Fans ask for “national security” ahead of Betty White’s milestone birthday


In little less than three months time, one of the most famous actresses in the world of showbiz, Betty White, will be turning 100!

White was born on January 17, 1922 and has spent pretty much her entire life performing. She has given the world some fantastic roles such the one in the legendary Golden Girls.

Credit: Shutterstock / S_bukley

This incredible woman isn’t just one hell of a performer, but an individual with a heart of gold too. She is known for her love for animals, including the wild ones. If you wonder what we are talking about, let us remind you that when she reached 99, White visited the Los Angeles Zoo and got to hang out with one of its inhabitants, Grizzly bear Bam Bam.

Believe it or not, fearless Betty White gave the enormous animal a kiss and even got one in return.

Now, as her milestone birthday is approaching, fans are asking for their favorite actress to be provided with national security, according to The New York Post. They simply want to make sure White stays safe and sound.

“Please provide her with national security protection and wrap her safely in bubble wrap,” tweeted one fan.

“I have been informed that Betty White is turning 100 in January. We’re all getting the day off as a national holiday I presume,” another tweeted.

White was forced to celebrate her previous birthday with her closest friends only and couldn’t throw the party she hoped for because of the ongoing pandemic which affected everyone’s life in one way or another.

“I am blessed with good health, so turning 99 is no different than turning 98,” she said in January.

We still don’t know what she’s planning for her milestone birthday. However, knowing her lavish taste, we are sure her party will be one to remember.

Gorilla brings her baby near the glass to meet mom and newborn on the other side


A mother is a mother no matter if she’s a human or an animal of any kind.

Mother’s love for her children can’t be measured because it is the strongest form of affection there is. There is nothing a mother won’t do for the sake and the well-being of her little ones, and that’s what makes these creatures special.

A couple from Maine, Emmily and Michael Austin, decided to take their 1-month-old baby at the Boston Zoo. Although he’s way too young to understand anything, they were eager to start creating memories, and the one they made there is one to last a lifetime.

Emmily was passing by the gorilla enclosure when she decided to stop and show one of the gorillas, Kiki, her baby boy Canyon. Kiki was stunned by the little guy. She was looking at him curiously and then decided to do something truly touching.

Kiki took her baby gorilla, 7-month-old Pablo, and put him on her lap. After meeting Canyon, she now wanted the Austins to meet her child. Pablo was as curious as Kiki and couldn’t stop looking at Canyon. He even tried touching him through the glass.

Source: YouTube/ NEWS CENTER Maine

“My wife mentioned that she felt like she could understand their bond and could see how much she cared for Pablo since she is a mother now herself,” Michael told the Dodo. “My wife held up our son to show to Kiki, who was on the other side of the enclosure … then Kiki grabbed Pablo and put him on her leg to carry him over to us.

“Pablo even pushed his face up to the glass at one point and they watched him, noses touching, together. My wife and I both had tears in our eyes.”

Source: YouTube/ NEWS CENTER Maine

This experience has been one of the best in the life of the Austin family, especially because it included their son, too.

“It was one of the most amazing experiences. Such an incredible memory to share with our son someday!” Michael said.

These two mothers couldn’t communicate using words, but they surely bonded over emotions and the love they both have for their children.

Source: YouTube/ NEWS CENTER Maine

For more on this touching story check out the video below. Don’t forget to share it with your friends.

Family cat is snatched by two hungry coyotes – Rescue Pit-Bull saves the day


Although it is a widely accepted fact that cats and dogs don’t get along, the relationship between some felines and canines may truly surprise you. When they are “forced” to live under the same roof, these seemingly different creatures can in fact form a very strong bond and become really good friends.

A story of a Pit Bull who sacrificed his own life in order to save that of his fellow cat friend went viral and spread positivity among millions of people.

It all started when the cat’s owner, Pam Taylor, heard strange noises coming from her yard. She rushed to check what was going on when she noticed two coyotes trying to hurt the family’s cat, Kitty. One of them was holding the helpless animal by the neck and was shaking it.

Pam started yelling and went to tell her husband Greg about the emergency. He immediately started running towards the yard, but was stunned by the sight he came across.

The family dog, Pit Bull Jack, whom they recently adopted and who never seemed to be interested in becoming friends with Kitty, was outside, trying to rescue his feline sister. Jack managed to scare off the coyotes and bring Kitty to safety.

While Kitty suffered brain swelling and lost one of her teeth, and Jack ended up with few scratches from a bite, the two didn’t suffer any life-threatening injuries and are recovering just fine.

Pam and Greg are thankful to their dog for saving the cat. They say that in the past, the animals never spent time by each other’s side, but ever since the attack happened, Jack is looking after Kitty every minute of every day.

What a beautiful and touching story of unusual friendship and bravery!

For more go to the video below.

Melania Trump was secretly called “Rapunzel” by the Secret Service


It’s been almost a year since the Trumps left the White House and moved to their Mar-a-Lago resort in Florida, yet, stories related to the time he served as a President of The United States still catch the attention of the wide public.

In a new book titled I’ll Take Your Questions Now, former senior aide and press secretary to Donald Trump, Stephanie Grisham, is revealing plenty of juicy details about one of the most famous families in America.

Source: Shutterstock/Debby Wong

For one, Grisham writes about what it was like to be working for the former First Lady, Melania Trump. She also recalls one specific moment when Trump went mad over his wife’s “mistake,” which made him target of wide criticism. Namely, on her way to a migrant housing facility in Texas, Melania wore a jacket with the text “I REALLY DON’T CARE, DO U?”

In an attempt to help improve the image of her husband’s administration, Melania’s wrong choice of wardrobe only made things worse, and she eventually abandoned the program.

Source: Shutterstock/lev radin

Grisham recalls Donald yelling at Melania at the Oval Office.

“He yelled and asked “what the [expletive]” they thought they were doing,” Grisham shares in her memoir, as reported by The Washington Post.

Melania herself felt the urge to explain what had really happened. “It’s obvious I didn’t wear the jacket for the children,” she told CNN. “I wore the jacket to go on the plane and off the plane. And it was for the people and for the left-wing media who are criticizing me.”

Source: Shutterstock/MaciejGillert

I’ll Take Your Questions Now also reveals that some of the staff working for the Secret Service in the White House didn’t quite like Melania’s approach to the job.

Namely, being the First Lady, she was expected to be working from her office in the East Wing, but instead, she spent most of her time in the executive resident.

During the four years at the White House, Melania was reportedly spotted in her office only “a handful of times.”

Source: Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images

“Mrs. Trump was working from home long before the country was,” Grisham wrote, referring to the Covid-19 pandemic, as reported by CNN.

“When warranted, we would have in-person meetings, but those generally took place in the Map Room across from the elevators to the residence. There we would plan out schedules, respond to pressing queries, and discuss goals. Other than that, the first lady kept to her rooms in the residence.”

Apparently, Melania was busy with “self-care” and would spend long hours sleeping.

“She believed that relaxation was central to one’s beauty regimen, as were, of course, spa treatments and facials.”

All this led to the staff at the Secret Service to secretly call her Rapunzel, because “she remained in her tower, never descending.”

Source: Shutterstock/Madhuram Paliwal

Grisham also criticized Donald Trump’s daughter Ivanka Trump and her husband Jared Kushner. According to the memoir, the two wanted to force their way into meeting the Queen of England during an official presidential visit. After trying to convince Trump to let them accompany him and Melania to Britain, they were told there was no place in the helicopter for them. According to Grisham, if they were allowed to attend the visit, it would have been a serious breach of protocol.

“I finally figured out what was going on,” Grisham writes in her memoir. “Jared and Ivanka thought they were the royal family of the United States.”

Source: Shutterstock/Grindstone Media Group

Donald Trump, of course, wasn’t happy with Grisham’s book. He made sure he slammed the former secretary even before her memoir was released, calling her angry and bitter.

“She had big problems and we felt that she should work out those problems for herself. Now, like everyone else, she gets paid by a radical left-leaning publisher to say bad and untrue things,” he said.

Indian wrestler The Great Khali today: Net worth, children, wife, height


Even if you are not a fan of wrestling, chances are you have heard of one of the greatest sensations of WWE ever, Indian wrestler Dalip Singh Rana, or better known as “The Great Khali.”

This man with very distinctive looks is hard to miss. It is his physique that made him a huge celebrity, not only in his homeland, but in America and a huge number of other countries too.

Born in 1972 in the small town of Dhiraina, northern India, Dalip was forced to start working from early age in order to help his family. A condition he was born with, acromegaly, which causes gigantism and chin protrusion, made him a well-known name in his hometown.

Source: Wikipedia Commons

So how did he succeed coming to America and reaching for the starts in the country where all dreams come true?

It all started when he was noticed by Punjab’s former police chief Mahal Singh Bhullar.

Speaking of that serendipitous encounter, Dalip told Daily Pioneer in 2015, ”He asked me ‘Why I was working so hard even after my shift was over’. My response was that ‘unlike others, I had a bigger stomach to fill and thus needed to work harder than the rest’ and that landed me a job with the Punjab Police.”

Known for coaching several employees of Punjab Police to become international sportspersons, the police chief offered Dalip that same opportunity. He was hesitant at first because he didn’t want to be away from his family, but he eventually agreed to get into the world of wrestling.

Source: Instagram/ The Great Kahli

1999 was the year that triggered the change in Dalip’s life. He immigrated to the U.S. and joined All Pro Wrestling (APW) boot camp as a trainee and the colossal wrestler.

Dalip, or “The Great Kahli,” had his first fight together with Tony Jon when they teamed up against ‘West Side Playaz.’ Dalip, who is 7 foot 1 inch tall, stunned the audience with his appearance and talent. This fight helped him make a name for himself almost overnight.

“For the first time in my life I could buy a TV, a decision that changed my life forever I not only got introduced to wrestling but decided to make it my passion and my profession,” he told Daily Pioneer when speaking of the start of his career.

Source: Wikipedia Commons / Vaikoovery

In 2006, Great Kahli signed contract with WWE and became the first ever person from India to accomplish that. His debut was one to remember. He went up against the legendary ”The Undertaker” and people loved it.

“You’d probably understand the kind of reaction winning a World title in WWE would generate in a wrestler. It was the proudest moment I’ve felt in 35 years. For an Indian, getting to WWE is a big deal. Winning the title was something else; my dream came true when I won the World Heavyweight title in WWE,” Dalip told Sportskeeda.

He eventually left the organization when his contract expired in 2014.

Dalip is married to the Indian-American actress Harminder Kaur. Their marriage was arranged and they have one daughter.

Today, Dalip looks better than ever. He hits the guy almost every day and tries to eat clean. Having in mind how tall and big he is, it doesn’t come as a surprise that a regular meal of his consists of a kilogram of chicken, dried fruit, 2 litters of milk, around 6 eggs, vegetables, curry, rice and white bread.

Source: Instagram/ The Great Kahli

He has a net worth of $6 million.

”I started by keeping small, simple and short-term achievable goals for myself. I never thought that I would become this huge global icon, The Great Khali, or do brand endorsements, work in Hollywood and Bollywood, and I wasn’t aiming for this. My area of concern was as simple as any regular Indian’s is,” he says.

Dalip does all in his power to help other young Indians achieve their goals and start careers in wrestling.

Source: Instagram/ The Great Kahli

We are glad his life is still as great as it has been since he moved to the States.

Police officer responds to 4-year-old’s adorable emergency call asking him to see his toys


Police dispatchers don’t have it easy. Every day, they receive a huge number of calls from people who are in different kinds of trouble and in immediate need for help. It is their job to log those calls, track emergency vehicles, and prepare detailed reports. What they do is of crucial importance in handling serious emergencies in a timely manner.

However, it is not unusual for them to receive fake calls from prankster, too.

One 911 operator from New Zealand received a pretty strange call. When she answered the phone, she heard a young boy asking, “Police lady?… Can I tell you something?” She answered “You can tell me something,” and that’s when the boy said, “I’ve got some toys for you,” as quoted by CNN. “Come over and see them!”

As the operator tried getting the boy’s address, his dad took the phone and explained that there was no emergency in the house. He then apologized for the inconvenience and promised not to let his son near the phone again. Well, the boy was only four years old and was eager to show his toys to the police officers, so who could blame him for that.

The operator decided it would be nice if she really sent an officer to the boy’s place and surprise him. “There is a 4-year-old there who is wanting to show police their toys, over,” she said on the internal radio system.

One police officer who was nearby answered the call and said he would be happy to pay the little guy a visit.

Once there, the boy took all of his toys out and showed them to Officer Constable Kurt, who said jokingly, “He did have cool toys!”

Finding this whole thing funny and sweet, the department decided to share it on their Facebook page.

“While we don’t encourage children to call 111 to show us their toys, this was too cute not to share,” they wrote. “Constable Kurt from Southern District Police responded by arriving at the child’s house and was shown an array of toys. He also had a good educational chat with the child and his parents about only using 111 for emergencies.”

As the story reached a huge number of people and melted thousands of hearts, the department told Today Parents, “It was no doubt a lighter, fun moment out of the Constable’s day. Helping foster a positive relationship with the police at an early age promotes that trust and confidence in the organization, and is something the New Zealand Police Service works hard to do.”

Cute beyond words, don’t you agree?

Officer steps in for a father who has his card declined at register


Thinking of all the negativity that surrounds us, it doesn’t come as a surprise that we lose faith in humanity more and more. The good thing is that there is always someone special who helps restore it, just like the officer from the following story.

Police officer Michael Kelly was working security at the local Walmart in Cleveland, Tennessee, when he noticed a familiar face. One father, who would always shop for groceries there, was going through the self-checkout lane together with his kids when his card was declined.

The officer knew he needed to do something about it when he saw the devastated expressions on the kids’ faces. These kids have always behaved well while at the store and something told Officer Kelly to step in and replace the disappointment with happiness.

As he couldn’t allow this family to leave empty-handed, he paid for their groceries.

Source: Facebook/ Cleveland TN Police Department

Jermaine Bowe, who found himself at the store and witnessed the act of kindness unfolding right in front of his eyes, decided to share the occurrence on Facebook. Along with the story, he asked from his friends to help him identify the kind officer. The police department stumbled upon the post and decided to help tracking down the officer who made a change in a family’s life that day.

“Scrolling through random Facebook posts and then see this one that makes us ALL proud to be Cleveland police officers,” they wrote on the social media. “After a ‘he’s 6’5 and buff’ description, we narrowed it down to our tallest officer and deducted it was School Resource Officer Mike Kelly.”

Those who knew Kelly weren’t surprised by his deed.

I am not surprised, Mike being Mike exactly,” someone wrote. Mike has always had a big heart, what a great guy!” another person added. “Not a bit surprised. He comes from a long line of good people,” someone else wrote.

In their post, the department added: “It is guaranteed that Kelly wouldn’t want the credit from this, but it’s these random acts of kindness that inspire US ALL to be kind to others.”

Inside Edition reached officer Kelly and asked him for a comment.

“They went to self-checkout, and he went to put his card in. The attendant says, ‘I am sorry’ [and] they start walking out,” he recalled.

“The little girl’s face got me. Her eyes were welling up and it broke my heart. I felt God telling me, ‘I put you up here for a reason.’

“I walked up to [the man] and said, ‘Please let me bless you today.’”

While we may not be able to change the world, we CAN change SOMEONE’S world. Thank you, Officer Kelly.

Goldie Hawn opens up about childhood struggles in new video and admits she was “in love” with her teacher


Celebrities opening up about the struggles they go through at different points in their lives reminds us that no matter how rich and famous they are, they are still humans, just like any of us.

Despite living their dream, these people face lots of issues, and speaking openly about them makes us love them and respect them even more. At the end of the day, sharing the emotions with the entire world takes a lot of courage.


Recently, one of our favorite actresses of all time, Goldie Hawn, opened up about her mental struggles. Many praised her for her bravery and shared their support. She explained that she suffered from depression and had a hard time getting out in public. Filming long hours put enormous pressure on her during her 20s and although it looked like she had it all, she started feeling down.

“When I was young, I became depressed. I was 21 and I was rising to success,” she recalled during a BBC Radio 4 interview. “I know it sounds terrible, but it’s a very, very difficult thing, I didn’t necessarily want that.”


After she had her big breakthrough, she expected her fame to bring her great happiness. But the opposite happened.

“I was very depressed and I had a lot of these issues where I couldn’t even go outside in public,” Goldie recalled. “I didn’t want to be a big deal, I wanted to go home, I wanted to get married, I wanted to be a dancing school teacher.”

She added, “I did have a plan and I didn’t have delusions of grandeur on any level, I was extremely realistic.”

“This is something that, for me, I worked through,” she added. “I went to a doctor, I went to a psychologist, I learned about quieting my mind and what happens to the brain.”

Shutterstock/Featureflash Photo Agency

Through an Instagram video posted on October 5, World Teacher’s Day, Goldie thanked her second-grade teacher, Mrs. Povitch, and recalled something from her childhood. As it turned out, as a child, Goldie had troubles reading and was put into the “worst” reading group, but Mrs. Povitch made her feel as though she was part of the best group.

“She made me feel like it was the best reading group, so I never really felt bad,” Goldie said in the video.

She also revealed that she was “in love” with her teacher.

“Well, I was in love with her,” she said jokingly. “In fact, I think I still am!”

Shutterstock/Everett Collection

In the caption of the wonderful video clip, which is part of her organization MindUp, Goldie wrote: “I fell in love with my 2nd grade teacher, Mrs Povitch. She made me feel good about myself even if I was [one of] the only kids in the ‘purple balls’ – the worst reading group!

“Our teachers can become angels in our lives. I honor each and everyone of them.”

Goldie Hawn overcame her reading troubles and ended up being one of the best actresses in Hollywood.