Mom grabbed her camera when she heard this sound coming from the bathroom

Babies bring immense joy in the lives of their parents and their families. From the moment they are welcomed into the world, they become the apple of their mommy and daddy’s eye, who do all in their power to spend as much time as possible with their tiny bundle of joy. Because children grow up so fast, it is very important to cherish every moment we spend with them and keep all the fun memories close to our hearts. The following video is one of the cutest we have stumbled upon. It shows a newborn baby having his first bath with his daddy and it’s beyond adorable. The liitle one seems very curious and interested in what daddy says to him, although he’s way too young to understand what is going on. This bonding time is too sweet not to be caught on camera, so mommy rushes to grab it and put it on tape. Once the sweet baby is all grown up, he will certainly love seeing this moment. The video has been seen more than 9.8 million times. You can check it out below. Please SHARE this story with your family and friends on Facebook. You’ll definitely make their day! Bored Daddy

‘NCIS’ star Lucas Black gave up a successful career to focus on his family – this is the actor’s new life


The road to stardom is never an easy one, although, for some people, things go more smoothly than for the rest. Besides dedication and hard work, luck also plays huge part when it comes to great achievements.

For actor Lucas Black, it all started when his mother took him to audition for the film The War, starring Kevin Costner, after she heard an open call about it on the radio.

There, among 5,000 children who wanted a part in the movie, Black was one of the lucky few to be chosen. He believes that he landed the role because he did something differently than the rest of the children. When asked to say something about themselves, like where they came from, everyone provided there address, among the rest, while Black, who was 11 at the time, gave detailed description.

“I said, ‘Well, you go down 157…you go by Mickey Wiggins store, and you turn left,’ and they were like ‘we need you to read some lines, kid,’” Black explained. “Just because I said something different from every other kid. So that was my first audition, and I ended up getting the part.”


He joked that his mom only decided to bring him to the audition because she hoped Costner would be there.

The part in The War was the start of Black’s very successful Hollywood career.

After starring in it, he went back home to Alabama where he attended Speake High School. He was into sports and played football, basketball, baseball, and golf for the school’s Bobcats.

Later in his acting career, he would come back to the baseball as he starred as Pee Wee Reese in the film 42, about baseball legend Jackie Robinson.

“Pee Wee Reese had such a significant part in helping change baseball by accepting Jackie as a ballplayer and as a friend and making a public gesture toward Jackie,” Black told AL.

Scott Gries/Getty Images

It was in 1999 that he landed his first lead role, in the film Crazy in Alabama, where he starred opposite Melanie Griffith. At the time, he also worked as a model for Calvin Klein.

What followed were plenty of significant roles, including ones in Friday Night Lights, Seven Days in Utopia, Sling Blade, and The Fast and the Furious: Tokyo Drift, among the rest.

However, he’s probably most famous for playing agent Christopher LaSalle on NCIS.


Black began working on NCIS before his character turned into a regular cast member of the spinoff NCIS: New Orleans.

As the show developed, he became a fan-favorite and that is why many were left in shock when his character was killed after almost six seasons.

Portraying a much-loved character, Black felt the urge to share with his fans the reasons behind his decision to part with the show. Apparently, there weren’t any bad feelings between him and any of the cast members, on the contrary, he enjoyed working with each and every one of them, but he felt like he was spending too little time with his wife and three children.


He thanked everyone for their love and support and wrote on Twitter: “I wanted to take this time personally to thank all of you fans out there for your love and support. You were there to celebrate the victories and to pick me up when I needed it, and I appreciate that.” 

Some time later, while on the Legacy Starts Today podcast, the NCIS star said:

“All throughout my career, there was a concern because I would observe how the entertainment industry would destroy families and destroy families,” he said.

“The way it’s run, you’re traveling, it’s a very fast pace, lots of long hours, especially in television.”

Ryan Theriot/Getty Images

According to Black himself, he worked for around 70 hours a week on the NCIS spinoff during the first three seasons and felt like he was neglecting his family despite moving closer to the filming location.

“It was time, it was time for me to leave. I felt like my job there was finished,” he said.

“You can’t keep going at that pace, and I think, have a healthy marriage. It’s not sustainable; it’s inevitable that something bad’s going to happen if you stay working at that pace.”

When it comes to his private life, he never reveals much detail and tends to keep it out of the public eye.

His wife Maggie works as a lawyer and says that being married to a celeb isn’t that special because her husband never acted like hotspot.

“Lucas is not what people would consider a stereotypical celebrity. He’s confident, but he’s not someone you think of as a diva that you have to pet and boost their ego all the time,” Maggie O’Brien told The Marriage Adventure. “He’s very confident in who he is, so he doesn’t need me to bring that to him. It’s been really good for me in a couple of ways. Because people think it’s cool to be a celebrity, they go out of their way to be nice to me. That might be phony. But it takes a lot of pressure off that a lot of women feel in trying to impress other people with what they have or what their husbands do, or what they make.

“I feel like there’s a lot of that in and amongst women. The competitiveness to impress others, and I don’t feel like I have to do that,” she added.

“It kind of gives me more freedom from trying to impress others and lets me be more honest. It gives me more courage and confidence because I don’t feel like I have to compete.”

However, leaving NCIS: New Orleans doesn’t mean he left his Hollywood career for good. On the contrary, he’s very busy working on different projects.

Black has an estimated net worth of $8 million.

Except for being one of our favorite NCIS actors, we also love him for being an awesome husband and father to his wife and children.

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Young girl was born with rare facial defect – now she’s breaking beauty standards with her modeling career


The moment we learn how to love ourselves with all our flaws is the moment we really start to live our lives to the fullest.

Being born with a condition that distinguishes us from the rest of the world can be extremely challenging, and many people go through such struggles. The thing is that different doesn’t mean less worthy or less beautiful, and the moment we experience that enlightenment and realize we are perfect the way we are everything changes for the better.

When Ilka Brühl was welcomed into the world, her parents knew she could experiences a hard time in life because of her cleft nose and lips, a rare genetic disorder that affects one’s facial structure. They were, however, determined to teach her how to love herself, something she needed time to learn.


Today, this young woman is 30 years of age and is taking many people’s breath away.

Over the years, Ilka has undergone a number of procedures to help her with her condition, and although she looks stunning today, she did experience a really hard time when she was young. She couldn’t make friends easily because she was teased and bullied all the time. The rest of the students called her names such as “Freak,” “Alien,” or “Pig Nose” and never wanted to play with her.

Although she was still just a child, she was aware she was different.

“At first I thought: How else am I supposed to look like? That’s how I am! But then I consciously looked in the mirror and realized that my nose is different. Then you start questioning yourself,” she told German newspaper Kurier.


“As a child, I often had eye infections because my tear duct was not developed, and headaches because my paranasal sinuses were very susceptible to moisture,” Ilka said.

“But I was always able to live with the symptoms.”

She added: “My parents always gave me the feeling that I was right the way I was. As a child, I could confidently counter stupid sayings or looks. Nevertheless, the question came up during puberty: ‘If I’m supposed to be so normal – why don’t you see people like me anywhere?’”

When she reached her teenage years, Ilka developed even more self-doubt. It wasn’t just the people at school who made her feel that way, but the commercials and magazines that always portray perfectly looking women as a standard of beauty.

She tried changing things about the way she felt about herself by being the best student at school, all straight A’s.


At the age of 20, Ilka underwent one of her many procedures. It was a nose correction surgery, but this time, something was different. Once everything was done, something clicked in her.

“As soon as the wounds had healed, I noticed the next blemish. At that moment I realized: Beauty cannot be created on the operating table,” Ilka told BILD.

“For me, [beauty] is all about appearance. If you accept yourself, then you can shine from within and that’s nicer than the most perfect person who doesn’t like themselves.”

She knew that what she needed weren’t more surgeries, but acceptance by her own self. “I approached people more openly and learned to like myself. And noticed: The others don’t withdraw from me at all, I withdraw from them!”

In 2014, she had her first photoshoot.

“On the way to [the photographer], I was on the verge of turning around several times because I was so terrified that she would laugh at me when she saw me in real life,” she wrote, as reported by Insider.

“Being in front of the camera has shown me: Every defect and every mistake is a part of you, and that’s okay too. You just have to make the most of it,” she added.

She released a podcast which focused on how she handles her self-doubt. She also shared tips on how to love yourself. Ilka is a published author as well. Her book Differently Beautiful – How I Learned to Love Myself has helped many achieve what she did.


Some four years ago, she and a couple of friends started Project Grenzenlos, which can be translated to Project Limitless. The campaign’s purpose is to highlight the beauty of those who live with deformities and other differences. For this beautiful brave woman, it aligns with her perception of beauty.

On Instagram, she wrote: “I think EVERYBODY is beautiful in his own way,. I often read comments like ‘You are not pretty just because you’re different,’ [and] that’s totally right! I am pretty because EVERYBODY is pretty. Never mind if you are a classic beauty, tall, small, stout, thin, black, white.”

She’s never afraid to speak openly about her journey towards self-acceptance because she is aware she changes other people’s lives that way.

“I decided to show a baby photo of me. Because you see my ‘defect’ there better. Furthermore, I get many direct messages with the question of why I look like I do,” she wrote.

“At first, I hesitated because some of you think that’s too much. But that is wrong, it should be as normal as every other baby picture.”

“Everyone who knows me can confirm that it is really important for me and that I want to help others. Want to help the ones with some defects, as well as the parents of babies who are afraid if their child will be accepted in the world.”

Last year, she tied the knot with husband Philip and described it as a magical moment and the happiest day of her life.

“The wedding itself was indescribably beautiful for me. When I woke up the next day, I couldn’t believe how great everything went,” Ilka wrote.

“Sunny weather, everyone was in a good mood and my husband (still want to say friend) looked so amazing. I was so emotional and shed so many tears. Loving someone so much is a great privilege and I am infinitely grateful for it. I’m so looking forward to everything that’s to come. I just can’t believe how lucky I am to be able to call such a great person my husband now.”

Ilka is the perfect example that one doesn’t need to be perfect in terms of appearance in order to be a perfect human being.

She is touching many lives. Her successful modeling career is a reminder that one should never stop chasing their dreams.

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Mom of twins and triplets is brutally honest about what giving birth to five kids does to the body


We have shared plenty of stories of incredible pregnancies with our readers, and the reason for it is that each and every one of them is fascinating in its own way. Well, the process of giving birth is a miracle all by itself, and when surprise multiple pregnancies happen, the fascination only grows bigger and bigger.

Michella Meier-Morsi and her husband Mark welcomed twin girls in 2018 after a year of IVF treatments. The girls were born via cesarean section at 37 weeks and only spent six days at intensive care before they were ready to go home.

Carrying twins is more complex than a single pregnancy and Michella constantly worried if everything would be fine with her girls while pregnant. ”When we got the news that we were expecting twins, I was extremely happy, and at the same time, paralyzed by fear.⁣ I was simply so scared of losing them. I read statistics, horrible posts on twin groups about respirators and losses, and I refused to buy anything for the girls,” she wrote on Instagram in 2020.

Her pregnancy wasn’t an easy one. She had a huge belly which often turned black and with bruises because her babies were big.

”My pregnancy was awful and my body is carrying around permanent evidence of it. Filippa and Ophelia, on the other hand, have been absolutely fantastic, and we have made the finest family rhythm with them,” the mom wrote.

After giving birth, she was forced to undergo a surgery because her abdomen muscles got split, a condition known as diastasis recti.

Although most new moms experience changes in their body after giving birth, not many have the courage to speak openly about it. Michella, however, wanted to share her story because she wanted other moms to know they are not alone.

In 2021, Michella fell pregnant again. Somehow, she knew she would have more than one baby again, but nothing could prepare her for what she heard at the doctor’s. She was carrying not one, not two, but three babies.

”When the midwife moves the scanner, we see a third black box. It’s like everything stops. We hear a third heartbeat. It’s getting completely quiet in that room, and I’m starting to cry. I can’t stop shaking and crying” she told the Danish magazine Expressen.

Mere days before giving birth to her triplets, Michella got honest about the way she felt and wrote on Instagram: ”I seriously do not feel ready for three babies.

”I naively thought that I would get ready at some point – that I would feel a joy that the pregnancy is coming to an end and that we should finally meet our trio.⁣ But if it were not for the extreme pain, the triplets would have to stay in the stomach for a month or three more. It all just feels so overwhelming.”

When Charles, Theodore, and Gabriel were welcomed into the world in January 2022, the mom couldn’t be happier. She does only get four hours to sleep each day, and she is aware that things would get even harder with five children under one roof.

”It is indescribably hard to have two three-year-olds and three premature babies.⁣ Much harder than I had imagined. [My daughters] are angry, defiant, enormously bored, and simply unruly and rude.⁣They miss us and definitely feel let down to some degree. And it’s completely understandable,” she writes on her Instagram.

She says that in her homeland, Denmark, where she and her family live, not much attention is given to women’s health after having kids, and that needs to change. She, however, is working with a psychotherapist and is hoping things to be better in the future.

Her frankness attracts a lot of people’s attention and she currently has around 300k followers on Instagram where she is brutally honest about all the challenges parenthood brings.

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Woman has endured excruciating back pain since giving birth many years ago


It was around two months after a woman named Amy Bright gave birth to her sixth and youngest son that she started experiencing excruciating pain. As this took place back in 2003, Bright, whose baby was delivered at the Naval Hospital Jacksonville via c-section, spent years struggling to walk properly. Over the years, her condition only worsened and she was prescribed a bunch of medications to help her with her pain.

Finally, just last year, doctors managed to discovered what was causing the acute pain and the discomfort thanks to a CT scan which showed a 3 cm-long piece of needle buried in her spine.

It turned out that when she was receiving an epidural during delivery, the needle snapped off and got stuck in her spine, damaging her nerves and leaving her foot and leg partially functional.

“That needle moves inside my spine every time I move, walk, bend, twist, or sleep,” Bright claimed.

“It feels like a poker next to my tailbone, like burning.” She further explained that it occasionally travels down the left side of her calf and into her foot, as reported by WRAL.

“Next to my tailbone, it feels like heat and like a poker. There are times when it shoots down the left side of my calf and into my foot “Bright stated.

Now, with the help of her lawyer Sean Cronin, this mom of six is filing a lawsuit against the federal government, claiming that the needle caused irreversible nerve damage.

“Her medical records show that a failed spinal needle attempt occurred in September 2003 at Naval Hospital Jacksonville. Therefore, no one else inserted a needle in her back,” Cronin claimed.

The problem is that even if the needle is removed, it won’t change things much as the damage is already done.

“It’s now to the stage where it simply burns nonstop. My future makes me terribly anxious,” Bright said. “[My leg] is growing weaker.”

“I’ll probably be using a wheelchair. I’m afraid because I’m not sure.”

“I have no idea what the future holds, I’m terrified and highly suspicious,” the worried mother said.

We hope doctors would be able to ease her life as much as possible.

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‘The View’ fans demand Whoopi Goldberg is fired


Fans of The View are calling for a casting rearrangement on the popular talk show after host Whoopi Goldberg went ‘nuts’ while live on air.

This time, what fans called ‘a bad language’ put her in trouble, leaving many furious.

Namely, Goldberg took to the panel and discussed parenting when she used the word a**. Needless to say, viewers were left shocked.

Source: Getty Images

And while some consider the actress and host a national treasure, others aren’t really fond of her because of her ‘foul language.’

“Sometimes you have to be an a** to be a parent,” she said, and comments started pouring in.

“Whoopi and Sunny’s [Hostin] foul language was a bit much today,” one irritaed viewer wrote. “Someone needs to start pushing back on Whoopi. I have a feeling someone will not let her interject one day which will cause Whoopi to go full-on nuts honestly. She has gotten exponentially worse this season so I hope next time contract negotiations are up it’s time to go, or work less days,” another commented.

Source: Getty Images

“I have no idea what ABC thinks is happening here. They take several women, with no real credibility and let them mouth off day after day and they’re surprised that one day someone says something stupid?” someone else commented.

Goldberg’s language didn’t go down well with fans in the past, too. Many slammed her for cursing while talking about tighter gun control.

Source: Getty Images

Do you think she went too far this time?

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Actress Stefanie Powers looks stunning at 78


Actress Stefanie Powers, 78, was born as Stefania Zofia Federkiewicz on November 2, 1942, in Los Angeles, California. After her parents divorced, she continued living with her mother who was a big fan of ballet and classical music. In fact, it was this love that was later passed on to Stefanie who attended ballet at the Michele Panieff Ballet Company along Natalie Wood and Jill St. John.


Shortly after, Stefanie’s interest switched from dancing to movies and acting. When she was 15, she auditioned for the role of Velma in West Wide Story, but didn’t get it due to her young age. However, this audition helped her attract the attention of a director at the American School of Dance who encouraged her to audition for a role in his movie.

This led to her to attend classes at 20th Century Fox, MGM Studios and Columbia and sign a contract with Colombia Records.

“That was the beginning of my contract with Columbia Pictures. I was tied for seven years; in those days if you signed a motion picture contract you were not allowed to do television,” Powers said. After doing several movies with them, MGM Television bought her contract from Columbia to present her as The Girl from U.N.C.L.E. (1966) a spin-off of The Man from U.N.C.L.E.


This series was a short-lived one but very popular at the same time and it opened the doors for Powers to some even greater movies. In 1979, she got the role that marked her whole career, that of freelance writer Jennifer Hart. Starring alongside Robert Wagner, the series was a huge success.

“You don’t want to hope too much for something to click,” Powers told TV Insider in 2019, speaking of the beginnings of the series when no one knew whether audiences would love it or not that much. “Yes, we were picked up. But the feeling of how much do people love those characters? We didn’t feel that until we went out into the world.”

“‘Do you remember, Stef? We did about six shows, and I walked into your dressing room and you had tears in your eyes’ and said, ‘Do you think it’s going to be good? What are we doing?’ We loved doing it but were very anxious,” Robert Wagner added.

The onscreen chemistry between Roberts and Wagner was undeniable and people found it hard to believe that the two weren’t an actual couple in their real life. In fact, Wagner was married to Natalie Wood at the time and he and Powers were just very good friends. The two are very close even today. “We adore each other,” she said of her relationship with her lifelong friend. “Robert and I live in separate parts of the world, but he’ll visit for dinner at times.”

Powers was married twice.

During the filming of The Girl from U.N.C.L.E., she met actor Gary Lockwood at a party and the two tied the knot. However, just six year later, they divorced. Shortly after, she started dating  Academy Award-winning actor William Holden after meeting him at a party at the La Costa Spa.

“I don’t know why Bill decided to attend, as he was normally a loner, but happily he did. We met again, and by now, while he might very well not have remembered our previous meetings, he had seen some of my work, so he did not regard me as a stranger. As the cocktail hour was coming to an end but our conversation was not, he asked me to join him for dinner, and I accepted,” she wrote in her biography One from the Hart.

“Having filed for divorce, I was a free agent, so there was no reason not to be seen out with someone, even this someone. Ever discreet, Bill chose a quiet local restaurant. Our attraction was undeniable, but Bill was from the old school and maintained a certain formality.”


Sadly, Holden died of intoxication in 1981 at the age of 63 in his home in Santa Monica, California. In 1993, Powers married her second husband, Patrick Houitte de la Chesnais, and divorced him in 1999.

In 2008, the actress was diagnosed with lung cancer. Her battle was long and tough but she ended up a winner and she’s now inspiring others.


Throughout her rich career which has spanned six decades, Powers received numerous awards. She was nominated for five Golden Globe Awards and got a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame in 1992. Today, at the age of 78, she is still active and plays at theaters.

Powers is a huge animal lover. Her step-father raised race horses and she has been around animals her whole life. “Growing up, my best friend was a large goat — one I used to pal around with until he ate my grandmother’s rose garden”, she said. “Both of us were banished. Everything that fell out of a tree or got hit by a car ended up getting brought to our house. We had a potpourri of animals, pets and critters.”


Today, she’s running the The William Holden Wildlife Foundation, an animal rights and wildlife conservation group and an education center in Kenya. It helps young children learn more about the animals and the nature.

Currently, the actress lives in the U.S, The UK, and Kenya. “I don’t live anywhere; I travel between houses and residences. At this stage in my life and career I look for roles that are going to be challenging,” she says. “I didn’t become an actor to be myself, I became an actor to be somebody else and so, to the extent that I can, that’s what I look for.”

Powers still has a lot to offer to her fans and audiences from all over the world. She defies age and looks absolutely stunning.

Husband ‘completely broken’ after fiancée and mom of their 8-month-old dies suddenly on their wedding day


Tom Mann, a former contestant of the famous talent show X Factor, shared a heartbreaking post on Instagram about the passing of his fiancée and mother of their eight-month-old son.

The tragedy took place in the ealy hours of Sunday morning, the same they they were to tie the knot.

Danille Hampson was just 34 years old. The couple dated since 2015 and welcomed son Bowie later last year.

Heartbroken Mann wrote:

“I can’t believe I am writing these words but my darling Dani – my best friend, my everything and more, the love of my life – passed away in the early hours of Saturday morning, 18th June.

“On what was supposed to be the happiest day of our lives ended in irreversible heartbreak.

“I feel like I have cried an ocean. We never made it to the alter; or got to say our vows, or dance our first dance, but I know you know that you were my entire world and the best thing that has ever happened to me, Danielle.

Adding to his post, grieving Mann added:

“I am completely broken trying to process this and I honestly don’t know where to go from here, but I do know I need to use any strength I can muster for our little boy.

“I will not be a mark on the parent that you had already become but I promise I will do my everything to raise Bowie just the way we always wanted. I promise you he will know how amazing his mummy was. I promise to make you so so proud.

“The most beautiful person inside and out. The most incredible soul. We have lost such a special person and I am sure we are about to see an abundant outpouring of love that reflects that. 

“I will try to find peace in your messages and comments, but right now I am grieving and I will be for a very, very long time.

Danielle’s last post on social media was around three weeks ago when the couple and their baby, together with some friends, were on holiday in Sardinia, Italy.

The cause of dead remains unknown. Danielle wasn’t experiencing any health issues. On the contrary, she was a perfectly healthy young woman.

Our thoughts and prayes go to Mann and their Bowie.

Rest in peace, Danielle.

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