This woman’s pregnancy went normally, until an ultrasound showed her baby had malformations


Expecting a child is one of the most anticipated things in the lives of many couples. From the moment they learn they are going to be parents, many moms and dads-to-be pray that their bundle of joy be born healthy.

Olesia, a young woman from Russia, and her husband Eugen were overjoyed when they learned their family would become bigger.

Everything seemed fine with the pregnancy until one day doctors shared with Olesia some devastating news. The ultrasound showed that the baby girl would have malformations. According to the doctors, the little one’s hands wouldn’t develop and all of her internal organs were enlarged.

The family was advised to terminate the pregnancy. Olesia recalled that the doctor’s words were: “Do you understand that this is a cross that you will have to carry all your life? An invalid child! You will be pointed the finger! You will only work for medicine and you will pray that she will die sooner!”

After thinking about it carefully, the expecting parents made a decision to keep their daughter. When they informed the doctors about it, they said: “That’s your job. Write a statement stating that you know the results of the ultrasound so that there are no complaints in the future.”

In the period that followed, the family’s worries over their unborn child grew bigger and bigger. They, however, never regretted the decision to proceed with the pregnancy.

It was during a cold December night that Olesia’s water broke. Eugen rushed her to the hospital and waited outside while she was giving birth to their daughter.

Some three hours later, baby Nadejda was born. Doctors placed her on Olesia’s chest and told her that she gave birth to a healthy baby girl. This mother couldn’t believe what she was hearing. Then, some of the hospital staff went outside to tell Eugen the good news. “Sir, sir, you have a little girl! Congratulations! And she is absolutely healthy!” The word ‘healthy’ echoed in this father’s ears. “Could this be true,” he kept asking himself.

When they realized their baby girl was indeed healthy and didn’t lack any parts of her body, the parents were both happy and confused.

It was then that doctors informed them how they misread the ultrasounds because Olesia had a large uterine fibroid, noncancerous growths of the uterus that often appear during childbearing years, also known as myomas. What they saw as malformations were in fact those growths.

Olesia was operated. Unfortunately, her female organs needed to be removed, but at least she gave birth to a beautiful and healthy baby girl. You can take a look at a photo of her below.

These parents made the right decision when they decided to keep their baby.

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Even though she was acting normally, everyone she met was making fun of her


Jacqueline Adan, a 29-year-old woman from California, has quite a story to share. Her life journey is so inspiring that it is worth sharing with every person on the planet. She is the perfect proof that when we want something badly, nothing can stand on our way of achieving our dreams, no matter how unreachable they seem at first glance.

She shared her motivational weight journey on her blog and attracted millions of fans.

This is her story:

“My name is Jacqueline Adan, I’m 29, a native of California, and I’ve struggled with weight my entire life.

From an early age, I struggled with my body image and despised the way I looked; the more depressed I became over it, the more I ate.

I was also angry with myself for letting food rule my life and contributing to my extreme weight gain.

No matter what I tried, it seemed like I could never maintain any sort of “diet” plan and would either wind up reclaiming the lost weight plus some, or I would give up when it became too difficult and turn to food once more.

I was always different from everyone around me because I was always “dieting” or worried about food and my body, and I was sick of it!”

“I could never eat what my friends were eating! I had given up totally by the time I started college in 2005 and just wanted to have a “regular” college life, so I started eating like everyone else and stopped caring.

My boyfriend Kevin and my sister Jenny decided that we needed to visit Disneyland, a place I have adored since since I was born, at the end of 2011, just a few months before my 25th birthday.

It’s a realm of magic and fantasy, a place where anything was possible and where dreams really did come true, a place where I was instantly turned into a princess as soon as I walked through those gates.

I reasoned that perhaps visiting the “happiest spot on earth” would help me feel better, but when we got there, I was so weak that I could hardly make it to the front gate without needing to rent a wheelchair.

I felt so ashamed that I was physically unable to walk and that I had gained so much weight that I had to use a wheelchair to move about.

When I was in a wheelchair in Disneyland, I recall feeling as like everyone was looking at me, judging me, and admiring the overweight girl on wheels who couldn’t even stand! I was humiliated!

In reality, I knew I wouldn’t fit on the rides, which crushed me, even though I told my sister and Kevin I didn’t want to ride them.

I consented to go on a couple rides that I believed I could fit on, but I overlooked one minor detail.

I noticed the turnstile as we got closer to the front of the line. Kevin and my sister both passed through, but I got stranded. I felt terrible!”

“I laughed it off once I got out, but I was overcome with guilt, shame, and embarrassment at the time. I couldn’t believe I had let myself get that huge. I went to the restroom and sobbed there.

A few days after turning 25, in February 2012, I recall knowing I needed to change—I wanted to change—when I woke up one morning.

Unaware of how drastically my life would change after making that one phone call, I chose to call Jenny Craig.

My thoughts was racing as I got ready to walk back onto the scale, but nothing could have prepared me for what I was going to see there.

Right there in Jenny Craig, I lost it and started crying. Once I had collected myself, I wiped my eyes, declared, “Ok, I can do this,” and we established a target for me to drop more than 300 pounds.

I aimed to at least reach the hundred mark. That day, as I left the center, I felt ready, resolute, overwhelmed, and terrified.

I am the type of person who will follow through on a goal if I truly believe in it. This time, nothing was going to stop me.”

Jacqueline went on to explain how she lost 100 pounds within a year with Jenny Craig as her inspiration and encouragement, as well as her family’s and friends’ support.

Her next trip to Disneyland took place some time later, but this time, Jacqueline was able to fit every ride.

Then in 2013, she visited Disneyland for a third time, but this time, she was 200 pounds lighter.

“I was still having trouble eating, wasn’t getting enough calories, which was making my migraine headaches worse, and the weight loss was still proving to be a challenge.

I started trying new meals, and I had to consciously remind myself that eating wouldn’t make me fat or gain weight. After some time, I was eventually able to turn things around and continue my change.

I started taking a “boot camp” session at “Fit For Life Solutions” in January 2015, and I absolutely adore it!”

Currently, Jacqueline weighs around 350 pounds, but she’s still attending boot camps. However, this weight loss didn’t come without other changes to her body. Sometimes, she experiences rashes, severe neck and back discomfort, and headaches as a result of the mental struggle she faces with because of her additional skin.

“Since I’m still healing from my first skin removal operation from July 28th, I’m trying not to let this stress me out too much and to keep my mind and body positive and peaceful.

This is not the end of my adventure, and I can’t wait to discover what lies ahead for me!

I still have the rest of my life to live, and I’m doing it in a way that makes me proud and no longer makes me ashamed.

Now I don’t have to worry about renting a wheelchair or trying to fit on the rides when I go to Disneyland.

In my family, there is a running joke that after everything is said and done, I will have a destination wedding, forgo wearing a bridal gown entirely, and exchange vows in a white designer bikini.

Disney once said, “Anything is possible; all you need is a little bit of confidence, trust, and fairy dust.” All of us must simply wait and see.”

With a little trust in ourselves, there is nothing we can’t achieve in life and this determined woman teaches us exactly that.

Way to go, Jacqueline.

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Pizza delivery driver runs into burning home to save five children


Not all heroes wear capes, some come in the form of people who never hesitate to jump into action when it comes to saving lives and providing help to those in need of it.

Nicholas Bostic, a 25-year-old pizza delivery guy from Indiana, found himself in the right place at the right time when he was passing past a burning home in the city of Lafayette.

Without thinking twice, he rushed inside the place in order to check whether there was someone inside. His bravery helped save the lives of three teenagers and two little kids aged one and six.

Four of the youngsters were siblings, and the fifth was a friend who was sleeping over in the house.

Before getting inside and fighting through the thick smoke, Bostic thought of calling 911, but as he didn’t have his phone with him, he was aware he needed to act very fast as the time was running out.

Credit: Lafayette Police Department

Bostic used the back door to get to the rooms where the youngsters were trapped, and after saving four of them, they told him there was also a girl there. Bostic then returned back although he knew he was risking his life as the flames spread all over the home.

Thankfully, all of the kids were fine.

Speaking of his heroic deed, Bostic said that he did what he believed was right. He even told ABC 7 Chicago that the siblings’ father said he wanted to take him out for dinner and that they now consider him a part of their family.

“I’m glad I was there at the right time, the right place. If [the] opportunity came again and I had to do it, I would do it,” Bostic said.

“I knew what I was risking. I knew the next second it could be my life. But every second counted.”

Credit: Lafayette Police Department

The Lafayette Police released a statement regarding the incident and wrote:

“Nicholas happened to be driving by the block of Union street when he noticed a house on fire.

“He immediately stopped in the roadway, threw his car into reverse, turned around and pulled into the driveway.

“He knew he had to act. He ran around to the back of the home and was able to open the back door. He began yelling inside [but] didn’t receive an answer.

“He walked through the house, calling out the danger, and eventually made his way up the stairs. He found four kids and helped them escape from the house.”

Had it not been for this brave man the night could have easily ended up with a tragedy.

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Woman devises brilliant plan to cheer up grandma in hospital


Shelbey Hennick is the granddaughter anyone could ask for. This compassionate 21-year-old young lady always knows how to make her granny laugh. But this time, it looked like she had to put a bit more effort in order to lift lovely grandma Donna’s spirit. The poor woman fell ill and ended up at the hospital. Shelbey knew she had to do everything she could to cheer her loving grandma up. 

A bunch of interesting ideas went through her mind, but eventually one that couldn’t be surpassed popped up. 

Although what she had on mind was a bit tricky, she was determined to proceed with her plan of bringing Donna’s best friend Patsy for a visit. Patsy is the sweetest little pooch this grandma loves with all her heart. 


Shelby shared with Inside Edition the touching story of Donna. She took the puppy in while it was till a baby and nurtured her from the day she entered her home. From bottle feeding, to making sure she has the coziest life a puppy could have, Patsy became an inseparable part of Donna’sx  existence.

“She’s had this dog forever, and this dog is her baby. She was small enough to fit in the palm of her hand.”


The way everything unfolded resembles a movie-like scene. Not having the time to take a veterinarian permission to bring Patsy to the hospital, Shelby did something that made us laugh. She is a witty young girl.  

She wrapped Patsy into a blanket and entered the hospital, deceiving the staff into believing she was caring a baby. 

She told Inside Edition that she wasn’t really worried about the repercussions.

“It was just so spur-of-the-moment and I didn’t have time to go to my grandma’s veterinarian’s office… Nobody would have stopped me to see my baby. The worst they could have told me was to leave.”

Seeing her puppy was the ultimate surprise that made Donna feel better in an instant.

“It made her a lot happier. She wasn’t feeling very good and it made her more relaxed. She did go home the next day. Medically, it didn’t have anything to do with Patsy, but I’m still thinking it had a little bit to do with her.”


Take a look at the video and see how this lovely granddaughter put her crazy plan into action. 

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‘We’re just doing our best’- Single dad raises infant quadruplets after his wife is called to Heaven


The love story of Erica and Carlos Morales resembled a fairy-tale. The two first laid eyes on each other during a night out at an Scottsdale, Arizona, night club in 2006. He didn’t speak any English and she had a hard time understanding Spanish, but he still invited her to dance with him.

As they called the night quits, Carlos scribbled his phone number on a piece of paper, but he later learned that Erica threw it away.

Around a year later, the two met again through mutual friends, but this time, they didn’t part ways. What’s most, he learned English and she learned Spanish, and soon after, they decided to tie the knot.

They both dreamed of becoming parents and tried for a baby, but Erica experienced a miscarriage. They described that experience as devastating and the worst of their lives. But then, Erica underwent a fertility treatment and some awesome news followed. The couple was expecting not one, but four babies.

Erica and Carlos couldn’t wait for the moment when they would be able to hold their bundles of joy in their arms. The pregnancy was a healthy one up until the point when the mom-to-be experienced high-blood pressure and was rushed to the hospital.

It was January 15 when Erica texted her husband how the doctors planned to deliver the babies right away. At that point, she was in the seventh month of the pregnancy.

“The doctor said she was having too many contractions so it was time to deliver the babies,” Carlos says. “We took pictures before she went into the delivery room, made some videos, and she was surrounded by family and friends. I said to her, ‘Let’s get these babies out.'”

Everything was ready for the little ones to be welcomed into the world. The couple even discussed about their babies’ names. They settled on Carlos Jr. for the boy and Tracey and Paisley for the two girls. They were one name short, for the fourth baby, but as they couldn’t decide, they agreed to think about it later believing they had all the time in the world.

Unfortunately, things took different turn.

Before Erica was taken to the delivery room, Carlos planted a kiss on her head and told her: “Let’s get these babies out.”

Right after giving birth, Carlos went to see his loving wife. She squeezed his hand and at that moment, equipment alarms went off and a bunch of doctors and nurses entered Erica’s room.

An hour later, they delivered the most heartbreaking news. Erica went into hypovolemic shock, an emergency condition in which severe blood or other fluid loss makes the heart unable to pump enough blood to the body, and there was nothing that could be done. The mother of four died.

Carlos couldn’t believe what he was hearing. His wife was fine, and then she wasn’t. All of a sudden, she was gone. “I went from having the best day of my life to the next morning experiencing the worst day of my life,” devastated Carlos said. “My four babies came into the world and then my wife died.”

Despite the grief and the pain he felt, he knew he needed to be strong for his four little angels. The fourth child was named Erica, after her mother.

Some time later, Carlos found a note in his late wife’s iPad. Erica wrote the things she wished for her children. She wanted them to go to college, learn both English and Spanish, and have good jobs. Today, although she’s no longer around, Carlos promised to be the best dad his children could ever wish for and do all in his power to make his late wife’s wish come true.

We wish this loving dad and his children only the best life can bring.

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Mom gets closer look at son during his birthday dinner, finds out his ‘friends’ have been making him sick

It all happened when Liam, a teenage boy who once enjoyed playing soccer and hanging around with his friends, gave his cell-phone to his mother telling her he no longer needed it. That raised a red flag that things weren’t right, and there was something going on that this mother wasn’t aware of.
Source: The Well
Things got even more concerning when Liam stopped doing the things he enjoyed. He used to love gathering with the family for lunch and knew how to enjoy good food, and now he was trying to avoid it at any cost. Riding a bike with his friends didn’t seem to make him happy any longer.
Source: The Well
“I was determined to get to the bottom of my son’s sudden and severe dismissal of his former passions, but he was so secretive and closed off,”
says his mother Deirdre in an article for The Well.
Source: The Well
His mother knew she had to figure out what made her son so withdrawn and reserved, and the day he told her he didn’t want to go to school any more was the day she learned the devastating truth that crushed her. Liam gathered the courage to confess that he was being bullied, and it happened every single day. They both started crying, but Liam could finally be provided with some help to get out of the situation that was draining him.
Source: The Well
Deirdre learned that the bullying was going on for a whole year. The kids that were supposed to be her son’s friends were calling him names, telling him he sucked at soccer, and were constantly pushing him and kicking him, and they even told him to kill himself. How could teenage boys be so brutal?
Source: The Well
This mother knew she had to get her son out of that situation as fast as she could, because the effect it had on him was beyond traumatic and destructive. The poor boy ended up being placed on feeding tube and heart monitor for his eating disorder, while the school authorities didn’t do anything to prevent the bullying. The parents of the bullies didn’t take responsibility either. Deirdre’s son was suffering a great deal, and no one was held accountable, and that made her angry.
Source: The Well
Not only this mother was worried sick for her son’s health, but she felt helpless for not being able to help him. “I felt like I needed to shout Liam’s story from the rooftops,” Deirdre said. And so she shouted it from the biggest platform she could find: social media. “The words just fell out of me. It was cathartic. I read it over and over to myself and hit send.” Liam’s story went viral and people from all over the world could learn of the catastrophic effect of bullying and how serious of an issue it is. The biggest problem is that it’s there, and it’s real, and many children experience it on a daily basis, while many schools don’t want to admit it. It seemed that sharing the story was the right thing to do because many people were encouraged to share their own experiences, and it helped Liam learn he wasn’t the only one going through it. People created the hashtag #WeStandWithLiam and made shirts, ribbons, and bumper stickers in support of Liam and anty-bullying. This support was a great start to his recovery.
Source: The Well
The process of recovery took ten weeks. Liam endured depression, eating disorder, and many treatments, but it finally helped him overcome his ordeal. This brave teenager did something stunning. He got back to his original school and even finished out the soccer season. His parents are extremely proud of their son’s courage and self-confidence. He is indeed a very special young man.
Source: The Well
Liam’s story and everything he went through encouraged other teenagers and younger kids to confess they were experiencing bullying as well, which is the first step of solving the problem. We hope stories like this will also touch the hearts of those who bully others and help them learn the devastating consequences their behavior has on their peers and friends. Please SHARE this story with your family and friends on Facebook to help raise awareness about the issue of bullying at schools. Bored Daddy Love and Peace

Passengers on cruise ship where woman jumped to her death ask from Carnival to pay


The incident involving a woman who was being detained aboard a Carnival cruise ship shortly before she reportedly jumped overboard from her balcony and vanished in the Gulf of Mexico disturbed the passengers and the wide public.

There is still a lot of mystery surrounding the chaos that preceded the tragic jumping as witnesses say the woman had some sort of altercation with another man in one of the ship’s hot tubs after which the security was alerted. They put handcuffs of the woman, who was described as a 32-year-old African American who was taking the cruise with her husband. When she jumped over the rail, security was attempting to take her into custody but she managed to get away from them.

“Security got her out of the hot tub. Whenever they got to take her into custody, apparently she was upset and went over the rail,” one of the passengers said.

Other witnesses claim that the woman in question was causing trouble the entire time during the 76-hour journey from Cozumel, Mexico, to New Orleans.

Allegedly, when she jumped, she was still handcuffed and she appeared to hit a rail and possibly a lifeboat on the way down.

The search for her lasted for around 14 hours. The decision to suspend a search-and-rescue case is never one we come to lightly,” said Chief Warrant Officer Tricia Eldredge, command duty officer at sector New Orleans. “We offer our deepest sympathies to the family during this difficult time.” Later, however, NBC Miami has reported that her lifeless body was reportedly found.

The passenger who were on the cruise on that fatal day claim they were left deeply disturbed and traumatized. What was supposed to be an enjoyable experience for them turned into a chaotic event so they are now asking Carnival for some sort of compensation, in the form of payment or another cruise, for the trauma they were forced to go through.

The company hasn’t made any statements in regards to these requests.

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Nurse at palliative care reveals the top 5 regrets of people right before they died


Most time, we take things for granted and fail to appreciate what we have until it’s too late.

Having regrets about things we did wrong and for things we didn’t have the courage to undertake is simply part of humans’ nature. Sometimes, life gives us second chances to try and make things right, other times, we are forced to live with our regrets and feel sorry for the lost opportunities and possibilities.

Have you ever wondered what is that people like you and I regret the most?

Bronnie Ware, a nurse who has spent most of her life in palliative care and saw many of her patients leave this world just in front of her eyes shares the top five regrets of people who are aware their time has come to say that final goodbye.

In the book “The Top Five Regrets of the Dying: A Life Transformed by the Dearly Departing” she wrote: “My patients were those who had gone home to die. Some incredibly special times were shared. I was with them for the last three to twelve weeks of their lives. For many years I worked in palliative care…”

She then goes on to list the regrets.

1. “I Wish I had the Courage to Live a Life True to Myself and Not for Others”

During the last days of their life, many people put all their thoughts on the things they left undone. Reflecting on their past actions is common and with that comes the regret of not living the life they wanted for themselves because of the thought what others would say.

“Most people had not honored even half of their dreams and had to die knowing that it was due to choices they had made or not made,” Ware writes.

This should serve as a reminder that we should never give up on our goals and dreams for the sake of others.

2.“I Wish I hadn’t Worked so Hard”

The hectic schedules imposed by the job we do can often lead to failing to spend enough quality time with our family and friends. Working hard to achieve success, fame, and make money can easily lead to feeling incomplete spiritually and missing on some important events.

3.“I wish I had the Courage to express my Feelings”

Having the courage to express our feelings and be honest with others is something not many people possess. Often times, we decide to stay silent for the sake of not letting other people feel bad because of how we feel about them and their actions. However, as we don’t want them to feel uncomfortable, it is us who suffer because of the things left unspoken and the feelings left unshared.

Also, we sometimes feel ashamed to tell our family and friends how much we love them and how much they mean to us.

According to Ware, this is something a lot of people regret.

4.“I Wish I had stayed in Touch with my Friends”

As days pass by, our priorities change. However, one thing we should never allow to happen is to get distant from the people who once meant the world to us. According to Ware, she has witnessed people regret not giving friendships the time and effort that they deserved. 

“Often they would not truly realize the full benefits of friends until their dying weeks and it was not always possible to track them down,” she wrote.

5. “I Wish I had let myself be Happier”

What most of us need to understand is that happiness is a choice.

“Fear of change had them pretending to others and to their selves that they were content, when deep within, they longed to laugh properly,” Ware wrote of many of her dying patients. We should never let fear stand on our way to feel happy and do the things that make us content.

“In the end we only regret the chances we didn’t take!”

Please SHARE this article with your family and friends on Facebook to remind them that life is short and that we need to do our best to live it to the fullest.

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