Woman With 7 Miscarriages Shares Her Emotional Road To Motherhood

Trisha's baby was born with no heartbeat. After 11 long minutes, he was revived, but doctors felt he would have no quality of life.Then she got an idea she felt she must try - the result left the medical staff in complete shock.


There are a lot of people out there who struggle to become parents. But, they never lose hope that one day their hands will hold a tiny creature they’ll love with all their heart. The following is a story about a couple who never gave up and who learned about the power of motherhood.

Trisha Long Bell has gone through more in the pursuit to become a mother than most could even imagine. She and her husband of six years have discovered they were pregnant seven times – and seven times their hearts have been destroyed with the news of a miscarriage.

However, even on the darkest of days, God wasn’t through with them. They found this out in a miraculous turn of events after the birth of their second boy.

Facebook/Trisha Long Bell

Trisha and her husband understood they were blessed with the birth of their first son, Urijah. After so many heartbreaking disappointments before, they knew a second child might just be out of the question.

But hoping God would bless them with one more baby, the couple kept trying. Sure enough, Trisha found out she was pregnant again and carried the baby without any major complications – that was, until the day of his birth.

Doctors discovered their newborn son was born without a heartbeat, pulse and any oxygen in his brain, which resulted in severe brain damage. They urged her to “pull the plug” on her infant boy, but Trisha just couldn’t do it. Instead, she listened to her motherly instincts and opted to do something else entirely.

Trisha shared what happened in that hospital room on her Facebook page:

“My baby was born with no heartbeat. No oxygen to the brain. No pulse. He was revived after 11 long minutes.

He was diagnosed with severe brain damage.

I remember it like it was yesterday, being told my son would have no quality of life… being told to just ‘pull the plug.’

I remember sitting in the hospital, praying, hoping, crying. I remember wanting to fix him. I remember feeling so useless, my body had failed my son. I felt broken.”

As a mother, this was the hardest thing Trisha ever had to deal with!

Facebook/Trisha Long Bell

Before giving up on her newborn, Trisha had the urge to do something so motherly and instinctual, she just knew it had to work!

“As I sat next to his bed trying to figure out what I could do to help him, I finally realized there WAS something I could do. As his mother, I knew I could provide the very most important thing that no one else could offer, MY MILK!

I didn’t nurse my oldest son, Urijah, for more than 3 months.

So with Ezrah I knew this was what I needed to do, without question, no matter how hard it got. He was fighting for his life, and this was the only way I could truly give him my all! I didn’t know if my milk would do much for his injury, but I had so much faith that it would.

I had no idea how quickly I would learn the power of Mother’s Milk.

It is, simply, pure MAGIC!

And Now, 14 months later, I know my milk has played a part in healing my child’s brain injury. I KNOW it. Women’s bodies are SO incredible. The way we are so connected to our children. The way our bodies know exactly what to do during childbirth.

The way we heal… And then we choose to do it all over again! It’s incredibly beautiful.

This picture [the one displayed above] shows MY MILK healing his little brain. I’ve had 7 miscarriages and this baby is my miracle along with my 3 year old. This picture will forever be so close to my heart.”

The drawing Trisha shared on her Facebook page depicts a mother sharing life with her newborn through her breastmilk. It’s an inspiration to mothers around the world who truly give themselves to their children mind, body and soul!

Facebook/Trisha Long Bell

Trisha and her husband have endured more heartbreak and devastation than most people are forced to deal with throughout their entire lives! Fortunately, they’ve also witnessed the incredible power of motherhood and faith!