Pink and her daughter sing the most adorable covers of ‘A Million Dreams’ from The Greatest Showman

Pink and her daughter sing the most adorable covers of ‘A Million Dreams’ from The Greatest Showman
‘She stayed in the hospital five and a half months and when we took her home, the doctors said, ‘Go home and enjoy her for possibly a year. That might be the longest you have her.’Keith and his music are helping this 25-year-old lady to go forward and not to give up.
‘She has a T-shirt that we put on a pillow that’s beside her all the time. It’s actually cute because she’ll pick up the pillow and hug it and kiss it (and) … she’ll point at it and say ‘Mr. Hottie.’
‘”Did you see me do the hopscotch?”Laughing, the homeowner replied, “I did, yes.” He himself starts laughing as he heads towards the van after bidding the owner to “have a good day.” The homeowner shared the video on social media because she knew the delivery person’s antics will make others laugh as well. The video since went viral.
‘”What happened?”As everyone in the room starts chuckling, the mommy tells her to come closer and see what she is holding in her arms. Then they ask her whether she knows who that tiny human is and as the little girls takes a look at the newborn baby she is over the moon and shouts:
‘”My baby brother!”
‘”It’s one of those songs about the uncertainty of what’s ahead… So I kind of wanted to write a song about the romance of those uncertainties. That’s something that hits home for me. I thought of my parents when writing this song.”
‘”My parents are celebrating their 50th wedding anniversary. I think many people in my generation and younger wonder, ‘What are they thinking about, the future-future?”Instead of making long term plans for their future, the young generations are only interested to get what they want that instant.
‘”It’s a very topsy-turvy world we’re living in. And when I think about my parents and their last 50 years… all of the years of history that they’ve lived through, all of the trials and tribulations and hardships that they’ve gone through together… you know, right? That’s not something that I can fathom, not being married yet.”We hope this superstar we all love will have the same luck to experience the kind of love his parents have for each other.
‘”It was long ago… I was at the end of my rope. I had just received a phone call that made everything in life even worse. I felt my world was collapsing around me. I was lost. And with that one call, I had given up hope. Too emotionally spent to even stand, I broke down in that big empty home. It was dark, dusty and cold. I cried with the heartache of a child. And all I could hear was my cries echoing back at me. Then I heard JJ running up the stairs from his room. He found me in my master bedroom on the floor, in the dark curled up against the bed. He knew to keep the lights off. He saw I was inconsolable….”
‘”Instead of asking me what’s wrong like someone else might, JJ rocked me. He sat on the floor next to me and he held me tight. And he rocked me. And JJ told me: ‘It go be okay. It go be okay. It go be okay. It go be okay’ in perfect rhythm as he rocked me. ‘It go be okay. It go be okay.'”Jeff hopes everyone will understand how compassionate people with Donw Syndrome can be. They are willing to offer their support and help without the desire to go into details of why someone needs it.
‘”That was a rough night. And JJ got me through it. That night JJ was beyond his years. JJ has his limitations. He has cognitive delay. He stutters a bit conveying his thoughts. But when it comes to moments of the heart, they’re compassionate and understanding with no conditions. That makes them genuine and real. We should all have a little bit of Down Syndrome in us. They’re way nicer people than we are.”
“My first thought after delivering the second baby — ‘Oh crap! We need a second crib, a second car seat, a second everything’”
However, the reasoning for this big change of plans at the last minute is as good as it could really be, not all parents get a surprise like this, another baby, wow!