42 Great storage hacks and solutions! How she transforms a hanger is pure genius!

It can be very difficult to stay organized around the house with more and more “stuff” piling up. When kids and pets are added to the equation the storage space is even more limited! Before you throw everything in a box and keep it hidden away somewhere, have a look at these clever storage solutions! These genius storage hacks will make organizing your home so much easier (and more fun)! And the best part – they’re simple and will keep your home clutter free! 1. Hanging a shoe organizer in your closet is a great way to organize paper towels or cleaning supplies!
Sew many ways
2. Add double hooks to the inside of a closet door to hang dusters and dustpans.
Sew many ways
3. Don’t waste any space! Covering exposed beams with wire shelves is another storage solution to use when organizing your home.
The Family Handyman
4. Have your clutches perfectly organized with a simple lid rack!
Fabulous Fashions 4 Sensible Style
5. Turn a low hanging coat rack into a great hanging shoe storage!
Sawdust girl
6. Declutter your desk using velcro to fasten your hard drive under your desk.
Apartment Therapy
7. No more cluttered cabinets using hooks in the shelves for hanging teacups and mugs. This looks so organized!
Penelope’s Oasis
8. Fruits and vegetables that don’t need refrigeration can be stored in baskets hung on a Pegboard.
Martha Stewart
9. Store plastic grocery bags (or dog waste bags) in an empty wet wipe container.
Nae Chic
10. Ice cube trays are great for organizing jewelry or craft supplies.
Nick and Caeli
11. Don’t know where to store your towels? Repurpose a wine rack – use it as a beautiful towel rack.
Apartment Geeks
12. Use small baskets in drawers to organize and store different types of makeup.
Fancy House Road
13. Declutter your bathroom using PVC pipes for storing your curling iron. Measure your curling irons and pick a PVC pipe accordingly.
The family handyman
14. Tired of not finding your tweezer? Install a magnet inside your medicine cabinet to hold onto it.
Real Simple
15. Or, use a larger magnetic strip to keep track of all bobby pins.
Super Woman
16. Use empty baby wipe container to store crayons for when you’re on the go.
17. Declutter your pots lids by storing them behind a towel rack inside of a pantry door.
Martha Stewart
18. Find a beautiful vintage frame and use nails to keep your sewing thread neat and organized.
Grey Luster Girl
19. Use egg cartons to store smaller christmas ornaments.
Ask Anna
20. Keep your batteries organized in a tackle box.
21. Place screws, nails and picture fasteners inside of different jars or canisters.
22. Organize tights neatly on a clothing hanger.
What I Wore
23. Place all Christmas and present wrapping paper in a garment bag for an organized and easily accessed storage.
The Chic Site
24. Create a simple, yet beautiful, jewelry organizer with tacks and a piece of wood trim.
Grateful Prayer Thankful Heart
25. Use unwanted wire hangers to hang your flip flops and free up floor space in your closet.
26. Cut a shoe organizer in half and place one half under the bathroom sink and the other under the kitchen sink to get some extra storage space.
Imperfect Home
27. Place a metal magazine holder inside a drawer for an easy way to store aluminum foil and saran wrap.
The Wandmaker’s Mother
28. You can also use magazine holders to store canned food.
PBJ Stories
29. Attach a command strip behind the high chair to hang baby bibs.
30. Paint your inner cabinet with chalkboard paint and add key hooks to store your meausring cups.
Tidbits From The Tremaynes
31. Attach magnetic strips on spice jar lids and use your fridge as a spice holder.
32. Make the most of empty spaces by adding shelves, small areas are great for storing glasses!
33. Add a few bars and hooks for organized and easy to access utensils
Not Martha
34. Easily organize baseball caps uwing shower curtain rings and a hanger.
Corn Flower Blue Studio
35. Use clip hooks to hang your bath products if you run out of room in the shower.
36. Put wet toys in a fruit basket after bath time.
8 Foot 6
37. Keep your desk organized by creating a one of a kind key and cable holder using LEGO
38. Tired of having basketballs, footballs and soccer balls lying around in the garage? Use bungee cords to create a great storage place for them!
Designed To Dwell
39. Placing your washer and dryer on top of a shelf gives you room for laundry baskets underneath.
Sweet Pickins Furniture
40. Use empty glass bottles for organizing your beautiful bracelets and watches!
41. Use crown molding to organize shoes in your closet.
DIY n Crafts
42. Add velcro to a dish towel to stop it from falling from wherever it is hanging.
Martha Stewart
Everyone loves a clutter-free and organized home. Please share these useful tips with your friends and family!

Police Search For Missing Girl, 4-Years-Old, They Find Her In Very Strange Circumstances!

The community group together in Johns Island, South Carolina, still very emotional after a complete nightmare of a situation, they had been searching for 24 hours for a girl that as kidnapped, Heidi Renae, just 4 years-old. Thankfully everyone feels a sense of relief that she has been discovered alive and safe in Alabama, but shocked about the circumstances around her disappearance back on 13th February this year. There are five children living with their parents, Heidi was one of those five in a lovely community of Johns Island before this terrible thing happened. Her father is a member of the coast guard and her mo is a stay at home mom who cares for all the children and their home, at the time it happened her father was out training with his work, out of town! The day it happened was an awful day, a guy came into the family home, beat up Heidi’s mom and took Heidi with him, kidnapped, and gone! The police said that the first feeling that something was wrong came when Heidi’s mom didn’t turn up to pick up her two older children from the school… The police went to the family home and then discovered that Heidi’s mom was there but had been ‘brutally beaten’, there were two siblings there, younger in age than Heidi and Heidi herself was gone! The police took action straight away and rushed Heidi’s mother to the hospital, she needed immediate surgery, her injuries were severe! The community was truly shocked an horrified by what had happened, they joined forces with the police to search high and low for the little girl! In the end, a railroad crew that was working over in Riverside, Alabama, 400 miles away from where Heidi lived were responsible for leading police to the child after they saw a car parked in the nearby woods that was suspicious. Rick Oliver, Police Chief from Riverside arrived and approached the vehicle, as he got closer he saw a guy sleeping, also inside the car was the little girl! As they confronted the guy, he quickly pushed the girl out of the car to the police, then he drove off as fast as he could. The guy was later arrested like he could ever have thought he would actually be able to get away, he is 37-years-old, called Thomas Lawton Evans and he was only released from prison a few short weeks ago!
Thomas Lawton Evans, 37 years old…
Police were seriously attempting to ascertain why he did it and if there was any connection from him to the Todd family, or if it was just a random attack. The little girl seemed to be physically unharmed, she was sat happily eating snacks and watching cartoons, but little do we know about the psychological effects the while ordeal has had on her. She waited with the authorities who tried to make her as comfortable as possible while her farther came to collect her, he took a flight from Charleston straight away after he got the news about his daughter. John Tecklenburg, Charleston Mayor announced the news that the little girl had been found, there was a lot of relief and cheers from the crowd, but everyone continued to pray for Heidi’s mom, still in hospital and seriously injured. Tecklenburg said:

“What could have been a day of real tragedy has turned out to be a day of great joy”

Oliver agreed, and he said that Heidi’s safe return to the family was one of the greatest days of his 20-year career in law enforcement. Oliver said:

“This is a blessing …It is nothing to do with luck. The good Lord put me in that place.”

Waiter frustrated with $3.28 tip. Eyes go wide receiving unexpected letter days later

You only get one chance to make a first impression, but these teenagers did everything they could when they realized their mistake. A waiter in Los Angeles was serving four teens, really making sure that their evening was perfect. He then received a not so satisfying tip… The waiter was disappointed and upset that the kids and other people don’t understand the custom of tipping well for hard work. He described on social media how he felt as a waiter when he only received a $3.28 tip from the teenagers: “Nothing more frustrating than when I get little to nothing for a tip and the customer is smiling and thanking me profusely as they exit”. But then something very unexpected happened! Roughly one week later, he received a letter: “About a week and a half ago, on October 7, my 3 friends and I came to eat at this restaurant as our own homecoming celebration. It was an exciting experience for us to be here alone, and it was all new to us. And you were the best waiter we could ask for. You were kind, helpful, accommodating, didn’t treat us like babies, and were even able to fit the food to all my allergies! So I wanted to say thank you for making our ‘grown-up’ experience so amazing and fun. I would also like to say sorry on behalf of my group. Since we were new to all of this, our 13-year-old minds didn’t exactly know how to deal with the bill. You were super helpful in dividing the checkup and taking our not-so-preferable cash. The bill was reasonable, but we had completely forgotten (and frankly didn’t know) what a tip even was, let alone how much to give. So we emptied our pocked and all our money added up to $3.28.”
“Not aware of how small this really was, we left, clueless of what we had left you for all your hard work. Later, we realized our mistake and felt HORRIBLE. We knew we had to make it right. So in this envelope, you will find the correct 18% tip + extra for simply being amazing. We appreciate your help and patience and thank you for making our night fun. Thank you!”
The bill was roughly $100, and a $3.28 tip is less than four percent! Thankfully, the teens realized their mistake and made sure to handle it appropriately. The waiter posted a picture of the letter online along with some inspiring and kind words: “I’ve been serving a long time, and nothing like this has ever happened to me, or anyone. I don’t know how you learned or educated yourself on tipping, but I really appreciate the effort and kindness. I hope your Homecoming was fantastic!” It’s not every day that people go that extra mile to right their mistakes, but when they do it can make all the difference in the world – and this hardworking waiter truly deserved it!

God Gives Teacher A Dream About A Troubled Student, Two Days After It Starts Happening!

It all starts with a teacher, way over her head as a young teacher, based in Baton Rouge, Louisiana called Chelsea Haley, 24 years-old and single… Haley was part of teaching for America and her goal was to help, or hope to help, and make a difference to students at a low-income school, but there was one student, a fourth-grade young boy who almost drove her to quit! The little boy, a 12-year-old Jerome Robinson was not very cooperative at all, in fact, he was flunking everything, not only did he fail at school work but he was also often suspended …a real pain! Hailey thought at the time:

“At certain points, his behavior got so bad, I thought, ‘I can’t do this anymore,’ ..I can’t be a teacher.”

But being the strong determined person that she was she carried on, every day picking herself up and getting on. She found out that Jerome’s home life, which was riddled with psychological hurt and despair, it was very tender for him at home. Haley said:

“It was really hard on her after she lost her husband …It was just a combination of tragedy coupled with the other social situations you face when you live in poverty.”

Haley realized also that Jerome’s birth mom, whose young daughter also passed away was really struggling. The commitment that Haley had with teach America was coming to the end of its two-year term, but she still felt drawn to remain there for another year after she needed to. In the fall of 2015 something pivotal happened, but she didn’t realize at the time, sh had a dream that absolutely changed the direction of her life forever more! In her dream she heard God’s voice, the voice told her that she was to be Jerome’s mother. She didn’t think too much about it but laughed the thought away at first. Then, out of the blue something else happened, the very next day at work, she sat watching Jerome, pondering her dream, he was quietly taking a test. Haley said she felt a calm come over her, like an angels breath, a godly calm, then at that moment Jerome looked up and asked her something. Haley said that:

“He just asked me if he could live with me …I told him I had been feeling the same thing.”

Jerome’s birth mother confirmed the path set out for them as she also asked about the adoption of her sons Jerome and Jace then smaller younger one, to give them a better life! Putting all her trust in God, Haley adopted Jerome and Jace, she took a teaching job in Georgia, it was a big change in her life a real curveball, but she says she wouldn’t change a thing! Jerome is really doing well in school now, he is on the honor roll for the first time in his entire life. For Haley paying the bills and keeping on top of her finances is really hard, now a single mother living off a teachers salary, but God has always provided for them. Haley said:

“I always knew I wanted to be a mom and I wouldn’t trade this for anything”

Everyone from around the world has been moved by her story and also offered financial support to the family, the money will help Jace stay in preschool and provide a college tuition for both of the boys in the future! We wish this lovely family the very best for the future, Haley you are awesome! Please SHARE this inspirational and miraculous story with your friends and family, let’s help spread not only the love but the inspiration this amazing story gives us all!

Rescued Kitten Won’t Stop Meowing, Owner Went Back To Shelter And Finds Out Why!

There are around 3.5 million cats that enter the United States, in animal shelters, each year according to the National Kitten Coalition… It’s thought that of those about 1.5 million are euthanized each year, and that is just because they couldn’t find a loving family to adopt them. One of the lucky ones, that did get adopted, called Ares, was taken from the shelter just before new years eve of 2017. His sister also found her way to the Wisconsin Humane Society’s Door too, as strays. Just a short few weeks later, Alana Hadley visited the Sturgeon Bay shelter and she fell head over heels in love with a really sweet kitten! She asked, very excitedly, about his sister also, called Aphrodite, but at that time an adoption for her was pending, so they couldn’t let her go. This sweet little kitten, Ares, was taken home, as a solo artist, and all seemed well at first, until the first night, he began meowing, and he would just not stop! Kittens absolutely make quite a bit of noise, even though they are small and when they feel lonely too, or even a little afraid. So understandably Hadley gave the kitten a fluffy toy, to snuggle and cuddle. That would have been a perfect solution, but unfortunately, Ares decided that this cute fluffy toy wasn’t going to satisfy him, not in the least bit… So the meowing went on, and on and on some more like it would never end! Hadley sent a message to the shelter, some action was needed, but what he didn’t know was… Hadley said:

“He has been almost non-stop meowing until he goes to sleep …and then meows again when he’s awake.”

Just as an amazing turn of fate, and with perfect timing, the person who was going to adopt Aphrodite, well it just didn’t happen, so in an excited flurry, Hadley shot back to the shelter! Both brother and sister seemed so incredibly excited to see each other, Hadley knew what was needed, and what he wanted from the beginning, he also adopted Aphrodite too, right then and there! Once they all got home, it was, of course, the puuuur-fect solution after all! Hadley said:

“They both love to cuddle and purr like crazy when we are holding them … They sleep most of the day,” she explained, “and they cuddle each other when they sleep!”

Hadley said a little more recently that both kittens are happy as can be together and really do belong together. Maybe Ares somehow realized that Aphrodite was the one and only Greek goddess of love, or so it would seem! Please SHARE this magnificent story of puurrr-fect love with friends and family!

Dad Cries After Son With Down Syndrome Is Named as the ‘Gerber’ Baby!

Get yourself acquainted with the 2018 Gerber baby, this lovely 1-year-old picked from over 140,000 entries by other hopeful parents all across the USA. The baby picked was Lucas Warren… The 1-year-old from Dalton, in Georgia, is the very first baby that has Down syndrome to ever claim the coveted honor of being Gerber’s Spokesbaby!! Ever since 2010, Gerber has held, each year, a competition to find a new face, baby-face, to represent their brand. Before the yearly contests were held they used the babyface that was drawn in charcoal, the original Gerber baby, which was Ann Turner Cook, the face of Gerber since 1927, wow! The team at Gerber looked over many of the competition entries of lovely babies from all over the country, but after all that, it was Lucas that stood apart from all the others. Lucas’s father, Jason Warren, was in floods of tears, completely overwhelmed with happiness, gratitude and above all, he was so proud of his son! Cortney Warren said:

“He’s very outgoing and never meets a stranger …He loves to play, loves to laugh and loves to make other people laugh.”

Cortney entered their son into the competition because a relative had suggested it, just interested to know if others found his smile as infectious as the rest of the family did too. Cortney said that one of his absolute best features was his lovely heart winning smile! The proud father, with tears in his eyes told about how he wished the world would see and be more accepting and loving of children with special needs. He said:

“We’re hoping this will impact everyone”

“[We’re hoping] that it will shed a little bit of light on the special needs community and help more individuals with special needs be accepted and not limited”

“They have the potential to change the world, just like everybody else.”

Courtney said that she has a great worry about her son as he grew up, to worry about bullies targeting him because he was different, but hopes that he will look back with pride that he was the face of Gerber! Cortney said:

“He may have Down syndrome, but he’s always Lucas first …We’re hoping when he grows up and looks back on this, he’ll be proud of himself and not ashamed of his disability.”

Bill Partyka, CEO of Gerber, said:

“Lucas’ winning smile and joyful expression won our hearts this year, and we are all thrilled to name him our 2018 Spokesbaby.”

He also said that Lucas was the perfect fit for the company’s slogan, that every baby is a Gerber baby. Lucas is blissfully unaware that he, even now, he is charting new territory for other kids with special needs and their families too! His sweet smile and his bright eyes that just endure, the world will have a realyl wonderful way to see that a person with down syndrome is simply another person, to live and love! Please SHARE this lovely and insparational story about beautiful Lucas with friends and family.

Dad Sees Daughters Hair Looks Nice, But Does Something Humiliating To It As Punishment!

Beauty really does come from the inside, but that doesn’t mean that we don’t care about how we look on the outside too, after all it’s the first thing people see and perhaps says a little about at at the least. It really is a great feeling to go mad at how you look and really make a big effort about out appearance, at least every once in a while. One thing that a few of us care about is the way our hair looks, which is not really that surprising after all, it kind of makes a statement to other people in a way about us, and our hair is a super visible feature! So it carries that a bad haircut can cause even the most confident of people to hide away and feel self-conscious until it’s fixed of course. A really bad or crazy or even forced upon us, type of haircut is really an assault on us, especially if its done with malice or on purpose, don’t you think? January this year a happy and jolly an confident young girl of 13 decided that she would try a different look, and naturally, that involved a change of hairstyle! She came to the decision that she wanted to get highlights, a request that her mom Christine Johnson had agreed to! Her mom took her to the hairdressers for a lovely birthday treat, awesome, right? Well, it would have been awesome to show off her lovely new look, but something terrible happened. Before that though, Christie took a photo of her lovely daughter, smiling, overjoyed with her new hairstyle… Her happiness was very sadly short and not so sweet, just days after this Kelsey stayed with her father and stepmother, what would happen there would completely traumatize her! The photos her mom took after the visit to them were awful and heartbreaking for her and for her mom, shocking even! Kelsey is even too ashamed to show her face, but you don’t need to see her face to feel for this poor girl and how she must have felt. What was once her long and lovely hair was hacked down to nothing, all gone, so incredibly short it would even make a grown woman cry, let alone a young girl! The Facebook post written by the aunt of Kelsey says that the girl’s father and stepmother had cut Kelsey’s hair after they saw the new highlights… ”Actions have consequences.” was their reason for doing it! …Really? For some unbeknownst reason, they were very upset over the girls’ new highlights and decided to do this awful thing to her hair, forced to have this boy’s haircut, like some kind of forced humiliation! The father and stepmother could now be facing consequences of their own, because, as they said already, we believe, “actions have consequences”. Since they both work as firefighters their actions have landed them a suspension without pay. Christie wrote in a Facebook post that the reason for the extreme haircut that she had was for the purpose of humiliating Kelsey. The post had many comments and from people who are equally devastated on Kelsey’s behalf! The post has of course gone completely viral and social services in Wood County have stepped in to conduct an investigation into what exactly happened. We really hope that Kelsey will get the justice that she deserves and her father and stepmother will be punished for their horrific alleged assault and the humiliation it caused to the young girl. I can’t quite imagine how Kelsey is really feeling, she will be reminded of the terrible incident every time she looks at herself, until it grows back, which could be a considerable amount of time. Do you think these parents should be punished severely? SHARE and shame and tell us what you think in the comments below.

Bride Surprises Deaf Groom, Everyone was in tears with what she did!

One occasion that is always is joyful are weddings, but perhaps a little more special than that even is when you hear about gestures of love that are made at these wonderful events. The bride of this wedding was gorgeous and so pretty, her name is Elizabeth, and what she did for her hubby to be was so awesome it really touched everyone, the whole gathering, and everyone who watched, thousands of people were in tears over it! Scott her husband and Elizabeth, so to be married had their big day on 27th January 2018, in Sydney Australia and it was truly beautiful! The angelic bride came into the room with her son, she was getting ready for the big moment, which would be a complete surprise for her hubby to be! Scott had a really hard childhood, at the age of five he had already started to lose his hearing, and just three years on again and he was completely deaf! Elizabeth got in the right place and she was ready to walk down the aisle, Christina Perry’s song called “A Thousand Years” was playing in the background, all their friends and family were there… Elizabeth met Scott on Tinder about two years ago and the mother of two Elizabeth so head over heels in love she started to learn ‘Auslan’, Australian sign language! About 12 weeks before the big day, Elizabeth secretly taught herself the lyrics and how to sign, in sign language their super special song, it’s really amazing how determined she was! When Scott realized what she was doing he completely burst into tears, Elizabeth said that her husband has watched the video at least one hundred times now! The beautiful tribute was videoed and it was viewed over 400,000 times. The couple is so happy that the video is reaching so many people and at the same time, it’s raising awareness a to others about the importance of learning sign language. Elizabeth said:

“I have received so many private messages from people around the world telling me how the video impacted them …My favorites have been from parents of children with disabilities, saying I have given them hope that one day they will find love.”

You can watch the lovely video for yourself here: Please SHARE and spread awareness even further of this video to friends and family. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uNATgH2Et4g