dog Kelsey who could hear her owner’s cries for help. But, could the dog look for aid and save the man’s life? Whoever owns a dog would give you a resounding yes. Take a look at this amazing story that is just another proof that dog is a man’s best friend. 

Source: Pixabay

Bob was spending that New Year’s Eve at his cozy and warm home with his dog by his side watching his favorite TV program. The two enjoyed the idyllic sight of the snow falling and covering the entire surrounding with a white, icy blanket. Unfortunately, that was all about to change. 

As the fire was slowly dying, Bob went outside to grab some logs. He was making sure he doesn’t slip and fall, but it was way too cold and the paths were completely frozen so he did exactly what he feared of, he slipped on the sidewalk and broke his neck. As he tried to reach for help, he realized he was left paralyzed and unable to move. 

Source: McLaren Northern Michigan

Eventually, Bob didn’t have any energy left so he lost consciousness, but then out of the blue, a neighbor who heard the constant noise the dog was making decided to stop by Bob’s place and see if everything was fine. That’s when the man noticed Bob. 

The neighbor quickly called the ambulance who were there in a matter of minutes and rushed Bob to the nearest hospital. When doctors saw his condition, they weren’t really sure whether he would make it or not, because his injury was pretty severe and on top of that, his body was basically frozen. 

Luckily, their efforts resulted with a positive outcome. They were able to heat him and decompress his spine which helped in reversing his paralysis.

Source: WSB-TV via YouTube

“I am so thankful for my two heroes,” Bob said in a statement, referring to both Kelsey and his neighbor. “They are truly heroes and I will be eternally grateful.”

If it wasn’t for Kelsey who was by her owner’s side throughout his ordeal who knows what would have happened to Bob. He was lucky enough to have such a loving and loyal furry pal in his life. 

Take a look at the whole story in the video below. 

Young boy comes across a cop and slips him a note – He reads it quickly jumping up from his seat


Noah is a nine-year-old boy from Florida who has a dream to become a police officer one day. He believes that what these men and women do for our community and our country is worth all the praise.

It was “Bring your kid to work” day at the restaurant where Noah’s mom works so she decided to bring him with her that day. As young Noah spent his day at Danny’s, he saw a lot of people walking in. Then, all of a sudden, he spotted a police officer entering the place.

The officer, Mr. Benitez, was about to have his lunch. He was all by himself and that was a chance for Noah to do something amazing for him.

The boy approached his mother and asked her if it was okay for him to pay for the officer’s lunch. His mom, Amanda, was surprised by Noah’s plan. Of course, she said yes and asked Noah why he wanted to do that, to what Noah replied that although he didn’t know who the officer was, he appreciated his service and just wanted to say thank you.

The waitress gave Noah the bill. With the help of his mom, this lovely boy paid it and then wrote on it: “I want to be you when I grow up. Thank you for your service.”

Noah then approached Officer Benitez while holding the bill. The officer was confused at first, but when he read the touching message, he jumped out of his seat and shook Noah’s hand.

Amanda then snapped a photo of the two, which was later re-shared by the Lakeland Police Department. Along with it, they wrote: “Well Noah, you touched all of our hearts today. Your support means so much to all the men and women who wear uniforms every day.”

As for Officer Benitez, he was very thankful to Noah and his mom for paying for his lunch and making his day. “[Noah] meant everything. He meant I was supposed to get up every morning and put on this uniform and go out there and do what I’m doing. You know? That means I have to keep trying to be a good example for all those guys,” the officer said.

Even though he’s still just a child, Noah understands the importance of the role officers play in our society. That is one of the reasons he dreams of becoming an officer one day. In case that happens, his mom Amanda says she would be one “proud mother.”

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Love and peace

Man spends his one day off cleaning forgotten veterans’ gravestones


Every one of us honors our military men and women because we are aware that it is because of their service that we live in freedom.

Many find ways of paying tribute to those who lost their lives fighting for our country. Whether it is through memorial services, raising monuments, or simply by saying thank you, we can never truly thank them enough for their sacrifice.

One man from Tampa, Florida, found a beautiful way to honor the fallen heroes and now his story is going viral and is getting the attention it deserves. Andrew Lumish, who is a carpenter and runs a successful business, has only one day a week off. Instead of using it to take the much-needed rest, he cleans tombstones of fallen veterans in cemeteries around Tampa Bay.

Source: Facebook/ The Good Cemeterian

His incredible wok is documented on his Facebook page The Good Cemeterian. Each of the before and after photos he posts are unbelievable.

Lumish spends a lot of time cleaning the tombstones because most of them haven’t been visited by anyone in years and are covered in decades of mold and muck. Sometimes, he spends up to three months on a single thombstone.

So how does he do it? According to Do You Remember, Lumish first sprays a chemical called D/2 and then scrubs the stones using a brush before he rinses them with water.

Source: Facebook/ The Good Cemeterian

One of the photos he posted online shows a gravestone of a veteran who died in combat in the late 1800s.

In his mission to honor the heroes, he gets help from his wife. She never misses a change to lend a helping hand.

Source: Facebook/ The Good Cemeterian

Thank you for your effort. You do an amazing job!

Peace and Love

Bored Daddy

4-year-old girl asks lonely widower at grocery store for a photo and changes his life

We know birthdays are those special days of our life that we want to spend with those we love the most. However, sometimes, our birthday can be someone else’s best day, as in the story about the older man who was greeted by the most adorable young girl on the day of her birthday. That is when Mr. Dan’s lonely life changed for the better, because now, he got to hang out with his new tiny friend. The way these two companions met is a heartwarming story shared on Facebook which touched lots of people.

The 4-year-old Norah was at the store with her mother, and the two were eager to buy all the stuff for the girl’s birthday party. While sitting in one of the carts, ‘driving’ along the store’s shelves, Norah spotted an elderly man.

Even though a couple of other elderly people passed by the mother and the daughter, it seemed like Nora got fond of this particular gentleman the moment she saw him. She was more than happy to get closer to him and share the fact it was her birthday that day. She did it all happy and excited. At first the man had sort of grumpy expression on his face, but once he realized the young lady was talking to him, he started smiling and said “Well hello little lady! And how old are you today?” and then they chatted a bit before they waved goodbye.

But the young lady wanted to take a picture with the man, and since it was her birthday, her mother said yes and hurried to catch the man and ask whether she could take a picture of him and her daughter.

When they spotted him once again, Tara, the mother said “Excuse me, sir? She’d like to know if you’d take a photo with her for her birthday?”. He looked confused at first but he was more than happy to pose with the girl, and so “they posed together and then they hugged each other like they were long lost friends.” After they thanked Mr. Dan for the photo and his time, he assured them that he was the one who should say thank you because it was obvious he felt really happy to interact with the birthday girl. He said that day was one of the best days he had in a very long time. Tara was also deeply touched by his words, and she was glad her daughter made this man’s day so she felt like she should share the encounter with her Facebook friends, but little did she know that it would reach many more people among which one Mr. Dan’s friend who let her know that Mr. Dan had recently lost his wife and that she hadn’t seen him look this happy during those past years of his life.

Learning about the loss he suffered, Tara though it would be nice if she and her daughter reach their new friend again and spend some time together. Mr. Dan couldn’t hide his excitement of having Norah as a guest at his house.

Tara then added to her Facebook post by saying that the sweet elderly man will be part of their family, whether he likes it or not, but you may be guessing that not only he likes it, but that is something that completely turned his dull life upside down, for the best. On the first visit “Norah brought him a framed picture of the two of them in the grocery store, pictures she colored (he put them on his fridge!), and a bag full of pastries and Butterfingers…if he doesn’t already have diabetes, he’s about to,”

Mr. Dan Peterson says little Norah hugged him firmly like there was no tomorrow, and he didn’t mind it.

Mr. Dan is now happy to welcome Norah any time she likes to spend some time with him. He is forever grateful to this special young lady who brightens his days. Tara reveals that “he said that he hadn’t had an uninterrupted night of sleep for the past several months. Sadness and anxiety had made his mind wander at night, but since meeting Norah, he has slept soundly every single night. He said she healed him.” Tara is happy to raise a child who knows how to treat elderly with respect, and she strongly believes that every parent out there should teach their children that those people are important part of our community and we have to do all in our power to make their days enjoyable. Feel free to share this story with your friends, and put a smile on their face.

This Poor Man Was Rejected by A Rich Man’s Daughter. 10 Years Later, He Meets Her Again

This Poor Man Was Rejected by A Rich Man’s Daughter. 10 Years Later, He Meets Her Again What are the qualities that you look for in a partner? When I was younger, I preferred good-looking and funny men. But as I got older, men who were smart, understanding, and responsible became more attractive for me. I developed this preference because I wanted a loving husband who my future kids could look up to. However, there’s no denying that there are some women who prioritize something else when looking for an ideal partner – those who look for men who can give them anything and everything they want. Because of this, they tend to check the contents of a man’s bank account first before knowing their personality and character. Such is the case of a popular story circulating online about a man rejected by a rich man’s daughter because he didn’t make enough money to support her lavish lifestyle. Ten years later, the two accidentally bumped into each other. The ending of the story is absolutely unexpected but it will give you a valuable lesson in life.
Read the one-of-a-kind love story below.
girl-dumped-poor-boy A poor boy was in love with a rich man’s daughter. Overcome with his love for the girl, the boy proposed to her. However, the rich girl derisively rejected him and said, “Your monthly salary is equivalent to my daily expenses. How do you expect me to marry someone like you? I can never love you so forget about me. Go find and marry someone else of your level.” Despite being rejected so hurtfully, for some reason, the boy could not forget her so easily. Roughly 10 years later, they ran into each other accidentally in a shopping mall.
Photo credit: matteothun
The man, hearing those painful words from the woman he used to care for, held back his tears and said nothing.
Not a few moments passed when the woman’s husband came back to her side. But before the lady could say a word, her husband immediately recognized the man she was talking to and said, “Sir? G-good afternoon! I see you’ve met my wife!” “Good afternoon too, Mr…?”, said the man. “Mr. Carter, Sir!” The husband then turned to his wife and said, “Dear, I’d like you to meet my boss. He owns the $100 million project I’ve been working on!” The woman, left flabbergasted by the turn of events, was not able to say anything back. The man just smiled and said, “Well, Mr. Carter. I’ve got to get going. I have important things to attend to. It was splendid seeing you today. Have a great day!” For a minute, the couple just stared at the man as he walked away. businessman-2Having been over her initial shock, the woman asked her husband in disbelief, “That was your boss?” “Yes, dear. He’s a very humble person but his life is quite a sad story. They said he once loved a lady but she dumped him because he was just a poor boy back then. Because of that, he worked really hard. And because he’s smart, he became successful. Now he’s a multimillionaire who earns millions of dollars a month. Unfortunately though, he couldn’t move on from that heartbreak and remains unmarried still.” The husband went on and said, “How lucky would that lady have been if she had married that man?” The lady looked in total shock and couldn’t utter a word.  

Morals of the story:

Life is short. Furthermore, it is just like a mirror – you can only see as much as it reflects. So don’t be too arrogant or proud by looking down on others because of their current situations. Things and circumstances can change with time.

Wish list written by a foster child in Oklahoma


Dreamcatchers for Abused Children is a non-profit organization devoted to reform of abused children. According to their website, their main goal is to “educate the public on all aspects of child abuse such as symptoms, intervention, prevention, statistics, reporting, and helping victims locate the proper resources necessary to achieve a full recovery.”

Recently, the organization shared a heartbreaking list written by a child from Oklahoma who ended up in the foster system after enduring severe abuse from both his parents who were heavy alcoholics. The boy never experienced love or the joys a childhood normally brings. All he ever knew was negligence and starvation.

Years went by before a neighbor noticed that horrible things were taking place in the boy’s home and decided to alert social services.

Once police intervened, the boy was taken to the Dreamcatchers for Abused Children organization who made sure the little one ends in a new and loving home.

Finally, when the organization found the perfect family and shared the great news with the boy, he made a wish list on which he included all the things he wanted in his new forever home.

Needless to say, the list melted many people’s hearts. Many took their time to comment how the things on the list are not something a child should dream of because they should have them automatically as most of them are just basic needs.

This is the list:

“Things I want in my family:
I want food and water.
Don’t hit on me.
A house with running water and lights.
I want love.
Mom and dad don’t fight.
I want no drugs.
Don’t kill my pets.
Help with school.
Nice clean clothes.
No lice. No bug in house.
Clean house.
Clean bed with covers.
Don’t sell my toys.
Treated fair.
Don’t get drunk.
Tv in house.
Let me keep my school stuff.
Nice shoes.
My own comb soap. Nice house and safe and heater coat.

This list is a reminder that we should never take the things we have for granted.

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Zoo staff worried panda would reject cub until motherly instincts kick in


The connection between a mother and her baby is the strongest there is. From the moment moms learn they are expecting, the love for their little bundle of joy grows more and more with each passing day. The same goes for animals.

When a panda named Min-Min gave birth, the staff at the ZOO needed to run some tests on the baby. Typically, the baby should have stayed with the mother right after birth, but in this case, zookeepers had to check on its welfare. They were aware that taking the little one away from the mother could affect their bond, but they simply needed to take the risk.

Source: YouTube/ BBC

As they made sure the baby was fine, they were ready to put it back with its mama.

“In these early weeks, panda mothers don’t leave their cubs, even when they need to eat or drink,” National Geographic explains. That is because baby pandas are completely helpless right after birth. They are blind and unable to regulate their body temperature on their own. On op of that, they don’t know how to crawl or hold themselves up. The little ones can’t poop or pee on their own either.

This is why everyone prayed for Min-Min to accept her baby.

Source: YouTube/ BBC

When they placed the little one in Min-Min’s enclosure, she showed little interest in it. She ignored the baby and turned away from it.

But after some time, Min-Min’s maternal instinct finally kicked in. She approached closer, took her baby in her mouth, and carried it over to a corner where she started cuddling it, making a mother and baby bond for good.

Source: YouTube/ BBC

Watch Min Min’s heartwarming reunion with her cub in the video below!

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