A high school boy did something really amazing and it all started when a Texas cheerleader, 9 years old, began to cry. This all happened during a football game, while her father, absent, was undergoing training at the Travis...
Do you remember going to school? Sitting in class through lunchtime breaks and Physical Education and all the different events through the year, perhaps talent shows too. Simply the idea of being on stage was intimidating! OK, so talent shows...
As parents, we often take actions to prevent harm to our children, sometimes without thought to ourselves of the repercussions! This is just one of those times as this 56 year old mother jumped in with a knife in...
Homeless people do have a way of drawing in those who want to genuinely help. Many of us only look at how they look outwardly but some of us make assumptions about them form how we think they ended...
Do you remember the last time you left something important at home and had to turn back to get it? It’s completely maddening when this happens don’t you think? There are some people that believe in fate and that there...
Torrin Brenman has spent the last three years determined to change the lives of other children. The 12 year old boy has selflessly given his time in a very special way and it has had an unthought of consequence...
Briana a soon to be a mother will have these four words, her mother in law said, imprinted in her thoughts forever “Austin had an accident”. Brianna took the two hour journey to the hospital by car, her emotions were...
Laura after her cancer diagnosis was driven to cope with things most of us couldn’t imagine, lots of people have makeovers to change the way we look but Laura Turned to Jerome Lordet of Pierre Michel Salon in New...
We often don’t take the time to think about where all the food came from, especially when we sit down to eat it! Fresh vegetables and fruits are delicious, but we pay the price for them, the largest is...
Samoan Hotshot fire crew are completely accustomed to marching through the forest, most people don’t even give it a second thought. Their absolute favorite thing that they do was caught on camera and now it’s going viral! These brave firefighters...