Most parents believe they know their kids all too well so when they learn their little ones are not really the ‘angels’ they pretend to be while at home, that comes as a shock.
A single father of three girls got a call one day and it changed the way he saw his oldest daughter. The quiet and always well-behaving girl was the reason why another girl ended up in a hospital trying to take her own life.
Yes, his loving daughter turned out to be a bully who made her classmates’ life miserable and he just knew he had to put an end to that and take things into his own hands.
Sadly, bullying is present everywhere, especially at schools and it may have devastating long-term effects on the people who are a target of it. Unfortunately, the number of cases of kids who committed suicide because of the way others shamed them is not low.
A girl named Amanda Todd from British Columbia, Canada had taken her own life at the age of 15 because a photo of her breasts was circulating online and among the students at her school.
Another boy named Tyler Clementi, 18, jumped to his death off of the George Washington Bridge after someone had taken a photo of him being intimate with another boy.
This father, however, wouldn’t let any other kid suffer because of his daughter’s behavior. This is what he did.
“My daughter Callie is, to me, one of the sweetest people I know.
She gets good grades, has lovely friends, and still finds time to be a wonderful loving daughter. I have never had to ground her in high school, and she had never given me reason to believe she is acting out.
“I am a single dad of 3 girls. It is tough, but I thought we were doing okay. Callie is the oldest.
“I got a phone call from a crying mother today…
…telling me that my daughter was involved in harassing another girl at her school. Callie and her friends took pictures of the girl in “funny” poses, such as bending over to pick something up and her butt crack was showing. The girl is over weight and I think a lot of the pictures had to do with fat shaming…
“The mother said that her daughter tried to slit her wrists this morning and was in the hospital.
“Callie is at the beach today and should be home in a few hours.
I am so mad, I don’t know what to do. I have always taught her to be kind and respectful to others, and I feel like I don’t even know her. From what I have heard, Callie was the ring leader in all of this…
“How do I handle this, and still keep it together? What consequences should I have for her? What type of apology does she need to do? Should I take her to the hospital to see what she has done? My daughter has been fat shaming a girl at school to the point of the girl trying to commit suicide. How do I handle this as a father?
— time passes —
“I have gone through he computer. Sure enough, she has a folder on her desktop labeled “fatty.” And it is all pictures of this girl. I don’t have proof that she created the anonymous Facebook account, but I think it proves that it was her just by the pictures being on her computer.
“So Callie was scheduled to get home at 8 30 this evening.
I get a call at 8 15 from her. She said she was going to stay at ______s house overnight. I said “no, I need you to come home right now.” She said “I’m already here! Bye!” And hung up. I decided to go get her instead of arguing over the phone. I went to the friends house, it was empty. I started calling the the parents of er friends and finally someone’s brother picked up and said they were at the park. Sure enough, I go to the park and there are about 30 kids there around a fire pit. I see her with a solo cup standing next to a beer keg.
“So I don’t usually get angry…
..but I had had enough. I went straight up to her and told her that I was not going to make a scene, but she needed to get in the car with me. She turned into another person. “I’m almost 18! You can’t do this to me! You are embarrassing me!” I snapped. I’m not sure what I said, but it was along the lines of: “You should be embarrassed! You put a girl in the hospital because of what you and your friends have been up to and now you have lied to me and you are drinking alcohol underage. Your mother would be so ashamed of you, I don’t even know who you are anymore.”
“I caused quite a fuss, so she got in the car and she is home now.
I have taken away all electronics (laptop, cell phone, tv privileges). I told her she needed to log into the anonymous Facebook and post a message apologizing and naming herself as the person who posted the pictures. When she logged in, I immediately looked through her posts. It wasn’t just one person she had posted about. This Facebook page was dedicated to making fun of the “nerds and loners” of the school. There must have been 50 pictures.
“She posted the apology and then I made it clear that she was not to do anything for the rest of the summer.
All plans are cancelled until further notice. She can use the land line phone if she needs to, but only when I am there.
Other consequences I am enforcing:
– mandatory therapy once a week.
– community service – still researching that, and looking for advice about it.
– when the girl gets out of the hospital Callie is going to apologize to her and her family.
– I have taken the door of her room off its hinges. No privacy for a while.
– everything in the house that she has as a luxury is gone. This includes: all the expensive chemicals for skins and hair that I have bought her. I gave her simple shampoo, conditioner, body – wash and lotion. Otherwise it is all in the garage. She also lost her makeup (don’t know if I will keep this enforced).
– I took everything out of her bedroom that she uses, and she basically only has books and her keyboard piano. I have told her to catch up on reading and to try practicing the piano that she begged for and then never used.
“I told her to take the night and think things over. If she wants to fight me on everything tomorrow morning, then I will add more restrictions. If she takes her punishment and agrees to these terms, then I will consider how long the duration should be.”
What do you think about the dad’s discipline? Do you agree with how he handled the situation?
We hope this girl learned her lesson. As for her father, he’s doing the best he can and tries really hard to make his daughter a responsible adult who would never ever hurt anyone in her life.
Were you fortunate enough to grow up in a home which had a yard? Well, if you were I have no doubt that you have many memories, hopefully all happy about the memories in the yard when you were younger!
There is something great and at the same time innocent about those memories of running and playing with your brothers and/or sisters, if you had any brothers and/or sisters of course.
Amazingly normal you would think until you hear about why this mother, from Manitoba was visited by Child Services, then you might well be more than a little shocked!
The mother, Jacqui has a home like this with a back yard, incidentally which is fenced and secure. She sent her three kids out to play but never imagined what would transpire that day.Somebody complained to Child Services that the kids were playing outside without proper supervision, next ensued a full investigation into the affair.
A CFS worker was sent to review the situation, Jacqui felt confident that she had indeed given enough information to answer their enquiries. Even though the yard was safe, secure and closed off with three sides in wood and a chain closure on the other side, what she didn’t know at the time was that they had recorded and added to her permanent record.Even the suggestion that the kids were left to play on their own and do as they pleased for hours was ridiculous and we completely feel sorry for Jacqui had to go through this. Does a child need a parent hovering them for every second in order to be safe? Is there a reason this should have been reported?
If the person who reported this was really so convinced there was such a big problem, then wouldn’t they even try to speak to her first? So, we live in a mad, crazy world, but that doesn’t then mean that kids can’t play outside without an armed guard right?
We think that this mother didn’t do anything wrong based on what we know don’t you agree? Shouldn’t people just mind their own business!
We really hope this storey is shared by everyone so that things like this don’t happen again! After all, parents really should be able to let their children have some small freedoms in their own homes right? So long as they are safe and secure within reasonable measures of course!
The Christmas tradition of filling shoeboxes with toys, knick knacks, and school supplies to donate to Operation Christmas Child is not only traditional but popular too.Thanksgiving every year the churches and various organisations bring together volunteers to assemble the boxes and get them ready to go all round the world to children in need.
The various churches partner with Samaritan’s Purse to spread a little joy and cheer during the Christmas period. 135 million children in many countries have well received one of these wonderful boxes since the birth of the program in 1993.
Screenshot via YouTubeTyrel Wolfe joined in one of these projects that would impact his life forever at the tender age of seven, his family also joined with the Samaritan’s Purse and Operation Christmas Child via their church, and that is where the magic all started when he filled a shoebox destined for a little girl his own age.
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The little boy, Tyrel, was ecstatic to make the box, but soon after delivering it to the church forgot all about it. The box was sent to the Philippines! A decade later, or more, the now older boy got a friend request from a woman called Joana Marchan and they started messaging on facebook, Joana wanted to talk to the person that sent the box so she could thank them!
Screenshot via YouTubeSure enough, the woman wanting to talk to Tyrel was the same person he sent the Christmas box to all those years ago. You can see in the video how Tyrel and Joana’s relationship changes once Tyrel finds out the truth about Joana.
Tyrel is thoughtful and compassionate and their storey is one that will amaze and surprise you for sure!Screenshot via YouTubeSee what happens to the two of them:
Do you remember your first day of school? It can absolutely be a hard day for any yougster, for a start what do you wear? Mila had her first day of preschool, but it was more of a catastrophe!
She had to express her disappointment to mom, to one who sent her there, the second she arrived home, fortunately mom had the camera to hand for the whole event!Screenshot via YouTubeTwin sisters from Arizona,Mila and Emma Stauffer captured everyone’s heart from all round the world, with the help of their mom of course, not to mention the talented Katie Stauffer extraordinaire social media mogul.
These amazing little sisters have an opinion about, well, everything and they aren’t backwards about coming forwards to share it! Talking about Justin Bieber and Disneyland, each chat is more and more hilarious!
Katie, mom, had really no clue that the experience would spur such a strong response from her girls.Screenshot via YouTubeThe moment that little Mila got back from her school, she ran to Mom then started to explain why the day was a catastrophe.Katie had the camera recording the whole time, no one was going to miss this rant.
The teacher is shady. The kids are insane, throwing staplers, pooping everywhere… But I’m still alive. I get in my seat and the teacher is like ‘Dave, we don’t pee on our friends!
So, according to Mila’s account, Dave, her classmate, began to chase the teacher around the classroom with scissors!
Mila realized she had to do something. In an amazing moment of clarity, Mila screamed out that it was naptime, then she hoped that it would stop the chaos.Mila’s hilarious story about her first day of school is viral and it’s easy to see why! Her cute voice, funny demeanor and awesome storytelling skill is something we all want to see!
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This amazingly talented group of acapella singers, Straight No Chasers, came together during their tour in New Mexico, they make an incredibly hilarious rendition of the song “The Lion Sleeps Tonight”.
They are on stage, then the music starts, one member of the group explains that they created their own choreography especially for this performance, the audience are completely unaware that it’s going to be so amusing. A typical performance for the Straight No Chasers.Screenshot via YouTube
They have an official website that explains how they are different from other acapella singers, the site says that if the simple phrase “acapella group” brings to mind the picture of students in blazers and ties, singing college songs, think again!
“Straight No Chaser (SNC) are neither strait-laced nor straight-faced, but neither are they vaudeville-style kitsch. As original member Randy Stine comments, ‘We take the music very seriously; we just don’t take ourselves too seriously”
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They have been very busy reshaping the idea of acapella singers in the field of pop music, and they are certainly no strangers to performing on a large stage with huge crowds, like you see in the video below.Their sound is awesome, but even more so is their style!
This talented group first formed while attending school at Indiana University, and the momentum hasn’t stopped there, they sing all over the country and share their great voices, and incredibly funny dance moves, with everyone and anyone they can.
Screenshot via YouTubeThese 10 men are just so amazingly funny!Screenshot via YouTubeSee it for yourself, and be entrapped like the audience watching them and feel the hilarity of their performances in the video below.
Tyler Dukes has held his stepfather on a pedestal for seven long years, completely looking up to him.Blake Wilson, his stepfather, found a son in every single way, he is an amazing father to him. His son was more than he could have ever hoped or wished for!
One, not particularly special day in the holidays, Tyler decided to ask Blake something that was deeply important to him, a question….
On father’s day too he never could have predicted what was next!
So, Tyler had bought a wicker basket for his step dad on fathers day, a wicker basket full of tissue paper?Firstly, rummaging through the paper his step dad found a pack of pens, then looking deeper a wooden framed poem with an intriguing yellow envelope on the back.
Welling up with tears, Blake, read the poem then is asked to open the envelope, immediately after seeing what the paper was inside he breaks down into tears, covering his face with his hand.
In the special letter Tyler asks his step dad to adopt him! His mom Angela Wilson, 36, told us that since the young age of 13 Blake had been a father to him, a real father such that you wouldn’t even know it was his stepson.
Blake and Tyler exchange a hug, and of course some more tears too as they share the awesome news, which is more that enough to floor the soon to be adopted dad. Everyone full of tears and hugs what an amazing day for all the family!
Please SHARE this awesome and inspiring story with friends and family!Watch this emotionally charged exchange:
Dogs are awesome, they have many talents, but among them they can sense when we are hurt or sometimes even when we are sick or have a disease, they give us unconditional love and comfort, and in fact are our best friends!
But, when we are not at home and out faithful pets stay at home they can turn to each other for cuddles and companionship.A beautiful golden retriever called Forsberg and a stunning orange tabby named Ginger are best of friends and companions to each other.
They were ‘partners in crime’, so to speak, and had a bond so great that it was like they were born to live together, an inseparable pair!In fact, they utterly defied the definition of the stereotypical dog and cat relationship, to the extreme.Sadly though, one dreaded day, Ginger , having used all nine lives, died, she had cancer.Forsberg was really very sad by his best friend dying, he was depressed and above all I think he was lonely. Everyone tried to get him out of his depression but nothing worked.
He was really missing his companion so his family decided that there was just one thing they could try to do to help him, the only solution left, to bring home a companion, a little kitten called Max.Forsberg was so happy to have a kitten to play with, you could really see how much happier he was, the two bonded very quickly as once again he had a feline friend to snuggle with.It’s not just Forsberg who is happy, and Max has bonded really awesomely with Forsberg too, and what a happy end to an otherwise sad situation.
Susan Larson, a writer, owns a rescue and rehabilitation centre for horses, Empowered Equines. One rescue, recently, has been more emotionally challenging than normal.A Horse was brought out from a truck, an Amish horse, and led to the rescue and rehabilitation centre, the horse was in the worst condition, in fact the worse Susan’s friend had ever seen.Many people have the opinion that horses overworked and abused like this would be better off dead, but Susan’s friend didn’t have such thoughts. She wanted to really make sure that the poor Amish horse was cared for and had positive experiences in his life, even if he then died soon after.Poorly as the horse was, with sores everywhere, a hacked at tail and many other problems, not to mention bad joints and marks of abuse the Amish horse was worked to within an inch of death each day.The animal didn’t have anything left, no emotions, no happiness, nothing, so when groomed by new carers and his wounds tended to, he didn’t even flinch.
The Horse really did seem dead inside, the fight had long gone, the horse did not show much desire to do much of anything, not even to interact with others, people or other horses.
A veterinarian tried to reverse the painful and sore wounds, all inflicted on the horse. Incredibly the horse had a genetic disease that was why he had misaligned joints and back, called degenerative suspensory ligament desmitis, similar the human Ehlers-Danlos condition.
Despite everything, the horse was still worked into the ground, whipped, and made to carry many heavy loads. Susan, whose granddaughter and daughter have Ehlers-Danlos, was especially upset.
Her granddaughter and daughter receive care and therapy, but, the horse, however, was mistreated and abused.
Windfall was to be the horse’s name, at least for now, while learning to heal and trust again, large doses of patience with a lot of hard work and sure enough, he is beginning to come out of that hard shell he developed.
Susan was really touched by the storey of this hose, now more than ever she is aware of the importance that must be placed on people supporting the animal rehabilitations centres and saving the poor mistreated animals who are so unfairly treated.