74 years ago she was kicked out for loving a black man–today, their love lives on


Every love story is beautiful in its own way, but some are so special that they serve as a reminder that we should never stop fighting for true love.

When Mary and Jake met back in the 1940’s, interracial relationships were considered taboo. Their love for one another was considered a sin and they felt like it was the two of them against the entire world. Mary was white and Jack was black, something her parents never accepted. However, no matter the obstacles that stood on their way, the two lived to witness their love being celebrated.

Unfortunately, Jake passed away in 2019, and Mary left this world a year later. The story of their forbidden, but beautiful love, however, continues to live on.

Jake, who was from Trinidad, was serving in the United Kingdom during the WWII, and Mary was from Britain. That was when they first laid eyes on each other and fell in love instantly.

I met Jake when he came over during the war from Trinidad, as part of the American forces stationed at the Burtonwood base near my home in Lancashire. We were at the same technical college. I was having typing and shorthand lessons and he’d been sent there for training by the Air Force. He was with a group of Black friends and they called my friend and me over to talk. We didn’t even know they spoke English, but Jake and I got chatting. He quoted Shakespeare to me, which I loved,” Mary said in a 2016 interview.

One day, Jake’s friends invited Mary and her friends to join them to a picnic and that’s when a friend of Mary’s parents spotted them. She was shocked to see Mary in the company of Jake so she rushed to tell Mary’s father about that. When he learned his daughter was hanging out with a black man, he forbade her from seeing him. The two, however, didn’t split ways. 

Once the war was over, Jake was forced to return to his homeland, but he and Mary stayed in touch through letters until he came back to Britain again a few years later and popped the question. “He asked me to marry him, quite out of the blue, when I was only 19,” Mary said. “When I told my father I was going to marry Jake he said, ‘If you marry that man you will never set foot in this house again.’ He was horrified that I could contemplate marrying a Black man.



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My father threw me out, and I left with only one small suitcase to my name. No family came to our register office wedding in 1948,” Mary added. “The first years of our marriage living in Birmingham were hell—I cried every day, and barely ate. No one would speak to us, we couldn’t find anywhere to live because no one would rent to a Black man, and we had no money.”

At the beginning, people would stare and make mean comments, but over time, things started changing. “But gradually life became easier. I got teaching jobs, ending up as a deputy headteacher. First Jake worked in a factory, then for the Post Office.”

Eventually, they made friends who accepted their relationship, but there was always fear present that they would judge them for the love they felt for one another.

I used to say to new friends: ‘Look, I have to tell you this before I invite you to my home—my husband is Black,’” Mary said.

Before Mary’s father passed away, they reconnected, but he never approved of her marriage.

I feel so fortunate to have met and married Mary,” said Jake “but it saddens me that we could not be accepted by society. Nowadays I say to young Black people: ‘You have no idea what it used to be like.’ When I arrived in the UK I was subjected to abuse every day. Once I was on a bus and a man rubbed his hands on my neck and said: ‘I wanted to see if the dirt would come off.’ And back then you couldn’t work in an office — because a Black man in an office with all the white girls wasn’t thought to be safe.”

In April 2019, Jake and Mary celebrated their 71st wedding anniversary. Some time later, Jake passed away, leaving his wife behind. Then, in 2020, Mary left this world as well. The two are no longer alive, but their love story continues to live on.

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Mother turns teenage son in to police after stumbling upon notebook with plans for a school shooting


How far is a mother willing to go for the well-being of her child? No one can answer this with certainty because mother’s love knows no boundaries.

Recently, Nichole Schubert shared with GMA the heartbreaking decision she made to report her then 17-year-old son to the police after she stumbled upon his notebook which contained detailed plans for a mass shooting he was planning to do in 2019.

This mother’s heart was shattered into a million pieces. According to her, her son’s plan was to kill her first and then start a mass shooting at the Washington high school that he attended.

“Your first instinct as a parent is to protect your child,” she told Good Morning America. “But at that point I felt like if he is actually going to do these things, he would be safer in jail.”

Speaking of the moment she learned of her son’s gruesome plan, Nichole said, “It was very descriptive. It was just heartbreaking.”

In order to protect her son and the number of lives he intended to claim, Nichole allerted the police and asked for help.

Source: YouTube/ GMA

“It wasn’t just about me and him at that point, it was about a whole school.”

This mom told the police how she believed her son’s intentions were serious because she believed he made what resembled a pipe bomb all by himself.

Her son, who initially claimed that the journal writings were a fantasy and not a real plan, was arrested and pleaded guilty to a felony charge for threatening to bomb or injure property and misdemeanors for harassment. He underwent a mental evaluation and completed a rehabilitation program and community service.

Nichole wants to raise awareness and remind every parent out there to pay close attention to their children’s actions.

“Stay in their business. Even if they don’t like it. They’re not going to like it. But as parents, it’s our job to know what our kids are doing,” she said. “Just be aware and watch for signs. Kids will normally tell you by their actions when something is wrong.”

“Obviously, we can’t control our children’s actions all the time. Who can? But there are signs that something’s not right, something’s, you know, why is he acting weird? Why? Why is he so to himself?” she continued. “I was in his room, you know? What are you doing? Where are you going? All the time. And he hated it. But he’s alive. And everyone’s alive and he’s not in jail.”

She says she doesn’t regret her decision to report her son to the authorities because that decision helped save many lives.

For Nichole’s entire interview go to the video below.

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GOP congressman claims President Biden is “mentally unstable”


During the presidential campaign, after which Joe Biden was elected a new POTUS, his opponent, Donald Trump, questioned Biden’s mental state and claimed he was way too old to be able to run the country. At the same time, he bragged about scoring great results on the Montreal Cognitive Assessment (MoCA), a test which can show signs of mild Alzheimer’s disease, and challenged Biden to take the test.


Now, other members of the Congress are raising the question of President Biden’s age and his ability to run the country. Among them is the youngest member of Congress, North Carolina Republican Representative Madison Cawthorn. According to Yahoo, Cawthorn labeled the President as “mentally unstable” and said he should be hold accountable for “putting America in reverse.”

“You know, I would love to have a congressional inquiry to understand exactly what Joe Biden’s reasoning is, but unfortunately I don’t think he could find his way to Congress.”

Cawthorn didn’t hold back his opinion of the First Lady either saying she is “so cruel to her husband” and that she should be indicted.


“I’m not saying indict in terms of criminal, but I’m saying that we should call her out for being so cruel to her husband,” Cawthorn said.

“The man is clearly mentally unstable. He’s having some form of degradation of his mind and they are putting him up there to be assaulted by the greatest debater the country has to go against him,” Cawthorn said and claimed that President Biden isn’t the one who is truly in charge of the country.

“You know, as much as I’d love to question Joe Biden, I really want to question whoever is really calling the shots right now, because I don’t think Congress or the American people truly know who’s behind the scenes pulling the strings of Joe Biden,” he said as reported by Yahoo.


Former White House physician Ronny Jackson, who is now a Republican US representative from Texas, has also spoken his mind regarding the President’s ability to run the country. Last month, he, along with 14 other Republicans, signed a letter calling on President Biden to take a cognitive test in order to show that he’s mentally capable of leading the country.

“I think he’s demonstrating every single day that there is something going on,” Jackson said. “You don’t need to be a physician to look at this behavior and see there’s something concerning happening. I’m just asking them, when you do the physical exam, include the cognitive assessment,” he added.

“As far as I’m concerned the standard precedent has been set and they need to follow and do the same.”


The claims that President Biden is mentally unfit haven’t been backed up by any evidence by the representatives who are attacking him.

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Julia Roberts made a serious threat to all beauty companies by posting a photo and writing…


The beauty standards are way too high in today’s world. Many people, especially women, feel the pressure to always look flawless, even if that means going through very strict diets, undergoing different surgical procedures, applying fillers and botox, and a lot more.

Looking at the celebrities and the models on the covers of prestigious magazines, we believe that we should look the same, often forgetting that these people have plenty of money to spare and a huge number of professionals who take care of their looks.

In recent years, some celebrities tend to promote natural beauty as a way of life as they are fed up with all the makeup, the botox, and the need to always look flawless. Among them is the Eat, Pray, Love star Julia Roberts.

Just recently, she revealed ‘the naked truth’ in a post she shared both on Facebook and Instagram, and which had been deleted shortly after because of some reason. Luckily, someone took a screenshot and now the photo is going viral.

“Perfection is a disease of a nation. We overlay our faces with tons of make-up. We get botoxs and even starve ourselves to become that perfect size. We try to fix something but you can’t fix what you can’t see. It’s the soul that needs the surgery. It’s time that we take a stand. How can you expect someone else to love you if you don’t love yourself? You have to be happy with yourself. It doesn’t matter what you look like on the outside, it’s what’s on the inside that counts. Today, I want to put up a makeup-free photo. I know I have wrinkles on my skin but today I want you to see beyond that. I want to embrace the real me and I want you to embrace who you are, the way you are, and love yourself just the way you are,” the actress wrote.

The beauty industry is getting stronger with each passing year. According to reports, the global beauty industry market is valued at $511 billion in 2021.

There’s nothing wrong with a person wanting to feel good about the way they look on the outside, but it looks like that on the way of achieving physical perfection, we forget of the importance of our inner beauty.

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Soap actress Marnie Schulenburg from ‘As the World Turns’ and ‘One Life to Live’ dead at 37


Actress Marnie Schulenburg, best known who for the roles of Alison Stewart on “As the World Turns” and Jo Sullivan on the “One Life to Live” reboot, has died of metastatic breast cancer. She was 37. The news was confirmed by her manager Kyle Luker.

Before she was diagnosed with cancer, in May 2020, Marnie and her husband, actor Zack Robidas, who plays on HBO’s “Succession,” welcomed their daughter Coda. Marnie first opened up about her diagnosis in December 2020 for the Soaps site and later on through her Instagram account where she documented her journey, from becoming a mom to being diagnosed, as well as her fight against the disease.

“On the eve of my 36th birthday, instead of searching for a place to drink multiple Bloody Marys (my birthdays always involve Bloody Marys, boats and lobster, not in any particular order), I was repeating the same question over and over again in my head: “How does one celebrate a birthday with a new baby in the middle of a global pandemic while coming to terms with a Stage IV, metastatic, borderline triple negative inflammatory breast cancer diagnosis?'” she wrote.

Marnie passed away on May 17 2022, just four days before what was supposed to be her 38th birthday.

As many magazines made headlines which wrote that Marnie ‘lost her battle to cancer,’ her husband Zach said he didn’t want people to say that of his late wife, because she fought hard and with grace, and she never gave up fighting.

“Please don’t say Marnie lost her battle to cancer. It’s simply not true. I watched her kick cancer’s ass everyday since diagnosis,” he said. “She is incredible. We chose to attack her diagnosis with blind optimism. We only talked about the future and continued moving forward. I don’t know if this was right but it’s all we knew how to do.”

Not long before her passing, the Daytime-Emmy nominated actress shared a bittersweet post on Instagram for Mother’s Day saying she was allowed to go home, but with an oxygen machine.

“I want to be strong and beautiful for her. I want to show her how to move throughout this world with compassion, strength, vivacity, humor and joy like my Mother showed me,” Marnie started her post.

“My chances of sticking around her better each month that goes by. So here’s to remembering that nothing is permanent. To soaking up the imperfections and that the best thing you can do for your child is make them feel loved, safe and supported just like my mother did for me. Screw the oxygen mask, just remember how to breathe.”

To learn more of the life and fight of Marnie Schulenburg go to the video below.

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Boris Johnson married wife Carrie in secret after two failed marriages –inside his turbulent love life


Boris Johnson resigned from the position of UK’s Prime Minister as one Conservative Party member after another voiced their lack of confidence in him leading the country. In his speech, Johnson said that he was “sad to be giving up the best job in the world,” but conceded that “no one is remotely indispensable” in politics. He then thanked his wife and children, the National Health Service, armed forces and Downing Street staff, but above all, he thanked the British people.

Johnson’s rule was followed by numerous scandals, including the infamous “Partygate,” where he was fined for breaking his own COVID-19 lockdown rules after attending a gathering on his birthday in June 2020. While being the Prime Minister, Boris Johnson oversaw his country’s exit from the European Union.

Neville Elder/Corbis via Getty Images

Born in New York City, where he spent the first year of his life, Johnson has two passports. He was welcomed into the world when his father moved to the States pursuing a career as a creative writer. The family moved quite a lot. Speaking of it, Johnson told Simon Parke:

“I had an immensely lucky upbringing – it would be madness to deny that. I’ve been attended by every possible privilege that the English system can provide. 

“I had a wonderful, happy childhood and then quite a cosmopolitan education all over the world, in Washington and Brussels and then briefly at an English prep school, which kind of tee’d me up for Eton. I suppose in Marxist terms, I am a product of the English Haute bourgeoisie – though actually my antecedents are very diverse, and many of them are not from this country – and many are not particularly well off or whatever.”


The boarding school changed him a lot. He was no longer the shy, unremarkable child, but instead, he turned “fully-fledged school celebrity,” as Sonia Purnell, author of the biography, Just Boris writes. After attending Balliol College in Oxford, Johnson pursued a career as a journalist. His first job was a trainee journalist at the Wolverhampton Express & Star. His career moved on very quickly but it was filled with numerous scandals throughout the years.

Jon Griffin, Johnson’s boss during the Wolverhampton days, spoke of him as of a “slightly shambling, friendly, endearingly unkempt character who wore a brown overcoat and a constant semi-grin.”

During his days at Times, Johnson got involved in the one of many scandals after he was found to had fabricated quotes from his godfather, Colin Lucas, a historian. Johnson used those quotes in an attempt to speculate about Edward II’s supposed lover, Piers Gaveston, and turn it into a front-page news story.

Johnson then worked at Telegraf and The Spectator.


As he appeared on numerous TV programs, Boris Johnson became one of the most respected politicians and that led to his election as a member of Parliament in 2001 and was re-elected four years later. In 2008, he became the Mayor of London. Finally, he became UK’s Prime Minister, taking over from Theresa May.

It is now not certain what he will do next, but one thing that is certain is that he would spend more time with his family.

When it comes to his private life, it’s safe to say that it is filled with sandals and affairs, just like his life in politics.

Johnson has been married three times. He and his first wife, cover girl and socialite Allegra Mostyn-Owen, tied the knot back in 1987 when they were both 23 years old. The marriage ended after it was revealed that he had an affair with his childhood friend Marina Wheeler. Marina gave birth to her and Johnson’s first child mere days after his divorce with Allegra was finalized.

Shutterstock/Michael Tubi

Johnson’s second marriage ended after 25 years, again because he was involved in a number of love affairs with many women. Rumors were that he had an affair with fellow journalist Petronella Wyatt while he was her editor in 2004, but he denied the rumors.

Other women he was related to were journalist Anna Fazackerley, art consultant Helen Macintyre, who had given birth to Johnson’s child in 2009, and Jennifer Arcuri.

Jennifer confessed that she and Johnson were romantically involved and it lasted for years.

“The truth is, with men – this isn’t to excuse them – you have to know the beast,” she told Mirror. “This is who he is. You’re never going to change him, you’re never going to make him want what you want just because you want it.

“I’m not a victim. I’m not losing sleep over this any more. But it says a lot about the character of the man.”

Jeff J Mitchell/Getty Images

Johnson married his third wife, Carrie Johnson, who is 24 years his junior, in 2020 in a secret ceremony. They now have two children together.

What we know of Carrie is that she worked as a press officer for the Conservative Party and a Special Advisor to two Secretaries of State. She became the Head of Communications for the Conservative Party, while also working for ocean conservation charity Oceana, at the age of 29.

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Mom gave birth through a caesarean section, but her stomach started shaking


Giving birth is a miraculous process all by itself and every mother out there has her worries and wonders if her child would be delivered safely.

A woman from Jordan, 36-year-old Hanan Mahmoud Abdul Karim, gave birth to a healthy baby boy. The delivery took place at a private hospital in the capital of the country, Amman. She couldn’t wait to hold her bundle of joy and spend all the time by his side.

Unfortunately, shortly after she was released from hospital, she started experiencing excruciating pain. She claimed that she could feel something vibrating inside her stomach. Hanan wasn’t able to make a single move without experiencing severe pain, as reported by the Dubai daily Gulf News, which cited Jordanian media.

Hanan’s mother, Ms. Majeda Abdul Hamid, took her daughter back to the hospital where Hanan gave birth, but doctors didn’t find anything out of the ordinary. Not knowing what to do, the family took Hanan to a state hospital. When doctors did an X-ray, they were left in complete shock. Inside the mother’s stomach there was a mobile phone. According to reports, it belonged to the gynecologists who performed the C-section on Hanan.

Hanan underwent urgent surgery and the phone was taken out of her stomach.

However, the incident gathered media attention and it led to members of parliament to demand the government to step down following this outrageous scandal. They believed that the government needed to take responsibility for what was going on in the private hospitals of the country.

Spokesperson of the Ministry of Health indicated that the account provided by Hanan was “groundless and falsified,” but that the ministry is closely monitoring the situation.

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Woman shames officer for having lunch on duty, so he tells her about his day


Despite the fact that they often put their lives on the line for the well-being of the members of their community, many people still have negative opinion about the work of police officers.

Andre Owen, a Police Constable, shared a story of how his day went by not assuming it would attract the attention of thousands of people.

He was working a 12 hour shift the day he stopped to grab some lunch at Burger King. He hadn’t eaten in eight hours and didn’t even have the time to go to the toilet as his day was very busy and he had a lot on his plate. However, once he entered the restaurant and placed his order, a female customer gave him a dirty look. She then turned to him and made a remark because he was having lunch while wearing his uniform.

He didn’t expect something like that to happen but he didn’t want to answer back. Once he went home, he felt the urge to share the unpleasant incident on Twitter and explain what his day looked like before he even found the time to eat.

“To the lady that scorned me for buying food on duty,” Officer Owen started his post. “I’ve not stopped since 07:05 this morning, not even for a toilet break. I’m over 100 miles from my station and I’m due off in 45 minutes…with a two hour journey at least!!! #policearehumanstoo,” he wrote alongside a photo of his meal.

In no time, Owen’s post had gone viral. This 25-year-old officer, who has been working with the Sussex Police for five years, received outpouring messages of support.

UK Mirror then got in touch with him. Speaking to them, he explained more about his day and said that it was around 2 pm and he was about to finish working at 3 pm, but he still had a hundred mile journey before he could arrive at the station. There, he needed to finish some paperwork before he could go home.

“Five minutes after starting my shift, I was assigned to a serious job in Brighton. I dealt with that and then had yo drive non stop to Oxford as part of the same job, single crewed,” Owen told The Mirror. “Half and hour into the return journey, I stopped a ta service station for my first toilet stop of the day! While there, I also got a double whooper meal, apple pie, Coke and a cappuccino.”

It was then that the unknown lady decided to make an assumption that he wasn’t doing his job properly as she saw him having lunch while on duty.

He recalled her exact words were, “While you’re in here stuffing your face, there’s criminals that need catching out there.” He, however, just smiled and didn’t say a single word.

He then explained that his tweet in which he described what had happened wasn’t intended for sympathy. Instead, he wanted more people to realize that what officers do each and every day isn’t that easy.

On the way to the station, he stumbled upon a broken car and stopped to make sure the family inside the vehicle get the help they needed. He finally finished his shift at 7 pm.

“While it’s long, and the lady annoyed me at the time, I love my job and on the whole, wouldn’t change it for the world,” PC Andre Owen said.

We are very thankful to our police officers for everything they do on a daily basis. Without them, our communities won’t feel like the safe places they are.

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