Video of Adorable Baby Rubbing Spaghetti All Over His Belly Is the Joy We All Needed Today

If you’ve been feeling down recently and need something to boost your mood, you are at the right place. If this little guy from the video below doesn’t make you evaporate into a steam of swooning, I don’t know what will.

As it turns out, 1-year-old Albie Dunville is a real star and his action of rubbing pasta with sauce on his bare belly brings smiles all over the country and beyond. 

The cute video was first shared on the Facebook Page Positive About Down Syndrome by Albie’s mommy, Emma Ayers. 

She has been part of this group and worked closely with other parents of children with Down Syndrome ever since her little boy was born. 

This beyond-words-adorable video has stolen the hearts of many and has been shared more than 400,000 times. Little Albie’s joy while playing with his dinner helped in fulfilling the mission of the Facebook group whose goal is to raise awareness and acceptance about children with the genetic condition. 

Just look at him. He’s all smiles, and that triggers one on our faces as well.

“When there is so much wrong in the world, everyone needs an Albie to put a smile on their face,” wrote one Facebook user. “Albie, we love you.”

“What a wee cutie Albie is, and a lovely smile, too,” said another, adding that “there’s a certain logic to him — the food ends up in the tummy so let’s bypass the eating bit.”

Emma says that even though Albie doesn’t have any teeth yet, he’s a huge food lover and doesn’t miss the opportunity to munch on his favorite treats. 

“Spaghetti is of course a firm favorite, and mealtimes can be very messy where Albie is involved,” Emma told Today. 

However, “the food and belly combo was a new one to us,” she added. “Albie has absolute bags of personality and his smile is the most contagious I’ve ever seen. You can literally watch people around him light up.”

Albie was born January 2019, and his parents didn’t know he had Down Syndrome until they welcomed him into the world. When they heard the diagnosis it came to them as a shock mainly because the way the hospital informed them of it “was’t at all positive.”

But now, experiencing how special it is to have such a loving son as Albie, Emma and husband Adam embrace all the amazing parts that came with the diagnosis. 

“Albie, I have had a terrible week,” one person shared. “But seeing this post and your infectious smile has cheered me up to no end.” Honestly, we felt exactly the same!

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