Sociology Assignment Asking to Smile at Strangers Changed One Mother’s Life
70-year-old widow wants to marry again – posts hilarious single ad in newspaper that goes viral
Getting back into the dating world can be strange, and intimidating, especially if it has been a long time since we were last single. But the most important lesson to remember is that it’s important to stay open to others and not judge anyone too quick.
In this funny story I came across online, that’s exactly what a 70-year-old widow had to experience. She was home when suddenly her doorbell rang… but she never expected to see who was on the other side.
Read the full hilarious joke below — and make sure you read until the punchline. Oh, if you appreciated the story, you’re more than welcome to share with others to give them a good laugh too!
A lonely 70-year-old widow decided that it was time to marry again…
She put an ad in the local newspaper that read:
“Husband wanted! Must be in my age group, must not beat me, must not run around on me and must still be good in bed. All applicants please apply in person.”
The following day, she heard the doorbell. Much to her dismay, she opened the door to see a gray-haired gentleman sitting in a wheelchair. He had no arms or legs.

“You’re not really asking me to consider you, are you?” the widow asked: “Just look at you — you have no legs!”
The old gent smiled: “Therefore, I cannot run around on you!”
“You don’t have any arms either!” she snorted.
Again, the old man smiled: “Therefore, I can never beat you!”
She raised an eyebrow and asked intently: “Are you still good in bed?”
The old man leaned back, beamed a big smile and said: “I rang the doorbell, didn’t I?”
Why not help cheer a friend up? Share this joke and help give someone a good laugh!
Peace and Love
Bored Daddy
Why not help cheer a friend up? Share this joke and help give someone a good laugh!
Bored Daddy
Single Dad Gets Strange Feeling About Waitress. When He Sees Check Knows It’s A Sign

Grab your tissue! If you were moved by Sean’s words please let us know.
Cop Finds Missing Girl In Car In Middle Of Woods, Then Sees Strange Man Sleeping Beside Her
On February 13, something strange happened to a South Carolina mother that never happened before. She never showed up to pick up her two daughters from school. Teachers and administrator were so concerned they called the police. When the police pulled up to the family home what they found left them numb.
A man broke into the family home and brutally beat the mother. To make that even worse the man kidnapped the girls 4 year old sister, Heidi.
Officers quickly called the paramedics and the mother was rushed to the hospital where she had emergency surgery. At the same time authorities began the search for Heidi and her kidnapper.
When the community heard of what happened they joinded the search. They scoured the area in search of any clues to the little girls wherabouts. They found nothing.
24 hours later and about 400 miles away a railroad worker noticed something out fo the ordinary. A car had been parked close to where they were working but it was deep in the woods and off the main road.
The workers quickly alerted police to the suspicious vehicle.
Riverside Police Chief Rick Oliver carefully approached the vehicle. When he got to the car and looked inside there was a man sleeping next to a little girl. The man turned over the girl but then sped away.
Officer Oliver quickly figured out the little girl was indeed Heidi, the missing little girl everyone was searching for.
Thoma Lawton Evans, was caught and arrested with his prior felony record he will be in prison for a long time to come.
Chief Oliver said that the moment he was able to safely return Heidi to her family was one of the greatest moments of his 20-year law enforcement career.
“This is a blessing,” he said. “It is nothing to do with luck. The good Lord put me in that place.”
[youtube]Mom Abandons Husband And Month-Old Baby – Dad’s Letter To Her Goes Viral
So many stories start with a father leaving his family to pursue his dreams, new love interest or selfishness. You don’t hear many stories that start with a mother abandoning her baby and husband. Well get ready because this story is about to break your heart. Spoiler Alert it has a happy ending.
In January 2015 Richard Johnson’s daughter Persephone was born, and his life was changed forever. With this new addition Richard was the happiest he had ever been, until Richard’s wife ran away with their new baby to California.
Why? Everything seemed perfect…she was suffering from postpartum depression. She reached out to Richard and threatened if he didn’t come get the baby right away that she was putting her up for adoption.
After he brought her home he was faced with a whole new set of problems. He never raised a child before. How in the world was he going to function as a single father? Richard did what most of us do these days he turned to Facebook. He found a page called Life of Dad that was dedicated to other single dads.
With this group Richard’s life turned around, He shared his journey on the page. It was the most heartfelt testimonies I’ve heard.
“Life of Dad,
My name is Richard Johnson, and I’m a single father to a beautiful little girl named Persephone. Her mother left about a month after she was born. We still don’t know exactly why, but we suspect postpartum depression played a part. In the first few weeks of it being just her and me, I stumbled upon your page by accident. I was so nervous and scared about being a father in general, but now I was a single father and had to fulfill two roles. I wasn’t sure I could do it.”
“After reading every ‘new parent’ book I could find and clocked in over 1,000 hours in YouTube videos from everything to braiding hair and painting nails to theories on how to deal with common parental issues. I then started to watch your page more closely and saw that there were other fathers out there who were in similar predicaments as me.”
“The page started to turn into a major confidence booster and really helped me through all of this.”
“We’re both very happy now and continue to grow together every day. She’s now 10 months, and I now get asked by my friends for parenting advice constantly. We’ve come a long way, my daughter and me, and we definitely owe part of that to this page and the people within it. So from both of us, we wanted to thank you.
Sincerely, Persephone & Richard Johnson”
In April 2017, Richard posted an update that was exactly what we needed to hear.

“This lovely lady is my girlfriend and Persephone[‘s] wonderful and gorgeous Mother Jennifer.
We had met at the mall while I pathetically attempted to catch her attention by asking if she could help me pick out clothes for Persephone.”
“I explained that I wasn’t sure what actually matched and need some pointers considering my own closet had consisted of nothing but black, faded black, and dark black clothes.
We had talked for months before I allowed her to meet Persephone. Upon meeting her Persephone had made the choice that this would be her mommy.”
Persephone wasn’t a fan of women and would normally shun away from them. She had only known her bearded father and his friends.
The first time they had met Persephone had cried to be held by Jennifer.”
Fast forward to today, Jennifer has helped us become the family we desperately wanted to be. Persephone knows no other woman other than her as mommy.

Richard says that Persephone only know Jennifer as Mommy now. Even Jennifer’s parents are embracing the little girl as their grand daughter.

What a way for this tragic story to turn around to having this amazing ending.
Pregnant Teen Told by Family Her Boyfriend Would Abandon Her, He Proves Everyone Wrong

Caitlin and Noah showed everyone who didn’t believe in them that they are strong, committed, and always by each other’s side. The adults in their life failed them because they didn’t trust in their love, but they never failed one another, and that’s probably what matters most.
A lot can be learned from the relationship these two have, but I guess the most important one is to never judge a book by its cover and never jump into conclusions.
Caitlin and Noah, you are such an inspiration to all of us!
Airline passenger shouts at check-in woman – then her 6-word response instantly knocks him down to size

“I HAVE to be on this flight and it has to be FIRST CLASS.”
The agent said in reply:“I’m sorry, sir. I’ll be happy to try to help you, but I’ve got to help these folks first, and then I’m sure we’ll be able to work something out.”
This passenger was really not impressed at all! Loudly, he demanded so all the other passengers could hear:“DO YOU HAVE ANY IDEA WHO I AM?”
Then the agent smiled and responded in a split-second, by grabbing her public announcement microphone… She said:“May I have your attention, please?”
“We have a passenger here at Gate 14 WHO DOES NOT KNOW WHO HE IS.”
“If anyone can help him with his identity, please come to Gate 14.”
The folks who happened to be behind him and hysterical with laughter, the man glared at the woman gritting his teeth… He said:“Screw you!”
Without even hesitation the woman said, as she smiled nicely:“I’m sorry, sir. You’ll have to get in line for that, too.”
SHARE this lovely and funny story with your friends and family and have a laugh together! Peace and Love Bored DaddyMan Tells School Board How Bully Forced His Head in Urinal 40 Yrs Ago, Same Bully Now Sits Among Them

“I started out and I had teachers that bullied me, I had kids that bullied me, even the coaches. I had nobody to turn to.”
Then he told everyone about one particular day, he sadly remembers it now still it was so awful! He said:“One day at lunch, I had my head shoved in a urinal where it busted my lip. I laid on the ground in a fetal position as the kids kicked me”
“I got up, rinsed my face off, I walked out of the lunchroom, walked straight to the principal’s office, and he told me that these kids would grow up someday. They won’t always be like this.”
“But yet, here I am, covered in urine from lying on the ground under the urinal. And they sent me home.”
Greg’s story was a really shocking one, but there was more… He admitted to, that evening, getting his fathers gun, from the drawer where he keeps it, and put it in his mouth and contemplated the worse!
He went on to say:“Because at this point I had nobody — nobody in the school system — to help me…Is that the way this is going to be?”
Then Greg told all of them all exactly what he meant by pointing to Superintendent Lance Hindt and saying:“Lance, you were the one that shoved my head into the urinal.”
Then, after Greg made his way straight away from the podium, Lance tried to Laugh it off, he wasn’t convincing! Greg said, just out of view:”Do you want to debate? Because I got witnesses that were there when it happened.”
Superintendent Lance Hindt later on then released a statement denying Barrett’s claim! Lance said, in his statement:“It was difficult for me to listen to a gentleman Monday night recount a bullying incident he said occurred more than 35 years ago”
“As superintendent in three school districts in Texas, I have always tried to create an environment where every student is safe, physically and emotionally. But when an individual impugns my character and reputation as the instigator of those actions, I am disappointed because it simply is not true.”
He also said that the head of the school would have never have allowed these actions to happen. The statement finished: “I do not suggest that Mr. Barrett was not bullied, only that I was not part of it. Bullying is wrong. Period. It was then and it is today,” the statement concluded.” Another guy, a businessman also came forward and stated that Lance was a bully all through middle school and high school too! But even with all that the school board blindly stands behind Lance! Katy ISD board president, Ashley Vann, said:“The board fully vetted Dr. Lance Hindt before hiring him two years ago …His strong leadership and fulfillment of our vision since then has affirmed our decision. We stand united with Dr. Hindt today.”
Greg said:“People change. They do stupid stuff when they’re young …I just want him to acknowledge it, say he’s sorry and make some changes so this doesn’t continue to happen.”
Please SHARE this story with your friends and family, maybe the SHAME will persuade all to the right thing!