New Mom About To Leave Walmart Empty-Handed – Then a Complete Stranger Steps In

What looked like an ordinary shopping day at Walmart turned into an experience Jason Yoshino will never forget. He was the one who witnessed an act of kindness that left one mother speechless. He shared the video of the encounter online so that we could all see how someone’s day and even life may change because of a good deed. 

We all know the struggle of having a little baby. They really are a real blessing from God and make our lives complete, but the costs related to their upbringing can be huge. That is the reason why many parents are looking forward to coming across different discounts and deals on essentials such as diapers. 

That was exactly what Katie was doing. She visited Walmart in Sioux Falls, South Dakota hoping to buy three boxes of diapers and get a price-match deal. She took the boxes and headed to the register when the cashier told her she could only get a deal on the first box. Unfortunately, that meant Katie was about to leave the store empty-handed. 

But here comes the part of the story that restores our faith in humanity and makes us continue believing there is still good in people. 

An elderly lady of 73 overheard Katie’s conversation with the cashier and just couldn’t allow this mother not to get what she was there for. 

The lady named Carol Flynn, a retired March of Dimes state director, was willing to pay the $120 bill. Katie told her how she couldn’t accept that because it was a lot of money, but Carol insisted.  

According to Jason who “ran to Walmart real quick to grab a few things,” this was something he would never forget, because in this world of cold people who only care for their own needs, seeing something like this is not that common. 

After the video vent viral and melted the hearts of many, Argus Leader contacted kind Carol who described her urge to step in saying:

“I just think we should do things like that. That’s kind of my thinking.”

Jason on the other hand told USA Today:

“You don’t see something like that every day in life. I’ll never forget it, to be honest with you.”

Katie was overwhelmed by the kind act.

“I couldn’t believe it. I was shocked,” she said. “I kept saying thank you and God bless you…Then I walked out in the parking lot and started crying. It just hit me. It was an awesome statement of what God’s love does.”

Carol was rewarded by Walmart, and the diaper’s company gave Katie four boxes of their products. 

This heartwarming story is just a proof that no good deed ever goes unnoticed and what we should do is always pay it forward. 

Doctor refuses to give up on lost cause patient

During our lifetime, we may face certain situations that seem impossible to overcome, so we find ourselves trapped in our personal inability to fight against the odds. But although life is full of unexpected things, we should always remember that it’s hard to beat a person who never gives up, like this brave doctor who did his best to make his patient “come back from the death.”

When the young man was brought to the hospital, he didn’t have pulse and the staff even contacted the coroner, but this particular doctor refused to believe that the young life was lost. What he did changed the way patients like this guy should be treated in the future and raised the question of whether sometimes doctors give up too early when things seem to be “lost.” 



25-year-old Justin Smith was walking home that cold February night when he collapsed and his body froze. The paramedics assumed he spent around 12 hours laying there on the side of the road in Hazleton, Pennsylvania. 

Upon seeing the situation he was brought in, they knew he was beyond saving. Justin’s father Don who spent hours looking for his son was devastated by what doctors told him. He wasn’t ready to lose his son and refused to believe there was nothing to be done. 



Justin was then rushed to the Lehigh Valley Hospital where everyone expected from the doctors to declare him dead. But then, all of a sudden, Dr. Gerald stepped in and told the rest of the doctors and Don that he wasn’t willing to give up on Justin just yet. This surprised everyone around who believed that resuscitating someone whose body was frozen and had no pulse nor showed any signs of life was not a logical decision.

Despite the odds, Dr. Gerald performed a risky operation on the patient. Before he was taken to the operation room, Don kissed his son on the forehead and said, “I love you!”

Surprisingly, this operation was the right thing to do. Justin’s body warmed up and his heart started beating again. 

It took this young man 12 days to open his eyes and realize what he had gone through. 



What this doctor did is beyond believable. Unlike his colleagues, he never lost hope. Many believe that he did what he did because he experienced the loss of a child himself and that affected the way he was perceiving things.

His baby was born prematurely and only lived for several weeks. Maybe his father’s instinct didn’t let him allow another father to experience the pain he did. 

Justin is now aware that he was given a second change that he should grab and hold firmly. He lost his toes, but never lost the wish to live his new life to the fullest. 

NFL player asks shelter for least adoptable dog and here’s who they gave him

Animal shelters are crowded with animals who are in search of a forever home and a family that will love them to the moon and back. But let’s get honest. We are perfectly aware that many potential adopters are looking for young pets that are more or less in a perfect shape. It’s a sad fact that the chances of a senior animal to be adopted are way lower. 

But then, someone like Baltimore Ravens player Ronnie Stanley comes along the way and shows us that this doesn’t have to be the case. His story is just another proof how love and devotion can change the life of the saddest dog.

When he paid BARCS animal shelter a visit, he had an unusual request. He told the staff how he was looking for a very special dog. 

“We are looking for a dog that’s been here a long time and maybe not-so-adoptable,” he said.

There were so many dogs in there who already spent too much time at the shelter, so Stanley, his girlfriend Emily and teammate Alexander Lewis were at the right place. 

The staff showed Ronnie and Emily a few dogs, and they eventually decided to take lovely Winter in. 

Source: Ronnie Stanley via Facebook

This is what BARCS wrote on their Facebook page. By the way, it went viral in a blink of an eye. 

“Beautiful Winter is a dog who has spent most of her six years of life falling into sad, unfortunate situations. She was found on a vacant property, on a hot day with no electricity, or open windows. She was dehydrated and extremely frightened. Winter has a long, hanging belly, most likely a result of over breeding–something we see far too often at our shelter. Due to her age, her belly is not something that will ever tighten up. Female dogs with such characteristics are often passed by in our shelter–but not by Ronnie!

Ronnie’s thought on Winter’s belly, as recalled by our volunteers: ‘Well, that’s just what happens when you’ve had babies.’ He was much more interested in getting lots of face kisses from Winter and falling in love, rather than being worried about the appearance of her tummy. What a great guy!”

Source: BARCS Animal Shelter via Facebook


Winter got a new a lease on life. She got to run around the backyard, take long naps in her parents’ cozy bed, hang around with other dogs, and spend days full of fun. And yes, she even got a new name, Lola. 


Stanley agrees that having Lola in his life is a real blessing. He is beyond grateful to the shelter’s staff for matching them with their loving pet. 

He made numerous contributions to BARCS, among which adopting another cute dog named Rico, as well as participating in a fundraising campaign where he matched donations up to $5,000. 

Source: Megatronnie via Instagram

Lovely Lola only shows that even senior dogs have a lot to give and we should always give them a chance to spend the rest of their days among people who would do their best for their life to be worth living. 

Hopefully, Stanley and Lola’s love will make other people opt for a senior pet. 

Jared Halley sings unforgettable Billy Joel medley

If you check Jared Halley’s YouTube channel you will come across many unique acapella performances of the songs of many famous singers and groups of all time. This Ohio’s song writer and producer’s work is so entertaining and fun that you will definitely ask for more. The latest video that really caught our attention is that of Billy Joel’s classics. And although we’ve heard many famous artists doing renditions of his songs, you will surely agree that this one is unlike anything you’ve heard so far. 



Using only his incredible voice, Jared, or better said the five Jareds, covered 19 of the best Billy Joel’s hits. 

The medley starts with our all time favorite “Uptown Girl” from 1983 that depicts what it is like when a backstreet guy falls in love with an uptown girl. 

Then it switches to “You May Be Right,” a song that was on his album Glass House and a huge hit in US and Canada. 



The next lovey melody that combines in perfect harmony with Jared’s lovely voice is Billy’s single from 1984, “The Longest Time.” The original song features instruments such as bass guitar and drum, but the sound they make is impeccably substituted with the background Jareds snapping fingers to the rhythm of the music. 

Some other songs, among which probably one of your personal favorite are, “It’s Still Rock and Roll to Me,” “We Didn’t Start the Fire,” “New York State of Mind,” and “Just The Way You Are.” He also performed “My Life,” “Only The Good Die Young,” “The River of Dreams,” “Big Shot,” and “Honesty.”



Among all those classics we are all very fond of, Jared included “Piano Man,” the song that got Billy a nickname as that of the song’s title. Through the lyrics of the song, Joel speaks of his experiences and all those people he got to meet while working as a piano player at a bar. The characters he mentions, including a bartender named John and a real-estate novelist named Paul, are actually based on real people. 

We are certain that if Billy Joel himself gets to listen to Jared’s performance, he would definitely love it as much as we do. 

One person writes, “How could anyone not enjoy that? Great vocals!! The talent to put this together is amazing!” and we can’t agree more. 

Trash collectors are about to crush garbage when they hear screams

We can believe that we are good people, but as long as we don’t treat the dependable and the vulnerable with the respect they deserve, we are away from the right to be considered humans.

It’s not that we should all be crazy about cats and dogs, but hurting any animal on purpose is the most despicable thing a person can do.

The following is the story of a poor soul that was severely neglected, but turned a real warrior and got out of the situation as a winner.

Back in 2017, two garbage men from Pennsylvania were on the job, and as they were about to press the button and crush the garbage they put into the garbage truck, a sudden scream prevented them from proceeding. 

They knew something was very wrong so they opened the track lid and came across a sight that broke their hearts into a million pieces. 

A gray cat was laying there, tied up and covered in gasoline. It was petrified and shaking. 


Once it was taken at the nearest vet hospital, it was determined that her condition was serious. The cat was malnourished and dehydrated. Actually, the doctors agreed it was the most severe case of neglect they’ve ever seen or heard of. However, they never gave up on Miracle Maisy and provided her with all the help she needed in order to get on her way to recovery. 

She got this name because her survival was a real miracle. We hope she will get to spend the rest of her days surrounded with people who love her to the moon and back. 

Darci Lynne returns to AGT stage

America’s Got Talent, the Champions is here and it’s better than we expected. All of our favorite winners, as well as many of the finalists from all the seasons, are now back again and compete for the ultimate award.

Now we have some great news. Lovely Darci Lynne took part and she wowed us once again. Even though it’s been only two years after she stole the hearts of every American, she is now a teenager and looking pretty stunning, and different. Darci and her smart-mouthed sidekick, Oscar had a lot to offer to the audience who is eagerly waiting to see who’s leaving with the title of the Champion. 



When she first took the stage of the show that makes dreams come true, she was just a 12-year-old kid with a passion and desire of becoming someone the world will get to know and love. Needles to say, she achieved her goal. 

This shy little girl from Oklahoma turned into a real beauty that took our breath away and convinced us that she is no ordinary talent when her floppy-eared puppet Petunina pressed her paw against Darci’s mouth wanting to be the only one in the limelight and steal the show. That’s a moment to remember. 

Darci’s cheeky ventriloquism performances are one-of-a-kind. Now, Oscar took Petunia’s place, but he is no less fun than she was. As the season 12 winner of AGT, Darci was a shoe-in for AGT’s latest series, which brings together plenty of fan favorites and returning winners from every corner of the world. 



In the latest all action-packed episode, Darci had her puppet by her side and wasn’t afraid to show her skills in a unique singing ventriloquist act.

“Well, I always love a good competition, but I missed being on ‘AGT’ and maybe having a chance to have the ‘World Champion’ title just seemed awesome so.”

Simon reminded her that as she was the first one up, the judges and the audience expected from her to set the standard for the rest of the competitors. 



Known for her quirky sense of humor, she didn’t fail to make everyone laugh when Oscar made a joke on Simon’s expense. Singing “Nutbush City Limits” and “Proud Mary,” Darci did show everyone why she got the winer title back in 2017. 

Well, that is why many people were pretty shocked when she got eliminated from the champion series. However, this didn’t discourage lovely Darci who took to Twitter to make a comment, saying: 

“I had a great time being on #AGTChampions and so thankful for @AGT bringing me back to compete. I love what I do and couldn’t do it without any of you guys!! Thank you for the endless support. Best fans in the world!💗🎶 “
We are always eager to see and hear more from this adorable young lady. 

Siblings of bride surprise her with unforgettable dance number

This has to be one of the most heartwarming as well as most entertaining wedding ceremonies you’ve ever stumbled upon. We are all perfectly aware that weddings celebrate the love of two people who decide to devote the rest of their lives to one another, but can we really call it a real wedding without all the family members and relatives getting involved and making sure everything goes as smoothly as planned? I guess not. 

This particular wedding was so great exactly because of that. Family! 

The bride’s siblings decided to treat their loving sister with an amazing dancing performance none will never forget. 



The guests and the newlyweds formed a circle around the performers who resembled real professionals. The show started with the four boys dancing to Backstreet Boys’ “I Want It That Way” and as though the whole thing wasn’t sweet enough, they ended the routine by posing next to each other with black sunglasses on. Some fierce boys, don’t you think so?

Now it was the time for the four sisters to take the “dance floor” and show what they got. Dancing on “Tell Him” from the musical show “Glee,” they put smiles on everyone’s face. Dressed in cute pink dresses, they were dancing to the rhythm in a perfect sync. 



Both the brothers and the sisters got back with another act. Vibrant and energetic, they stole the hearts of everyone. The guests were clapping all along and the bride and the groom were more than happy with this perfect wedding gift.

At one moment, everyone was in anticipation to see what’s next. After the girls danced to an Indian song, “Radha” the boys joined them and now all of them were in the limelight. It’s obvious this was very well planed and it took them quite some time to practice and perfect every move, but it was definitely worth it. 

The wedding guests were surprised and couldn’t hide their excitement by tapping their feet to the rhythm of the melody. This was a once in a lifetime experience. 



Unique and unexpected, there was nothing more this bride could ask for. She was struggling to hold her tears back because this was all too emotional for her. Even the little ones managed to remember every single step, and they were all beyond adorable. 

After the performance was over, the siblings and the newlyweds shared a group hug and nothing could take that huge grin off their faces. 

To be honest, this is really something you should see it for yourself because it’s too good for words. Enjoy!

Kathy Bates lip sync battle

Lip sync battles are something we are always waiting in anticipation because they bring lots of fun and laughter, mostly when we watch performances of someone who we never though could rock the challenge so perfectly just because they don’t “belong” to that type of music.

The generation gap is something real and it sort of “divides” the elderly and the youngsters, especially when it comes to lifestyle, including music genres. Let’s be honest, although we see the jazz is still well and alive, we don’t really see many of our grandmas listening or dancing to rap music. 

There are, however, those who appreciate and listen to different type of music, just like one of our most favorite actresses, lovely Kathy Bates. Lip syncing Bruno Mars’ “That’s What I Like” she puts on a show to remember and leaves the audience cheering out loud. 

Facebook/Lip Sync Battle


This multi talented actress who usually plays characters who are frequently tough-talking and outspoken and is an Oscar, Emmy, and a Golden Globes winner is one of the most respected in the industry. Placing herself on the list of the greatest, it was just a matter of time when this 70-year-old icon would show off her other amazing skills, such as those of singing and dancing. 

Her style during this challenge that she nailed is as unique as her performance. Wearing a faux fur coat, sunglasses, and the fedora hat so typical for Bruno Mars, she hits the tones and leaves the audience in awe. They are way too excited to be seeing Kathy in this new role. 

Surrounded by hot dancers in pajamas, she opens a rock strawberry champagne and strokes a cadillac, which perfectly depicts the song lyrics. 

Facebook/Lip Sync Battle


We now know that Kathy Bates is one hell of a dancer who always knows how to keep the crowd entertained. 

Chrissy Teigen, one of the show’s hosts commented the performance saying:

“I finally have an answer when somebody asks me–which is always–‘What’s your favourite LSB moment ever?’ It is you on that stage, doing that foot slide.”

Facebook/Lip Sync Battle


No wonder why her amazing performance has been seen around 6 million times. Check it out for yourself, this is way to good for words.