Great Freddie Mercury once said, “You can do what you want with my music, but don’t make me boring,” and it looks like this team of Canadian ice skaters live by these words.
What they had to give the cheering...
Most people do their jobs for the sake of the money they make, but there are also those who put their heart into what they do.
Arletha Sherman is a 64-year-old bus driver who loves and cares for her riders...
A woman named Jayne Sharp paid the price of beauty after she visited a nail salon one day. All she hoped for was getting a nice manicure, but she ended up contracting a flash-eating bacteria that left her fighting...
Eating healthy is crucial for the right development of children. That is why most parents include fruits, vegetables, eggs, meat, and a variety of other nutrients on their kids' menus.
However, it's not only important for them to consume quality...
Most moms, no matter how proud they are of the role they are given, feel uncomfortable and are dreaded by the question, "What do you do?" This is because they have a lot on their plate, but despite all...
One thing about elephants that amazes me is their loyalty to those of their kind. These magnificent creatures always stick together and get really emotional when a member of their close surrounding dies. In such cases, they mourn and...
Onlookers witnessed a real drama recently when a 45-year-old man later identified as Fernando Balbuena took his own life by jumping in front of a train at the Kingsbroad road station, New York.
For matters to be ever worse, just...
No matter how hard they try to discipline their kids, many parents feel helpless when it comes to teaching them good behavior and distinguishing right from wrong.
A mom from Kent named Becky Crandley struggled to make her son behave...
Many times, certain individuals go way beyond their job for the sake of others. These kind people are the reason why our faith in humanity is restored, because not everyone is willing to put extra effort and do something...
Back in 1980, the students from the Catholic school of St Columba’s College in Ayrshire, Scotland, U.K, were shaken by the news that their classmate and friend, 7-year-old Aldo Moroni had died of a heart attack.
Today, 39 years...