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Patients reveal the most awkward doctor visit they’ve ever had

Visiting the doctor can be unpleasant at times. Of course, it depends on the problem we have, but in general, hospitals aren’t the place we would ever wish to find ourselves at, unless it’s for a joyous occasion such as giving birth.

People ‘reveal ‘awkward’ encounters with their doctors on Reddit and as much as some of them are unpleasant, there are also those that are just hilarious.

1. Unusual Condition of a Patient’s Blue Hands Turns Out to be Blue Jeans

A person holding blue liquid in his hands. | Source: Pexels

u/raybanomics: Not me, but my roommate went to the doctor because his hands were turning blue. He was born premature and has always had horrible circulation. So he goes to the doctor, who is so puzzled about what’s happening that she calls to consult other doctors.

She returns to the room with alcohol swabs, and the blue starts coming off. Apparently, he had not washed his new jeans, and the ink kept rubbing off on his hands every time he put them in his pocket.

2. Going Commando Leads to an Awkward Encounter

A female patient wearing a hospital gown. | Source: Pexels

u/olialm1: I had my physical examination and forgot to wear underwear. I pretty much go commando all the time unless I’m wearing a short dress, so when my doctor told me to “put the gown on but keep your bra and underwear on,” I facepalmed.

When he went to lift my gown so he could feel around on my stomach, I turned bright red and said, “I’m not wearing underwear,” to which he responded by giving me this weird look.

3. A Cough Turns Into a Burp

A person coughing. | Source: Shutterstock

u/kev0h: Way back when I was in peewee football, I had to go for a sports physical. I was pretty young then. When the doctor told me to turn my head and cough, I panicked because I hadn’t coughed in a while, so instead, I burped.

4. The Doctors Clashed over Shorter Limb

Healthcare professionals reading a report. | Source: Pexels

u/epona92: My left leg is slightly shorter than my right leg (approx. 1.5 cm, so nothing too drastic), and when I was younger, I had to see a specialist because I also had scoliosis.

The doctor was older and German and had three international interns: one from South Africa, one from Mexico, and one from China.

After taking x-rays, the German doctor returned and informed me that my right leg was shorter than my left, pointing to the hip displacement in the x-ray. I corrected him, but he insisted that my right leg was shorter.

The South African came to my defense and pointed out that he was looking at the X-ray backward. The German doctor didn’t believe any of it, and their argument got so heated that the Mexican and Chinese doctors excused themselves.

5. Motorcycle Mishap Becomes a Timeless Family Tale

A kid riding a mini motorcycle. | Source: Shutterstock

u/TheOnlyOne87: I was about five years old at the time. We had a big field beside our house where my two older brothers and I rode our mini motorcycle around. Anyway, I crashed the bike and cut my leg open pretty badly.

So, I was taken to the local doctor for stitches. He pulled down my little trousers, and I wasn’t wearing any underwear. Twenty years later, I still have the scar on my leg. And my lack of underwear is still a regular family anecdote.

6. John Cusack, you say?

A female doctor examining a male patient. | Source: Shutterstock

u/BosskHogg: A few years back, I ended up getting the flu. My wife took me to a 24-hour emergency clinic near our house. The doctor on duty was in her mid-30s and kind of cute.

My wife was in the waiting room, and I was with the doctor in a patient room when the doctor turned to me and said, “You look just like John Cusack” (which I do).

I told her I get that all the time, but she kept repeating it, and she began sounding creepy. So I’m lying on the bed, trying my hardest not to pass out, and the doctor begins playing with my hair, talking about John Cusack before my wife walks in.

7. Baby Talk Blunder: The OB’s Humorous Comment

A pregnant woman standing next to a tree. | Source: Pexels

u/LuckieMotor: When I was newly pregnant with my daughter, I was at my OB’s office for a pelvic exam. After I stirrup up, my doctor checks my vagina and says, “Oh, you’ll be fine if you have a big baby; there’s PLENTY of room in here.”

I’m sure she meant that I have a wide pelvic arch and would have no trouble with a vaginal delivery, but what I heard was something entirely different.

8. A Comment turns To be a Compliment

A doctor smiling. | Source: Pexels

u/pickanotherusername: I was ten when I was taken to the emergency room with a ruptured appendix. They had trouble diagnosing my problem and sent me in for an enema. The doctor was doing his thing. So I said, “You must be the least popular doctor in the hospital.” He responded,” I don’t get many thank-you cards.”

9. An Awkward Encounter with an Attractive Doctor

A female doctor smiling. | Source: Pexels

u/FruitF***ing: Well, it’s not that awkward, but it was April Fool’s Day, and right before I went to class, I decided to go dominate the toilet. To my surprise, the toilet paper was all red.

By this time, I’m freaking out going to the doctor, thinking I bled out of my butt. I go to an urgent care and pay my $100 fee. A very attractive doctor has me bend over to look at my buttocks. That was the awkward part for me.

She says I’m probably okay if I didn’t feel any pain. An hour later, I’m sitting at home wondering if I’m going to die. I realized the night before I got very drunk, smoked, and ate a whole bag of flaming hot Cheetos to myself. Turns out that eating a bunch of those turns your poop red.

10. Taste Buds!?

A lady smiling. | Source: Pexels

u/va_bene: I had a sore throat, and when I tried to get a good look at it in the mirror, I noticed these large, pink spots all over the very back of my tongue.

I spent a week fretting over it, wondering what they were and why they weren’t going away until my mom worried enough that she went with me to my doctor.

Upon examining my throat and tongue, he pronounced what I saw were my taste buds. I have never seen my doctor, an incredibly stoic man, smile so wide. My family is never going to let me live it down.

11. A Fart Mishap Leaves the Doctor Wondering

A pregnant woman having a consultation with a doctor. | Source: Pexels

u/FearlessEyes: I went to the doctor when I was about eight months pregnant. At that point in my pregnancy, I was VERY gassy, and if I tried to hold it in, it would get painful after a while.

While I was sitting in the doctor’s office, I felt like I had to fart. I held it in for a while, thinking that if I did fart, the doctor would be in at any moment. Fifteen minutes passed, and nothing.

So I decided to let it go. The tiniest little fart ever, but it stunk really bad. Thirty seconds later, the doctor walked in and asked me what that smell was.

12. This Took a Different Turn

A doctor talking to a male patient. | Source: Shutterstock

u/PalmerKid: When I turned 30, I suddenly became a hypochondriac. I thought that EVERYTHING was cancer or worse. So, I’m seeing my doctor for an annual physical, and I mentioned that I was having some pains in the left side of my chest.

I asked, “I know this is rare, but could it be breast cancer?” (I’m male, btw). The doctor checked around seriously and then, with a straight face, asked me, “Does the pain hurt worse when you have your period?” That was pretty much the end of my year of hypochondria.

13. The Awkward Hug Fail

Close up photo of a male doctor. | Source: Pexels

u/AnalogDigit2: I hadn’t seen my doctor in over a year, and he met me outside the examination room before I went in. He spread his arms, and I was a little surprised.

I started to move in for a hug before he stepped back a little and made a clearer indication that he was just politely gesturing me to enter the room before him. Sheepfaced, I put my head down and marched into the room.

14. An Emotional Hospital Visit

A woman crying. | Source: Pexels

u/lieshy: I had a full-fledged panic attack when they sent me to the “renal” unit at the hospital. I cried for an hour because I didn’t want a bum exam. The best part of the story? I was seventeen years old. I should probably have paid more attention in class, I guess.

15. My Sports Injuries Turned to a Normal Conversation

A man helping a player with an injury. | Source: Pexels

u/KakunaUsedHarden: So, not a particular incident, but I get a lot of sports injuries that hurt so bad until I see a doctor. But the appointment ends with a normal conversation anytime I visit the doctor.

I say, “It hurts so much!.” The doctor responds, “Does it hurt when I do this?” I reply, “No.” Despite additional pressure and questioning, I consistently say it does not hurt. The doctor concludes, “I think you’ll be fine.”

16. I Accidentally Kissed the Doctor’s Hand

A man kissing a woman’s hand. | Source: Shutterstock

u/reedyforkmike: I took my son (one year old) to the doctor to get checked out for an ear infection. He got upset as the doctor examined him. I’m holding him on my lap the entire time, whispering in his ear and trying to keep him calm.

As the doctor goes to look in his ear, I comfort my son by kissing his head. Unfortunately, the doctor had just placed his hand there to hold him in place.

I gently press my lips right on the guy’s hand! I pulled away, didn’t say a word, and we both pretended like it never happened.

17. From Giggles to Gas

A woman laughing on the couch. | Source: Pexels

u/[deleted]: I had pimples on my face when I was about fourteen and looked like a human pizza. My mom took me to the doctor, and everything started normally.

The doctor was an oldish lady in her 50s; she seemed nice. Then something made me lose it when she started making hand gestures to her crotch, saying. “Do you get any pains around here?”

You can probably guess what would happen; with the sense of humor of a fourteen-year-old, I started laughing so hard I tried to stop myself by coughing. But the coughs caused me to fart.

18. The Holiday Hymns Added a Merry Twist to Gynecologist Visit

A Christmas carol book. | Source: Pexels

u/gummbee: I’m a student, so I always make my appointments for winter break. For the season, they play Christmas songs throughout the office.

Near the end of my appointment, it was time for my pap smear test. I climb on the table and open wide when a choir begins singing, “Oh, Come all the faithful.”

19. The Quirky Dentist’s Chair That Gave Me Giggles

Dentist examining a patient. | Source: Pexels

u/doh_ramey: I’ve never done anything incredibly embarrassing, but there is one thing that gives me anxiety about going to the dentist. I don’t mind them fiddling around with my mouth, and I can stand the twinges, scrapes, and more.

The problem is that when the dentist/hygienist pumps the chair lever, it rises in little jumps. I can’t help it, so I start to giggle. I know it was cute when I was six, but now I’m twenty-six, making me look very strange.

20. Wisdom Teeth Aftermath

A male dentist examining a patient. | Source: Pexels

u/WhiskeyandWine: I was under anesthesia after having my wisdom teeth removed. While waiting for my ride in the not-so-empty lobby, I vaguely remember seeing someone else with a bunch of gauze hanging out of their mouth; seeing this, I started to laugh at them.

Sure enough, my friend arrived to see me laughing at myself in the mirror. My friend asked the receptionist if I was alright, to which she responded, “Oh yeah, he has been like that for more than five minutes now.”

21. The Day a ‘Zit’ Took Center Stage

A lady squizing a pimple on her face: Source: Pexels

u/bad_pie: I had a small lump on the side of my chin. I thought maybe it was a pimple. It was there for a few months, so I got nervous and went to the doctor.

He looks at it for a few seconds and then squeezes it hard. It Hurt pretty bad. Turns out it was a zit. When it popped, he said, “Woah! It hit the wall!” Then, pointing at the wall, he says, “We’ll sanitize that later.”

22. Strange smell

Doctors | Getty Images

Deleted user: My husband started to smell really bad… I mean, REEK. I made an appointment for him with the urologist and decided to go with him for support. He went into the doctor’s office and the doctor closed the door.

Five minutes later, the doctor comes out and his face turns red when he sees me.Doc (barely holding back laughter): You might want to go in and see for yourself.

Me: ‘Doctor, what’s going on? Why are you laughing?’ Then my husband comes out. He: Honey… I’m not sure how to say this… But I’ve been cheating on you.”

His words hit me like a freight train, and I felt my heart shatter into pieces. I looked at him, searching for any sign of the man I thought I knew, but all I saw was a stranger. The doctor, realizing the gravity of the situation, quickly excused himself, leaving us in an awkward, painful silence.

I stood there, devastated, as the truth of his infidelity and the reason behind his sudden change in odor sank in.

That smell was caused by a venereal disease, which the doctor diagnosed in him, and he knew that I didn’t have it, so the betrayal was obvious. That day opened my eyes to everything.

A doctor interacting with a patient. | Source: Pexels

Have you ever experienced an awkward situation at the doctor’s?

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A heartfelt farewell: Toby Keith’s daughter pays tribute to her father with a moving performance at memorial concert

It’s been almost a year since the passing of country singer Toby Keith, who died of cancer at the age of 62, but his legacy continues to live through his daughter who has followed into his footsteps.

During the tribute concert, Toby Keith: The American Icon, Krystal Keith delivered a heartfelt performance, honoring the late musician who had impacted the world of music profoundly.

With the rendition of Don’t Let the Old Man In, Toby Keith’s daughter touched the hearts of many.

Speaking to Country Now prior to her emotional performance, Krystal said she had to listen to the song on repeat and “try to numb myself to the emotions a little bit.” She was aware the night would be emotional, but she did her best not to cry and perform perfectly.

“I just have to compartmentalize and know that he would laugh at me if I screw it up. So I’m just going to try to get through it and honor him the best I can,” she revealed.

The song the daughter of Toby Keith performed as a tribute was inspired by a conversation between the late music star and actor Clint Eastwood.

Eastwood was about to start working on a new project at the age of 88, and Keith asked him, “How do you do it, man?” to what the Dirty Harry star replied, “I just get up every morning and go out. And I don’t let the old man in.”

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A post shared by Toby Keith (@tobykeith)

Don’t Let the Old Man In is a perfect representation of Toby Keith, who never gave up fighting despite the diagnosis of having cancer.

The lyrics carry the message that we should live life to the fullest, just like he did. 

At the end of her touching performance, Toby Keith’s daughter pointed her finger towards the sky, and we knew her dad had been watching and being proud of her. 

A number of country musicians, among which Carrie Underwood, Luke Bryan, and Lainey Wilson, were part of the tribute concert that honored the life and work of Keith. 

Toby Keith disclosed his cancer diagnosis with the public in 2022. 

Toby Keith pictured in 2014. Credit: Ethan Miller / Getty

Back then, he posted on his social media and left his fans devastated and praying for his well-being.

“Last fall I was diagnosed with stomach cancer. I’ve spent the last 6 months receiving chemo, radiation and surgery,” he said in a June 2022 post on X (formerly Twitter). So far, so good. I need time to breathe, recover, and relax.

“I am looking forward to spending this time with my family. But I will see the fans sooner than later. I can’t wait. -T.”

On the day Toby Keith passed away, the world of music lost a legend.

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Legendary member of famous family band dies aged 73

Wayne Osmond, a founding member of family band The Osmonds, died aged 73 on January 1, 2025, his family announced.

“My dear brother Wayne passed away peacefully last night from a stroke. I’m so grateful that I had the opportunity to visit him in the hospital before he passed,” Donny, 67, wrote on Instagram. “Wayne brought so much light, laughter, and love to everyone who knew him, especially me. He was the ultimate optimist and was loved by everyone.”

Wayne Osmond’s other brother, Merrill Osmond, wrote his late brother was “a genius in his ability to write music” who was “able to capture the hearts of millions of people and bring them closer to God.”

He continued: “I’ve never known a man that had more humility. A man with absolute no guile. An individual that was quick to forgive and had the ability to show unconditional love to everyone he ever met.”

A per the family members, Wayne Osmond died of a stroke.

Jay Osmond, 69, also paid tribute to Wayne, calling his brother “a true legend.”

“My heart is deeply saddened for the loss of my brother Wayne. It is said that where there is great love there is great grief as we part during our earthly journey,” Jay wrote. “Throughout my life I have always felt most connected to Wayne out of all of my siblings. He was my roommate and my confidant over the decades.”

Wayne Osmond was born on August 28, 1949, in Ogden, Utah. He was the fourth child of nine children. His music career started back in the 60’s when he and his brothers performed on The Andy Williams Show.

The band he and his siblings formed, The Osmonds, gained worldwide fame during the 70’s, with hit songs such as One Bad Apple, Crazy Horses, and Love Me for a Reason.

The members became teen idols. Screaming crowds were anticipating each of their new single, album, and performance, creating a frenzy known as the Osmondmania.

Wayne Osmong, alongside performing, contributed to the group as a co-writer, penning several beloved songs, including tracks from The Plan, an ambitious concept album inspired by their faith as members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

Wayne was married to wife Kathlyn Louise White, a former Miss Utah. They had five children together.

defotoberg, Deposit Photos

In the past, Wayne experienced health issues. In 1997, doctors diagnosed him with a brain tumor. He, however, showed incredible strength and resilience and beat the disease.

He continued performing occasionally.

In 2012, he had a stoke that left him unable to play the guitar.

Fans and fellow musicians paid their tributes to the man who left an immense impact in the world of music. May he rest in peace.

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We sent our son money for college tuition, only to find out he wasn’t enrolled and was living in an old trailer

My husband and I always dreamed our son Jason to take over the family business, so we insisted he majored business marketing at a prestigious university. Paying thousands of dollars for college tuition wasn’t something we couldn’t afford, as long as he was getting ready for the life of a CEO of the company my husband founded.

Jason has always been the most charming young man. He got all straight A’s and was the captain of the school’s basketball team. The parents of the rest of the kids would often say to them, “Be more like Jason.” He has always been our pride and joy.


What’s most, he has been the biggest animal lover.

If there was a stray cat wandering in our yard, he would be the one sneaking it milk.

Often, he would say he didn’t want to run the business; instead, he wanted to be more like my brother, Tom—a veterinarian and world traveler who never settled anywhere.

When the time came Jason to enroll college, we persuaded him to study marketing, and although a bit unwillingly, he agreed.

My husband and I spent a lot on Jason’s college tuition and living expenses. Given the young man he was, we never doubted his progress when he shared how his exams went.

One day, nearly two years after he enrolled university, I was doing business in the town where he studies so I decided to surprise him.

I went to the university and asked for his dorm, but the woman at the admission office told me there was no Jason Reed studying there. I asked her to check again, but the answer was the same.

“Madam, are you certain this is the right university?” she asked, and I just thanked her and left.

Confused, and with the woman’s words echoing in my head, I called my son and asked him where he was. “Hey, mom, I’m near campus, let’s meet for coffee nearby,” he said. His voice was calm, which confused me even further.


When we met, I asked him about his studies, and he spoke of his midterm exams and how he studies day and night. I knew something was wrong, and I needed to know what it was.

So, when I was about to leave, I slipped my fitness bracelet into his jacket pocket.

Some time later, I tracked the bracelet through GPS and it led me to the woods, away from the campus. There, hidden among the trees was a trailer, so old it seemed like it could crumble at any moment.

I spotted Jason and called his name as loud as I could.

“Mom, what are you doing here?” he asked. “No, Jason, what are YOU doing here?”


Just as he was about to answer, my brother Tom opened the trailer’s door.

“Hey, sis,” he said with a huge grin on his face.

I was totally confused. “What are you two up to?” I asked. “Jason, are you even enrolled at university?” I demanded to know.

Looking at the ground, he said, “No.”

“But what’s with the college tuition, we’ve been sending you money for two years.”

That’s when Jason told me that he had been investing all the money, including what we thought was meant for his college tuition, into a vet clinic.


“Uncle Tom is going to be the head of the clinic,” he said.

I was so mad that I could say a word. I just got in my car and drove away.

My husband and I decided not to send any more money to Jason, who betrayed our trust.

Months passed, and although I wanted to know how my son was doing, I was too mad at him to contact him.

But then, one day, I decided to check his clinic out on the web. After some research, I found it. There were photos of the place and photos of Jason posing next to families and their pets. On each of the photos, he was smiling and seemed genuinely happy.

I showed the photos to my husband, and I told him that maybe we were wrong for forcing Jason to do something he didn’t like. Maybe we were wrong for not supporting his dream of having that clinic.


So, we paid him a visit. Both him and Tom were surprised to see us there. We weren’t mad any longer. We were proud of Jason’s achievement.

“Mom, dad, you are the ones who helped build this clinic. It was the college tuition money that went into this building.”

I cried tears of joy. “Oh, Jason, don’t ever stop being this person,” I said and hugged my son.

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How to Naturally Clear Phlegm and Mucus from Chest and Throat

Colds, sneezing, and coughing are never fun. One of the most bothersome parts of getting sick is dealing with lingering phlegm and mucus in the chest and throat. If you’ve been wondering how to get rid of phlegm and mucus, you’re not alone. The persistent coughing, throat irritation, and breathing difficulty can disrupt your life. Thankfully, there are several effective remedies you can try at home to clear the mucus and breathe easier.

What Is Phlegm and Why Does It Accumulate?

Phlegm is a thick, sticky substance produced by the respiratory system, including the throat, nose, and lungs. It helps trap dust, bacteria, and irritants, keeping your airways clear. However, excessive mucus buildup can occur due to colds, allergies, respiratory infections, smoking, or exposure to irritants, making it crucial to find ways to get rid of phlegm and mucus naturally.

Home Remedies to Get Rid of Phlegm and Mucus

Before turning to pharmaceuticals, try these natural remedies to alleviate mucus buildup:

1. Stay Hydrated

Source: Freepik

Drink plenty of fluids throughout the day. Water, herbal teas, and warm broths help thin mucus, making it easier to expel.

2. Gargle with Salt Water

Source: Freepik

Mix half a teaspoon of salt in a glass of warm water and gargle several times daily. This soothes throat irritation and reduces mucus buildup.

3. Try Steam Inhalation

Source: Freepik

Inhale steam by leaning over a bowl of hot water with a towel over your head. This moistens and loosens mucus, aiding in its expulsion.

4. Apply a Warm Compress

Source: Freepik

Place a warm towel on your chest or throat to relieve congestion and loosen mucus buildup.

5. Use Honey and Lemon

Source: Freepik

Mix a tablespoon of honey with warm water or tea and add lemon juice. Honey soothes the throat, while lemon helps break up mucus.

6. Run a Humidifier

Source: Freepik

Add moisture to the air with a humidifier to loosen mucus in the throat and chest. Keep the device clean to prevent bacterial growth.

7. Use Nasal Irrigation

Source: Freepik

Flush your nasal passages with a saline solution or neti pot to clear out excess mucus and alleviate congestion.

8. Avoid Irritants

Stay away from cigarette smoke, pollution, and strong chemical odors. These irritants can worsen mucus production and congestion.

Things to Avoid

While working to get rid of phlegm and mucus, avoid these pitfalls:

  • Smoking and exposure to secondhand smoke.
  • Dairy products, which can make mucus thicker.
  • Excessive sugary foods and drinks.
  • Overuse of decongestant sprays without medical advice.
  • Suppressing your cough too much, as it’s a natural way to clear mucus.

When to Consult a Doctor

If your symptoms persist or worsen despite these remedies, consult a healthcare professional for a proper diagnosis and treatment plan.

By following these natural remedies and avoiding certain triggers, you can effectively get rid of phlegm and mucus, promoting better respiratory health and overall well-being.

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11 Signs You Are About to Die That You Can Notice Yourself

It’s a question that crosses everyone’s mind: how do you know when your time is near, and what does it look like? While the thought may seem frightening, recognizing the 11 signs you are about to die can help prepare individuals and their loved ones for what’s to come. Hospice experts, such as Julie McFadden, highlight key indicators that often occur months, weeks, or even hours before passing, especially during a natural death.

Below are 11 common signs you are about to die, based on expert insights.

1. Lack of Appetite

As the body requires less energy, a person near the end of life may lose interest in eating or drinking. This is one of the earliest signs you are about to die, often occurring one to two months before passing. Keeping their lips moistened with balm can help ensure they remain comfortable.

2. Increased Sleep

Source: Freepik

In the weeks leading to death, individuals may sleep more as their body conserves energy. Despite this, hearing remains one of the last senses to diminish, so it’s advised to speak softly and respectfully to the individual.

3. Changes in Toilet Habits

Reduced food and fluid intake leads to less frequent bowel movements. In some cases, individuals may lose control of their bladder or bowels, which requires medical support to manage.

4. Muscle Weakness

Source: Freepik

Weakened muscles make it harder for a person to perform simple tasks such as walking or sitting up. Offering support and making adjustments to their surroundings can help ensure their safety and comfort.

5. Fluctuating Vital Signs

Irregular breathing, a faster heartbeat, or difficulty detecting a pulse are common in the final days. Blood pressure may drop significantly, signaling the body’s systems slowing down.

6. Lower Body Temperature

Decreased circulation in the extremities causes cold, pale, or mottled skin, often in the hands, feet, and legs. This is one of the physical signs you are about to die that loved ones may notice.

7. Breathing Changes

Source: Freepik

Grunting, rattling, or irregular breathing patterns, known as Cheyne-Stokes breathing, may occur. Adjusting their position can make breathing easier. Consult a doctor if additional support is needed.

8. Experiencing Pain

Pain levels may increase, and traditional treatments might not always provide relief. Observing and addressing their discomfort can help ensure they are as peaceful as possible.

9. Reduced Social Interaction

Withdrawing from loved ones is another common sign. A person nearing the end may choose solitude over socializing, which shouldn’t be taken personally. Plan visits that suit their comfort level.

10. Confusion and Disorientation

Confusion, memory lapses, or losing track of their surroundings often occur in the final days. Gently reminding them who is present and explaining what’s happening can provide reassurance.

11. Hallucinations

Distorted visions or conversations with unseen individuals are common. While it can be distressing to witness, it’s important to remain calm and remind them of their surroundings to ease their anxiety.

Preparing for the End

Recognizing these signs you are about to die can help loved ones provide better care and support during this emotional time. While it may be challenging, offering comfort and understanding can make the final moments meaningful and peaceful.

If you or someone you know is experiencing a bereavement, support is available through Cruse Bereavement Care via their national helpline at 0808 808 1677.

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Happy couple shares 10th anniversary picture online, promptly gets flooded with worried calls

Thomas and Sienna had the night for themselves. They were celebrating their 10th wedding anniversary and took their time to recall all those precious moments they have shared throughout the years, wishing each other many more to come. As per tradition, they got ready to take a picture that would be placed on the mantelpiece, but as the camera’s timer counted down, Sienna thought she heard a soft sound in the hallway behind her.

Assuring her it was nothing, Thomas hugged her and they smiled for yet another photo of a year spent together.

Sienna posted the photo on the social media, not assuming it would later lead to something unimaginable.

The following morning, she was woken up by the sound of pinging. She grabbed her phone as notifications came one after another. Most of them were comments from people wishing them a happy anniversary, but there were also those that kept asking whose face it was in the background of the picture.

Upon further inspection, Sienna realized there was indeed a face on the picture they had taken the previous night. She told Thomas about it but he was convinced it was just a shadow that resembled a face.

However, Sienna wasn’t at peace.

She remembered that she heard a sound at the moment the picture was taken, so she asked Thomas to inspect the house, just in case.


Thomas did that, but there was no one there. “Relax, love. It’s me,” he said, chuckling a bit. “Forget about that photo. We’ve got lunch reservations, remember?”

As the two headed towards the car and Sienna was about to get inside, she spotted the same eerie face on the car’s window but was too scared to say a word. She then screamed and turned around, but there was no one behind her.

That night, she was disturbed by a strange sound. It was now obvious that someone was inside the house. She woke Thomas up, and he confirmed there were noises coming from downstairs.


He grabbed the phone in one hand and his gun in the other.

“We can’t call 911 for a ghost!” Sienna argued, but he still called 911.

As they went to the kitchen, walking extremely slowly, they spotted a malnourished boy that burst into tears. His face was covered in snot and it was obvious he was scared and hungry.

But how did he end up in their home?

“Hey there, it’s okay. We won’t hurt you,” Thomas said with a gentle voice.

“You’re hungry, right?” Sienna asked, grinning tenderly.

“Hungry, yes,” the boy nodded.

“What’s your name?”



Slowly, he explained that he and his mom came from a bad place and kept asking if they could help his mommy.

At that moment, the police that Thomas had previously called arrived at their door. This scared the boy and he fled before they could catch him.

The following day, Sienna and Thomas went looking for Nikolai. They knew he couldn’t have gone far.

As they were wandering around the neighborhood, they spotted an abandoned Victorian house.

Investigating further, Sienna found a boarded window and heard a woman’s plea for help from inside. She had her phone in her hand in a second to call the police. Soon after, other people gathered.


The authorities broke into the place and saw a woman in distress. In broken English, she said her name was Asya and explained that she came to the States for a better life for her and her son but ended up with a man who was a monster and kept her prisoner.

They took her out, and soon after, Nikolai emerged from the basement.

“What about the man who did this?” Sienna asked.

“We’ve already sent officers to arrest him at his job. Nikolai and Asya will be taken to a safe place. It seems she came here from Russia as some kind of mail-order bride. The legality of her immigrant status is unknown at this point, but we’ll ensure they get the help they need,” the officers responded.


It was an incredible experience. A single picture led to a shocking discovery and helped two lives to be saved.

“I believe the latest photo for the mantle deserves a special place,” Thomas told his wife, holding up a framed print of the now-infamous photo the couple had posted on social media.

“It’s the best of the bunch,” Sienna quipped.

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Prince Harry ‘regrets’ writing about Prince William in Spare

Prince Harry’s all-tell memoir Spare further damaged the bond between the brothers.

Harry and William have always been extremely close. But sadly, things changed drastically when the younger brother made a decision to step down from his royal duties. Leaving Britain behind wasn’t the only thing Harry did that bothered the members of the Firm. He went on to give interviews and provide details about the royal family, which enraged many.

Things turned even more heated when Harry released his memoir, Spare. In it, he wrote about his relationship with his father. He described the moment he learned of his mom’s tragic passing. Further, he wrote how he felt about Camilla, and of the heated argument he had with his brother.


Harry detailed a meeting with William during which he had called his wife, Meghan, “abrasive,” “rude,” and “difficult,” something Harry referred to as to “parroting the press narrative.”

Allegedly, things escalated.

Harry described how William “grabbed me by the collar, ripping my necklace, and… knocked me to the floor.”

“He set down the water, called me another name, then came at me. It all happened so fast. So very fast. He grabbed me by the collar, ripping my necklace, and he knocked me to the floor. I landed on the dog’s bowl, which cracked under my back, the pieces cutting into me. I lay there for a moment, dazed, then got to my feet and told him to get out,” Harry wrote.

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Their relationship is at the lowest point. According to a mutual friend, when the time comes, William could exclude Harry from his coronation, as per The Times.

However, royal author Christopher Andersen believes that the Duke would be there.

“Despite all the bad blood between the brothers, I’m convinced that, when the time does come, William will not be foolish enough to exclude his only sibling, now fifth in line to the throne, from his coronation,” Andersen told Fox.

“Things probably have never been worse between the brothers than they are now. William and Charles have pretty much made the joint decision to effectively cut Harry out of their lives, at least for the time being. There is no sign of a reconciliation on the horizon. And everyone involved seems to have pretty much come to terms with that.”

“That being said, we have to remember that William is carrying a very heavy psychological burden at the moment,” Andersen continued. “He is deeply upset that his wife and his father are battling cancer at the same time. He must keep a brave face not only for his three young children but also for the sake of the monarchy.”

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Realizing that some of his actions were the reason for their strained relationship, Harry regretted writing about William and his wife in Spare.

“Although Harry is glad he finally got his say on everything that went on with Spare, there is part of him that has some regrets over it all and the way it was handled,” a source told The Mirror.

“He was still very angry about how he was treated by his family and wanted them to know and felt his book was the only way they’d listen. But looking back, he’s not sure it was handled in the right way and he has faced a lot of criticism for it and hurt his family a lot.”

The source continued, “Harry still wants to have a relationship with them and is hoping that in 2025, he can make that happen. A lot has gone on since Spare was released and he didn’t update the paperback version. So, he is hopeful he can repair the relationship.”

On Harry’s 40th birthday, William and Kate sent a greeting through their social media account. Many saw this as a step toward repairing their relationship.

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Queen Camilla’s sister Annabel Elliot reveals rare details about King Charles’ marriage

Scandals have always followed the British Royal Family, but one of the greatest of all, which shook the monarchy to the core at the time, was the affair between then Prince Charles and his now-current wife Camilla. And now, the queen’s sister, Annabel Elliot, reveals details of the royal’s marriage.

At the time the country and the entire world learned of their affair they were both married to other people.

The wide public condemned their affair, as they believed it was Camilla who was to be blamed for the failed marriage between the heir to the throne and Lady Di, the princess who captured millions of hearts, not only of Britons but people from all over the world.

Speaking of the troubles in her marriage and the reasons for its failure, Diana told Martin Bashir during a televised interview, “Well, there were three of us in this marriage, so it was a bit crowded.”

The love between Charles and Camilla, which started before he even met Diana, is a genuine one, and that is apparent.

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The two were introduced to each other by a mutual friend, Lucia Santa Cruz, the daughter of the Chilean ambassador. They started dating, but the relationship didn’t last long as Charles left to serve in the Royal Navy. When his duties there came to an end and he returned home, Camilla was already engaged to her now-ex husband Andrew Parker Bowles.

However, they never stopped being close. Even when Charles married Diana, he and Camilla stayed in touch.

Royal author Penny Junior claimed that Charles was aware he wasn’t in love with his future wife Diana, but it was already too late for him to call off the wedding.

“Charles was not convinced he was doing the right thing in marrying Diana but there was no way out and, bolstered by the hope that things would be different once they were married, he put a brave face on it,” she wrote, as reported by the Mirror.

What’s most, Camilla and Diana knew each other and got along, but then things changed.

“I met [Camilla] very early on. I was introduced to the circle, but I was a threat, I was a very young girl, but I was a threat,” Diana explained in the book Diana: In Her Own Words.

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Fast forward to this very day, Charles is the King of Britain and Camilla is Queen.

Over the years, the people of Britain learned to love Camilla and her reputation has been growing. The two are now the head of the country and are still happily married but there was a time when Camilla was afraid to leave her home because she was afraid of the backlash of the public following the revelation of her affair.

Speaking to OK Magazine, royal expert Angela Levin, author of the 2022 book Camilla, Duchess of Cornwall: A Royal Survivor, revealed that Camilla had to endure “torrents” of mistreatment from the public as the affair was revealed. She didn’t even go to stores but had her friends running her errands for her.

“It was very difficult for her, as she was portrayed as the most wicked woman in the world. She was constantly called nasty names like ‘rottweiler,’ and it must have come as a huge shock that people were so vile about her,” Levin said.

In order to protect her, it was revealed that Charles paid for Camilla’s security for years, or until 2005 when the two tied the knot. “I don’t think Charles realised how awful it was for her. He was often away on engagements and working hard for the country and Commonwealth, and at the time, Camilla didn’t have protection officers because she wasn’t part of the Royal Family. But when Charles finally realised, he did get protection for her, which he paid for himself,” Levine revealed.

Tim Rooke – Pool /Getty Images

While Queen Camilla’s way to the royal family has been filled with adversity, she always had her husband’s support.

Another person who always stood by Camilla’s side was Annabel Elliot.

Annabel and Camilla are more than sisters; they are greatest of friends. Annabel has run her show Annabel Elliot Interior Design and Antiques in Dorset for more than 30 years, becoming the fifth most influential female interior designer in the UK in 2014.

It was on Annabel’s 50th birthday party that Charles and Camilla first posed together in public and stole she show. Later, amid the divorce of Charles and Diana, it was Annabel who drove the car that whisked Camilla away from public view and the notorious paparazzi press.

Chris Jackson – WPA Pool/Getty Images

Over time, Annabel Elliot became close part of the royal family, especially with Charles, with whom she had been reported to have clashed from time to time, especially when she felt like he was trying to do most of what she was paid for himself.

“He always likes to be completely involved and know what’s being suggested,” Annabel said in the 2012 ITV documentary The Royal Restoration.

“He’s looking at every piece of material — ‘What’s this for?, Is that for a chair? Where’s that sourced from? Has it got nylon in it?’ He doesn’t like duvets.”

Recently, as the new BBC1 documentary, Charles III: The Coronation Year, was released, Annabel opened up about her family, Charles, and Camilla, describing her sister as King Charles’ “rock” during many tough and challenging years.

“She is his rock, and I can’t actually emphasize that enough. She is somebody who is completely loyal, and she isn’t somebody who has huge highs and lows,” Annabel said in the documentary.

The queen’s sister added: “He brings to her everything. I’m not talking about all of this, but you know he has such a knowledge and interest in so many different things which she wouldn’t really have been open to if she hadn’t met him. They are their yin and yang really, they really are polar opposites, but it works brilliantly.”

Tim Graham Photo Library via Getty Images

Annabel was employed to carry out work on the then-Prince of Wales’s new home in Wales, Llwywormwood, which he bought in 2006 for more than £1 million.

The Telegraph reported at the time that Charles’ sister-in-law was paid over $380,000 for her work between 2005 and 2008. Certain politicians thought this was a matter of cronyism, but that’s not how Charles viewed it.

“There was no tender. The Prince knows her and likes her work. Annabel Elliot is an established interior designer,” a Clarence House spokesperson said at the time.

This wasn’t the only time Annabel worked for the royals. She also designed 12 Duchy of Cornwall cottages and ran a 2012 project to convert a “run-down barn building” into an elegant guesthouse on the grounds of Dumfries House in Ayrshire, Scotland, becoming Charles’ chief interior designer.

Antony Jones/UK Press via Getty Images

Even today, Camilla and Annabel Elliot are extremely close.

Annabel has been married to her husband Simon Elliot since 1972 and they share three children together, including Ben Elliot. He’s a businessman and fund-raiser for the Conservative Party who served as Co-Chairman of the Conservative Party from July 2019 to September 2022.

Of course, Annabel and her family were in attendance at the coronation of King Charles last year.

“When I thought back to being two years old and watching the Queen’s Coronation on a tiny black and white television and there goes this golden coach with my sister in it. I can’t explain the feeling because it’s so surreal. This cannot be happening. It was quite a moment,” Annabel said.

“Going into the Abbey, I think I had that nervousness all the time, she’s quite a bit smaller than I am. I’m feeling: ‘Is she going to be all right?”

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‘Don’t give me back, I’m scared:’ How a little girl in my shopping cart transformed my life

What was supposed to be an ordinary day of doing groceries turned into a chance encounter with a little girl that transformed my life in unimaginable ways.

My life was steady, my career solid, and I was happy with the way things were.

And then, one day, everything changed.

While doing my groceries, I went around the aisles, and when I returned to my shopping cart, I saw a little girl in it.

I asked her where her parents were, but she didn’t say anything, so I went around the store in order to try and find her mom or dad, but no one seemed to be looking for their lost child.

After 20 minutes, the girl grabbed me by the hand and said, “Don’t give me back. I’m scared.”

I got scared as well, and decided to take her home for the night. When my sister Melissa, who was staying with me at the time while going through some personal struggles, saw me, she was shocked.

“Who’s this?” she asked. When I told her what happened, she started yelling at me. “You can’t just take a random child home. Her parents must be worried sick. What were you thinking?”


But I only cared for the little girl who was in distress.

In the morning, someone knocked on the door. It was social services. I realized Melissa alerted them of Lia without telling me.

They took her with them, saying they would try to locate her family.

Lia looked at me and asked me where she was going. I felt the urge to comfort her and tell her that everything was going to be just fine, but I didn’t believe those words myself. I had no idea what future held for her.


After doing some research with the help of a friend of mine who worked at the police, I learned that Lia had a mom and that this wasn’t the first time she ran away from home.

Worried, I decided to pay the mom a visit the following morning.

The house where they lived was rather old. I knocked on the door and there she was, a fragile woman, looking at me with confussion.

“How can I help you?” she asked me. I told her about meeting Lia and that she was safe at the hands of the social workers.


The woman started crying. She explained that after the passing of her husband, she had a hard time taking care of her daughter. She was sick and experienced anxiety, which left her unable to work and provide for Lia.

The conversation I was about to start was a hard one, but I had to do it for Lia’s sake.

“Listen,” I said, “I can take care of your daughter until you are able to stand on your feet. Once you feel better, you can have her back.”

I assured her that I was there to help.

At that moment, Lia got home with the social workers. Her mom and I shared our plan with them. It took a bit of time and plenty of paperwork, but I became Lia’s guarding for the time being.


The little girl transformed my life.

I read her stories, cooked her dinner, and took her places.

One night, as she was going to bed, she asked, “Am I gonna see mom again?”

“Of course, sweetie,” I assured her. “Your mom is working on herself, and once she gets better, you’ll get back to her.” She smiled and thanked me, and that smile meant the world to me. I knew I was doing the right thing.

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Woman describes her journey to ‘hell’ before being ‘taken to heaven’

Tamara Laroux, a woman saw ‘hell’ before being taken to ‘heaven’ shares her life experience and how it changed her life forever.

When she was still a teenager, her parents separated, and she had a hard time accepting the divorce. Laroux was left to live with her mother, but the fact that her dad distanced him from her but remained in contact with her siblings was something that affected her deeply.

Unfortunately, unable to cope with the situation she had found herself in, she decided to end her life.

At 15, she took her mom’s gun, pointed it towards herself and pulled the trigger. The near-death experience led to what she describes as a divine intervention.

Speaking on the Christian Broadcasting Network, Laroux said, “When I pulled that trigger… I knew my body was dying.

“I felt the blood rushing through my lungs. Death gripped my body. I became blind and deaf.

“As my soul left my body, I began travelling faster than the speed of light.”

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She then felt an ‘explosion’ in her body and soon found herself in ‘hell.’ She was surrounded by people screaming in agony and terror, and she knew their sins and emotions. Laroux explained the feeling as one of torment.

“I remember looking at an individual, I knew everything about them,” she said.

“I knew every sin they committed. My knowledge about their life was full. I knew their thoughts and emotions.”

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Next, she felt like someone took her from the hell and brought her to heaven.

“There was an overwhelming sense of peace, joy and complete serenity.

“The colours were so bright and refreshing… their very sight was rejuvenating and full of energy.”

She recalled that she was then taken to hospital and underwent a surgery. Doctors said that the bullet had missed her heart by around one-quarter of an inch.

Today, Laroux, who experienced both hell and heaven, is a devoted Christian. She’s also an author of a book, A Second Chance at Heaven.

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A poor boy fulfills a dream of an old man – has no idea his own life would change the next day

Joining an old man for a simple fishing trip changed my life in ways I have never imagined.

Following my mom’s accident, she was left with a painful limp, but she still worked long hours at the gas station, struggling to make ends meet. I helped in every way possible, whether it was with the mail, chores around the house, or with dinner.

Being 13, I did all in my power to ease my mom’s life as much as possible.

In my free time, I would go out, playing basketball and other teenage stuff.


One day, I was knocking down bottles with a deflated soccer ball when a brand new SUV pulled over in front of me. An old man got out of the vehicle, all dressed up and elegant.

“Mind if I take a shot?” he asked, pointing to the bottles. I nodded and handed him the ball. He then said, “If I miss one, I’ll give you $100, and if I knock each bottle, you get to do me a favor.”

I was quick to agree, hoping I’d get the money, but the old man knocked all the bottles. And the favor he asked for – to join him fishing the following day.

It sounded like a small favor, so I said yes.


In the morning, I left the house, making sure not to wake up mom, and went to the fishing pond, which was quiet, overgrown, and untouched for years.

The old man then shared his life story with me.

He told me he had a son who got sick, but he was poor at the time and couldn’t afford his treatments. After the boy passed away, the old man made a promise to earn a fortune, and so he did. He started a business that grew over the years, but sadly, he never had any more children.

In the middle of his story, our fishing line caught. We both lost balance as we tried to pull the fish out, and we both burst in laughter.

The day, and the entire experience, was fun. The old man seemed genuinely happy and told me the fishing at the pond brought back memories of his childhood. He used to live in the neighborhood, and even went fishing there with his son years ago.

I told him his son would be proud, watching him from above.

The following morning, I found a bag on the porch. It had money inside, lots of it. Inside was also a note from the old man. He thanked me for the joy I had given him the previous day.

I was stunned. The money could help us afford my mom’s treatments and I could attend the best schools.


Months later, I received a letter from the old man. He wrote that he was about to undergo a heart surgery, which I later learnt he didn’t survive.

I had no idea that the day we spent together could impact our lives forever. The old man wrote that meeting me brought him the happiness and the peace he hand’t felt in years. He also reminded me to never lose hope and never give up.

Fifteen years later, as I stood at the porch, watching my mom play with my kids, I thought of the old man, and how the encounter with him impacted my future. His generosity had given me way more than a financial stability – it taught me that even the tiniest act of kindness always goes a long way.

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This legendary actress never wanted a funeral, memorial, or grave marking after she died

Doris Day, a renowned actress of the Hollywood Golden Age, passed away in 2019, at the age of 97.

She was adored both as an actor and a singer, releasing more than 650 songs and starring in over 30 films. Her impact in the industry of film and music continues to inspire years after her passing.

Doris Day, a huge animal lover known for her modesty, rose to fame with the films Pillow Talk, Love Me or Leave Me, and The Man Who Knew Too Much.

She was married four times, and had one child. Her son, Terry Mulcher, whom she welcomed with husband Al Jorden, passed away in 2004 due to cancer.

Sentimental Journey, Secret Love, and Que Sera Sera were all inducted into the Grammy Hall of Fame, and her dedication to animals inspired the establishment of the Doris Day Animal Foundation.

It was representatives of the foundation who shared the news of Doris Day’s passing. They said the cause of death was pneumonia, and that there wouldn’t be burial ceremonies, gravestone, or other forms of public remembrance.

The actress wanted to be cremated, and her loved ones fulfilled her wish.

Bob Bashara, Day’s close friend and manager, said the actress avoided discussing the prospect of funeral because she feared death.

“She didn’t like death, and she couldn’t be with her animals if they had to be put down. She had difficulty accepting death,” he said in an interview.

“I’d say we need to provide for her dogs [after she died], and she’d say, ‘I don’t want to think about it’ and she said, ‘Well, you just take care of them,’” Bashara recalled.

“She had several when her will was written, and she wanted to be sure they were taken care of. She didn’t like to talk about the dogs dying.”

Day contributed to the cause of animal rights by raising $3 million through the auction of over 1,000 personal items. She also played a role in establishing a Texas Horse Rescue and Adoption Center, dedicated to caring for neglected and abandoned horses.

Raised in the Catholic faith, Day embraced Christian Science after marrying producer Martin Melcher. He adopted her son, who took Melcher’s last name. Day “drifted away” from organized religion following Melcher’s passing, but she remained a spiritual person.

“She believed in God, and she thought her voice was God-given,” Bashara said of Day. “She would say, ‘God gave me a voice, and I just used it.’”

This beloved actress retired from the film industry in the 70s’. She, however, returned for two TV shows. Day also hosted her own television talk show Doris Day’s Best Friends, on the Christian Broadcasting Network which ran for a year.

Following her passing, Day’s estate was donated to charity.

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With tears in their eyes, Jase and Missy Robertson make the heartbreaking announcement

Mia Robertson, the youngest daughter of Duck Dynasty’s Jase & Missy Robertson, has been born with a condition known as cleft lip and palate, a gap in the upper lip that can involve the gum as well.

The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention shares that about one in every 1,600 babies is born with a cleft lip with a cleft palate in the U.S.

Because of her condition, sweet Mia, who is now 18 years old, has been forced to undergo 13 surgeries, with the 14th taking place just recently. The family truly hopes this would be Mia’s last procedure before her problem is finally solved.

Throughout every surgery, the young girl remains positive. What’s most, she hopes she serves as inspiration for other young children who are born with the same condition. On her own initiative and with the help of her family, Mia established the Mia Moo Fund in order to assist in making certain that each and every child wears a smile on their face.

“One of the functions of the Mia Moo Fund is to spread awareness of the cleft lip and palate journey,” Missy Robertson told Christian Post. “The other one is to help with medical funds for the parents and the families living right here in America.” 

On his podcast Unashamed, Jase Robertson shared an update on Mia’s condition and said that his daughter is recovering well.

“She’s doing great. She’s turned a corner,” he said, and then added, “Everything seems great, seems to be fine.”

“Surgery went a little longer than expected, but she is home and recovering,” the loving father told his podcast listeners. “Thank you for praying for her and for our family. She is a champion!”

Before the surgery took place, Missy spoke of her daughter’s condition and explained that she had been constantly asked about the number of procedures Mia would need to undergo in the future. “There is never any other response than ‘We just don’t know,’” Missy said. She then added that they rely on God for assistance. “Since she is 18 now, she is taking the lead in all the discussions and medical forms. It’s been a little strange,” Missy wrote. “But it’s just another reminder to lean on the Lord and that I’m not in control.”

Mia also hopes that she’s at “the finish line.”

“Hopefully the last time I’ll see my doctors in this setting! It’s been a long road but we are at the finish line,” brave Mia said.

Sadly, in the past, 2002 to be exact, the family suffered the loss of their unborn child. Missy suffered miscarriage between eight and ten weeks into her second pregnancy and that loss deeply affected them, both physically and emotionally. Mia was welcomed into the world shortly after.

The Robertson’s have now been preparing for a new addition to the family as they open the doors to their hearts and home for a child whose mother was unfit to take care of.

We wish Mia speedy recovery.

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On Christmas Eve, a pregnant woman knocked on our door – I was shocked to learn who she really was

The chilly Christmas Eve was filled with warmth and holiday cheer, until a knock at the door disturbed the calmness. A young pregnant woman about to give birth, standing on the porch in the freezing cold, uttered the words, “Let your husband explain…”

When I heard the knocking late into the night, I called Mark’s name. “Mark, someone’s at the door.” Absorbed with his PlayStation, he didn’t even turn away from the screen and said, “It has to be a package.”

But I felt the urge to check. When I opened the door, there she stood, a beautiful young woman with a huge belly.

“Who are you? And what are you doing here?” I asked her.

“I need help. Take me to the hospital.”

It was obvious she didn’t have much time before giving birth. “Why are you all alone at this time and this condition,” I asked, now more concerned for her well-being than anything else.

“Let your husband explain,” she said, “he thought he could get rid of me!”

Her words felt like a sharp knife. “What has my husband got to do with this woman?” I wondered, shocked and surprised.

“Get inside,” I said, not knowing if I was doing the right thing by letting her in.


I started calling my husband’s name. “Mark! Come here. You need to see this.”

The moment Mark saw the pregnant woman, he started trembling.

“What… what are you doing here?” he asked, obviously being perfectly aware who she was.

“Somebody explain this to me? Mark, who’s this woman?” I asked in a low voice, trying not to awake my children, who were upstairs, sleeping.

Nervous and running his hands through his hair, Mark turned to me and said, “Claire, I can explain…I…,” but before he could finish, the pregnant woman said, “I’m his daughter. The one he abandoned and never looked back.”

My world started spinning. This couldn’t be right, but Mark’s facial expression said it was.

“Oh, Mark, what have you done?” I asked, doing my best not to cry.


“Claire, this was before we even met,” he said, looking at his feet, ashamed to look me in the eyes.

“Come on, you are running out of time,” I told the pregnant woman. “I gave her a coat, we got inside the car, and I drove to the hospital.”

The silence in the car felt heavy. “I don’t even know your name,” I said.

“I’m Emma,” the woman said. “I’m Claire. Nice to meet you Emma. No matter what happened in the past, I’m not holding grudges against you, nothing of this is your fault.”

Emma thanked me and said, “You are a nice woman Claire. Honestly, when I came to your house, I didn’t know what to expect, but you are so understanding.”

At that moment, all I could think of was to get Emma to the hospital safely.


Once there, she went into labor and I was with her every step of the way. I held her hand, assuring her everything was going to be fine.

Emma gave birth to a baby boy, and my husband was his grandfather.

I went home, relieved that Emma and her baby were fine, but I needed answers.

I told Mark about his daughter and his grandson and told him to make things right.

That evening, I learnt that the hardest truths bring chances for growth, and Emma was someone I was ready to embrace.

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A lip reader revealed an emotional six-word remark from Prince Louis to Kate Middleton during their recent appearance

On December 6, 2024, Kate Middleton, the Princess of Wales, held her fourth annual Royal Carols: Together at Christmas at Westminster Abbey in London.

She first hosted this concert in 2021, even playing the piano as a tribute to those who lost their lives during the COVID-19 pandemic.

The following year, 2022, the concert was dedicated to the memory of the late Queen Elizabeth II.

The concert aired at 7:30 p.m. U.K. time on Christmas Eve, December 24, on ITV.

Kate Middleton attended the event with her husband, Prince William, and her three children, Prince George, Princess Charlotte, and Prince Louis.

Karwai Tang/WireImage

“Christmas is one of my favourite times of the year. It is a time for presents, tinsel and mince pies, but it’s also a time to slow down and reflect on the deeper things that connect us all. It is when we stop and take ourselves away from the pressures of daily life that we find the space to live our lives with an open heart, with love, kindness and forgiveness, so much of what the Christmas spirit is all about,” the princess said before the service.

She added: “The Christmas story encourages us to consider the experiences and feelings of others. It also reflects our own vulnerabilities and reminds us of the importance of giving and receiving empathy, as well as just how much we need each other in spite of our differences.”

During the concert, many noticed the exchange between Kate Middleton and her younger son, Prince Louis, who is known for doing goofy things in public, which is normal considering his young age.

Lip reader Nicola Hickling tried to capture the words the young prince told his mother in a clip that was shared online, showing Kate looking down at him and smiling. According to Hickling, Louis told his mom, “We’re looking out for each other.”

Kate Middleton, who had underwent an abdominal surgery back in January of last year and was diagnosed with cancer, announced in September that she is cancer free.

The news was accepted with delight by her many fans.

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What my wife’s rejection taught me about self-worth

My wife Emma has always had a unique sense of style. The way she combines her outfits brings admiration from everyone who knows her, as well as passersby. Her self-confidence is truly inspiring.

One day, however, she started questioning her beauty after she was humiliated by a clerk from a lingerie store.

Namely, Emma saw a sign that the store, which she loved because of the products they offered, as well as the luxurious display window, was hiring.

She was already looking for a job, and this seemed like the perfect opportunity. Excited and hopeful, she entered the store and greeted the store assistant, who didn’t appear welcoming.

Emma asked how she could apply for the job, and the sales assistant looked her up and down with a sneer before delivering the blow: “Look, I don’t think you’re pretty enough for this job. NO CHANCE. Don’t even try.”

These words have shaken Emma’s self-confidence.

When she came home, she was in tears.

My wife felt devastated, and so did I. I couldn’t believe someone could be so heartless as to tell someone they are ugly right in their face.

At that moment, I was so angry that I decided to teach that sell assistant a lesson.

I called my friend Mike, a handsome man who works as a talent scout, and told him about what had happened. He was in for a sweet revenge, so we headed to the store the following day, making sure that same sell-assistant was there.

When we entered, Mike introduced himself, and I pretended to be buying something. He talked to her about modeling and told her how he was looking for a new face for an upcoming campaign.

She appeared eager to make a good impression, groomed herself and struck poses, but after some time, just when Emma entered the store, Mike told the sell assistant, “Sorry, you are not what we are looking for.” He then turned to Emma, pretending to see her for the first time in his life, and said, “Miss, have you ever considered working as a model? You would be the perfect fit.”

Emma smiled, and the sales assistant was mad to receive a taste of her own medicine.

We all left the store, and while Emma felt a bit sorry for the woman, I knew she deserved it.

I wanted Emma to learn that her self-worth and self-confidence came from within and not from what others think of her.

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I was furious when I saw my fiancé’s Christmas gift

From the moment Brandon mentioned wanting a PS5, I started saving every penny to be able to get him one for Christmas. I even took longer hours at the hair saloon, hoping I’d be able to purchase the console just ahead of the holiday. It would be the perfect gift.

It wasn’t that Brandon couldn’t afford one. After all, he worked as a pediatrician and made lots of money, but was more the lack of time that prevented him from getting the PS5 he wanted so badly.

When I was finally able to get it with the help of my cousin, who got it from a reseller since it was hard to get, I was overjoyed. Whenever I passed by the closet where I had stored it, I imagined my fiancé’s face when he would unwrap it.

Brandon led a lavish lifestyle. He gave his family early Christmas gifts and it felt like he was on a spree. His mom and dad got his old apartment, but equipped with new appliances. His sister, Nina, received a bracelet and a high-tech art tablet, while his brother was given Brandon’s old Mercedes.

I was eager to see what he had for me, although I was never a receiver, but a giver.

I once mentioned that I needed new hair-styling scissors, so maybe Brandon got me a pair, who knew.

When the time came Brandon to open the gift I got him, his reaction was exactly like I imagined it would be. He was so excited he wouldn’t stop hugging me.

And then, he handed me a tiny present. My heart raced when I tried to open it while Nina was filming my reaction.

I unwrapped the box and to my surprise, it was a box of toothpicks.

“What’s this?” I thought to myself, unable to utter a word.

I looked at Brandon, who was laughing hysterically. His family did the same.

“This has to be a joke,” I murmured.

Nina filmed the entire thing, unable to control her laughter. “You should see your face,” she said, “this video is so going viral.”

I was about to cry. Everyone in the room got very expensive gifts from my fiancé, and I ended up with toothpicks.

“Cheer up, Vanessa,” Brandon said, “you don’t like big gifts anyways.”

I was both hurt and confused, unable to understand what was happening.

Heading towards the bathroom, I let the tears roll down my face. I simply couldn’t contain them any longer.

The laughter was killing me, and hearing Brandon’s family saying I needed to lighten up made my stomach churn.

“Come out, honey,” Brandon said as he knocked on the bathroom’s door. “It was Nina’s idea, getting you a random gift. Isn’t she hilarious?” he continued, not realizing how humiliated I felt.

I did get out of the bathroom, but I didn’t stay where I wasn’t appreciated. Instead, I grabbed my coat and wished everyone a happy holiday.

Brandon’s mom turned to me and said, “You are ruining Christmas over a joke and you are making everyone feel uncomfortable.”

“Uncomfortable?” I asked with an icy tone. “That’s how I’ve felt all night.”

I went to my mom’s place, crying my heart out the entire night.

“Vanessa, this isn’t the first time Brandon sides with his family over you, maybe you should reconsider marrying him,” my mom said.

While I was having a cup of tea to calm me down, I saw Nina posted the video on her social media. Random strangers laughed and commented under it, and I felt humiliated and defeated.

Brandon came to my mom’s house the following day, carrying what he convinced me was the “real” gift, an exclusive pair of hair-styling scissors.

But I didn’t accept the gift. I knew I didn’t belong with him or his family.

This Christmas taught me that I should love myself more and not let anyone make fun of me the way Brandon and his family did.

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Man who attempted to get eaten alive by snake filmed the whole thing

Paul Rosolie, a conservationist, did the unimaginable – he attempted to get eaten alive by snake, a huge anaconda.

The reason why he did that was to raise awareness of the dangers lurking at the Amazon rainforest.

Rosolie, who is a huge lover of the nature, has been studying the complex ecosystem of the Amazon for years.

However, his dramatic attempt to draw attention to the issue of the quick disappearance of the habitats ended almost tragically.

When he approached the huge green anaconda, Rosolie was equipped with a custom-made carbon fiber suit. It was designed to withstand the immense pressure of the snake’s constricting coils.

The suit also had an integrated oxygen supply. Of course, there were a number of cameras attached to it in order to film his endeavor.

The attempt of getting eaten alive by the snake was shown in a Discovery Channel documentary.

However, despite wearing the special suit, Rosolie, who didn’t suffer significant injuries, explained that he had a hard time breathing when the anaconda threw its strong coils around his body.

The pressure he felt was immense.

“I’m getting coils over me,” he said during the encounter. “She’s got my arms pinned. She knows there’s nothing I can do.”

As the snake held tighter, his heart rate increased.

After it was extremely difficult for Rosolie to breath, the team who monitored the experiment freed him from the snake’s hold.

In a piece for The Guardian, he described feeling ‘grimly amused’ by the trailers in which he was shown being ‘eaten alive’ by the snake. But at the same time, it sparked criticism from both animal welfare organizations and the public.

“I was willing to try something risky and yes, maybe ridiculous, to bring attention to a place and a species I loved.

“I figured that if feeding myself to a snake was the price I needed to pay to try to alert the wider community about the devastation we are waging on nature, I had to accept.

“So on a sunny September day, I spent two hours in that claustrophobic suit, being constricted by a captive anaconda,” Rosolie said.

Rosolie’s experiment sparked worldwide discussions about conservation and the importance of protecting the Amazon rainforest.

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Every babysitter left after meeting my husband – so I installed a nanny cam to discover the reason

That morning, as I was having my coffee, glad that I finally found a babysitter after two of them quit after just a day without an explanation, I received a text from Meghan. “Sorry, but I won’t be able to continue working for your family. Thank you for the opportunity.”

I couldn’t believe what I read. Meghan seemed excited about being our babysitter. She clicked with the kids, and now this?

There was no logical explanation. How could a third babysitter quit so fast? Something wasn’t adding up.

As I felt my chest tightening, there was knock on the door. It was Julie, my best friend.

She could sense something was awfully wrong. “What’s wrong, Sarah?” she asked, worried for me.

“Oh, Julie, it’s the babysitter. She quit. Can you believe this?” I poured my heart out.

“The kids are well-behaved, the interviews go well, and I’m paying fairly, but they all quit after a day…no explanation, nothing.”

Julie looked at me, puzzled. “I don’t know, Sarah, maybe it’s not the kids, maybe there is something – or someone – in the house to blame.”

My mind went straight to my husband Dave, but he seemed too enthusiastic about me getting back to work. Still, a seed of doubt was planted in my mind.


Just to be sure I wasn’t doing anything wrong, I decided to secretly install the nanny cam I used when Luke was still a baby.

I set it up in the living room, tucking it between some books on the shelf where it wouldn’t be noticed. And then, I waited.

As I drove to work the following morning, I could see Rachel, our new babysitter, a college girl happy to be working for us, playing with my kids on the floor.

And then, Dave entered the house.

“How’s it going?” he asked Rachel.

“The kids are awesome,” she replied and continued building the bricks.

“Can I have a talk with you?” Dave asked her.


Hesitantly, she stood up from the floor and sat on the couch. My heart sank as I saw them talking, not knowing what to expect.

“Rachel, was it?” he asked. “Yes,” she replied, shyly.

“Listen, Rachel. Maybe you are not aware of it, but the kids can be a handful. And Sarah, she’s got a postpartum depression and can be a real mess.”

“But the kids are so nice,” Rachel said, confused by Dave’s words.

“You don’t understand,” Dave said, “you better leave before things get messy.”

I stopped my car, unable to continue driving. “What the hell is going on?” I thought to myself.

Next, Dave basically threatened our babysitter. “You better leave, or else,” he said, and I was shocked. I never expected my husband to act like that. It was as though he turned into a man I didn’t recognize.


I drove back home after I saw Rachel grabbing her bag and leaving our house.

“Hey, honey,” Dave greeted me, “you are home early, what’s the matter?”

“Dave, why did you threatened the babysitter?” I asked him.

“What? What do you mean?” he pretended as though he didn’t know what I was talking about.

“You know what. I heard you. I saw the nanny cam?”

“You what!?” he yelled. “Were you spying on me?”

“Oh, Dave, don’t play a victim. I demand an explanation.

It was then that he admitted he hated the idea of me getting back to work. He believed my place was at home, taking care of the kids and the house.


He claimed he was protecting me. But that wasn’t protection, that was control.

“I want what’s the best for the kids,” he said.

“But what about what’s best for me?” I asked. “Don’t I get a say in that? Don’t I deserve to have a life outside this house?”

Dave disappointed me. I lost my trust in him. He was no longer the man I loved.

I packed a bag of my and my kids’ belongings and went to my mom’s. I still haven’t decided what to do next, but I know I won’t let anyone take the control over my life.

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Cryonic preservation: 50 years later

Dr. James Hiram Bedford was a man of many talents – a professor at the University of California and a veteran of World War I who lived a fulfilled life and traveled the world. But this man will be best remembered as the first person whose body underwent cryonic preservation. It is the practice of preserving a human body (or brain) at extremely low temperatures after death.

Bedford, who was a rather wealthy man, was diagnosed with kidney cancer that metastasized to his lungs in 1967, a time when the medicine was not as advanced as it is today.

At the time of his diagnosis, Bedford was familiar with the concept of cryonic preservation.

He read about in the book The Prospect of Immortality by Dr. Robert Ettinger.

Dr. Ettiger is the founder of the Cryonics Institute and is considered the father of body freezing experiments. His institute provides body freezing services after death, with the aim of potentially reviving it in the future when medical technology has advanced enough to cure the condition that caused the individual’s death.

Having read about this process, Bedfrod asked his body to be frozen after his passing.

On the afternoon of January 12, 1967, he was injected with dimethyl sulfoxide – to protect his internal organs – after all his blood was drained from his body.

Next, they placed Bedford in a tank of liquid nitrogen at minus 196 degrees Celsius.

Twenty-four years later, Alcor, an organization performing cryonic preservation, opened Bedford’s body and checked his cryogenic condition.

It was determined that the body was preserved nicely. His nose and mouth smelled like blood and his face looked younger than his 73 years. Areas of skin on his chest and neck were discolored and his corneas were the chalky white of ice.

Dr. James Hiram Bedford/ Wikimedia Commons

Then, technicians wrapped Bedford in a new sleeping bag and immersed his body in liquid nitrogen to wait.

Today, over 50 years after the promised time to wake Bredford, he’s still just a “mummy.”

According to Robert Nelson, one of three scientist who performed the cryonic preservation, Bredford’s last words were: “I want you to understand that I did not do this with the thought that I would be revived. I did this in the hope that one day my descendants will benefit from this wonderful scientific solution.”

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Single dad struggles with raising triplets, then he’s told they aren’t his

The sound of dry leaves crunched under Jordan’s feet as he pushed the stroller through the cemetery. It was the first anniversary of the passing of his wife Kyra, the mother of his triplets, whom he was now raising all by himself.

Each step towards Kyra’s resting place felt heavier than the other. With tears in his eyes, Jordan whispered, “We’re going to see mama.”

His triplets were babies when their mom died, and Jordan was heartbroken by the thought that they won’t remember her, her love, her devotion, and her warmth.

Life was cruel, but at least he had his babies, who were the only reason he kept going.

As they approached Kyra’s grave, Jordan noticed a man in his 50s brushing the epitaph that read: A twinkle in our eyes & hearts is now on the skies.

“Who could this man be?” Jordan wondered. His unease grew bigger when he finally got to Kyra’s resting place.

“You must be Jordan,” the man said. “Yes, and you are?” Jordan asked, confused.

The man introduced himself as Denis. He claimed to be Kyra’s old friend from Chicago.

“But she never mentioned someone named Denis,” Jordan thought to himself.

Denis approached the triplets. He observed their features and made comments about their appearance. His behavior was rather awkward, and it made Jordan uncomfortable.


“Listen,” Denis said, “these babies aren’t yours. I’m their real father.”

These words shattered Jordan’s world.

“You are young and have your whole life ahead of you. Give me the babies and start over,” Denis said and handed Jordan a check on $100,000.

Jordan froze and accused Denis of lying. Kyra could never lie to him.

But Denis knew too much about Kyra. He knew of her love for French cusine, her allergies, and even about the scar on her tight.

Jordan got scared. Without saying anything, he took the triplets and rushed towards his car.

The drive home felt like eternity. He had a hard time letting Denis’ words sink in. How could he know so much about Kyra? Was he right about the children? Could Kyra be unfaithful?

His head was buzzing with countless questions.


Jordan’s thoughts drifted to the day he and Kyra first met. He was a bartender, and she walked in one day, taking his breath away. At first, she saw him as nothing more than a friendly bartender.

But one evening, as he was leaving the bar, he saw her crying. She had broken up with her boyfriend, and Jordan comforted her. From that moment on, their bond grew stronger, and she eventually fell fro him.

They tied the knot when she revealed she was pregnant. But no family of Kyra was in attendance. She told Jordan that her parents were dead, and he never questioned anything.

Denis’ words, especially his knowledge of Kyra’s scar, made Jordan doubt her love for him. He started asking himself if the triplets were really his or Denis was telling the truth.


In the days that followed, Jordan went through hell.

Even the thought of losing his triplets sent waves of panic through him.

A week later, he got a call from Denis. “What have you decided? I want my children!” he said. But Jordan wasn’t about to give up without a fight.

“A father is someone who raises them and loves them unconditionally. I will always be there father.”

Denis hesitated a bit and then suggested they meet at a local cafe the following day. “Bring the babies with you,” he said and hung up the phone.

Jordan was fearful. What if it turned out Denis was the real father?


In the morning, he went to the cafe Denis suggested. When he entered, Denis was already there, waiting for him.

Without saying anything, he handed Jordan an old photo.

Jordan was confused. The young woman on the photo resembled Kyra, and the man next to her was obviously Denis. But there was also another woman on the photo.

“What’s this?” Jordan asked, his hands trembling as he held the photo.

“I’m sorry, Jordan,” Dennis said. “I’m not the father of the triplets, I’m their grandfather.”

“What!?” Jordan asked. “But how could that be? Kyra’s parents are dead. She told me that herself.”

It turned out her dad wasn’t. Sadly, their relationship was strained and they didn’t have any contact. But following Kyra’s sudden passing, he wanted to meet her children.

Getty Images

Denis wanted to be part of their lives, so he made up the story of being their dad. He wanted to take them and raise them as his own.

“I know I shouldn’t have done that, Jordan,” Denis said, with tears in his eyes. “But I really want to be part of their lives. My daughter is no longer here, but her babies are. I regret not being the best father, but let me be a better grandfather.”

Jordan needed time to think about everything. He was mad Denis lied to him, but over time, he forgave him.

Despite the pain of the past, they were united by shared responsibility.

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We were close to adopting a 5-year-old boy until a wealthy couple entered the picture wanting him too

After years of struggling to conceive, my doctor delivered heartbreaking news that made me wonder if my marriage could even survive the weight of it. “You are infertile.” My world shattered and my dreams burst like a soap bubble. But my husband was there for me, restoring all my hopes when he mentioned the option of adopting.

Camden and I dreamed of becoming parents from the moment we tied the knot, but that didn’t come naturally to us.

Sadly, I learned I couldn’t be a mom. As much as I felt sorry for myself, my heart ached for my husband who deserved to be a father. “Don’t worry, Zelda,” he said at the doctor’s office after I head the news that broke my heart into a million pieces.

“Adopting a child in need of a family doesn’t sound like a bad idea,” he said smilingly, trying to cheer me up.


The thought of adopting found its roots in my head. It didn’t take long before we met with social workers and started foster care visits. The process was extremely slow, and the paperwork was endless, but we knew it would be worth it.

And then, one day, we met Nicholas, a five-year-old boy with the most beautiful brown eyes. I knew he belonged to us the moment I fist saw him.

We started the process of adopting him, but then, another family, a very wealthy one, came into the picture.

They were as interested in adopting Nicholas as Camden and I were.

Mrs. Jameson said they had the right to apply as well. Nicholas was about to spend a week with each family before making a decision. At that point, it was up to him to choose his family.

When the Featheringhams, the family interested in adopting Nicholas, entered the foster home, they acted as they owned the place. Mrs. Featheringhams wore a diamond necklace and looked at me and Camden from above, as though we weren’t worthy as a competition.

“You see, we can provide Nicholas with the best schools there are. He’ll live a life of luxury. Why don’t you make the kid a favor and quit trying for him?” she told us.

Turning to her husband, who was equally polished as she was, she said, “Honey, they are just a plain, middle class family. What do they have to offer? A tiny house in the suburb?”

The two started laughing, their words cutting deeper than I though they could.

The Featheringhams got a week with Nicholas first.


When he came to our home, he couldn’t stop talking of the amusement parks they took him to, the toys they bought him, and the fancy food he had.

Whenever he would mention his adventures with them, my heart sank. “Did we have any chance?” I kept wondering, with the hope fading away.

We couldn’t afford expensive things, but we had a lot of love for that boy.

On the first day of his stay at our place, we took him to the zoo, but it started raining and we were forced to get back home where Camden built a fortress of blankets and used a flashlight as a pretended fire.

Nicholas seemed to like it.


The following day, we visited the local arcade, but most of the machine there was broken. Instead, we went to the park and played the board games we had with us.

Camden even taught Nicholas how to play chess.

We ate at the local diner, took long walks, and shared stories of our childhoods with Nicholas.

One evening, as we were watching a film, he fell asleep in my lap, his hand holding mine tightly.

After the week passed, it was time Nicholas to make a decision.

Camden and I were at the office of Mrs. Jameson. Nicholas was sitting next to her, and the Featheringhams were opposite us.

“Nicholas, darling, don’t forget about all the toys. You can have everything you want with us,” Mrs. Featheringhams reminded him, certain he would choose them, because as she said, love doesn’t pay for college, and they had all the money in the world.

When Mrs. Jameson asked Nicholas about the family he wanted to live with, he was a bit hesitant, or maybe he was afraid to make the choice, not wanting to offend any of the four people eagerly waiting for his answer.


After minutes of silence, which felt like eternity, he said, “I want to live with them,” pointing at me and Camden, “they are so fun.”

Tears started rolling down my face. The boy I knew belonged to me all along chose me to be his mommy.

The Featheringhams didn’t say a word. They just excused themselves and left the room, and Camden and I felt like the proudest parents ever.

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My ex-husband ended up with the house, car, and all our money after the divorce – and I laughed, because that was exactly what I had intended

Going through divorce is never easy no matter how bad the marriage was. Everything around the lengthy court process is extremely tiring, such as splitting the belongings, fighting for custody if children are involved, wasting time, money, and nerves.

As Barbra was preparing dinner, Mike, who has always been obsessed with his social image, placed the car keys on the counter and told her they needed to talk. Barbra knew what was coming. She was certain he was going to ask her for divorce, and it didn’t even took a couple of seconds until she learned she was right.

To Mike’s surprise, she agreed to separate from him.


He expected her to beg him, cry over his decision, but she didn’t show any emotions. No matter how hard it was and how defeated she felt, she did her best to stay calm and indifferent.

In the days that followed, they barely spoke to each other until they finally found themselves sitting opposite each other in a dull conference room with their lawyers by their side.

Mike started listing the things he wanted; the house, the car, the savings. He was so cold that it looked like he was reading out of a grocery list.

After listening to him without objecting, Barbra said he could have it all.

Her lawyer gave her a serious look, but she said it was fine. All she wanted were her personal belongings and the divorce to be finalized.

With laughter, Mike, who believed he won the divorce, told her she had until the afternoon to take what’s hers and leave his house for good.

Barbra left the room and headed towards the elevator. Once inside, she couldn’t contain her laughter. One would thing she snapped, but she had an ace up her sleeve. Just the elevator’s door opened, she sent a text message that read, “Mon, get ready for my sweet revenge.”


Barbra’s mom was never fond of Mike. From the moment she first met him she knew he wasn’t the one for her daughter. The two never got along because she was aware Mike was egocentric who only cared about his own interests.

When Barbra and Mike were purchasing the house, Barbra’s mom helped them financially. She was the reason Mike believed he scored a great deal on their new home, but what he didn’t know was that she would also be the reason for him to lose it.

On the day Barbra packed her belongings and settled in a tiny apartment just blocks away, she received a call from Mike. She put him on speaker and leaned back on her chair to enjoy her toast and her revenge. Mike was furious. He told Barbra that her mother moved in with him and refused to leave the house.


Smiling, Barbra reminded him about the agreement he signed years ago when her mom gave them the down-payment for the house. With small print it read that she could live in that house whenever she wanted for as long as she wanted.

As she laughed at her victory, Barbra could hear her mother telling Mike to turn the TV off. She definitely knew how to drive him crazy.

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