“What could have been a day of real tragedy has turned out to be a day of great joy”
Oliver agreed, and he said that Heidi’s safe return to the family was one of the greatest days of his 20-year career in law enforcement. Oliver said:“This is a blessing …It is nothing to do with luck. The good Lord put me in that place.”
“At certain points, his behavior got so bad, I thought, ‘I can’t do this anymore,’ ..I can’t be a teacher.”
But being the strong determined person that she was she carried on, every day picking herself up and getting on. She found out that Jerome’s home life, which was riddled with psychological hurt and despair, it was very tender for him at home. Haley said:“It was really hard on her after she lost her husband …It was just a combination of tragedy coupled with the other social situations you face when you live in poverty.”
Haley realized also that Jerome’s birth mom, whose young daughter also passed away was really struggling. The commitment that Haley had with teach America was coming to the end of its two-year term, but she still felt drawn to remain there for another year after she needed to. In the fall of 2015 something pivotal happened, but she didn’t realize at the time, sh had a dream that absolutely changed the direction of her life forever more! In her dream she heard God’s voice, the voice told her that she was to be Jerome’s mother. She didn’t think too much about it but laughed the thought away at first. Then, out of the blue something else happened, the very next day at work, she sat watching Jerome, pondering her dream, he was quietly taking a test. Haley said she felt a calm come over her, like an angels breath, a godly calm, then at that moment Jerome looked up and asked her something. Haley said that:“He just asked me if he could live with me …I told him I had been feeling the same thing.”
Jerome’s birth mother confirmed the path set out for them as she also asked about the adoption of her sons Jerome and Jace then smaller younger one, to give them a better life! Putting all her trust in God, Haley adopted Jerome and Jace, she took a teaching job in Georgia, it was a big change in her life a real curveball, but she says she wouldn’t change a thing! Jerome is really doing well in school now, he is on the honor roll for the first time in his entire life. For Haley paying the bills and keeping on top of her finances is really hard, now a single mother living off a teachers salary, but God has always provided for them. Haley said:“I always knew I wanted to be a mom and I wouldn’t trade this for anything”
Everyone from around the world has been moved by her story and also offered financial support to the family, the money will help Jace stay in preschool and provide a college tuition for both of the boys in the future! We wish this lovely family the very best for the future, Haley you are awesome! Please SHARE this inspirational and miraculous story with your friends and family, let’s help spread not only the love but the inspiration this amazing story gives us all!“He has been almost non-stop meowing until he goes to sleep …and then meows again when he’s awake.”
Just as an amazing turn of fate, and with perfect timing, the person who was going to adopt Aphrodite, well it just didn’t happen, so in an excited flurry, Hadley shot back to the shelter! Both brother and sister seemed so incredibly excited to see each other, Hadley knew what was needed, and what he wanted from the beginning, he also adopted Aphrodite too, right then and there! Once they all got home, it was, of course, the puuuur-fect solution after all! Hadley said:“They both love to cuddle and purr like crazy when we are holding them … They sleep most of the day,” she explained, “and they cuddle each other when they sleep!”
Hadley said a little more recently that both kittens are happy as can be together and really do belong together. Maybe Ares somehow realized that Aphrodite was the one and only Greek goddess of love, or so it would seem! Please SHARE this magnificent story of puurrr-fect love with friends and family!“He’s very outgoing and never meets a stranger …He loves to play, loves to laugh and loves to make other people laugh.”
Cortney entered their son into the competition because a relative had suggested it, just interested to know if others found his smile as infectious as the rest of the family did too. Cortney said that one of his absolute best features was his lovely heart winning smile! The proud father, with tears in his eyes told about how he wished the world would see and be more accepting and loving of children with special needs. He said:“We’re hoping this will impact everyone”
“[We’re hoping] that it will shed a little bit of light on the special needs community and help more individuals with special needs be accepted and not limited”
“They have the potential to change the world, just like everybody else.”
Courtney said that she has a great worry about her son as he grew up, to worry about bullies targeting him because he was different, but hopes that he will look back with pride that he was the face of Gerber! Cortney said:“He may have Down syndrome, but he’s always Lucas first …We’re hoping when he grows up and looks back on this, he’ll be proud of himself and not ashamed of his disability.”
Bill Partyka, CEO of Gerber, said:“Lucas’ winning smile and joyful expression won our hearts this year, and we are all thrilled to name him our 2018 Spokesbaby.”
He also said that Lucas was the perfect fit for the company’s slogan, that every baby is a Gerber baby. Lucas is blissfully unaware that he, even now, he is charting new territory for other kids with special needs and their families too! His sweet smile and his bright eyes that just endure, the world will have a realyl wonderful way to see that a person with down syndrome is simply another person, to live and love! Please SHARE this lovely and insparational story about beautiful Lucas with friends and family.“I have received so many private messages from people around the world telling me how the video impacted them …My favorites have been from parents of children with disabilities, saying I have given them hope that one day they will find love.”
You can watch the lovely video for yourself here: Please SHARE and spread awareness even further of this video to friends and family. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uNATgH2Et4g