Young Guy Attacks 88 year old, Tries To Rape Her, He Messed With The Wrong Woman!

Anyone who breaks into someone’s house, especially someone who is old or vulnerable is a despicable person, they want to steal other hard-earned things, without actually having to do any work to get money, the lowest of the low. To attack an elderly person is even worse, to take from them the things they accumulated over a lifetime if work possibly, things that they may not be able to replace and to terrorize that person in the process. A Pennsylvania robber thought he had come to an easy target when he broke and entered into this elderly woman’s apartment, what a mistake! This guy had really messed with the wrong woman, for sure! The 88-year-old lady, called Helen Reynolds wasn’t going to take it lying down, she wasn’t about to become a victim. It all started on an afternoon in February, Helen heard a noise, it was somebody knocking at the door, at her home in Parkesburg, Pennsylvania. She opened the door, there was a young man standing in the doorway, he looked very smart and official, like an estate manager, she thought… The man forced past her and into the house, it was the beginning of a three-hour long attack, the intruder began looking around the house, searching for things of value to steal, he found some ten dollar bills and pushed them into his pocket. Helen was tied up with duct tape while he completely rifled through the house, then he turned his attention back to Helen. He took off her jeans and threw her onto the bed 88-year-old Helen knew that she wasn’t strong enough to pose a threat to him, but still, she had the upper hand, all because of her fast mind! She looked at the man and told him to listen to her:

“Well, it’s like this …You might as well know the truth …I have HIV and my husband died from it.”

Her quick thinking worked like a charm and the man gave up his attack on her, she thinks that those words saved her life! Helen said:

“When I said that, he just walked out of the bedroom”

Before he left the house the man tied up Helen’ feet and her hands tightly. Helen was alone and had to fight furiously to break free, it took quite a while to break free though, the duct tape was strong, but she didn’t give up until she was free. She called a neighbor and together they called the police. The police are still hunting the person responsible, we all hope that they catch him! Helen hopes that other women her age and beyond will be inspired to defend themselves if something like this were to happen to them. If you can’t fight back in a physical way, then remember that words are just as an effective weapon, think fast and fight! Share this story to help spread Helen’s message to everyone else!

Father Teaches Young Daughter How To Cope With Anger, Everyone Should Hear This.

If there is one thing that seems to be a reoccurring theme, between father and daughter, at least by any measure of normality, it’s that Fathers rule! One father, in particular, is shining bright, a lovely touching video shows him helping one of his daughters! The video shows him working thought his daughters anger with her, Randy Gaines is crouching down to speak to one of his daughters who is sitting on a table… He says to her:

“You don’t always have to be happy, you don’t always have to be silly or funny, you don’t have to be anything …The important thing is, whenever you’re feeling that way, to not just stay there all the time. You want to accept it, you want to honor it, you want to acknowledge it, and let it go.”

So you might think to yourself, that’s not the most original advice on how to deal with anger or when you feel sad. But given with love between father and daughter, it’s so much better and honest and deeper in feeling! As you see the video go on you see that Randy had been having a joke with his daughter a little earlier in the day, he called her something that he usually does when he is joking, but this time she was not having it at all! Instead of telling her she was not being reasonable, Randy took another approach, the best way of all, by taking his own advice, and talking to her about it calmly… how awesome!
Randy’s wife in the video’s caption writes:

“My heart explodes when he connects to his girls like this …No yelling. No screaming. Talking. Discussing emotions and why we have such feelings.” The caption explains that neither Randy nor his wife saw this tenderness in their own childhoods, but together they’re teaching their girls they are “still loved no matter what.”

“I am so blessed and so thankful to have this man as my other half …the girls are blessed to have him as their father. Thank you, Randy Gaines, for being you!”

SHARE if you think that this is the best way to do it like we do, awesome parenting!

Mother And Son Boogie Together In An Incredible Fashion

Since the moment Lance could get up, balance and walk he has been dancing with mom Lucy Stevens. Whenever a fast paced great song came on the radio, he was there dancing, his mom would sweep him off his feet dancing around the kitchen, together! When Lucy couldn’t sleep one night, she got Lance, now all grown up with his own little ones, then turned on the radio. Their amazing dance around the kitchen is going completely viral! If you want to know why that is, then your going to have to watch it and see for yourself!
The moment they click on the radio, they hear the song play “Dear Future Husband”. This couldn’t be better, what a great song for Lance and his mom to dance together too. It really looks like they have been practicing and well I suppose they have for many, many years, as Lance grew up. Lance and Lucy boogie-woogie, slipping and sliding across the kitchen floor like across a beautiful ice lake, Lances daughter cheers them from the wings while another member of the family captures it all on film!
The great moves these two have is completely awesome! They are so funny, in a good way, to watch dancing together; even the expressions on their face is so lovely to watch too. About halfway into the song Lucy turns to look a the camera and says that this is what happens when people can’t sleep in Louisiana. I think to see this we all need to take a trip there, it would be worth a night where you weren’t get to sleep to dance like this!
Just minutes after they posted their video online it was viewed millions of times and shared by many thousands of people who recognized their skill and were greatly amused by their night time gongs on! Hopefully, Lucy and Lance will take more time to dance together, how wonderful it was, we want to see more! Everyone who has taken the time to watch the video just loves it, this mother-son duo is just completely awesome to see, they almost need their own show!
Near the end of the video Lucy makes a comment on camera that has the person filming laughing loudly, then Lance Starts laughing too. Lance gets taken to the floor laughing an then taking a pause to recover before dancing again, they are having so much fun!
Have a Look at this awesome mother and son having a ball together:

Baby Girl Makes Everyone Cry When Dad Sings “You Are So Beautiful To Me”

There are some moments that are just amazing in life, the moments that really make life worthwhile. This is one of those moments and it’s really impossible not to smile in moments like these! Dad decided to sing a lovely song called “You Are So Beautiful” by Joe Cocker for his lovely daughter. As he sings to her it’s completely clear, she is so happy! At the tender young age of two months old, it’s really rare to see a tiny baby like this smile for long periods like this. She’s still and calm and quiet and not flapping about like usual at all, she just looks deeply into dads eyes and listens to his voice… If your a parent already, then you will know that the best part of having kids is the joy they bring you. You can see how she reaches out to his face as she giggles for dad, it’s evident that this dad loves his little girl. The best part of all is as she stares at him with such admiration. See this lovely display of affection:

Waitress loses It To See What Couple Do After They Can’t Afford To Tip Her!

Most everyone knows that working in a restaurant is one the most grueling types of work because you’re on your feet all day long, so it’s no surprise that working as a waitress is hard work. On top of this, you have to smile and greet customers every day, and smile and be happy every minute of every day! Working literally for tips can seem like your performing tricks for treats and that effect of smiling and being on your feet all day makes you ache all over, in places you didn’t know could ache!
A waitress working at Spring St. Smokehouse, called Chelsea Roff is one of those wonderful people who endure their work every day as a waitress. Always a smile on her face but sometimes people can make her cry too, especially when they callously remark how she is not getting a tip from them. Chelsea raised her sister since she was a little girl, going through problems with eating disorders, going to yoga, she even runs a non-profit to help others with eating disorders with yoga! She really struggles with her finances but she works on hard to make ends meet.
Chelsea kept her cool even when there was a couple that she served, they politely said they only had enough money to pay for their meal, nothing was left for her, at all! She really relies on tips to pay the bills, but she was compassionate towards them, kind as always. The couple were very kind and they offered Chelsea something else, even though they couldn’t afford to leave a tip, she was stunned! Earlier in the day, someone else had put her a surprise of cash on her table, which of course she split with her co-workers.
Chelsea really wasn’t up to what was happening with her customers that day… We’ve all heard about paying it forward right? Well… it was revealed to Chelsea that day something that blew her away when she realized!
Watch the video and see for yourself, and please SHARE with your friends and family…

Grumpy Neighbour Furious When Young Family Move In

In life some people are kind, some are loving, and some are grumpy, but you shouldn’t judge a book by its cover. The grumpy people of this world may seem annoyed at everyone and everything around them, but…. During the holiday season, we often feel a little different, even if that’s just inside, underneath that hard exterior is a compassionate heart, just underneath that hard exterior. This is just the case here with a grumpy neighbor in a sweet Christmas advert for a Farmers Department Store.
This is just a really great reminder not to judge that book by its cover! The advert opens firstly with a touchy old guy looking out for his window, looking at the goings on outside. He seems really annoyed! Inside that hard exterior really does exist a heart of gold that encourages him to do a little Secret Santa, unknown to everyone else. As one neighbor was a little cross with her son as he broke her coffee machine, the older guy secretly buys her a new one, but he hides it by pretending he is throwing it away and seeing if she wants it.
A different neighbor struggling with a crying baby in the baking heat of the day gets a fan from Mr. grumpy neighbor, he makes out that the fan has been gathering dust in his shed and he really doesn’t need it anymore. He super secret mission has warmed the hearts of millions! And the most awesome of all, this Secret Santa, as cunning as he is, he thought that he hadn’t been noticed by anyone else… One little boy next door has seen what was really happening and was getting ready to turn the tables on him.
When Christmas eve came up, the boy next door decided to pay it forward big style, in a special way, he had no idea that anyone was on to what he was doing at all. Mr. grumpy really had a big surprise, the video below shows you what happened and how important it is to be kind and selfless towards others, especially when no one is looking.
See how the little boy surprises Secret Santa and in turn and makes quite the holiday an awesome one! Let’s SHARE this early holiday spirit with your Friends and Family…

Do You See A Scarf Tied To A Tree Or A Pole These Holidays? Do You Know Why?

At this joyous time of year its all to easy to lose sight of the true meaning of Christmas as it approaches at the speed of light. And this year there is a new trend popping up all around us and it’s catching on just as fast. It looks like people are trying to light poles and trees more popularly fashionable, really they are tying scarves around trees and poles for something much more heartwarming than you would think!
Facebook/The Shelby Star
Many people after people and from all over the place, nationwide are taking their old scarves, or making handmade scarves then securing them around the base of trees in parks, then light poles in city roads and neighborhoods. They are leaving them there for homeless people who are exposed to the cold perishing weather of the winter months. The cozy scarves are free to anyone who is in need and they are providing much-needed protection from the sub-zero temperatures.
Facebook/Fruitland United Methodist Church
The scarves are left with really kind messages like this one:

“I’m not lost! Please take me with you if you are cold. Stay warm. God bless!”

Facebook/Alanna Devine
The people who are leaving these scarves are really the people who care deeply about the less fortunate and want to spread the holiday joy to the people who need it! People who take part in the project, like Elizabeth Sammons, knit scarves and create comfortable homemade scarves for strangers in need!
Facebook/Scarf 4 Winter
Elizabeth said that she thought it was simply amazing how it feels to help the homeless community to survive and hopefully feel a little better in these hard cold times. She said:

“I think it’s a great thing to be able to do for the community. [There’s] a lot of people behind it, a lot of support. It’s really nice.”

The very moments that the trend started in Seymour, Indiana, church groups, students and kind strangers from all over and every state then started helping too. They wanted to make sure that a many of the millions of homeless Americans can be that little bit warmer this winter time!
Facebook/REACH & TOTAL St.Jerome
Learn more about this heartwarming new trend that has started by pressing “play” on the video below, and don’t be scared to join in!!

9 Year Old Girl Puts Us All To Shame, What She Does At Police Station Is Amazing!

The world around us is a changing place, adapting to opinions of the masses, good and bad alike, recent media coverage has caused a lot of concern for police officers, as it would be expected. The violence towards police officers is higher than it has ever been before. The men and women in police stations are also keeping a careful guard more than usual due to the recent events that have happened. Once City that realized that they needed to be careful is Detroit, they are watching their backs more than ever before.
Flickr/Evgeniy Isaev
For quite some time now Detroit has been on a downward spiral, there is a lot of economic recession since back in 2008 and this is largely because of financial status, especially to do with motor vehicle sales and reduced distribution. Since then it’s like Detroit’s violent crime rates have soared! Just to make matters worse the war on cops and the racial issues have been on the rise too! The crime rate is really not helping in the established race war, Black Lives Matter and Police Lives Matter have been at the forefront of these issues also. All in all, Detroit is reputed to be dangerous and police lives have been targeted…
Flickr/Sean Davis
The Officers of Detroit’s Police Department are on edge constantly, so when a 9-year-old girl walks into the station with people behind her, not to mention she is also pulling something out of her bag, you can imagine the nervous reactions of officers. However, the announcement she made surprised everyone. The little girl, Samya McLaughlin, spoke to everyone and said this, it was her birthday… With her parents standing with her she pulled out of her bag several handmade lunches that she had made for all of the police officers in the precinct. She had birthday plans, with a cake and party too, but after seeing everything that was going on against the police in the news coverage, Samya decided to cancel her plans an to get straight to the police station!
Twitter/Jason Scott
Samya’s mommy and daddy did not want to soften the real world to her, they wanted to be honest about what was going on in the world and the current news, the war against the cops, everything… she gets a glimpse of the world how it is from time to time Seeing all of the negative things in the world around her and about the police force, she felt compelled to do something about the situation. With her own money, she made lunches for the officers, there were sandwiches, chips, fruit and a cookie for each person. She wanted to show the police officers that their lives do matter and that the things that they do are very important to the community. Samya didn’t want to have her birthday before she knew that the police officers really saw that they were really appreciated, and appreciated they felt that day!
Twitter/Jason Scott
Later on, Samya told shared:

“I was thinking that I should feed the police officers because I wanted to show them that I support them and I thank them for all that they do. I wanted to show them that all lives matter.”

After all this Samya wasn’t finished at all, she then went to the homeless shelter and passed out 30 more lunches to the homeless. All of the lunches that day were made by Samya made for everyone that day came from her own money, she didn’t buy anything for herself though. Samya’s parents are so proud of her, her father Sam Walker said:

“It makes you feel proud. She has a big heart and she knows how to care, and she knows how to appreciate what’s going on.”

To see a young girl like this do something so heartwarming is not just touching but deeply emotional, we should all take a lesson out of her book and the world would be a better place for sure! Watch this video to see more about Samya’s surprise.