A young pianist displays incredible talent

Music is an inseparable part of everyone’s life. It’s really amazing how we turn to our favorite tune whenever we feel down, as well as when we celebrate our successes and the best moments of our life. However, what is interesting about music is that not only it comforts us and cheers us up, but it helps in the process of brain and intelligence development too. This is why many mothers-to-be expose their children to notes and melodies while they are still in the womb. It is also said that music boosts the little ones’ confidence and creativity. As for this amazingly talented pianist, we can’t say for sure whether she started listening to music while she was just a baby, but we do know her talent is out-of-this world. 

When Diane decided to treat the random passersby with her piano skills, she left many wondering how is it even possible for someone so young to be such a professional. This young lady moves her tiny fingers over the keys so smoothly that it looks as though she isn’t even touching them. And the sound she produces resembles that of a piano master. People weren’t even sure if the girl was really playing the instrument or the pleasant sound was coming from a speaker. 

She started off with “Hallo” and proceeded to “Rolling in The Deep” before she switched to “The Pirates of The Caribbean’s” main team.   

Sweet Diane perfected her talent over the years of dedicated practice and genuine love and passion towards the instrument. She didn’t even hesitate, nor felt any stage fright before she started playing, because doing so comes to her in a natural way. This mini concert took place in front of a hospital, and it’s obvious that no matter how strangers felt before they heard Diane performing, they were now both touched and cheered.

Switching from one song to another, she lighted everyone’s mood. And as some would say the hospital isn’t really the place for a performance like this to take place, we say it really worked as a stress relief therapy not only for the patients and the passersby, but the nurses and the doctors who have so much on their plate, too. 

This is really something you don’t want to miss. 

Take a look at the amazing Diane in the video below. 

70 year old woman looks fabulous with new makeover

Are you over 45? Are you in a need of a completely new look? Do you want to look younger and happier? There is a place just like that, where your wish becomes reality. Meet MakeOverGuy beauty salon and the talented Christopher Hopkins.

Barbara is 70 years old, but her spirit does not say the same thing. Feeling younger than the actual years, she was in a mission to find just the right person who will do a sufficient transformation in order to fulfil her desire. She found Christopher’s MakeOverGuy website. And, she does not regret it!

Christopher accepted the challenge, especially since Barbara’s given him freedom to do what he thinks is the best for her. Christopher’s skilled hands began with her hair. Immediately he started cutting and styling her fair, giving her a totally new look. The result was amazing.

With a new haircut comes new hair color. The new colour was just the right shade Barbara wanted. In addition to that, the well-established Amy Goulett did a perfect job applying new make-up. The results made Barbara speechless. Barbara’s reaction is priceless.

“I like this new me that emerged. Who I am is now really here and I’m really excited about that.”

Christopher has been in the business for years. Since the early 1990’s he has offered his skills to make women happy and feel fabulous. He started his career in Minneapolis, by opening his Christopher Hopkins Salon. Since the beginning, the salon was a real success. Motivated by the idea of improving women’s style, he re-branded his salon into ‘Revamp Salonspa’. That did affect his business quite positively. Soon enough, he opened his second salon, the ‘MakeOverGuy’.

Women from all around the country visit Christopher and his team. The quality and the treatment they get is the lure to travel hundreds of miles. The satisfaction and the happiness that can be seen on women’s faces is a common phenomenon. Christopher knows how to make women happy. And they appreciate it!

Play the video and see what Christopher’s artistic hands can do through Barbara’s case.

Ellen meets three incredible homecoming queens from same school

Teenage years are that period of life when you have all the time to have fun, make lots of friends, be free, and try a bunch of exciting things for the first time. But, teenage years can also be hard for some. When you are not that cool person everyone greets at the school cafeteria and you have troubles making friends, you may get to despise those school days.

Lillian Skinner is one of those girls who’s not really outgoing and many times she feels like an outcast. That is why her being nominated for homecoming queen made her feel confused. But besides that, she felt deep down how this could be the chance for her to shine and break away. Did this mean she would finally be able to make people like her? Questions like this occupied this young lady.

Sadly, the happiness didn’t last long as Lillian soon discovered how her nomination was a way for some kids to prank her. The two girls who were really nominated were Anahi Alvarez and Naomi Martinez. When these two kindhearted girls learned of what those bullies did to their classmate they agreed that whoever gets the crown pass it to Lillian.

When the so much anticipated night rolled around, Ahani got the crown and was named a homecoming queen. As everyone in the crowd cheered, Ahani did the most amazing thing ever. She said thank you and asked Lillian to take the stage after which she offered her the crown. This action was a true inspiration for many. The girls were praised for their kind deed and their story was heard by many people, among which our favorite host Ellen. She invited the three girls onto her show and presented them with a sweet surprise.

If you want to know what it was, take a look at the video below.

Source: YouTube

Missing 5-year-old and 8-year-old sisters found alive in woods 44 hours after vanishing

There is nothing scarier for a parent than having their child missing. In this world full of lunatics who take advantage of young children, many moms and dads are concerned for the safety of their little ones. Unfortunately, many times, cases of missing children don’t end up with positive outcomes. Luckily, that wasn’t the case with Caroline and Leia Carrico, 5 and 8-year-old sisters from northern California who went missing in the woods on March 1.

The girls were found two days later, at around 10:30 a.m by the search and rescue teams involved in the process of locating the sisters, Humboldt County Sheriff William Honsal reported.

According to NBC, despite being cold and hungry, both Caroline and Leila were in a good physical shape.

“I’m pleased to report that you’re all witnessing a miracle today,” the sheriff said at a Sunday news conference. “Caroline and Leia have been found safe and sound in southern Humboldt.”

The search teams managed to locate the sisters thanks to the rain boot tracks they left on the muddy road, as well as the granola bar wrappers they left behind. They were eventually found about 1.4 miles south from the place they were reported to be seen last.

It was really amazing how they managed to stay well and hydrated. Honsal said how they drank water from the plants and found a shelter under a patch of huckleberry bushes. Both sisters underwent wilderness survival training through their 4-H club which Honsal believed helped them stay safe and sound.

The older girl even gave her coat to her little sister to keep her warm and the two took care of each other during those scary and long two days.

After the teams heard noises, they called out for the girls who quickly responded. The rescuers followed the sound of their voices and that’s how they located them.

“They were safe and sound, still ambulatory, in good spirits, not injured,” the sheriff said.

The girls were reported missing on March 1 at around 3 p.m

“The two asked to go for a walk,” Honsal said. “The mother said, ‘No.’ And then, in the course of getting things ready and stuff, she noticed they were missing around 3 o’clock.”

She quickly went outside trying to find her daughters. She even asked form her neighbors to help her locate them, but in vain. Some three hours later, the mother reported the case to the police.

The moment the girls were brought home, everyone felt overwhelmed.

“When my two daughters Leia, age 8, and Caroline, aged 5, wandered off into the woods the whole world came to our aid,”

“With the help of the volunteer search and rescue, technical rescue, sheriffs office, local volunteers, multiple other agencies my girls were found after 44 hours.

“My girls were found cold, tired, but alive.”

“We have so many of these kinds of efforts that end up in tears and tragedy,” said Humboldt County Second District Supervisor Estelle Fennell. “Today, we can all shed tears of joy.”

Internet cracking up over clever boy’s call for assistance

Nowadays, we all depend on the technology and its usefulness. Gadgets and devices ease our daily routines and help us in the process of problem solving. For this little Michigander Gracie, the technology was more than handy.

This clever boy has put a smile on millions of people’s faces. His clever and unique way of using the technology to solve a problem he faced up with is just adorable.

Young Gracie and his mother were having a good time visiting their neighbours. However, as all kids out there, the interest of staying with the neighbours soon vanished and Gracie decided that he wants to go home.

To his luck, the Mum allowed him to go back home alone and he was permitted to watch the kids’ channel. But, there was one small problem – he didn’t know what number is the kids channel. Home alone and uninformed, the kid did something so sweet and amazing.

Instead of going back to the neighbours’ or using the Internet, the kid referred to the door bell. Yes, the door bell at the front! He knew his father installed a camera on the door bell, so the young Gracie called his father. The conversation is just so cute.

The word ‘Dad’ repeated several times directly to the camera made his father answer the call. The father-son conversation kicked off. The boy asked his father how to change the channel to the kids‘ one. Patiently the father tells him to press the 25 number. However, a new problem arose. The kid does not know what number is that. Dad is again helpful. He tells the boy to press the digits 2 and 5 and the magic works. The kid’s channel is on.

Having the problem solved, the kid is too happy to continue enjoying his free time. Now that the obstacle is gone, he does not hesitate expressing his happiness and his love to his father. Gracie says to camera:

“That’s buddy. I love you.”

The cute smile and the sincere answers, along with the ingenuity of the kid, pleased more than six million viewers on the Internet.

Take a look at this father-son problem solving action!

Man walks into Denny’s, points gun at cashier. Customer jumps into action, tackling him to ground

Places like Denny’s are attractive for people not only because of their wide offer of delicious meals but because you can have your favorite food any time of the day or the night. They offer 24/7 service and enjoying an omelette or a juicy hamburger won’t really cost you a lot. 

One particular man, however, decided to visit the place not for the nice food, but for the cash. Johnathan Franklin’s life was a total mess as he had recently got out of prison and was on parole for committing a murder at the time of the attempted robbery of North Highlands Denny’s. 

This 50-year-old felon entered the place carrying a gun and threatened the woman behind the counter asking her to give him the money. 

Anyone involved in a situation like this would likely stay silent until the cops arrive or until the robber gets what they want and dash off. But not Douglas Tallman who was having breakfast with his family at the time of the incident. He knew he needed to act and later told KTXL:

“My heart dropped. I felt if I didn’t do something, something bad was going to happen.”

“You can just tell by the look on his face he was getting madder and madder, and she was panicking because she couldn’t open it. He was getting mad and I feel he would have shot her if she couldn’t get it open in time. I thought he was going to shoot her.”

“I grabbed him and I picked him up and slammed him on the ground,” he said. “And we just started going at it and the gun was literally … I know had to have been no more than 8 inches away.”

“There was a lot of people in there and I felt if anything was going to happen I’d rather it happen to me than any of them.”

At that moment, this brave man’s son stepped in and tried to help his father getting Franklin down.  

“I’m not going to let him fight somebody by himself,” he told KTXL.

Not being able to fight with two people all at once, Franklin fired a shot that hit the 16-year-old’s foot and left the place. He then carjacked a vehicle and collided with a cop’s car. 

Tallman says his son is going to be just fine and he is glad no one else got hurt. As for Franklin, he got arrested and taken back to jail. He robbed another place the previous week. 

“I’m very proud of him,” Tallman’s wife, Monica, said. “That was somebody’s daughter, somebody’s sister. I’m very grateful that he did what he did.”

“I don’t feel like I’m a hero,” Tallman protested. “I just kind of went on what I thought was right and that was my instinct and my heart.”

Man sings ‘Victory In Jesus’ in waiting room where grandmother was hospitalized

For Bo Steele from Alabama the worst day of his life turned out to be the turning point in his music career. What Bo spontaneously did one day in 2014 gave him, unexpectedly, the once-in-a-lifetime chance.

Everything started with his grandmother’s admittance to the hospital. As a good nephew and well-mannered young man, Bo was always near his grandmother since the illness ruined the comfort of their lives.

While staying in the hospital waiting room, one of the nurses suggested him to do anything that could help settle down his worries. So, Bo did what he was best at – singing.

His acapella voice rang through the hospital waiting room and hall. The touching lyrics and the dedication of the song made emotional everyone in the room. But, the patients and the staff were not the only one that heard his vocal skills.

According to their own website, some relevant people from the music industry heard his singing and his wonderful talent. Since Bo and his friend had formed a band some time in the past, the band was offered a deal that could not be turned out. They signed for Fire River Records.

Soon the band started recording many songs that amused the audience, but guess what song was the most beloved? It’s the song he sang in the hospital – ‘Victory in Jesus’. Therefore, the song was recorded and it became part of their repertoire.

Bo later says that the song had a great meaning to him, especially due to the circumstances which the song was sang in. He says:

“It means something to people and that means something to us.”

Why you’ll thank us later for this tasty Grilled Cheese tip

If your favorite breakfast is grilled cheese than you are at the right place as we are about to make you mind blow away with this new and improved way of preparing this easy and greasy breakfast.

You may wonder what could be different in making mouthwatering grilled cheese. You put butter on a slice of bread, top it with cheese, then add another slice on top of it, you grill it, flip it, and you are ready to get your stomach full. Hmm..apparently there are people doing this a bit differently and claim it gives the cheese more flavored taste. They use mayo instead of butter.

Does that sound appealing enough to give it a try? I say why not.

The person who posted the recipe says:

Mayo spreads better than butter does (crucial when you’re using a softer bread like brioche) and has a higher smoke point (meaning it won’t burn as easily). Plus, the oil and egg in mayonnaise brown nicely add a creamy flavor to the crust.

This is how you do it:


You’ll Need
–2 slices your favorite sandwich bread
–2 slices cheddar or your favorite cheese
–2 to 3 teaspoons mayonnaise

How To

  1. Heat a nonstick pan over low heat.
  2. Spread the two slices of bread with an even coat of mayo.
  3. Place one slice of bread in the pan, mayo-side-down.
  4. Place the cheese slices on top of the bread in the pan.
  5. Add the other slice of bread, mayo-side-up.
  6. Cook the sandwich for a few minutes, until the bottom piece of bread is golden-brown. Flip the sandwich and cook for a few more minutes until the other piece of bread is also golden-brown and the cheese is melted.

If you go for it please share with us which recipe you like the best. The traditional one using butter, or the one with mayo.