911 operator gets call from a 7-year-old boy hiding in the bathroom with his little sister


Bravery knows no age and quick-thinking can surely save lives. Carlos, a 7-year-old boy from Los Angeles possesses incredible heroism and exceptional intellect, two things which helped a dire situation end up with a positive outcome.

One day, as he and his family were inside their home, armed men entered the place. They held Carlos’ mom and dad at gunpoint while he and his little sister managed to hide in the bathroom.

Without hesitation, Carlos dialed 911, just as his mother taught him, and asked for help. On the other side of the line was 911 operator Monique Patino.

Source: YouTube/ CNN

She could hear Carlos explaining how some bad guys had guns and wanted to kill his mom and dad. “There’s some guys! They’re going to kill my mom and dad, can you come please. … Can you come really fast? PLEASE, PLEASE,” Carlos kept saying.

Patino, who is doing her job for many years said that out of all the calls she has ever received, this one was by all means the most “horrific” one. She was very scared for the boy’s safety and kept assuring him that police were on their way.

“Bring cops … lots of them!” Carlos begged.

Source: YouTube/ CNN

As Patino was doing all in her power to calm Carlos down, she suddenly heard loud screaming. “Once I heard the screams, I’m holding the phone and shaking, in tears. All I can hear is them screaming,” she told CNN.

The armed people heard noises coming from the bathroom and broke the door down. When they saw Carlos was on the phone, they demanded to tell them who he was talking to and he wasn’t afraid to tell them straight away that he called the police and that they were on their way to his house.

In the next moment, the gunned men fled the house without hurting anyone.

Source: YouTube/ CNN

The Los Angeles County sheriff’s department praised young Carlos’ bravery. If it wasn’t for him, God knows what would have happened. His parents must be proud and very thankful for saving their lives, especially his mother who knows that the emergency lessons she taught her son weren’t time wasted but came in handy when they needed them the most.

For more on the story go to the video below.

8-year-old boy living in a shed spends mom’s last $12 to change family’s fortune


Life can be unpredictable. The truth is that we can never know what tomorrow brings and that is why we should never lose hope that things could turn for the better even if we believe that there is no way out.

The story of an 8-year-old boy named Aaron Moreno who had high hopes and dreams teaches us exactly that.

It turned out that this bright boy loved having Cheetos and ice-cream, two of his favorite snacks, but his mother had a hard time providing for the family. Being on her own, with children and jobless, she could hardly afford to buy her children ice-cream, so whenever the ice-cream truck would stop by the shed in which they lived, her heart broke into million pieces.

Source: Pexels/ Tanner Vote

“When I lost both my jobs in March because of the corona-virus pandemic and we had no option but to live in a shed, this kid was always asking for Hot Cheetos,” Aaron’s mom, Berenice Pacheco, told CNN. “It’s just $3, but when you have kids and you don’t have a job, it can make all the difference.”

Seeing his mom struggle, Aaron decided to do all in his power to help her. He also wanted his family to move out of the shed which didn’t have any bedrooms, bathrooms, or air-conditioning.

Using his mom’s last $12, Aaron decided to buy succulents and resell them.

“Our shed was hot and crowded and I wasn’t happy,” Aaron shared with CNN. “I started my garden so my mom won’t be stressed because I don’t like seeing her struggle.”

On the first day, Aaron managed to sell everything. He made little profit and decided to invest it in more succulents thus try to start a business. Both he and his mom would take a bus to the flower district to buy the supplies they needed for the day. Most times, they were selling from their shed, but occasionally, they would create pop-up shops.

Being proud of her son’s hard work, Berenice shared photos of him and his garden on Facebook. The photos gathered the attention of many and a friend decided to start a GoFundMe page in order to help the family.

The initial goal was to raise $1,000. Believe it or not, they ended up raising around $56,000, enough for a new place.

With the money, they were also able to bring Aaron’s sister home from Mexico.

“The best part of what Aaron has done for us is bringing back his sister,” Berenice said. “It was so hard being without her and we are a whole family again. And I was so happy to see they still had their amazing bond even if they spent so much time apart. It’s such a blessing.”

The succulents business is growing bigger and bigger all thanks to Aaron’s hard work and determination to improve his family’s life. He is now selling more types of flowers. What a thoughtful young man he is.

Neighbors gather together to get 70-year-old living in SUV with dogs an apartment


The number of people who are forced into homelessness is huge. Their life on the street is beyond difficult, but most times, there’s nothing they could do to change their fate. Luckily, there are always those who do, just like two women named Jennifer Husband-Elsier and her friend Melissa Akacha who stepped up for a women in need and changed her life.

70-year-old Lynn Schutzman had a great life. She worked as a pharmacists her entire life and was involved in a happy marriage. Sadly, all that changed when her husband of many years passed away and her health deteriorated. As a result, medical bills started piling up and she couldn’t make ends meet. Unfortunately, this loving woman ended up on the street and was forced to live in her SUV for over two years. The only companions she had were her two dogs.

Source: YouTube/ WBUR

One day, Jennifer Husband-Elsier took a notice of Lynn. In the days that followed, Jennifer saw Lynn parked at the Target parking lot multiple times and realized she was living in her car. The sight broke her heart and she knew she needed to do something.

The first thing that came to mind was to reach to the rest of the members of the community.

“Does anyone know anything about the elderly woman with 2 dogs that has recently been living in her car under the covered part of the Target parking lot? I spoke to the police and they said she’s been living like this for over 2 years in different areas of [King of Prussia]. … It’s an awful scenario. Really, really upsetting,” she wrote on the social media.

Source: YouTube/ WBUR

In no time, she got plenty of messages from people who shared her concerns. Many offered food and clothes, and although that was all very kind, it didn’t help solve Lynn’s problem.

Jennifer and her friend Melissa went a step further and started a GoFundMe page.

To their surprise, many people donated money and they were soon able to raise enough for a two year rent.

Before they told Lynn the happy news, the community gathered and decorated the place.

Source: YouTube/ WBUR

Needless to say, when Lynn checked it out she was over the moon and couldn’t hide her gratitude and the tears of joy which kept rolling down her face.

However, the kindness of the members of the community didn’t stop there. They bring Lynn cooked food and a bunch of things needed in order for her to function properly. Some even offer to walk her dogs, and Jennifer invited her over to celebrate Thanksgiving with her family.

“It wouldn’t have happened without these angels,” Lynn told ABC News. “I just want people to realize that this can happen to anybody. … I had a good job. I had good retirement but I got sick and health insurance only covers so much. … I have no children. I have no family. .. I had nowhere to turn. Sometimes, you know, just the kindness of strangers just makes all the difference in someone’s life.”

Source: YouTube/ WBUR

So touching and uplifting, don’t you agree?

For more on the story go to the video below.

Costco employee searches for boy after finding Christmas list with unique requests


Christmas is the most wonderful time of the year. It is the time when true magic happens and miracles take place.

An employee at Costco named Eric Barragan was cleaning the aisles when a crumbled piece of paper caught his attention. He thought it was garbage, but he then noticed the handwriting belonged to someone young so he decided to take a closer look. It turned out it was a Christmas list.

Source: YouTube/ CBS Los Angeles

He expected the list to contain everything young children love, like toys, chocolates, or even fun games. And yes, the person who wrote it wanted some shirts, Minecraft figures, Hot Wheels (but only two), a horror video game called “Five Nights at Freddy’s”, a wallet, and a Gamestop gift card. However, it wasn’t all. There were two things written down that not many children would ask for; “Bringing peace and joy to the world” and “Just love.”

Barragan was astonished. “Most kids don’t ask for those things, and I thought that was pretty special,” he told CBS 2.

Source: YouTube/ CBS Los Angeles

As the list warmed his heart, he decided to track down the young person who wrote it and give him some of the things he wanted for Christmas. Well, at least those he could buy.

The only problem was that he had no idea who that list belonged to, he only knew the name of the kid because it was written down. Barragan could go through the camera footage, but that would take quite some time, so he decided to share the list on his Facebook page.

Soon after, he got a message from someone who knew the boy’s family. The list belonged to Julian Huey, who had no idea Christmas would come early for him.

Source: YouTube/ CBS Los Angeles

Barragan bought a bunch of presents, including everything from the list, and paid Julian a visit.

The boy was over the moon. He was so happy that he had a hard time hiding his excitement. His parents were as thrilled by the kind gesture. Julian’s mom explained how the family had a hard time make ends meet because they were relying on just a military pension.

“I think I spent the first half of the last 24 hours just in shock,” the mother told CBS 2.

Sweet Julian said, “All I want, mostly, my biggest thing is a big heart to love everyone and bring joy to the world.”

Source: YouTube/ CBS Los Angeles

For more on this beautiful story, which reminds us of the beauty of Christmas, go to the video below.

Standing in the store queue customers watch in disbelief when a cashier pays for veteran’s groceries

Have you ever filled the conveyor with your groceries then realized you forgot your wallet, that tremendously embarrassing “oh sugar” moment! Maybe even one stage further, getting told in front of a crowded queue of people that your card has been declined! One guy recently had to go through exactly this scenario, but he really did not expect what happened to him after that…
Flickr/Steve Snodgrass
Standing in the Dollar General queue was Tim McKellar, he saw a real sight, a hardly believable moment that he would remember forever! Tim was waiting to pay for his groceries and the cashier scanned items from the elderly Gentleman in front of him, he was ever so proud and wearing a veteran cap. When the guy gave his card for payment, he couldn’t remember his pin, his card was declined, poor chap. Tim posted to Facebook:

“He tried a couple different times when another lady offered to help him again with no luck.”

At that moment the cashier stepped in and changed the tone of the day completely for this veteran…
Flickr/Steve Snodgrass
Working at the Dollar store, Jacob Wittman, at the cash register that day decided that he could not watch the guy swipe and it not work again, so he pulled out his wallet …his wallet! Tim said:

“That’s when the cashier Jacob Wittman pulled his wallet out and told the lady (who had been helping) to scan his card.”

The veteran, was a little bit confused what was going on, he asked the cashier, have you just bought my groceries? Jacob said:

“Yes, sir I did. And, you don’t owe me a dime.”

Tim felt so touched by what just happened, that human connection he just witnessed, he felt the need to record it and share it online, the world needed to see it too! He said finally:

“Now this kid obviously makes minimum wage or real close to it and probably didn’t have the extra money to spare. I thanked him for what he had done, asked for his name and took his picture.”

“Let’s give this Good Samaritan the acknowledgment that he deserves.”

Flickr/Steve Snodgrass
The post got about 3,000 positive reactions and has been shared over 1,400 times, that is certainly the acceptance and congratulations that were deserved! Some comments Facebook said:

“Such an awesome act of kindness. Sending you a big hug and many blessings from miles and miles away.”

“Jacob, you are a good-hearted young man. Thank you for helping the elderly and veterans. God bless you!”

“God bless you, young man. So many people could learn from you, what it is to show kindness. You are an inspiration to us all. Thank you.”

It is really lovely acts of kindness like this, one human reaching out to another, someone in need that inspires us to make a real difference in others lives and to perhaps do the same for someone else too. Please SHARE this lovely and warm story with your friends and family!

Dad posts plea for 5-yr-old son in wheelchair who waits for bus in rain and group of teens answer it


Living with any form of disability can be quite challenging, and sweet Ryder Kilam, a five year old boy who is in a wheelchair, knows that best.

In order to get to school, Ryan uses the bus, just like his friends, but the difference is that they can easily wait for the bus to make a stop in front of their home while still inside and simply run towards it when they spot it. Ryan, on the other hand, has to wait outside, at the bottom of the sidewalk, otherwise, he could easily miss it because his house is around 75 feet away.

No matter if it’s sunny, rainy, or showy, Ryan has to stay outside waiting.

His parents, who make all in their power to ease his life as much as possible, take him outside earlier, but when the weather is bad, that doesn’t seem like the perfect solution.

One time, they placed a patio umbrella at the bottom of the driveway in order to keep him from the sun and the rain, but even slight wind would negate the covering of the umbrella.

Unable to find a solution to their problem, Ryan’s parents decided to ask the community for help.

It took a while, but eventually, the post reached just the right people. Professor Dan McKena from the Westerly High School who teaches construction technology though that getting involved in a project of building a “bus hut” for little Ryan would be of great importance both for the little one and his students. While doing a good deed, the students would be given an opportunity to put their knowledge into practice, so it seemed like a win-win situation.

“I think my first email was, absolutely we’re in,” professor McKena told WJAR. “We’ve done other projects before. I think it’s very important for my students to learn not only the aspects of construction but of being involved in the community dealing with people outside of the school environment.”

Home Depot also got involved in the project and donated $300 worth of materials. The rest of the expenses were covered by Ryan’s mom and dad.

The final result was a an ADA accessible structure perfect for the soon-coming weather!

Ryan’s dad said that his son loves his bus hut so much that he wants to spend time inside even when he’s not waiting for the bus. “He loves it, he actually after school makes us stay out here and hang out, now it’s his new fort.”

Thanks to professor McKena and his students, one sweet boy’s life became much easier. Thank you!

You can take a look at the original post below.

Brother asks to hold baby sister and starts to sing the sweetest song for her


When these mom and dad were about to bring the newest addition to the family home, they feared of the reaction of their older son. Neither of them could help but wonder whether the boy would love his baby sister. Would he feel neglected? Would he be jealous?

Luckily, they had nothing to fear about. It turned out that their son couldn’t wait to hold his baby sister in his arms. He loved spending time with her and taking care of her. However, one very special moment the siblings shared is what caught their parents’ attention.

As they placed her in his lap, the proud and overly excited brother started singing a very special song to her; “You are so beautiful.”

Source: YouTube/ mohdnaserhussain naser

Not many people are familiar with the story behind the lyrics of this iconic piece of music. It was written by Billy Preston and Bruce Fisher and celebrated Preston’s mother who was a stage actress. It meant a lot to the musician, so when he learned that Fisher used it during concerts to attract women’s attention, Preston felt appalled.

Years after it was written, musician Joe Cocker released a slower version of it and the song became his highest charting solo hit, peaking at number five on the United States’ Billboard Hot 100.

Until this day, it remains one of the most beautiful songs ever made, so the little brother singing it to his sister is beyond heartmelting.

We are so glad this emotional moment was caught on tape. You can take a look at it in the video below.

Elderly man gets greeted by “a friend” who crawls out of the ice every day


What makes a good friend? Is it someone you share similar interests or passions with? Someone who understand you and is there when you need them the most? Well. the truth is that friendship can sometimes happen between the most unlike friends. If you don’t trust us, just take a look at the following story.

A man named Seppo Laamanen from Finland, 65, got outside of his home one day just to spot a strange animal standing at his door. He couldn’t believe his eyes when he realized the creature was a wild otter. Clearly undernourished, it was obvious the otter was looking for some food.

Source: YouTube/ StoryTrender

Seppo was kind enough to give his visitor some warms and fish. Once the otter filled its belly, it went away. Seppo was sure it was a one time encounter, but he couldn’t be more wrong. The otter kept coming and started feeling more and more comfortable around Seppo.

Even today, the sweet animal pays its human friend a visit every now and then. Isn’t that adorable?

For more on this heartwarming story which teaches us that true friendship knows no limits go to the video below. You are going to love it, that’s for sure!