“Most Premature” Baby in the World is a Miracle

New baby on the way means days filled with joy, happiness, and laughter. The news about the arrival are always received with excitement by everyone around, especially the parents whose lives will change forever, but for the better. When Molli Potter and her husband Robert found out they were expecting their second baby the couple were over the moon excited for their tiny bundle of joy. But what they never expected was for baby Cullen to be born so early – causing a major problem for the family. At just 22 weeks baby Cullen decided it was time to make his grand entrance into the world, but doctors had told his mom and dad he’d only have a 2% chance of survival.
Wanting the best for their baby boy the Potters then got an unexpected second blow. Even if baby Cullen did pull through he would more than likely be disabled. The Potters were devastated, especially when they learned that hospitals were able to turn away from helping their little baby. Because little Cullen had been born at 22 weeks many hospitals turned them down for help, stating that because he was born before 24 weeks it was likely he wouldn’t survive.
Unable to take no for an answer Robert set out on a quest to find a hospital that would help his family. That’s when he called 16 different hospitals in three different states to find a hospital that would give baby Cullen the care that he so desperately needed. After hearing multiple no’s Robert came across the University of South Alabama in Mobile that finally gave them the yes they had been searching for. The hospital was able to care for mom and Cullen with the intentions of saving his life. Five months later and Cullen showed all 16 of those hospitals that they were wrong about him – because he was in fact here to stay. His mom then bought him a little graduation outfit and his nurse walked him down the hospital hallway for an emotional “graduation” ceremony no one would ever forget. Soon Cullen’s story went viral and it’s easy to see why he’s captured so many people’s hearts. Watch the touching story for yourself in the video below.

Teen Dining Alone At Lunch Can’t Believe What Classmates Do

Fitting in is not always easy and lacking friends while in high school can be devastating. Unless a student has good crew to save them a seat, it is often a big challenge and even more difficult than we assume to find a place at the school and the lunchroom where they won’t be avoided, chastised or completely ignored. The High School Musical movie series hit home the different cliques in school from the jocks to the drama stars to the mathletes. The lunchroom can be a scary jungle for the kids who didn’t feel like they fit in somewhere.
Mom Kay Kirby always texted her son during his lunch break at school. Andrew often sat alone at lunch and it broke her heart — in fact, he had dined alone for the past four years at school. He usually hangs out on his phone playing games to pass the time during lunch, but on the first day of school, something huge happened. Kay couldn’t believe it happened to her son! “The thought of our son or any child eating alone every day breaks our hearts.”
Facebook/TylerandKay Kirby
As Andrew hopped into the car after school, he began gushing about what occurred during lunch. The look on his face had Kay worried at first. “Mom, I didn’t eat alone! Some student council members asked me and three others eating alone to come sit with them, and said we could eat with them again tomorrow, too!” Kay was in disbelief. It was true — the Boiling Springs High School student council approached four students who were eating by themselves, including Andrew, and invited them to join the council at their table. It literally made Andrew’s day! Kay just had to take a photo of Andrew after school and share it on Facebook to spread the news and applaud the student council for what they had done. “These students may not have thought this was a big deal, but it was an answer to prayer and a great encouragement for Andrew. THANK YOU to those students, you made a difference today!” Andrew told Fox Carolina that he was thrilled to not eat alone. Even more importantly, he finally felt he was part of a group. “It makes me feel happy that I can eat with people.” The school district responded to Kay’s post, lauding the students’ actions. Spartanburg County School District 2 said it hoped all students would feel comfortable at lunch. “We typically do not share posts from personal pages, but this is a very worthwhile exception. This post shows the loving community we live in, the character of our students and the family-feel of our schools. We are so thankful that Andrew had a great First Day of School in D2!”
Facebook/TylerandKay Kirby
One of the students who invited Andrew to sit with him, Damian Howarth, said it’s sad that it took this long for Andrew to find someone to sit with during lunch. He said the council members should’ve asked him before now, as should’ve other students, too. Still, Andrew was thrilled that he was finally asked to sit with kids and didn’t hesitate to take the student council up on their invitation. The very next day of school, he was waiting for them at their lunch table. What an awesome group of teens trying to make a difference for fellow classmates. Good luck this school year!

Hahahaha, this describes government bullies perfectly!

One can never get tired of jokes that shine a ray of light on how governments operate. For this reason, we think you’ll love the following: One morning a husband returns after several hours of fishing and decides to take a nap. Although not familiar with the lake, his wife decides to take the boat out. She motors out a short distance, anchors and reads her book. Along comes a game warden in his boat. He pulls up alongside the woman and says, “Good morning, Ma’am. What are you doing?” “Reading a book,” she replies, thinking, Isn’t that obvious? “You’re in a Restricted Fishing Area,” he informs her. “I’m sorry, officer, but I’m not fishing. I’m reading.” “Yes, but you have all the equipment. For all I know you could start at any moment. I’ll have to take you in and write you up.” “If you do that, I’ll have to charge you with sexual assault,” says the woman. “But I haven’t even touched you,” says the game warden. “That’s true, but you have all the equipment. For all I know you could start at any moment.” “Have a nice day, ma’am,” the game warden replied, and he left. Never mess with a woman that reads because there’s good reason to believe she thinks as well! This joke is funny because it demonstrates how a little bit of thinking can outwit a bully (H/T The Federalist Papers). Thinking also comes in handy when dealing with government bullies, who seem to be everywhere, not just slinking around in taxpayer-funded offices in Washington, D.C. This joke is great because we all know the government takes every chance it gets to bully people into accepting itsliberal agenda — but most of time, they can be outsmarted. Please share this joke on Facebook and Twitter if you’d like to see government bullying stop.

Talented Teen Wows Classmates With Flawless Ed Sheeran Cover

Taking part in a talent show may turn into a lifetime opportunity for major number of people to notice your talent. When these types of events are organized by the schools they provide students with the chance to shine and encourage their further development. Payton Kemp is a gifted young man with the voice of an angel. So when he heard his high school in American Fork, Utah was hosting a talent show, he knew it was his destiny to join. Payton spent countless hours practicing for his performance – every detail had to be perfect if he wanted to blow away his classmates (and the competition).
It’s no secret why Payton is a nationally recognized singing sensation. His grandmother was the first person to notice his incredible knack for music at the age of three. From then, he spent every waking second perfecting his craft and practicing for anyone who would listen. When he turned 9, Payton finally got his “big break.” He was he was cast as Young Tarzan for the first Disney Broadway Show at Tuacahn Amphitheater. Later that year, a director cast him as Admetus in “Cats,” and Flounder from “The Little Mermaid” the following. People saw the potential in Payton’s voice and wanted to give him a chance to shine. Payton wrote online that he’s lived a blessed life so far, and his relationship to religion has been a guiding light, “I am continually blessed to meet and surround myself with some amazing, uplifting, and VERY talented people and because of them, my family and my Father in Heaven, I am learning to become ‘supremely happy.'” It’s a blessing that his music continues to make other people so happy – just like his classmates surely were here! Take a peek at this impressive young man’s high school talent show performance below. He definitely has a bright future in the music industry – and with his faith in his back pocket, he’ll be unstoppable!

Girl’s dad dies before she’s born: 8 years later, mom sees her staring at stranger in pizza place

Most girls share that special bond with their dad. For this girl, it is no different only her dad is dead and she’s never met him.
Living in New Jersey, this 8-year-old Mikayla has never met her father. He was a police officer before a drunk driver hit and killed him. One night, she and her mom went to Villa Borghese, a nearby Italian restaurant. That night, a police officer Joseph Quinn ate there too. When he went to pay for his meal, the waitress notified him somebody had already paid for it. Curious, Joseph asked who did it. The waitress refused to tell him because the person wanted to be anonymous. Still wondering, Joseph put his police skills to use and set out on his own investigation. After some time, he found out it was Mikayla. Hearing her reasoning for this generous act, he wanted to do something in return. Although she never met her own father, Mikayla had always respected and looked up to officers who risk their lives every day in order to make the world a safer place. Joseph created a collection that goes towards Mikayla’s schooling. Today, the amount is nearly fifteen thousand dollars, what an awesome way to say thanks!    

11-year-old boy playing on beach finds a little girl buried alive in sand, immediately jumps to action

An average family day on the beach turned sour when this young boy found a girl trapped in a sand cave.The 5-year-old Alysa Bostic was playing in the sand at Marina dunes. She liked digging caves out of the dunes with her friends. But, this time she decided she would fit into the small cave she made. Unfortunately, not all went as planned. Upon entering, the cave collapsed leaving Alysa trapped. Lucky for Alysa, an 11-year-old boy, Connor Fitz-Gerald realized something was wrong. He saw her bag and started digging in the dune only to find Alysa. Panicing immediately, Connor saw there were no adults nearby. Acting quickly, he aimed his digging towards her head to get that out first. After managing to pull her body out, Connor realized she wasn’t breathing right. Connor needed to act fast to save her life. Young Alysa was unconcious and covered in sand. Connor decided to take a chance and try out CPR though he had no training. Luckily, it worked! When they arrived at the scene, her parents called 911. When paramedics came, they said without Connor she would have died. Check out more in the video below!

Parents Try To Adopt A Newborn Boy, Get The Shock Of A Lifetime

Allison and Josh Lewis were college sweethearts whose love story started back in 2000. They were pretty serious so soon after they started dating, they decided to get married. Having children was always part of the life they imagined together. Their plan was to have two kids, or maybe three, but God had other plans. Their idea of two children was quickly surpassed, as they had four children biologically and adopted another! But nothing could’ve prepared them for the journey they were about to embark on.
Facebook/Allison Crouch Lewis
After mentioning they were thinking about adopting another child to their friend and adoption attorney named Janet, they received a call. Janet had run into a woman who was pregnant with a baby boy, but the woman just couldn’t keep him. The couple looked to God and prayed for answers – a house of six young children would be chaotic, to say the least. Was it in His plans? A weekend of deliberation and praying passed, and they knew this baby boy was meant to be their son. So they packed into the car and headed to North Carolina, where the birth was set to take place. But on the way, they got an unexpected phone call from Janet, then she asked a troubling question: “Does Josh have both hands on the steering wheel?” Janet called to inform Allison and Josh that after the most recent ultrasound, another baby was discovered – and it was a little girl! They were comfortable with adopting one more baby, but two was an enormous shock! The couple spoke amongst themselves and called Janet back. They were going to adopt both of the babies! Their joy quickly turned to panic when they received yet another phone call from Janet. The doctors performed several tests after discovering the baby girl, and the prognosis wasn’t good. They predicted she wouldn’t make it past delivery…. Fortunately, both of the twins, Ava and Sam were born without causing any major complications to the mother. However, doctors quickly determined that Ava was born without brain matter. She had a spinal cord, but not much else.
Facebook/Allison Crouch Lewis
Due to this, she would have to spend whatever amount of time she had left on this Earth being closely monitored and carted between her home and the hospital. This didn’t matter to Josh, Allison and the kids – Ava was family now and they would do anything to make her comfortable! In order to pay for the mounting medical bills, Josh and Allison’s friends set up a YouCaring page for donation. The page managed to raise over $20,000 from 280 generous donors – these people were their guardian angels!

This Kid Wanted A Car. His Dad’s Response GENIUS

A teenage boy had just passed his driving test and inquired of his father as to when they could discuss his use of the car. The dad said he’d make a deal with his son: “You bring your grades up from a C to a B average, study your Bible a little, and get your hair cut. Then we’ll talk about the car.” The boy thought about that for a moment, decided he’d settle for the offer, and they agreed on it. After six weeks his father said, “Son, you’ve brought your grades up and I’ve observed that you have been studying your Bible, but I’m disappointed you haven’t had your hair cut.” The boy said,”You know, Dad, I’ve been thinking about that, and I’ve noticed in my studies of the Bible that Samson had long hair, John the Baptist had long hair, Moses had long hair, and there’s even strong evidence that Jesus had long hair.” To this his father replied, “Did you also notice that they walked everywhere they went?” SHARE if it made you LAUGH!