“I went and knocked on the window and said, ‘Mr. Greene, you can’t do this. If you have a pinhole, carbon monoxide will kill you”
But when Eddie then saw the serious condition of John’s house he then understood why he had been sleeping in his car! The house was really run down, it was actually falling apart, it really would be impossible to sleep in the house how it was… The community rallied to get him sorted out, look at the video to see the amazing lengths they went to look after him and his house: Please SHARE this amazing story with your friends and family!“I captured the sweetest moment when they were singing a hymn together, just listen to his sweet voice praising Jesus.”
“This morning my precious grandpa got to meet Jesus face to face as he peacefully went home to be with Him, uncle Rick by his side”
“How Great Thou Art” was the last song he sang and I certainly hope that before I pass away I could live up to Walter’s conviction and faith, what an amazing guy right up until the end! Walters video of him singing the hymn in the hospital bed was shared on the Facebook page “Love What Matters” and as a result man other people also shared memories of singing this wonderful hymn with loved ones in all sorts of situations. One other person shared that her family also sang the hymn around her Grandpa’s bed in a hospital just before he passed too. She said in a comment:“Oh, wow…this is what we sang around my grandpa’s hospital bed …My oldest daughter was 4 years old (now 8 yrs old) and she still calls it -great grandpa’s song-”
“This is why we should still sing hymns at church…they connect generations together”
During life certainly, but even during death, Walters left a real impression on not just his family and friends but, I think, to God too, before he met him in heaven, our thoughts and prayers go to the family and friends to stay strong and keep their faith during these difficult times. Please SHARE this story of faith, Happiness, and Love with your friends and family!“Are you playing tricks?”
Christie wasn’t aware of the severity of what she was experiencing, but, in fact, she was experiencing a stroke and her arm was paralyzed. It was, of course, the hole in her heart that was the root of the problem! A blood clot had moved through the hole in her heart and it had found its way around her body and ended up in her brain and cause the stroke. She really wasn’t aware of the seriousness of her situation even though her daughter was, her mom didn’t want her to ring 911, she thought it wasn’t that bad, but Kailey knew she needed to take action. She called her dad and told him what was happening to mom! Her dad called 911 straight away after hearing Christie trying to speak, fortunately, she survived the stroke, but it could have been a lot worse had it happened and her daughter was not there to call for help. The hole in her heart was repaired during a surgical procedure, before the surgery she had to take blood thinners, but afterward, she will take some baby aspirin, for the remainder of her life. An award was presented to Kailey in front of classmates, police offices and paramedics! This wonderful little girl was just in the right place at the right time, like she sensed that she needed to be there to help, or maybe God had a hand to play? Every single event that day contributed to the positive outcome for her mom, every little detail, and it all payed off and she came out of the experience alive, the more time your left untreated with a stroke the more of yourself you loose! Please SHARE this wonderful and amazing story with your friends and your family!“There’s this man in Oklahoma who lost his wife four days after you lost your husband and I just think you could be encouraging to him.”
She left him a message on his own blog, she offered to talk on email or phone, if he wanted to. However, she didn’t know was that one of Ryan’s children came home and was asking about a “new mom”. It really caught him off guard, it had, after all only been two months since she had passed away. That night, he prayed with his children, and he said:“God, if that’s what I’m supposed to do, give me a sign, show me something… just prepare my heart for something like that.”
The very following morning he got Jessica’s message: After that the rest really seems history, they chatted each other’s socks down, hours at a time, then in December, they decided to meet. They chose Savannah to meet, in Georgia, after all, it was “neutral ground,”. It was a place both had always intended to visit, but never quite made it there, they certainly didn’t anticipate they would make it there under these circumstances! In all the phone calls and emails they had really made such a great connection with each other, it really helped them figure out what they wanted, no kids involved, just the two of them communicating. Ryan said:“Both of us had really good marriages and thought, ‘I want to do this again.’ I knew very quickly, even in the conversations, that I wanted her to be my wife and spend time with her for the rest of my life”
Everything was really great between them, and so it was that they got married in April 2011, the only thing next was to decide who would move in with who! Jessica’s son was disabled, Lucas, and he went to a lovely school already, it was logical that Ryan moves his three kids to Grand Rapids, Michigan, which he did, with Jessica and of course her four children she already had. Wow, seven kids, half of them not your own, well they are really strong and they absolutely made it work. Ryan said:“The kids all just meshed as if they were brothers and sisters from day one. It’s just amazing how they just took to each other immediately”
Just to put the icing on the cake, they are a family of ten, having had another child of their own in 2015. In 2013 they upped and moved to Tennessee, they now have 30 acres and a big country style house they all live in! This huge happy family really is a great example of how to fight for love and live your life with determination and zest! Please SHARE with friends and family and let’s inspire others to have the same zest for life!“So here’s the deal. Our service tonight sucked …Yeah, it was pretty terrible. But, it was very obvious that the issue was being short staffed, not the server.”
“He was running around like crazy and never acted annoyed with any table. At one point we counted he had 12 tables plus the bar. More than any one person could handle!”
The Schultz’s sat waiting and watching the server run back and to, between too many tables, all the time saying how sorry she was, never once losing her cool… Makenzie realized and turned to Steven and said:“Wow, this used to be us. Waiting tables. I don’t miss it at all and I never loved that job. I did it for the tips.”
“We’ve both been in your shoes. Paying it forward =)”
They quickly left before the server had a chance to read the note, they didn’t want a fuss, it was simply a kind gesture. Later on, Makenzie decided they this story could be a real inspiration to others too and decided to share it! She says that a bit of thoughtfulness can often really change a situation for the better, especially when its a situation outside of the person’s control. Makenzie wrote: “I’m just sharing this as a friendly reminder to think of the entire situation before you judge …And always always always remember where you came from.”“This situation looked really difficult, and I wasn’t sure how it was going to end up”
“If it failed, it meant we’d put a 62-year-old man on the street, and Officer McDonald and I were not OK with that”
“John was born in Poland, so it made it even more difficult for him to get new ID …I helped him out and said, that we will figure this out and get him a bed”
The two men worked with Helinski and got all the identification papers he needed finally… McDonald said:“First, I drove him personally to the local tax collector’s office, where he was able to get a temporary State of Florida ID card”
With the ID papers, he could finally get his birth record from the US State Consular Affairs department. Then the pieces started to fall into place, they could get him an appointment with social security and find out about his benefits he used to have. The big shock was that Helinski had never stopped receiving benefits, they are still getting deposited in his bank! They then went to the bank and the men saw he had a bank account he had forgotten about, with the social security checks and more! With his forgotten accounts he was able to move into his very own home, he is now living in the community homes that Inman work for, but all of a sudden his future is a lot happier and assured! McDonald says:“He has the money now to move into his own home …He deserves it. He’s a very good, sweet and genuine man.”
A huge thanks to these two men who made it all possible for this once homeless guy, they turned his life around and now he has a bright future again! Please SHARE this wonderful story with your friends and family!