Couple brings waitress to tears with $400 tip and even a bigger surprise

22-year-old Cayla Chandara has always wanted to pursue her dreams of graduating from college, but things weren’t easy for her and she ended up working two jobs just to be able to save enough money to attend school and make ends meet. She lived in Santa Rosa, California, but moved places to Waikiki, Hawaii where she worked as a waitress at a Noi Tai Cusine and a Cheesecake Factory. One day, an Australian couple visited Noi Tai Cusine and Chandara engaged with them in a friendly conversation, but little did she know that the encounter would change her life forever.
Chandara shared with them her life story and told them how much she wanted to pursue a career in business and graduate from school. It was obvious the customers were very polite and enjoyed speaking to Chandara so when the time came for them to pay the bill, they left a very generous tip. Along with the $200 they had to pay, they gave Chandara additional $400 which was double their bill.
“I was then at a loss for words and all I wanted to do was hug them,” Chandara told CBS News. Chandara was so grateful that she felt like she should thank those kind strangers again. So, after her night shift was over, she stopped by the hotel they told her they were staying at. “I genuinely wanted to say thank you,” Chandara said. “I sent a thank you letter saying how much it meant to me.” She left the letter at the hotel’s front desk and never expected to see the couple again. But, the next day, they returned at Chandara’s restaurant and told her something that left her completely speechless. They were willing to give her $10,000 dollars to pay for her student loans and get back to school. She just couldn’t believe what she was hearing. “I initially told them I couldn’t take that offer, but they insisted that it would be just as great for them to do it for me,” Chandara said. That meant Chandara could finally fulfill her dreams. That was the best thing someone has ever done for her and she felt like she had to repay for this huge kindness. “They told me the best way to thank them is to be my best possible self, dream big and strive for my goals,” Chandara said.
The couple wanted to remain anonymous, but their action and how they changed Chandara’s life is widely spread. “They have truly changed my life, not only financially but in the way I look at things. They are the most beautiful and kind-hearted people I’ve come across and I really look up to them and I can’t wait until they watch me graduate,” Chandara said. Chandara’s story is just a proof that there are still people out there who truly believe that kindness is what moves this world around. And we are so glad they are here to restore our faith in humanity. “Always be genuine. You will get it right back. Good things happen,” Chandara said.

Mom Tells Baby Girl “I Love You.” Internet Can’t Stop Laughing at Baby’s Comeback

The moment they welcome them into the world, babies become mom’s most precious jewels. And the love and devotion mothers give to their bundles of joy can’t be measured.

Gemma Kate is a baby girl who is showered with love every single day. Needless to say, most of the affection and devotion comes from her loving mommy who doesn’t miss a chance to tell Gemma she loves her to the moon and back. And this wouldn’t really be surprising if Gemma doesn’t say “I love you” in return.

We are so glad the video of these two expressing their deepest feelings for one another was caught on tape, otherwise it would be hard to believe that a baby is really able to say those words.

If you wonder how is it possible for such a young child to speak, the Babycenter has an explanation. According to them, children Gemma’s age (she was 15 months old when the video was taken) are able to form basic sounds of words. Their website says, “The first proper word is often said around the baby’s first birthday. First words are usually simple names or easy to say objects. Nouns usually come first, like ‘ball.’

These words don’t always sound like those adults speak, but Gemma here is able to perfectly repeat what her mom says. Same pitch, same words, simply adorable.


Gemma melted our hearts. We hope she will always be able to express her love for her parents this way.

With all the negative stuff happening in the world, Gemma Kate will remind you that no matter what, life is really beautiful and we have to learn how to be happy for the little things, such as her reaction that made our day.


Super Cute Owls Like You’ve Never Seen Them Before

Science says that owls are one of the greatest nocturnal hunters. Their favorite ‘meal’ are insects, small mammals, other birds, and even fish. With their huge round eyes and flat faces, they look beyond adorable. They are great at camouflage and can turn their heads as much as 270 degrees. Knowing all this, we have to agree how these birds are really unique and amazing. Well, if they weren’t they wouldn’t probably be in so many famous books and movies such as those of Harry Potter. The below video is a compilation of hilarious owls and their super cute antics that will certainly make you laugh. Who knew these birds could be so fun to be around?

Deputies comfort two frightened Pit Bulls found abandoned in the middle of the night

While he was driving to work that morning at around 4:30 a.m., Patrick Hennessey spotted something unusual on the road. Curious to find out what it was, he slowed down. That’s when he realized the shapes he saw were actually two pit bulls. Unfortunately, one of them was injured and bleeding. Patrick was aware he couldn’t just leave the poor creatures in the middle of the road so he alerted the police. Deputy Reed and Deputy Boggs arrived at the scene at no time and were willing to get the dogs off the streets.
Facebook / Orange County Sheriff's Office, Florida
Facebook / Orange County Sheriff’s Office, Florida
Despite the common belief (which is certainly a huge misconception) that pit bulls are aggressive and violent, the Deputies knew that all they needed in order to gain the canines’ attention was a friendly approach. The reality about this breed is totally different than what most people think of them, and their negative reputation is manly due to the fact that humans use them as fighting dogs, which is not their fault, but ours. The most amazing thing that night was the dogs’ reaction to those who came to their rescue. It looked like the poor souls knew the Deputies were there to lend a helping hand.
Facebook / Orange County Sheriff’s Office, Florida
After the dogs were safely removed from the street, they knew the ordeal they went through was already in the past and were looking forward to better days. The Deputies said how the loving creatures clung to them and didn’t want to leave their side as they felt safe near the people who gave them a second chance.
Facebook / Orange County Sheriff’s Office, Florida
The officers applied bandages on the leg of the injured dog trying to stop the bleeding. The animals had collars around their neck which meant someone probably dumped them there. Ga Facebook / Orange County Sheriff’s Office, Florida The two Pit Bulls stayed with the officers until the kind people from Orange County Animal Services arrived and took them to the local shelter. The dogs were given the so much needed medical assistance and enjoyed a nice bath.
Facebook / Orange County Sheriff's Office, Florida
Facebook / Orange County Sheriff’s Office, Florida
Once the story spread around the community, people took their time to praise the Deputies for their selfless deed of making sure the Pit Bulls were taken care of. Facebook / Orange County Animal Services Facebook / Orange County Animal Services Today, the dogs are doing much better and are looking for forever homes. They are both girls and got the names Justice and Liberty.

Angry Wife Writes Epic Letter To Cheating Husband’s Mistress. Oh My! This is Hilarious!

The following is a situation that I hope none of us will ever have to be in. In light of the Ashley Madison scandal, infidelity has hit the national spotlight once again, and it’s a strict no-no in my book. Cheating on a loved one is never acceptable. No person should ever have to experience such a thing. But for Melanie, she had to find out about her husband’s infidelity in shocking fashion. Back in March, she discovered that the father of her two children had a secret mistress named Jennifer. Rather than hold her frustrations in, she took to Facebook to vent about her cheating husband. In this post, she writes an angry letter to her husband’s mistress. The wit and courage she shows is awesome, and I hope that she is able to move on past this. The cheating husband not only broke Melanie’s hearts, but also the heart of their two children as well. What a shame… llu Dear Carla, Thanks so much for leaving those little bite marks all over my husband’s chest the other night. I really appreciate it, girl! You have set me and my kids free! As a reward for your thoughtful services to our family, I’m offering you my husband, for keeps! Should you choose to claim your prize, please pay attention to the following rules: You must financially support him. He will be responsible for child support for our two children, and alimony for me since I have spent the last 10 years of my life raising these children. So forget about his money, honey, that’s all mine! You will have to clothe him. See, this crazy thing happened! When he got out of the shower the other day, and I saw all of those cute little “love bites,” a giant black hole appeared in our bedroom. It was the craziest thing! All of his clothing got sucked in, so you can outfit him any way you choose. Buy some leather pants, maybe a leash, whatever you want, girlfriend. You will have to say goodbye to him every other weekend. This time will be set aside for supervised visits with his children. You must say goodbye to a proper sex life. You see, I know that you didn’t sleep with him last night. Ever since his back injury five years ago, his penis hasn’t functioned properly. The only way for him to even attempt arousal is with a little blue pill, and even with that, you get only two minutes, three minutes tops. Most of the time he won’t even try. So stock up on those batteries, sweetheart! It’s nerve damage and cannot be fixed, so you’ll have to deal with it just like I did. You will never return him to me. I will not take him back or let him in my home. He had a great thing going here, and he threw it all away with you. You can try, but I sincerely doubt that you’ll ever live up to what we had. You must accept it when he blames you for all of this. You see, he told me whilst begging for my forgiveness with tears streaming down his face, that you giggled and said, “I hope your wife sees my bites.” Well, your wish came true, honey, and he’s pissed, severely pissed… at you. And last, but not least, this is more of a friendly warning than a rule. I will make it my mission in life to take up all of his time with the pettiest stuff I can think of just to spite you. I will work to hurt him and you to the degree that my kids are hurting right now. He will smile and deal with it for me and the kids, but then will spend hours every day complaining to you about it. And in case you were wondering, I feel completely justified doing this. So thanks again, Carla! You’ve shown me that 13 years and two children were no match for you and your adorable little bite marks. I accept defeat and applaud you on a man well won… HE’S ALL YOURS! Woa! That’s one letter! Do you agree with this woman’s fury? Leave your comments on our Facebook page 🙂

What Puppy Does Before Eating His Meal Will Melt Your Heart

This routine demonstrated by a sweet puppy and his owner melted everyone’s heart. It looked like an ordinary day where the daddy brought the doggy food and put it in the bowl and the pup was eagerly waiting for the last piece of food to drop so that he could start munching on his favorite meal. But, to everyone’s surprise, that is not exactly what happened. The dog, no matter how hungry he was, knew there something that should be done before he started eating and it surprised everyone who got to see the video. As the dad fell on his face to the floor, the puppy followed and the two started praying together. The dad thanked God for their food and the dog listened to him patiently. He said, “We are very grateful and appreciative for everything we have. Thank You, Lord, for everything.” This wasn’t just a one time thing, but these doggy and his dad do it all the time. It’s awesome how this owner taught his dog great manners.

15 before-and-after photos of rescue animals that will make your day

You have probably stumbled upon the phrase “adopt, don’t shop” multiple times, and there is a reason animal lovers and advocates try to raise awareness of the importance of getting a rescue dog from a shelter. These creatures have a lot to give and feel the need to be loved as all they experienced early in life are either neglectful owners or the harsh reality of living on the streets. Below are 15 before and after photos of rescue animals that are bound to make your day. Their transformation from scared and confused creatures into happy doggies is worth every aww you’ll make. Take a look and enjoy, and don’t forget to share it with friends just to remind them that they can also make a change in a dog’s life!
Olympic skiier Gus Kenworthy, a year after he adopted a family of stray dogs

Dad and son turn a 100-year-old gas station into a modern living space – the interior is stunning!

They say the home is where your heart is, and Robert Guthrie’s was at an old gas station that he turned into an incredibly stunning and cozy place to live.

When he informed his son how he was planning to buy the 100-year-old gas station and re-purpose it for living, the boy thought his dad had lost his mind. But now, with a lot of hard work, dedication, and a touch of creativity, the 2,000-square-foot space resembles a perfect home. It can be described as an incredible mixture of the new and the old. Modern, but yet holding pieces of the past soul. What Robert did was adding a roof deck, hydraulic-lift turned staircase, and a modern kitchen. This man’s innovative ideas made us wonder how we never though of seeing a potential at old and seemingly unusable objects ourselves. But I guess it takes both a creative mind and a risk-taking personality to get involved into such project. Many of the items that were once part of the Sinclair’s Gasoline now serve the purpose of ornaments that give special feeling when you are in the dining room. The knobs of the kitchen’s cupboards are all car emblems that fit just perfectly with the modern elements. The bathroom is turned into a classy one with black tiles and cars’ old headlights as a bathroom sconces. A gigantic typography art is a slight reminder of what this place once was. The bedroom is spacious and cozy and the tailgate that hangs on the wall just above the bed gives it a flare of excitement. Do you like the way this old gas station was turned into a spacious living space? I know I would be happy to live there. As it turns out, a combination of the vintage and the modern is always a great idea.