Armed thief tries to terrorize passengers on train – 52-year-old ex-boxer teaches him a lesson


Many believe that those people who are courageous don’t feel fear. The truth is that fear is a natural condition we all experience, but some people are able to manage it and overcome it so that it doesn’t prevent them from taking action.

It was around 5:50 in the morning when a man named Jean-Paul LaPierre from Boston was on the Blue Line train at Chicago’s Cumberland station trying to get to the Chicago marathon. All of a sudden, he noticed many of the passengers were disturbed and were going to the wrong direction. When he asked them what was going on, they said there was an armed robber in the train who was holding some of the passengers at gunpoint.

Without thinking twice, 52-year-old LaPierre, who happened to be a former boxer, decided to approach the robber.

Source: YouTube/ WGN News

The robber, who was later identified as 30-year-old Tremaine Anderson, was a well-known felon to the police.

At first, LaPierre asked Anderson to hand him the weapon, but when he refused to do so, LaPierre managed to disarm him. Although Anderson was way younger and taller, LaPierre still managed to defeat him thanks to his skills of a trained fighter.

The video of the incident shows the moment LaPierre manages to corner the robber against the train’s door as he says: “I’m a boxer. I’ll break your head in one punch. I could hit you 7 times in 3 seconds.”

He was able to keep the robber cornered until police arrived.

Source: YouTube/ WGN News

Once police took Anderson over, he resisted arrest and tried to escape, but LaPierre intervened once again and expertly flipped him over so the police could handcuff him.

La Pierre showed incredible bravery and didn’t get scared even when Anderson’s accomplices threatened to hurt him if he didn’t leave their friend alone.

What’s most impressive of all is that LaPierre still managed to run Chicago’s 12th marathon as though nothing happened.

One of Anderson’s victims happened to be taking part in the marathon as well. He made sure to thank LaPierre for acting quickly and preventing a tragedy from taking place.

Police released a statement saying Anderson has been charged with robbery with a firearm without the option of a bond. His criminal record is an extensive one. He has been charged with robbery, battery, and public indecency in the past.

“This man literally put his life in danger to save others, very courageous! Well done Sir,” one of the comments under the video of LaPierre’s brave act says. We truly believe that this man is a hero in every sense of the word.

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Mom shares how the formula shortage is affecting her baby, and it’s an awful reality parents are facing right now


Recent inflation, supply chain shortages, and product recalls led to shortage of baby formula around America. This situation left a number of parents in devastation as they are unable to find the right formulas for their babies. So far, three different types of formula have been recalled from the markets after four infants were hospitalized. Those products include Similac, Alimentum, and EleCare powdered infant formulas that were produced at Abbott Nutrition’s Sturgis, Michigan facility.

Gado / Gado via Getty Images

Kayzie Weedman is just one of the many moms whose babies are formula fed. She is in a desperate situation because the only formula her daughter could have without getting a severe allergic reaction is nowhere to be found. In order to give an insight into what parents are going through right now, she shared a TikTok video which has been seen over a million times so far.

“Let’s talk about the formula shortage that is plaguing the US right now, because more people need to know about this. You go to your local Target, your local Walmart, and you think you’re going to get the formula your baby needs? Nope. Shelves are bare. And there are babies who can’t have just any formula that’s on the shelf,” Weedman starts her story.

@momofrory /

“I’m going to insert a picture of what my daughter looks like when she has cow’s milk because she has a huge cow’s milk protein allergy. So, what am I going to do when I go to the shelves and can’t get the formula that I need? The pharmacist who fills her prescription formula can’t fill it because they can’t get it — it’s back-ordered six months and I just have to sit there and stare at empty shelves and not know what I’m going to do next.”

@momofrory /

“Formula is not available on any of the shelves. They’re empty — nowhere near three hours near me [has it]. Can’t get the formula. What are we going to do? Where do we go from here? How do formula moms feed their kids?” she says while sharing a photo of her baby daughter with her face covered in rash.

@momofrory /

A number of other moms posted comments saying they were in the same situation.

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Speaking to BuzzFeed, Weedman explained how her daughter is allergic to cow’s milk protein, gluten, soy, and goat’s milk, among the rest. Sadly, most of the formulas, except for those that are not available right now, have most of this in their content.

As much as many people were very supportive and understood this mother’s struggles, there were also those who said she should have breastfed her daughter instead. “I could not breastfeed because of Palmer’s immune system and allergy needs. MY breast milk was slowly killing my baby and if I did not have formula, she would be far worse off,” she said.

Luckily for Weedman, a number of people offered to send her the formula from places where it was available, including Australia.

“The community of mothers around me has been outstanding. The amount of help I have received from complete strangers is something I never imagined. The tribe of mothers out there are special people,” she wrote.

However, as she is just one of the huge number of moms whose children got affected by the formula shortage, this mom wrote: “This formula shortage is very scary and very real. My suggestion is to be on the lookout every time you go to any store that sells formula. Find your formula-feeding friends and band together to look for and purchase formula for each other. I have friends and family from all over looking for her cans every time they go to the store. Help moms out and just grab ONE can. Frenzy buying isn’t helping.”

We hope the problem with formula shortage would be solved as soon as possible.

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What was hiding behind the smile of America’s most beloved TV host Johnny Carson?


It was in October 1962 when one of the TV’s best known personalities ever, Johnny Carson, replaced Jack Paar as the host of The Tonight Show, and the rest is history. Carson’s career as host spanned for three decades and he brought pure enjoyment to millions of viewers who were looking forward to each episode.

This incredible television personality, comedian, writer, and producer marked an era. His friendly character and wit were some of the traits people loved him for. His interviews were never ordinary and his guests were some of the most prominent individuals such as stars of the latest Hollywood movies. Carson influenced many other famous hosts among which David Letterman.


However, those who knew him personally would say he was a completely different person from what the audience saw on TV.

From early age, Carson believed his mother favored his sister over him and his brother so their relationship wasn’t the healthiest. Jody Wolcott Carson, Carson’s first wife, once spoke of the relation between her husband and her mother-in-law and said, “I heard stories that she broke a whole set of dishes on the kitchen wall. She was a real force in the family, the real matriarch.” Carson’s lawyer Henry Bushkin published a book about the most beloved TV host and icon “Johnny Carson,“ where he wrote that Carson refused to attend his mom’s funeral and even said, “The wicked witch is dead.”


Bushkin, who was very close to Carson over the years, believed Carson wasn’t really a happy man and said that the host even confessed that on several occasions.

Carson had an interesting views on love and marriage and tied the knot four times. “Married men live longer than single men. But married men are a lot more willing to die,” he used to joke.

In 1991, awful tragedy struck his family; his middle son Richard died. This crushed Carson. He, however, thanked his fans for being there for him during this hard time of his life saying their “very thoughtful and compassionate letters” meant a great deal to him.


According to his close friends, this vibrant host who stole the hearts of millions of people from all around the world was in fact very shy and nothing like what he appeared in front of the camera. “When I’m in front of an audience, well, it’s a different thing. I’m in control,” Carson himself once said. “There’s Carson the performer, and there’s Carson the private individual, and I can separate the two.”

Facebook / Johnny Carson

Carson’s second wife, Joanne Copeland, whom he divorced the same year he announced his third marriage, told Larry King, ”Johnny was very shy. He was painfully shy. So when he was — was — and even more than his family, he was very guarded. But he was very funny.”

Despite being described as reserved by many, Bushkin said how Carson was at the same time a very “complex man” who “had a hair trigger on many things. So, I think I added some humanity over the years to him that he couldn’t really exhibit because of what he got from his mother. One moment gracious, funny and generous; and curt, aloof and hard-hearted the next.”

Facebook / Johnny Carson

No matter what everyone though of him, one thing is certain; Carson had a heart of gold. His foundation which supports children, education, and health services is one of the largest in the country. During his life, he changed the life of many for the better and continued doing so even after his death in 2005. His foundation had $156 million at the time he left this world.


Carson’s impact on Hollywood is huge. He won six Emmy Awards and earned a place in the Television Academy Hall of Fame.

Check out the video below featuring the best of The Tonight Show with this incredible man.

Teen employee pays for cop’s brownie – Couple try to get him fired


When one Texas teenager felt the urge to pay for the police officer’s dessert, he didn’t expect to be praised for his kind deed, but didn’t expect to be suspended from his job either.

He wanted to do something good for the officer for everything they do for the community and the country, because he believed their commitment and sacrifice are rarely given the appropriate appreciation. But, things took the wrong turn and this young man would probably think twice the next time he decides to show his kindness.

When the officer approached the counter of the 18-year-old Zack Randolph at Great American Cookies, the kind teenager got his wallet out and took $2.75.

“He’s just a really nice guy and on top of that he has a badge,” he said. “That’s enough for me to buy him something. That’s the least I can do.”

Then the next customers, a man and a woman, approached the counter and that’s when Randolph’s troubles started. They witnessed what he did for the officer and asked for a free dessert themselves. They were pretty angry because they thought they should be given it for free too.

According to Randolph’s mom, the man even threatened to beat her son up and said how he’d make sure for Randolph to lose his job.

“He put his daughter down and came around to the side and was about to come back and come at me and thankfully my assistant manager and my co-worker stopped him.”

To their surprise, Randolph got suspended for a week only because he decided to show kindness. Both he and his mom were devastated.

His mom Tami believed that his son has been done injustice so she posted about the whole incident on Facebook. Many people stood for Randolph and demanded justice.

Once they realized they were so wrong, the company issued an apology and the teen was brought back to work the next day.

“A lot of people I know my age don’t support police officers. I don’t think it’s fair,” said Randolph.

We are very sorry for everything young Zack had to go through only because he is a kind and well behaved young man. We hope this incident won’t stop him from doing good in the future. As for the man and woman who accused him of being racist and got him in trouble, it’s sad to know there are so cruel and selfish people out there.

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Man Facebook post goes viral after an elderly customer unexpectedly passed him a note

A North Carolina man shared his story on Facebook after receiving an unexpected note from an older gentleman in a packed restaurant. Although the old man couldn’t speak, he sure knew how to get someone’s attention The Facebook post has since gone viral, being shared thousands of times on social media. Read it below. Farris Leonard “Today I went to Lane’s Ferry Grill to eat lunch. Great staff and food. I needed a real bacon cheeseburger. Place was packed. Now the rest of the story… As I sat alone with one seat open an elderly gentleman caught my attention and pointed to the chair and motioned if he could sit down. I replied sure. He was filling out his order sheet and one of the staff came to say to me that the gentleman communicated by passing notes because he couldn’t hear or speak well. They asked if he could sit there. I responded we had already worked that out. As we sat and passed notes, we filled up both sides of his paper, I only wondered the things he had seen. Well he met JFK, in the ’40s he went to Arizona and it was 120 degrees. Yes, we wrote about the weather. What a great lunch! I tell this story that may seem insignificant, only to share just how significant it was. As I sat there I wondered if and hoped that I was making a better day for this 93 year young gentleman. But then it hit me and it gave cause to write my final note to him which said, “Sir I want to thank you for sharing lunch with me. I must go now but I want you to know that you made my day a better day. Take care of yourself.” You should of seen his eyes and smile as he read it. He embraced his heart and gave me a handshake that was real. We hugged and took a picture. This story is not about what I did but about what we all can do. With a little time, a lot of compassion and not being about “me” and “I’” so much, we could help make and be in a better place. Passing notes with this gentleman was priceless.” With all the negative, divisive stories in the media, it’s great to see a beautiful story of compassion between two strangers. Agree? Pass it on and let us know your thoughts on Facebook. Peace and Love Bored Daddy

Serviceman allowed to fly home to see his newborn baby – His 2-year-old son sees him showing up at the door


Videos of military men and women reuniting with their loved ones after long months of deployment are the most heartwarming ones. They show the sacrifice these people make for the well-being of their people and the safety of their country.

National Guard sergeant John Foreth was deployed to the Middle East and was unable to see his family for a very long time. When the time came for his baby daughter to be born, he wasn’t allowed to travel back home so he watched the delivery on camera. Luckily, just a day after, Foreth was granted a temporary leave and he was quick to get on board and fly back home to meet his bundle of joy.

Once in America, this father of two headed straight to the hospital. When his wife saw him entering the room, she was overwhelmed with emotions and was very happy to see him. Foreth couldn’t hide his tears of joy.

As he was holding the baby in his arms, his 2-year-old son entered the room. The little one’s reaction warmed thousands of hearts. At first, he starred at his dad in confusion and then ran towards him and jumped right in his arms.

The boy clearly missed his daddy.

To see the touching encounter go to the video below and don’t forget to SHARE it with your family and friends on Facebook.

Owner tearfully reunites with his stolen dog two days before he was scheduled to be euthanized!


I can’t even imagine the pain a man named Barry Gearhart experienced after his beloved Pit Bull Titan was stolen a year ago. He was looking for his pet everywhere, but to no avail.

In the meantime, animal control officers came across a sad looking Pit Bull and took him to a shelter. Everyone was aware that the senior dog had little chance of getting adopted, but they gave the idea a try. After some time, a family decided to give the dog that the shelter named Hank a home. Sadly, Hank didn’t turn out to be the pet they were looking for despite the shelter staff provided behavioral and socialization training for him. He wasn’t playful, so they decided to take him back to the shelter. There, Hank was labeled a “failure.”

Source: YouTube/ WPBF 25 News

Mere days before Hank was about to be euthanized, one of the shelter employees stumbled upon a photo shared by Barry begging for help for his dog to be found. The dog on the photo, Titan, resembled Hank a lot. Was it possible for it to be the same dog? The employee decided to check that out and contacted Barry who rushed to the shelter as soon as he could.

It took seconds for Barry to recognize his dog. Hank, or Titan, showed emotions for the first time since he got to the shelter. The dog was as excited as Barry and their reunion was one of the most touching we’ve ever seen.

The shelter staff couldn’t believe how a dog that was sad and deprived could turn into a vibrant one in just seconds after reuniting with his owner.

Source: YouTube/ WPBF 25 News

Thankfully, Barry and Titan are now together.

Take a look at the video below and don’t forget to SHARE it with your friends and family on Facebook!

The powerful moment a U.S. Marine joins Native Americans in a meaningful traditional dance


Powwow is a social gathering held by many Native American communities and symbolizes or celebrates the homecoming and fellowship. The event is followed by dancing, singing, and socializing and is a unique experience. This is one way through which Native Americans honor their culture, express gratitude for the old friendships, and welcome the new ones. 

This particular powwow was sort of special because it really depicted everything the event stands for, and that’s loving and respecting each other. Because no matter how different we are in terms of religion, nation, or skin color, we are all human beings, and that’s all that matters.

During the powwow held in Oklahoma by an Iowa Tribe, one marine participated in the dancing and the video that emerged now serves as an inspiration for “different people” to get together and be friends, because that is the only way for us to turn this world into a happier place. 

According to the site of the Báxoǰe people, the powwow usually begins on a Friday evening with an event called ‘the Grand Entry,’ during which “veterans, chiefs, royalty, and dancers make a grand entrance into the sacred arena.”

It was then that the marine was invited to take place in the dancing ritual.

Lance Corporal Trey Kent had been honored for his service by the members of the Iowa tribe.

The lance corporal was flattered and jumped right in and took part in the war dance. states that ancient warrior societies would partake in these war dances as a way to prepare for battle, often simulating battle moves through the steps.

They explain, “They danced to the beat of the drum, while others in the community watched and encouraged them, building their enthusiasm for going to war.”

After the battle is over, the warriors do another dance that speaks of what was happening at the battle field. 

Hugh Foley, another attendant of the event, put the lance corporal’s amazing dancing on tape.

This video captured the attention of around 2 million people who got to witness what it’s like to be “different” but yet the same. It’s amazing how the lance corporal is dressed in his officer’s uniform while the person dancing by his side is wearing a traditional Native American attire. 

These two dancers are a proof that if we want to, we can get over the barriers that define us as members of different groups and be just humans who have mutual respect for each other. 

Take a look at the video below. It’s really a pretty different experience.