Tag: Grandma

Grandma calls police about missing granddaughter – Cops find age 5 girl locked under stairs

It’s unbelievable how some people treat their kids. There are many cases where kids are facing up...

Granny and Steve Harvey have audience roaring with dance moves

Steve Harvey – you just can’t miss that man on TV. His dedication to entertain us and...

Granny cooks to the music while the kids secretly film. She proceeds to do the most hysterical moves

Music is inseparable part of our lives. Whenever we feel down, we seek comfort in our favorite...

4-Year-old boy’s advice to his baby brother about grandma has gone viral

Big brothers are the best. Having one in your life means having someone you can always rely...

Grandma Rips Up Brides Wedding Gown Hoping To Help

Getting marry to the man of their life is every girl's dream. When it comes to the...

Sassy Little One Chatting With Grandma

Once you meet sweet Livi Grace you will fall in love with her in an instant. She...

Spunky 85 Year Old Granny Puts On Best Family Talent Show Routine

Grandma Franklin is a total opposite of what comes to our mind when we hear the word...

80-Year-Old Goes Down Waterslide And Warms Hearts

Getting older doesn't mean you can't have fun! The Internet is full of fun and engaging videos...

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