This is what you get when you marry a girl from Texas

Finding the right woman isn’t easy. And honestly, nowadays, wives don’t get ‘orders’ from their husbands, which is totally fine as partners should equally be responsible for all those tasks that come with keeping the house clean. But what happens when when you ask your wife to do the dishes and the house cleaning? Three friends who married girls from different parts of the world did that and we can’t stop laughing because of one of the woman’s reactions. I guess that is what you get when marrying a Texas girl. This is hilarious! Three friends married women from different parts of the world. The first man married a Greek girl. He told her that she was to do the dishes and house cleaning. It took a couple of days, but on the third day, he came home to see a clean house and dishes washed and put away. The second man married a Thai. He gave his wife orders that she was to do all the cleaning, dishes and the cooking. The first day he didn’t see any results, but the next day he saw it was better. By the third day, he saw his house was clean, the dishes were done, and there was a huge dinner on the table. The third man married a girl from Texas. He ordered her to keep the house cleaned, dishes washed, laundry washed, and hot meals on the table for every meal. The first day he didn’t see anything, the second day he didn’t see anything either but by the third day, some of the swelling had gone down and he could see a little out of his left eye and his arm was healed enough that he could fix himself a sandwich and load the dishwasher. He still has some difficulty when he pees. SHARE if it made you LAUGH 🙂

Homecoming Queen’s Actions Stun Special Needs Classmate

Every parent worries whether their child will fit in at school or be the outcast. With bullying so prevalent nowadays, those concerns are legitimate. When that child has special needs, the anxiety is even greater. Fortunately at smaller schools, everyone knows everyone and can help look out for each other.
Flickr/Kevin Krejci
Wayne Community Schools in Iowa has slightly more than 200 students in seventh through 12th grades. When Angie Sloan’s daughter Chelsea was ready to enter junior high, she fretted about her daughter being included. That’s because Chelsea has Down syndrome. But it didn’t take long before Chelsea had a big group of caring classmates who didn’t just look out for her, but were her friends.
Facebook/Angie Sloan
When Chelsea was a senior, she was ecstatic to be named to her high school’s homecoming court. Mom Angie said Chelsea could not stop beaming. She wrote on Facebook: “Ever since she found out, she’s been counting down the days, telling EVERYONE, including doctors, therapists, receptionists, seriously, EVERYONE, she talked to the news. I was so excited, because she doesn’t usually get to worked up about these types of things. We went dress shopping, did her hair, and nails, and she even decided wearing a little make-up would be okay. All of these things made this mama so happy, just getting to experience these normal everyday things that most people take for granted. Unbeknownst to me, the real pride and joy would come later.” When the homecoming king and queen were announced during the coronation, Chelsea was so excited to be standing up there with everyone. She watched her classmate Katie Gassman be crowned queen.
Facebook/Angie Sloan
But then Katie did something so surprising that it made Angie cry. In fact, everyone was struggling to hold back their tears. After the crowns were presented an announcer came over the loud speaker. She informed everyone that Katie had handed her a letter beforehand to read during the event. The woman over the microphone struggled to read the heartfelt words. Although it began with Katie saying how honored she was to be named queen – there was something special she wanted to do. Her note read: “…tonight I would like to share my crown with the girl who always has a smile on her face and has overcome so many hardships.” Katie then removed the crown from her head and walked over to Chelsea to put it on hers. Being overcome with surprise and joy, Chelsea’s mouth instantly dropped.
Facebook/Angie Sloan
The entire gymnasium cheered as Katie led Chelsea over to the king to take her spot as one of the homecoming queens. It was a scene that was just too beautiful for words, especially for her mom Angie. She said: “This wonderful, selfless, young woman, Katie Gassman chose to share her crown with Chelsea. There really are no words that can describe how I feel. We are so fortunate to live in such a loving community. The students at Wayne Community Schools have proven time and time again that they have kindness and integrity that is so easily forgotten in this day and age. I am so humbled by the love and compassion that they have always shown Chelsea. Thank you Katie.” You can watch the incredible act of kindness for yourself in the video below, just grab a tissue first!

4-yr-old with cancer is just minutes from death, wakes up and tells mom: “I’ll just go to heaven and play until you get there”

Dealing with the serious illness of a child can make even the sanest of families go crazy. What do you do when there’s nothing to do to help your child? Ruth Scully never thought her life would come to be being scared of looking at the bathmat in her own bathroom. For most, a bath mat is something that is just simply there. However, for Ruth it became much more. At just three-years-old, her son Nolan began to get sick. When his breathing became difficult, Ruth took Nolan to the hospital. With a resistance to antibiotics, steam, and saline spray, Nolan received tonsil removal surgery in 2015. When doctors tested the tissue, they discovered he suffered from rhabdomysosarcoma, a soft tissue cancer. In one day, the Scully family learned their life would be turned upside down. Dealing with chemo, radiation, and hospital visits, the family prayed for Nolan to win his battle. While he was sick, Nolan always wanted his mom. He never left her, including in the shower. He simply sat on the bath mat to wait for her. One day in 2017, doctors broke the news there would be no more suffering because his treatments were exhausted. Ruth understood her days with her sweet son were coming to an end. She told Nolan the news. He felt relieved he didn’t have to fight anymore. The family gathered his things to go home. However, Nolan told mom he wanted to stay. Ruth asked her baby if she could grab a quick shower. Returning a few minutes later, Ruth saw Nolan fell into a deep sleep.
Ruth lay in bed, beside her son, knowing that she didn’t have much time left with Nolan. But then, in what his mom describes as a ‘miracle’, Nolan woke up, smiled at his mother and said: “I love you mommy”.
After that, he fell back to sleep without waking up again.

Since then, the bathroom mat always brings pain to Ruth. She’ll never forget the way Nolan used to lie there waiting on her.


SHARE If You Know Or Ever Use This Before. Youngsters Probably Never Saw It

A needle threader can be actually really just a computer tool for helping put ribbon throughout the attention of a needle. Many forms exist, even though a frequent type unites a brief period of wire bent into a diamond structure, with just one corner held with means of a parcel of tin-plate or even plastic. The user moves the cable loop through the needle eye, so enters the rope through the cable loop, and lastly pulls both loop back through the needle by the grip, which pulls through the thread. The most common needle threader with the type gets got the image of a woman in profile into the plate handle. I got to confess, I still have a box full of them. As you get older or have bad sight, they make sewing so much easier. That thread gets harder and harder to get in that needle eye hole as it gets smaller! Yes, they are called needle Threaders. One of the handiest things ever made…. Have you ever used one? SHARE if you knew about them or ever used one.

First Responders Return After Helping Husband

When Melissa Ann Work’s husband, Gene, had a heart attack while laying sod, Melissa’s first concern was for his health. This was her nightmare, and there was nothing she could do to ensure her husband would make it through this painful ordeal. What would life be like without him? Thankfully, a handful of quick-thinking first responders were there to support Gene through his medical episode and rush him to the hospital. Without their help, Melissa knows that she might have lost her husband that blistering summer afternoon. The entire Work family was forever indebted to the first responders for saving Gene’s life – but it’s what they did after speeding Gene to the hospital that’s gaining a ton of attention online.
Facebook/Melissa Ann Work
After getting her husband back from the hospital, Melissa took to Facebook to share what happened with her home, thanks to the same group of first responders who saved his life. She wrote: “I don’t know how to start this, but PLEASE read and PLEASE PLEASE share!!!!! Before my husband had his massive heart attack, he was working on the sod with my amazing brother-in-law. That is what triggered and set it off. We had just received our last four pallets and were going to finish it. It’s been my husband’s biggest stress as our HOA date to fine us a huge amount was getting closer. While he was having his heart attack, literally in and out of consciousness, he kept begging me to figure out the sod and have it put down because he didn’t want it to go to waste and die. It’s ALL he kept asking about literally during a massive heart attack. LOL. I calmed him and kept saying, ‘Jesus will help us. It’s ok. Jesus will figure this out, babe.'”
Facebook/Melissa Ann Work
“We were sent off to the hospital and my incredible brother-in-law (who witnessed the heart attack) stayed back with my 2-year-old niece. He was planning on staying there by himself until midnight to get it finished. He finished getting the old grass out and then began laying a few rows of the new sod. As he was laying it, he heard huge trucks driving back down the road. He turned around and saw the fire truck and ambulance had come back. He was confused and thought they were coming to check on him. Before he knows it, seven firefighters and EMT’s jumped out, put on gloves and said they came back because they knew Gene was in serious trouble and they wanted to lay the new sod so it didn’t die. They knew he wouldn’t be able to do any work for weeks so they came back.” Not only did these men save Gene’s life, but they also took time out of their insane schedule to save their grass. Now Gene can sit back, heal, and watch his beautiful new grass grow.
Facebook/Melissa Ann Work
“They came back! They saved his life, dropped him off and then cared enough to save our GRASS! They didn’t know our HOA was going to fine us. They didn’t know that this guy’s wife (me) is about to fight for my own life during my bone marrow transplant next month. They didn’t know that my husband pawned his favorite gun to pay for the sod that he thought was going to die. They didn’t know all we have been through as a little family. They simply saw someone in need, something in need and did this for us. This wasn’t in their job description. We have no words. Just sobbing. PLEASE help us get these men honored! PLEASE help us find them so we can thank them!” Melissa did her best to find the men whose she’s convinced are her guardian angels – but to no avail. That’s when she turned to the Internet for help. And boy, did it deliver!
Facebook/Melissa Ann Work
Within days of posting her story online, Melissa was able to hound down the group of men who saved her husband’s life and her lawn! After meeting up with the men at their local fire station, Melissa took to Facebook a second time to share her update. She gushed: “You guys. We did it! They were honored. The world knows about them. We got to meet our heroes. We love them so much. They are now family. They saved his life and his sod. We can never repay them. They feel so loved by y’all. Keep it coming. Our hearts are so full. Captain paramedic Boyd Marshall. Driver paramedic Dave Schaffer. Firefighter Paramedic Jason Freiesleben. Firefighter Paramedic Robert Gerstner. Firefighter Paramedic Tyler Romanowski. Firefighter EMT Logan Campbell.” These names are ones we should remember. They didn’t have to go above and beyond to help the Works – but they did without thinking twice.
Facebook/Melissa Ann Work
This may seem like a random act of kindness, but it’s what first responders do by nature. They would rather give the shirt off of their back than watch a single person go cold. We thank all first responders for their service!

Frustrated mom posts this online after stranger knocks on her car window

A frustrated mom, who got stuck in a grocery store’s parking lot after her car died, shared a story online about an unexpected encounter during a particularly tough day. Read her post, which has since gone viral, below. Tawny Nelson I am the single mother of four absolutely beautiful little girls. They are 9, 5, 2, and 6 weeks. And things have been particularly rough since my ex left. My truck had a flat I constantly had to air up. The driver side window motor died. And I needed a new alternator belt. The truck was a mess. And we didn’t drive anywhere unless we had to. Well the other day we desperately needed to go to the store. So we loaded up and drove to the Winn Dixie about 9 blocks away. When we got out of the store it was far after dark. And POURING rain. I loaded my kids and groceries into the truck. Tried to crank it…… Nothing. No click. Nothing. One of my girls had accidentally left a light on. My battery was dead. My phone was also disconnected. I have no family to speak of and was on my own. I got out and opened my hood to be sure my battery hadn’t come loose. Nope. I must have asked more than twenty people in the course of two hours for a jump. They all ignored me. Not even a no. Just acted like i didn’t exist. My 5 Year old was melting down. My newborn SCREAMING, my two year old crying she was hungry, and my oldest desperately trying to help. I was bawling and felt like the worst Mom ever. Then I got a knock on the passenger window. An older gentleman (he was 74) with a cane and a bad limp was on the other side of that knock. I opened the door. He handed me a plate of chicken strips and biscuits from the deli and bottles of water. ‘Feed those babies and yourself young lady. I have a tow truck on the way and my wife will be here shortly to take y’all home.’ Sure enough she arrived followed by the tow truck. Us and our truck were taken home. The next morning the gentleman returned to my house with a mechanic who replaced my battery and alternator and fixed my window. The elderly gentleman then left and did not return. When I asked what I owed the mechanic and if I could make payments he smiled telling me the older man had paid for all of it. He said that the only payment the older man wanted was for me to never give up and keep being an amazing mom. I’ve never cried so hard in my life. Things had been absolutely awful. More so than I care to explain. And without knowing us or our situation this kind man helped us in ways he will never know. What he did revived my faith when I was falling apart. But he wouldn’t even take a hug. I’ll never be able to thank him. But I certainly hope one day I can do what he did for me for someone else. Despite the constant bad news in the media, there are still many kindhearted citizens ready to lend a helping hand to those in need. Tired of bad news? Share this and subscribe for more heartwarming stories using the buttons below.

Grandpa visited his friends at the nursing home every Saturday – until one day

Every Saturday, Grandpa and I walked to the nursing home a few blocks away from our house. Mom didn’t like it because I would skip playing with my friends so I could be with Grandpa even on a Saturday. We went to visit many of the old and sick people who lived there because they couldn’t take care of themselves anymore. “Whoever visits the sick gives them life,” Grandpa always said. First we visited Mrs. Sokol. I called her “The Cook.” She liked to talk about the time when she was a well-known cook back in Russia. People would come from miles around, just to taste her famous chicken soup. Next we visited Mr. Meyer. I called him “The Joke Man.” We sat around his coffee table, and he told us jokes. Some were very funny. Some weren’t. And some I didn’t get. He laughed at his own jokes, shaking up and down and turning red in the face. Grandpa and I couldn’t help but laugh along with him, even when the jokes weren’t very funny. Next door was Mr. Lipman. I called him “The Singer” because he loved to sing for us. Whenever he did, his beautiful voice filled the air, clear and strong and so full of energy that we always sang along with him. We visited Mrs. Kagan, “The Grandmother,” who showed us pictures of her grandchildren. They were all over the room, in frames, in albums and even taped to the walls. Mrs. Schrieber’s room was filled with memories, memories that came alive as she told us stories of her own experiences during the old days. I called her “The Memory Lady.” Then there was Mr. Krull, “The Quiet Man.” He didn’t have very much to say; he just listened when Grandpa or I talked to him. He nodded and smiled, and told us to come again next week. That’s what everyone said to Grandpa and me, even the woman in charge, behind the desk. Every week we did come again, even in the rain. We walked together to visit our friends: The Cook, The Joke Man, The Singer, The Grandmother, The Memory Lady and The Quiet Man. One day Grandpa got very sick and had to go to the hospital. The doctors said they didn’t think he would ever get better. Saturday came, and it was time to visit the nursing home. How could I go visiting without Grandpa? Then I remembered what he once told me: “Nothing should stand in the way of doing a good deed.” So I went alone. Whoever visits the sick gives them life. Everyone was happy to see me. They were surprised when they didn’t see Grandpa. When I told them that he was sick and in the hospital, they could tell I was sad. The Cook went on to reveal some of her secret ingredients. The Joke Man told me his latest jokes. The Singer sang a song especially for me. The Grandmother showed me more pictures. The Memory Lady shared more of her memories. When I visited The Quiet Man, I asked him lots of questions. When I ran out of questions, I talked about what I had learned in school. After a while, I said goodbye to everyone, even the woman in charge, behind the desk. “Thank you for coming,” she said. “May your grandfather have a complete recovery.” A few days later, Grandpa was still in the hospital. He was not eating, he could not sit up and he could barely speak. I went to the corner of the room so Grandpa wouldn’t see me cry. My mother took my place by the bed and held Grandpa’s hand. The room was dim and very quiet. Suddenly the nurse came into the room and said, “You have some visitors.” “Is this the place with the party?” I heard a familiar voice ask. I looked up. It was The Joke Man. Behind him were The Cook, The Singer, The Grandmother, The Memory Lady, The Quiet Man and even the woman in charge, behind the desk. The Cook told Grandpa about all the great food that she would cook for him once he got well. She had even brought him a hot bowl of homemade chicken soup. “Chicken soup? What this man needs is a pastrami sandwich,” said The Joke Man as he let out one of his deep, rich laughs. Everyone laughed with him. Then he told us some new jokes. By the time he was finished, everyone had to use tissues to dry their eyes from laughing so hard. Next, The Grandmother showed Grandpa a get-well card made by two of her granddaughters. On the front of one card was a picture of a clown holding balloons. “Get well soon!” was scribbled in crayon on the inside. The Singer started singing, and we all sang along with him. The Memory Lady told us how Grandpa once came to visit her in a snowstorm, just to bring her some roses for her birthday. Before I knew it, visiting hours were up. Everyone said a short prayer for Grandpa. Then they said goodbye and told him that they would see him again soon. That evening, Grandpa called the nurse in and said he was hungry. Soon he began to sit up. Finally he was able to get out of bed. Each day, Grandpa felt better and better, and he grew stronger and stronger. Soon he was able to go home. The doctors were shocked. They said his recovery was a medical miracle. But I knew the truth: His friends’ visit had made him well. Whoever visits the sick gives them life. Grandpa is better now. Every Saturday, without fail, we walk together to visit our friends: The Cook, The Joke Man, The Singer, The Grandmother, The Memory Lady, The Quiet Man … and the woman in charge, behind the desk. So sweet! SHARE if that brought a tear to your eye!

Man pulls over when he sees old man struggling to mow his lawn, then goes even further with his good deed

Mother Theresa captured the sentiment best when she said that “Not all of us can do great things, but we can do small things with great love.” People everywhere have discovered that even the smallest gesture of kindness can mean the world to others. James Johnston encourages others to try and make the world a brighter place after he experienced the beauty that comes from one simple random act of kindness. James owns J&J Lawn Service in West Virginia and was driving home from a job one day when he was struck with the urge to help someone he spied who was struggling.
Facebook/J&J Lawn Service
An older gentleman was having difficulty mowing his lawn. The yard was quite expansive and he only had a push mower with which to knock down the tall grass. James had just spent 12 hours cutting other people’s lawns. He was ready to head home and relax. But he just felt an indescribable pull toward the property and the man. There was no way he was going to allow this poor guy to tackle the huge project by himself, James said.
Facebook/J&J Lawn Service
He wrote on Facebook: “So I turned around and went back and unloaded my mower and drove across the street and asked the gentleman if I could help. His eyes lit up and I took that as a yes. I ran down, jumped on my mower and went to work.” While James was chopping down the tall grass with his business mower, he glanced over and saw the man who apparently seemed exhausted. He was by his wife, resting his head on her shoulder. It didn’t long for the professional mower to wrap up the project. When he was done, James turned to give the couple a thumbs up, indicating he was done, and loaded up his equipment. Before he could leave though, the wife made her way over to James. She profusely thanked him for what he had done. Their riding mower was broken and they didn’t have the money to fix it. So her husband had been using their small push mower on their huge yard. “It only took 15 minutes of my time but I changed their life for a small moment. I hope someone reads this and feels like doing something good for someone tomorrow. I’m grateful to be where I’m at and I’m thankful for the people that helped me get here.”
Facebook/James Johnston
James couldn’t get the couple out of his mind on his drive home, so he decided to do something else for them. The very next day he launched a GoFundMe page to drum up enough money to buy them a riding mower. He even plunked down some of his own money on behalf of his company and encouraged other businesses to match his donation. He wanted to prove that there are good people in this world willing to help others. In just a short amount of time they not only reached their goal of $1,000, they surpassed it. Life will hopefully now be a little easier for the couple with the help they’ll be receiving. It was fate that led James past that family’s home and his heart of gold that prompted him to stop. What an awesome thing he did!