Body of 5-year-old boy found inside a hard case suitcase by walker on mushroom hunt


Indiana state police have released an image of a suitcase with a distinctive Las Vegas design in which the body of a child was found earlier this week.

Following the autopsy, authorities believe the child was around five years old. The body belonged to a black boy who was around 4ft tall, with a slender built and short haircut.

The suitcase was found in dense woodland located in the eastern part of Washington County by a local resident who went mushroom hunting on Saturday, Newsweek reports.

Along with the photo, police wrote: “Tragically, the child was located inside a closed hard case suitcase.”

They believe that the child could be from any part of the country. “This obviously could be a national thing,” said Sergeant Carey Huls of the Indiana state police.

“It could be a child from any location. We’re not going to preclude anybody, and we’re going to look at any information that comes in that could answer the question of the identity of this child.”

Authorities hope that the photo of the suitcase could potentially lead to more information about the deceased boy. So far, no further details have been revealed as the name and the identity of the boy remain a mystery.

The police is asking citizens to come forwards in case they are familiar with a missing child. They set up a tip line and have received around 200 calls so far, but none seems to be related to the case in question.

“We just need the public’s help in relaying this information,” Mr Huls said.

Right now, police are visiting locals schools within Washington County to see if there are cases of students at the age of five who have stopped attending school regularly recently.

We truly hope those responsible for this horrific case would get what they deserve.

Photo of 6-year-old boy goes viral after saluting military men at airport


I am glad that most people are aware of the sacrifice our military men and women make. Most of them put their life on the line each and every day and miss out on a lot of important events such as family gatherings, holidays, birthdays, and a lot more. Many of them don’t even get to witness when their children reach important milestones. That is the reason why we should always pay our utmost respect to these members of our society.

However, as most adults are grateful for everything the servicemen and servicewomen do, most little children are unaware of the importance of their duty.

6-year-old boy named Jace Vega, however, certainly knows how brave and protective our soldiers are.

As he and his mom were at the San Antonio International Airport waiting for Jace’s father to return from a trip to Colorado Springs, the first grader noticed a group of soldiers passing by. Without thinking twice, he stood still and saluted the servicemen.

When asked why he had given the salute, sweet Jace answered: “Because they fight for our country.”

The photo of him paying respect was shared by the Fox San Antonio and was seen by thousands of people who praised Jose’s act as well as his mom and dad’s parenting.

“Why don’t you tell them [the station] what you told me that maybe you want to be a soldier someday, right?” the boy’s father asked his son, to which the boy responded: “Yep.”

“A couple of companies have reached out to us and some other people just reached out to my wife,” the father said. “They want to use his picture in the airport somewhere in Florida. A couple of locally owned veteran companies who do shirts, that’s locally owned and operated, they’re going to do a couple of shirts with him.”

Way to go, Jace. Your patriotic spirit is such an inspiration.

Parents demand teacher to be put in jail after what he did to their son


Teachers are those special people who help shape little minds and educate our children, thus help them become respected individuals.

Unfortunately, not every teaches is a good teacher. There are also those who treat the students with disrespect and crush their self-confidence.

Recently, an incident which took place in a classroom in China enraged many people. A secondary school student from he Suyu High School named Xiaochen came home from school with huge red marks on his face which resembled palm prints. When his parents asked him what had happened to his face, he told them that one of his teacher slapped him forcefully 12 times. Apparently, Xiaochen was chatting to another student during what was supposed to be a self-study time and the teacher dragged him from his seat and started slapping him in front of the entire class. According to one of Xiaochen’s classmates, the teacher first slapped a girl before hitting Xiaochen. This cruelty caused a concussion to Xiaochen. A few blood vessels near his eye burst and he is being treated at the hospital for the injuries that he sustained.

The Beijing Time shared a photo of the student at his hospital bed at Suqian Chinese Medicine Hospital.

Xiaochen also suffered temporary hearing loss.

The Beijing Time

According to local magazines, the teacher was already dismissed by the Ministry of Education.

The school agreed to cover Xiaochen’s medical expenses. There are no reports whether the teacher will face any charges, despite the student’s parents’ plea for him to be charged for hitting their son.

Daily Mail shared the story and people couldn’t help but take a stand. They all agree that no teacher should ever hit a student. There is always a way to approach a problem without any form of violence being used.

Every teacher should serve as a role model and never ever act in an aggressive manner in the classroom.

Some people commented that this form of behavior is not that unusual in China, but we can never know that for sure.

‘Our whole world has been taken from us’ – Baby girl dies after mom tries to avoid swooping magpie


Five-month-old baby died in a freak accident after her mother, who carried her in a career, ducked in an attempt to avoid an aggressive magpie in Queensland, Australia. Unfortunately, the mother tripped and fell, which caused fatal injuries to the baby named Mia. The girl’s father, Jacob, called emergency services and the little one was rushed to the hospital, but to no avail. Mia died and left her parents in devastation.

Mia was described as a happy and cheerful little baby. Sadly, she was taken away from her family way too soon.

Father Jacob said of his sweet baby that she “brought joy to everyone’s lives with her infectious smile, her pure innocence and her adorable laugh.”

“Our whole world has been taken from us and the pain we are experiencing is unimaginable,” he shared with Daily Mail. “We are so grateful for the most precious gift we ever received.”


The magpie which attacked Mia’s mother, Simone, was released as they are protected species.

These birds can grow up to a feet long and are extremely aggressive during breeding season. They would attack anyone who gets close to their nests, even when the person is simply walking past them, not trying to approach them or hurt them.

Jacob and Simone’s family started a GoFundMe to help the family with the funeral expenses as well as other expenses as neither Jacob nor Simone were able to get back to work for some time since losing their daughter.


“This horrible world dealt a blow no one could ever imagine,” the fundraising page read. “Shattering everyone’s hearts and crushing [her parents’] Jacob and Simone’s world in the blink of an eye where no day would ever be the same. No words can begin to describe the torture Jacob and Simone are going through.

“Beautiful Mia, at only five young months of age, grew her little angel wings and left this world for the final time, shattering everyone’s hearts, and crushing Jacob and Simone’s world in the blink of an eye.”

The death of baby Mia “has shocked the community to the absolute core,” Brisbane Lord Mayor Adrian Schrinner said.

“This is something no one wants to see happen, something that has never happened before and something we want to make sure never happens again.

“Swooping magpies are part of Australian life. There are not many people in Brisbane that haven’t been swooped by magpies at some stage in their life,” Schrinner added.


“At most stages they’re relatively minor. But there’s never been a situation like this in Brisbane before … This is the first, and we want it to be the last.”

Rest in peace, Mia. Our hearts go out to the grieving family.

Mom gives her baby full stiletto manicure, posts pictures on social media


Being a parent means doing all in your power for the well-being of your child. But is this true for every mom and dad out there? Sadly, not always.

Some time ago, one mother’s photos of her little baby enraged a lot of social media users. Namely, the photos showed her little one having fake nails done in a stiletto shape. Judging from the size of the hand, the baby is probably younger than a year.

The caption of the photos said: “I can do you babies nails. PM for info. Cheap rates.”

Needless to say, many were quick to point out the dangers of a young baby having long nails.

“I could understand painting babies nails, but giving them fake ones? It’s too dangerous! They constantly are touching their faces, so it could really do damage to their eyes. It’s better to wait until they are a lot older,” one person wrote after the original Facebook photos were taken off the site and shared on Twitter by someone else.

Another person commented: “No just no. One the babies nail is so thin this can damage it for later in life. And honestly it’s just stupid.”

A third said: “Especially like the ones shown I mean why would you want sharp things that your baby would put in their mouth and possibly swallow. It’s just no no no no no no no nooo.”

The truth is that we can never know if the original photos were real or photoshopped, but what we are certain of is that no matter if they were accurate or not, they can easily make people follow the bizarre trend of putting fake nails on a newborn baby.

We strongly advise anyone against applying any sort of fake nails on their babies’ fingers.

What are your thoughts on this?

‘He’s healed my heart’ — woman gives birth to late husband’s son 14 months after he died


Sarah Shellenberger and her husband Scott married in 2018. They were very happy together and dreamed of becoming parents. Unfortunately, having babies turned out to be harder than they have ever imagined. So, after a number of unsuccessful ties, they decided to try IVF so they went to a fertility clinic in Barbados for egg retrieval.

“For the first round, we ended up getting one genetically normal embryo and that turned out to be Hayes,” Sarah, who works as a teacher, said. “We decided to go back in February for another retrieval while I still had as many eggs as possible.”

In February 2020, Sarah completed an embryo fertilization and was looking forward to going home to her husband who wasn’t able to accompany her because of work commitments. Sadly, once she landed in Toronto, a stop on her way home, her phone started ringing like crazy. People kept telling her how they were praying for Scott to pull through. Sarah had no idea what happened. She contacted Scott’s mother who told her that he suffered a heart-attack and was at the ICU.

Unfortunately, Scott didn’t make it. He was pronounced brain dead and Sarah decided to donate his organs, saving three people who received his liver and kidneys.

“On Friday, February 21 I had to go and say goodbye to him. That was the hardest thing I’ve ever done.”

Around six months after Scott’s passing, Sarah went to Barbados for the embryo transfer. A week later she learned she was pregnant.

“It was our biggest dream – Scott wanted to be a dad,” she told Daily Record. “In our eyes, we have these two embryos that are already created and they are our children. To me, there was no other option. They are our kids.”

It was a bittersweet moment, but Sarah was happy she now had a son who would always remind her of her loving husband.

“It feels like things are starting to look brighter and that maybe my life isn’t over and I have a purpose.”

Baby Hayes changed Sarah’s life forever. She found purpose to live and thrive. “Holding Hayes has been such good medicine for me and he has healed my heart in a lot of ways,” this mother said.

We are very sad Sarah had to go through a heartbreak. We truly hope that she and her baby boy would have a beautiful life.

Superman actor Henry Cavill reveals his pet dog ‘saved’ him from mental health struggles


From portraying Charles Brandon in Showtime’s The Tudors, to saving the world as Superman, actor Henry Cavill enjoys quite a reputation as one of the best of the best in the film industry, and the fact that he is a huge dog lover make us love him even more.

Everyone who admires this British-born actor’s work and follows him on the social media is familiar his 8-year-old American Akita, Kal. Cavill never misses a chance to post photos of his pet and friend, describing Kal as “part dog, part bear, part pig and all soul,” and calling him an “absolute gem.”

Tinseltown /

“I’ve had him since he was 10 weeks old and we have been through thick and thin together,” Cavill wrote. “We actually spend so much time together, I’m not sure who imitates who anymore!”

In a recent appearance on the British morning talk show Lorraine, Cavill brought his dog to the studio and spoke of how much he means to him. He revealed that Kal is his best buddy and that they do everything together.

Speaking to the Daily Mail, the Justice League star shared a personal revelation involving Kal. “He has saved my emotional and psychological bacon plenty of times. We have an incredibly close bond,” the actor said. “He senses it when I’ve got my own stuff on, he’ll be close — he’s almost always close, but he’ll be closer.”

Cavill makes sure Kal accompanies him everywhere he goes. The dog is almost always there when he films The Witcher, the Netflix fantasy series he currently stars on.

“He was there the entire time, he spent most of his time in the trailer rather than on set,” Cavill told People. “Because when he can see me, but he can’t get to me, he tends to start making a lot of noise. We didn’t want him running in halfway through a scene or a sword fight especially, because he would be taking people down. But he was always there.”

“He has been an absolute savior for me,” Cavill said in an interview with On Demand Entertainment. “He is a true companion and in those moments where I just need another being around but not necessarily to be putting lots of effort in that person.

“He’s fantastic. To me, he’s very much — he’s a dog but he’s a companion. He’s a person as well.”

Witnessing such strong connection between a man and his dog is a beautiful thing. Kal is happy to have a loving owner as Cavill who inspires millions to treat animals as genuinely as he does.

Donkey overwhelms with emotions after seeing girl who raised him in touching footage


One of the things humans did right is the many connections they managed to establish with different kids of animals. As we are used to keeping dogs and cats as pets, other animals, such as horses and donkeys, can make awesome friends too.

Donkeys for example are very special creatures. One thing that characterizes their nature, according to Donkey Sanctuary, is their ability to make long-time friends with those of their kind, although it’s not unusual for them to bond with horses and mules, too. However, in case they lose the friend they made strong connection with, it can be damaging for them. As per the Donkey Sanctuary if they get separated from their companions, it can easily cause stress which can lead to the dangerous condition of hyperlipaemia, characterized by an excess of fat in the bloodstream.

Source: YouTube

Donkeys are easy to train because they are fast learners. They also do great around humans if they are approached the right way.

The donkey from this story has been raised by the family of a girl who liked the animal very much. After not having seen each other for quite some time, the girl and the donkey reunited again, and it was a very emotional moment; one which left many stunned.

As the girl gets closer to the gate, the donkey realizes he’s looking at a familiar face. He then let out a sound filled with emotions. The girl grabbed him by the sides of his face and gave him a gentle kiss on the nose. The donkey continued braying as though he was trying to tell her he is happy to see her again. At the end of the footage which shows the emotional reunion, the donkey appears to be smiling.

Source: YouTube

When it was first uploaded on YouTube some 3 years ago, the video got over 4.1 million views. This year, it reemerged again and has been seen over 6.4 views on Twitter.

This shows that humans and animals are capable of forming strong bonds that can last a lifetime.