Little Girl On Santa’s Lap Says 4 Words That Makes Everyone Cry!

The armed forces fight to protect us and look after us in times of conflict too, but having a Loved on in the forces is a mixed blessing. On one side you’re incredibly proud of what they do, but also you are also immensely worried about them and their life they are laying on the line for those ideas they are protecting! We pray for them every day and hope they are returned to us safely, one little girl really didn’t quite understand what was happening when dad was shipped off to Afghanistan. She knew that daddy had gone and she just wanted him to come home to her. Santa Claus had asked her what she wanted for Christmas, her first thought, of course, she wanted daddy to come home. As soon as she perched herself on Santa’s knee she immediately said; ‘I’ve been a good girl’ and that’s why I’m asking for a special present this year… It had been months since her father was around and she wanted Santa to bring him home to her from Afghanistan. Of course, Santa is the only one that can do something so huge! Santa with his jolly smile and happy aura telly Kensley to turn around and that there is somebody special that is waiting for her… Right now Kensley has no idea what is happening or who is waiting for her, but this is a surprise that will blow little Kensley away! Dad will remember this special moment forever, the look on Kensley’s Face was priceless and for Kensley she will look back on this moment with fondness and appreciation. What a momentous reunion between father and daughter and how altogether sweet! Have a look for yourself at the touching reunion of father and daughter below.

Dying Son and His Mom Return After A Visit To Santa To See Note Scrawled On Car

Going to visit Santa is a special thing for any child, but for 7-year-old Garrett Coyne’s it’s both special and exciting, he really loves seeing Santa every year. So much so that the family makes it a special event every year at the local mall. This year though, a parking lot Grinch has dampened the spirits of the family! Garrett went to the mall this year with his mom, Nancy, to spend some time to see Santa, she only wanted to bring a little joy into his life! They parked in a handicapped parking space and went to see Santa. When they got back got back to the car, they were completely shocked! Somebody had scrawled something on the car… Someone had written on the car in lipstick, the words:

“UR not handicap”

Nancy really felt awful about it, not surprisingly, she was hurt and saddened by what had happened the parking lot Grinch really didn’t know what her family has to cope with every day. Garrett was diagnosed with Batten’s disease around the age of three years old, it’s a neurological disease and it is degenerative, he will slowly lose his motor skills over time. Sadly his speech is declining quite fast, he also has no vision and he is stuck in a wheelchair. There is no known cure or for that matter treatment either. More often than not the condition ends in childhood death. Their car was parked in a disabled space with a legal permit, at the mall, which is even odder and surprising why somebody had done what they had! Nancy said:

“I can’t believe someone could be so obnoxious and ignorant and rude about a situation that I struggle with daily”

The place where it happened, at the mall, they have also spoken out, they too are offended by what had happened there! During the investigation by the police, the mall is giving their full cooperation to help find the person responsible for doing this. At first, the family was very angry, but now having had the time to reflect, they just hope that the person realizes that what they did was wrong. The Coynes have since started a non-profit in his name since discovering Garrett’s illness, called Garrett the Grand – Batten Fighter.

They have raised a whopping $100,000 to help other children who also have Batten disease and to provide ongoing support to Garrett and children like him. Every single day the Coynes are dead set to show Garrett that nobody can crush his spirit, to give him the best life and experience he can have, for what little life he has left. His dad Joe said:

“You just have to do the best you can and always move forward …You have to look at it all and say, Let’s just live.”

Can you Believe They Fired This 88 Year old Walmart Greeter for This?

The strangest thing made the headlines the other day, an 88-year-old greeter in Walmart was fired because he let a “Wild Turkey” come into the building. This happened to be the Walmart in Waukesha, Wisconsin where had been working for around eight years. After eight years of loyal service, suddenly he was fired, just like that, well it certainly made headlines and we can most certainly see why! The reason given for his termination was because Bob failed to react fast enough when the stray bird came into the store. After the Humane Animal Welfare Society was called they came to catch the turkey and take him to safety! The Management said that Bob’s responsibility was to guide the bird back out of Walmart before it upset any customers. As it happens no one actually made a report of having a negative experience at all. Janet, Bob’s wife thinks that the decision made by the Walmart Managers was very ‘unfair’ and that is was not his responsibility to handle wild animals, well we think so too! Janet goes on to say that Bob really was one of the most popular greeters working there! Bob says that most of all he will miss the people, what an awful thing happened here… The local news sought a statement from Walmart and they get this response:

“We appreciate the public concern and take this situation seriously. While we will not comment on HR matters, we can confirm Mr. Tallinger is no longer with the company.”

Bob’s coworkers seem to agree too that they thought it was not a good decision, by their actions, they called local news very disgruntled and upset about the whole situation and what was done to Bob! What do you think about Walmart’s decision? Share and shame, we think poor Bob was treated very unfairly!

Dying Boy’s Final Words Leave Mother Heartbroken

Back in 2015, Nolan had a blocked nose, it seemed fairly inconspicuous. His mom and dad thought that it was just a cold, but no longer after he also had trouble breathing, his medicine wasn’t even helping him.
Nolan Strong
Just two months on than this, his doctor found out, while investigating the case, that it was a tumor causing the blockage in his air passages.
Nolan Strong
It turns out he had a condition called rhabdomyosarcoma, which is a rare form of cancer. Its resistant to all forms of treatment that we currently know….
Nolan Strong
Ruth felt a compulsion to share with everyone the hard reality of this disease. She shared a photo of Nolan sleeping on the bathroom floor because he was terrified to leave his mom, even when she was in the shower.
Nolan Strong
After many rounds of treatment unsurprisingly Nolan was becoming very weak, the cancer had very sadly, spread all over his body. When cancer has migrated around the body so much, it decreases the chances of survival from 40% to around 20%. Nolan’s mom made the hard decision to document all his final months with them to spread awareness about the condition to others.
Nolan Strong
On the final time, she took Nolan to the hospital, the poor little boy hadn’t eaten for days, he couldn’t hold any food down at all, he was constantly sick!
Nolan Strong


Nolan’s mom posts to Facebook about their final days in the hospital. “I sat down with him and put my head up against him and had the following conversation:” Me: Poot, it hurts to breathe, doesn’t it? Nolan: Weeeelll…. yeah. Me: You’re in a lot of pain aren’t you baby? Nolan: (looking down) Yeah. Me: Poot, this Cancer stuff sucks. You don’t have to fight anymore. Nolan: (Pure Happiness) I DONT??!! But I will for you Mommy!!
Nolan Strong
Me: No Poot!! Is that what you have been doing?? Fighting for Mommy?? Nolan: Well DUH!! Me: Nolan Ray, what is Mommy’s job? Nolan: To keep me SAFE! (With a big grin) Me: Honey … I can’t do that anymore here. The only way I can keep you safe is in Heaven. (My heart shattering) Nolan: Sooooo I’ll just go to Heaven and play until you get there! You’ll come, right? Me: Absolutely!! You can’t get rid of Mommy that easy!! Nolan: Thank you, Mommy!!! I’ll go play with Hunter and Brylee and Henry!!”
Nolan Strong
As the next few days went past Nolan mostly slept. His mom and dad thought that they might go home to spend one last night together, but when they were finished packing everything, Nolan said to his mom, that it was OK, they could all stay at the hospital. Ruth wrote on Facebook:

“My 4-year-old Hero was trying to make sure things were easy for me….”

Nolan Strong
The mom goes on to say:

“About 9:00 pm we were watching YouTube in bed (Peppa Pig actually) and I asked Nolan if I could get in the shower, as I was not allowed to leave him and Mommy had to be touching him at all times.”

“He said ‘Ummmm ok Mommy. Have Uncle Chris come sit with me and I’ll turn this way so I can see you. “

“I stood at the bathroom door, turned to him and said ‘Keep looking right here Poot, I’ll be out in two seconds”

Nolan Strong

“I ran and jumped into bed with him and put my hand on the right side of his face. Then a miracle that I will never forget happened….”

“My angel took a breath, opened his eyes, smiled at me and said ’I love you, mommy’.”

“He turned his head towards me and at 11:54 pm Sgt. Rollin Nolan Scully passed away as I was singing ‘You are My Sunshine’ in his ear.”

The little boy had woken up one last time, just to tell his mom he loved her one last time. What a little hero!
Nolan Strong
If you too were touched by this story, then please SHARE it and help his mom spread the message!

Young Guy Attacks 88 year old, Tries To Rape Her, He Messed With The Wrong Woman!

Anyone who breaks into someone’s house, especially someone who is old or vulnerable is a despicable person, they want to steal other hard-earned things, without actually having to do any work to get money, the lowest of the low. To attack an elderly person is even worse, to take from them the things they accumulated over a lifetime if work possibly, things that they may not be able to replace and to terrorize that person in the process. A Pennsylvania robber thought he had come to an easy target when he broke and entered into this elderly woman’s apartment, what a mistake! This guy had really messed with the wrong woman, for sure! The 88-year-old lady, called Helen Reynolds wasn’t going to take it lying down, she wasn’t about to become a victim. It all started on an afternoon in February, Helen heard a noise, it was somebody knocking at the door, at her home in Parkesburg, Pennsylvania. She opened the door, there was a young man standing in the doorway, he looked very smart and official, like an estate manager, she thought… The man forced past her and into the house, it was the beginning of a three-hour long attack, the intruder began looking around the house, searching for things of value to steal, he found some ten dollar bills and pushed them into his pocket. Helen was tied up with duct tape while he completely rifled through the house, then he turned his attention back to Helen. He took off her jeans and threw her onto the bed 88-year-old Helen knew that she wasn’t strong enough to pose a threat to him, but still, she had the upper hand, all because of her fast mind! She looked at the man and told him to listen to her:

“Well, it’s like this …You might as well know the truth …I have HIV and my husband died from it.”

Her quick thinking worked like a charm and the man gave up his attack on her, she thinks that those words saved her life! Helen said:

“When I said that, he just walked out of the bedroom”

Before he left the house the man tied up Helen’ feet and her hands tightly. Helen was alone and had to fight furiously to break free, it took quite a while to break free though, the duct tape was strong, but she didn’t give up until she was free. She called a neighbor and together they called the police. The police are still hunting the person responsible, we all hope that they catch him! Helen hopes that other women her age and beyond will be inspired to defend themselves if something like this were to happen to them. If you can’t fight back in a physical way, then remember that words are just as an effective weapon, think fast and fight! Share this story to help spread Helen’s message to everyone else!

Father Teaches Young Daughter How To Cope With Anger, Everyone Should Hear This.

If there is one thing that seems to be a reoccurring theme, between father and daughter, at least by any measure of normality, it’s that Fathers rule! One father, in particular, is shining bright, a lovely touching video shows him helping one of his daughters! The video shows him working thought his daughters anger with her, Randy Gaines is crouching down to speak to one of his daughters who is sitting on a table… He says to her:

“You don’t always have to be happy, you don’t always have to be silly or funny, you don’t have to be anything …The important thing is, whenever you’re feeling that way, to not just stay there all the time. You want to accept it, you want to honor it, you want to acknowledge it, and let it go.”

So you might think to yourself, that’s not the most original advice on how to deal with anger or when you feel sad. But given with love between father and daughter, it’s so much better and honest and deeper in feeling! As you see the video go on you see that Randy had been having a joke with his daughter a little earlier in the day, he called her something that he usually does when he is joking, but this time she was not having it at all! Instead of telling her she was not being reasonable, Randy took another approach, the best way of all, by taking his own advice, and talking to her about it calmly… how awesome!
Randy’s wife in the video’s caption writes:

“My heart explodes when he connects to his girls like this …No yelling. No screaming. Talking. Discussing emotions and why we have such feelings.” The caption explains that neither Randy nor his wife saw this tenderness in their own childhoods, but together they’re teaching their girls they are “still loved no matter what.”

“I am so blessed and so thankful to have this man as my other half …the girls are blessed to have him as their father. Thank you, Randy Gaines, for being you!”

SHARE if you think that this is the best way to do it like we do, awesome parenting!

Mother And Son Boogie Together In An Incredible Fashion

Since the moment Lance could get up, balance and walk he has been dancing with mom Lucy Stevens. Whenever a fast paced great song came on the radio, he was there dancing, his mom would sweep him off his feet dancing around the kitchen, together! When Lucy couldn’t sleep one night, she got Lance, now all grown up with his own little ones, then turned on the radio. Their amazing dance around the kitchen is going completely viral! If you want to know why that is, then your going to have to watch it and see for yourself!
The moment they click on the radio, they hear the song play “Dear Future Husband”. This couldn’t be better, what a great song for Lance and his mom to dance together too. It really looks like they have been practicing and well I suppose they have for many, many years, as Lance grew up. Lance and Lucy boogie-woogie, slipping and sliding across the kitchen floor like across a beautiful ice lake, Lances daughter cheers them from the wings while another member of the family captures it all on film!
The great moves these two have is completely awesome! They are so funny, in a good way, to watch dancing together; even the expressions on their face is so lovely to watch too. About halfway into the song Lucy turns to look a the camera and says that this is what happens when people can’t sleep in Louisiana. I think to see this we all need to take a trip there, it would be worth a night where you weren’t get to sleep to dance like this!
Just minutes after they posted their video online it was viewed millions of times and shared by many thousands of people who recognized their skill and were greatly amused by their night time gongs on! Hopefully, Lucy and Lance will take more time to dance together, how wonderful it was, we want to see more! Everyone who has taken the time to watch the video just loves it, this mother-son duo is just completely awesome to see, they almost need their own show!
Near the end of the video Lucy makes a comment on camera that has the person filming laughing loudly, then Lance Starts laughing too. Lance gets taken to the floor laughing an then taking a pause to recover before dancing again, they are having so much fun!
Have a Look at this awesome mother and son having a ball together:

Baby Girl Makes Everyone Cry When Dad Sings “You Are So Beautiful To Me”

There are some moments that are just amazing in life, the moments that really make life worthwhile. This is one of those moments and it’s really impossible not to smile in moments like these! Dad decided to sing a lovely song called “You Are So Beautiful” by Joe Cocker for his lovely daughter. As he sings to her it’s completely clear, she is so happy! At the tender young age of two months old, it’s really rare to see a tiny baby like this smile for long periods like this. She’s still and calm and quiet and not flapping about like usual at all, she just looks deeply into dads eyes and listens to his voice… If your a parent already, then you will know that the best part of having kids is the joy they bring you. You can see how she reaches out to his face as she giggles for dad, it’s evident that this dad loves his little girl. The best part of all is as she stares at him with such admiration. See this lovely display of affection: