This is what the great actor looks like at 80 – He’s walking with difficulty and suffering from two types of cancer


Ryan O’Neal had his breakthrough with the soap opera Peyton Place but he will always be known for his role of Oliver Barrett in what is considered one of the most famous romantic films ever made, Love Story.

The film follows the lives of Oliver, heir of an American upper-class East Coast family who studies at Harvard, and Jennifer “Jenny” Cavilleri, a quick-witted, working-class Radcliffe College student of classical music. Despite their different background the two fall in love despite his parents’ disapproval of their love and marriage.

Once married, they struggle financially to support Oliver’s dream to be part of Harvard, but he graduates third in his class and takes a position at a respectable New York City law firm. Sadly, just as they struggle to conceive, doctors tell Oliver that Jenny is terminally ill. He loses her, and her final wish is for him to embrace her tightly as she dies.

Unfortunately for actor Ryan O’Neal, this story didn’t only happen to be a movie plot, but his real life too.

Ryan had a long-lasting love affair with actress Farrah Fawcett, the star of Charlie’s Angels.

Farrah was married once. Her marriage to Lee Majors lasted for nine years. The divorce was finalized in 1982, but the couple separated a couple of years before that. Farrah then dated Ryan O’Neal for many years. He was a good friend of her husband. The two first met in 1979, and he though she was the most beautiful woman he’s ever seen.

“She’s delightful, full of childlike warmth,” Ryan wrote in his 2012 book Both of Us: My Life with Farrah. “There is no pretense or cattiness about her whatsoever, she’s vibrant and wholesome, refreshing in this town.”

He witnessed her marriage break down. “Farrah and I have no plans to marry — nor do we have plans to separate,” Ryan said. “Don’t fix what ain’t broken.”

Farrah and Ryan welcomed son Redmond O’Neal in 1985. In 1997, however, she caught him cheating with actress Leslie Ann Stefanso, and a year later, they split.

In 2001, Ryan O’Neal was diagnosed with leukemia and Farrah was diagnosed with cancer herself five years later. He spent all his time by her side and took care of her.

“The hair is gone,” he told People at the time.

“Her famous hair. I have it at home. She didn’t care. I rub her head. It’s kind of fun, actually, this great, tiny little head. How she carried all that hair, I’ll never know. She doesn’t have a vanity about it.

“It’s a love story. I just don’t know how to play this one. I won’t know this world without her. Cancer is an insidious enemy,” he added.

Sadly, great Farrah Fawcett passed away in 2009 in the arms of Ryan O’Neal.

Recently, the 81-year-old actor was spotted walking with the help of a cane. It is obvious that he has troubles navigating around. Ryan was seen strolling at a leisurely pace across the parking lot before arriving at his car, where he hopped into the passenger’s seat. 

Besides overcoming his leukemia, Ryan was later diagnosed with prostate cancer. Close friends of him revealed to RadarOnline that “Ryan’s deteriorated to the point where it’s beyond hiding.”

“He’s lost weight and seems so frail and can’t walk without the help of a cane,” a source told the outlet.

However, no health issue he has ever experienced has been more painful than Farrah’s passing.

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These 12 kids and their dog are dubbed as the crime-busting heroics


Kids love embarking on adventures, and these 12 quick-thinking friends got involved into one that they will never forget.

As they were playing in a field together with a dog, a Yorkshire terrier named Molly, the “Tremendous Twelve,” as newspapers called them after their crime-busting heroic act, noticed a helicopter which had the word ‘police’ written on the bottom. At the same time, they spotted two men running in a hurry, as though they were trying to hide from someone. That’s when the kids realized the helicopter was trying to locate the men who happened to be suspects of burgling a farm nearby.

“It was really noisy and we could see it said “police” on the bottom. Then we saw a man running along the side of the field. We saw the man take his jumper off and put it around his head,” one of the children, a 9-year-old girl said.

At first, they tried to shout to the pilot, but as it was clear that he couldn’t listen to them, they decided to create a human arrow and tip in the men’s direction because at that point, the helicopter was pointed in the opposite direction.

“‘Let’s get into an arrow,’ two of my friends then said, and we took position on the ground,” the girl added.

Thanks to the kids’ quick-thinking, the suspects were tracked down and arrested.

“They stated they believed we were playing around at first, but they followed our arrow and caught the men,” one of the kids told The Mail. “We’re quite proud of what we accomplished.”

Another of the kids, who were aged six to twelve said, “We feel really proud – it was awesome.”

The kids gained internet fame after Surrey Police released the video of the human arrow.

Ben Brearley, father of one of the children, told The Mail, “The children were wonderful and liked the thrill. Many people have compared it to something from Scooby Doo or an Enid Blyton book. The children adore that.”

Surrey Police Sergeant Paul Sochon said, “The initiative they displayed was vital.”

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Nanny Faye Chrisley has updated her bladder cancer struggle


Nanny Faye, mom of Todd Chrisley of Chrisley Knows Best, was diagnosed with bladder cancer in 2021, and has been keeping her health battle private for the most part. It was when Todd and his wife Julie Chrisley were found guilty of tax evasion and fraud that he revealed his mother’s diagnosis on his podcast.

“My mother was diagnosed with bladder cancer, and she is currently undergoing treatment, and we have been dealing with that treatment regularly,” he explained, adding that he remains hopeful. “I pray every day, multiple times a day, that God keep a healing hand on her. Everyone goes through trials and we are no different than anyone else.”

After learning of her cancer, nothing else about it was really shared with fans who were eager to learn more.

Recently, during an appearance on Savannah Chrisley’s Unlocked podcast, the 79-year-old stated she is in good spirits despite continuing cancer treatments. “You don’t always have a good hand of cards to play with, but you do your best. You get up, groom yourself, and move on,” she says. “I go to bed early and wake up early. It brings you fortune, wisdom, and health.”

Savannah called her grandpa a champ and noted that she didn’t have it easy since her son Todd and her daughter-in-law Julie, who has otherwise always been by her side, have now been sentenced.

Speaking of her grandma, Savannah added, “She’d get her chemo, the next day she’d be sick, and then she’d be in the car heading to the casino.”

“If we’re being honest, everyone knows mom and dad were your primary caregivers,” Savannah said before Nanny Faye acknowledged that it’s been “extremely difficult.”

“There wasn’t a single treatment [for her bladder cancer] that my darling daughter-in-law wasn’t with me,” Nanny Faye explained. “She has been on my side through it all.”

 According to the American Cancer Society, nine out of ten bladder cancer patients are over 55.

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Mom’s baby bump was so huge people thought she was carrying 8 babies


Being a mom has to be one of the best feelings there are. The thought of carrying another life inside you is divine all by itself.

Most moms-to-be love taking pictures of their bellies and keep them as beautiful memories they will cherish forever. Well, a mom of four named Renae W did the same. However, she didn’t only take photos and videos for herself, but she shared them on TikTok as well.

Previously, she documented her journey towards healthier and sober lifestyle, but once she fell pregnant again, she focused the content of what she posted on her pregnancy.

What attracted the attention of many was Renae’s huge belly.


Many assumed that she was carrying multiple babies, with some being convinced she had eight bundles of joy inside her tummy. She, however, assured her followers that she was carrying just one baby. ”Yes it’s just one. I’m sure,” she said in one of her videos.

Some things that can cause an overly huge belly are polyhydramnios, extra fluid, or gestational diabetes. Renae didn’t experience any of this. “I had an ultrasound not that long ago, fluid is normal, baby is measuring a week and four days ahead,” she said in a video.


Many people provided words of encouragement and support, wishing her healthy pregnancy. Sadly, there were also those who made fun of her belly. Among the latter was a doctor who said the mom-to-be should be worried. This made Renae angry so she was quick to speak her mind. ”As a doctor, you should be ashamed of yourself for this video, especially when I’m not your patient,” she wrote.


Some of the comments under Renae’s videos were, “I swear you have like 4 twins in there,” “There’s a full grown adult in there,” and “He’s gonna come out 30 years old with a credit score of 800.”

During her documented pregnancy, Renae gained 35 pounds and one of her videos reached 37 million views.

Many moms stepped up for Renae.

“Every women carries differently. Every pregnancy is different, and every pregnancy is unique!” one woman wrote. “I can’t believe he would even say that to you knowing absolutely nothing about your pregnancy,” another added.

Finally, Renae’s bundle of joy was welcomed into the world on February 18. The sweet baby boy weighed 9lb 8oz and was 22 & 1/2 inches tall. 

When your son comes out hand first looking like Superman flying,” she wrote in February. “Yeah I said son, just one big healthy baby boy.

Following the birth of her son, many were curious to learn how Renae’s belly looked like.


“Five days after my c-section. The only weight I lost was my 9lb 8oz baby and another 5 and a half pounds,” she said.

“I don’t get why people don’t understand that everyone carries different. I’m short and carry all out front. I’ve been told you ruined your body, and ‘your stretch marks are gonna be so bad afterwards’. The truth is I don’t care because my body blessed me with five amazing kids and an angel baby. I love my body and the amazing things it has done.”



Hope everyone is having a great day!!🥰

♬ I Took a Nap – gunnarolla

The proud mom posted plenty of photos and videos of her beautiful son.

Renae continues to update her followers of her son and it looks like things are going great for the family.

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Former Hollywood actress Tippi Hedren reveals a dark secret


The life story of actress Tippi Hedren is fascinating, to say the least. This blonde bombshell found her way to Hollywood after Alfred Hitchcock spotted her in a commercial. The famed director was so fascinated with her on-screen appearance that he was quick to contact her and offer her a seven-year contract. She became his muse and a leading lady in two of his most prominent movies, The Birds and Marnie. But things between them took the wrong turn, and eventually, that led her career to experience a huge setback.

When Hedren received the call that changed her life forever, she didn’t know whether to laugh, cry or run.

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“I was not primarily concerned with how she looked in person. Most important was her appearance on the screen, and I liked that immediately. She has a touch of that high-style, lady-like quality which was once well-represented in films by actresses like Irene Dunne, Grace Kelly, Claudette Colbert, and others, but which is now quite rare,” Hitchcock later said.

And yes, Hedren’s appearance was indeed compared to that of gracious Grace Kelly, and Hedren was flattered.

It was very obvious that Hitchcock had great plans with the Minnesota born green-eyed beauty with Swedish, German, and Norwegian roots.


Once she signed the contract, Hedren did several screen tests that went on for days. “Hitch always liked women who behaved like well-bred ladies. Tippi generated that quality,” production designer Robert F. Boyle said.

Following the testing, Hedren had dinner with Hitchcock and his wife and that’s when he reached to his pocket and took out a golden box wrapped in gift paper.

“I had just finished a screen test for Hitch and I thought, ‘What a nice way for him to tell me he liked it,’” Hedren told Star Tribune.

Inside the box was a gold pin adorned with a seed pearl.

“Hitch said, ‘Look at it closely, my dear.’

“It’s shaped like a bird,” Hedren said.

“Yes, my dear,” Hitchcock explained with his deep voice.

”You have the lead in my next production.”

That’s how Hedren got the role in what the New York Times called “a horror film that should raise the hackles on the most courageous and put goose-pimples on the toughest hide.”

Donaldson Collection/Getty Images

The filming of Birds was as chilling as the film itself.

“They used real birds. In one scene, 2,000 finches come down the fire place chimney and take over my home. But the worst scene took place in the attic. I’m attacked by crows and gulls. One bird scratched me under the eye and bit my lip. It took six days to film a sequence that lasts only two minutes on film. I was very depressed about the horror of the scene and at the end I collapsed. I stayed in bed for days,” Hedren revealed in 1962.

Following The Birds, Hedren was offered the role in Marnie. “I was amazed that he would offer me this incredible role and that he would have that kind of faith in me,” the stunning actress explained in the book Hitchcock and the Making of Marnie.

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Although it seemed that Hedren’s career would skyrocket even further, her relationship with the famous director sort of crumbled because “[Hitchcock] was too possessive and too demanding. I cannot be possessed by anyone. But, then, that’s my own hangup,” the actress said in 1973.

Donald Spoto revealed more details regarding Hedren and Hitchcock’s relationship in his book The Dark Side of Genius which he published in 1983. According to him, the director wanted to have a say about what Hedren should eat, who she should be around, and how she lived her life. He even asked from the crew to stay away from her when they weren’t filming. Suddenly, she felt completely isolated.

“Hitch was becoming very domineering and covetous of ‘Tippi,’ and it was very difficult for her. No one was permitted to come physically close to her during the production. ‘Don’t touch the girl after I call “Cut!”‘ he said to me repeatedly,” Rod Taylor, co-star in The Birds, revealed in the book.

Tippi Hedren and Sean Connery in Marnie (1964).

Herden herself revealed, “Everyone -— I mean everyone -— knew he was obsessed with me. He always wanted a glass of wine or champagne, with me alone, at the end of the day. He was really isolating me from everyone.”

Of course, those close to Hitchcock stood by his side and said they couldn’t recognize the man described in the book as the famous director.

“He ruined my career, but he didn’t ruin my life. That time of my life was over. I still admire the man for who he was,” Hedren told Huffington Post in 2012.

“I’ve been able to separate the two. The man who was the artist. I mean, what he gave to the motion picture industry can never be taken away from him and I certainly wouldn’t want to try. But on the other side, there is that dark side that was really awful.”

Hedren with Alfred Hitchcock in a publicity photograph for Marnie (1964)

Throughout the years, the actress, who is 93 years old, has been married three times. She first wed actor and advertising executive Peter Griffith in 1952, before splitting from him nine years later. Together, they welcomed her only child, daughter and future Hollywood star Melanie Griffith. She then married her agent, Noel Marshall, and following the divorce from him, she tied the knot with Luis Barrenechea, with whom she stayed together until 1995.

Hedren with Alfred Hitchcock in a publicity photograph for Marnie (1964)

These days, she’s devoted to a cause close to her heart for many years, rescuing and caring for big cats through The Roar Foundation and the Shambala Preserve near Acton, California.

Hedren, who is a Golden Globe Award recipient, had her latest film appearance in 2017 in The Ghost and the Whale, an American mystery thriller drama film. As she moved to her 90s, she decided not to take significant roles.

“I am at the time in my life when I have done almost everything I wanted to do,” Hedren told The Hollywood Reporter.

“My constant work here at the preserve to care for my rescued and abandoned big cats fills my days now. I doubt that I will do much work in the motion-picture business or television again, and I suppose that is why this commercial was such a special offer.”

Tippi Hedren, who is one of the last surviving stars from Golden Age of Hollywood cinema, truly is a synonym for grace, class, dignity.

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He became an actor despite his rare congenital disability – now he’s an inspiration for millions


Accepting yourself for who you are, with all your virtues and flaws, seems to be the key to a fulfilled life. At times, we find ourselves in a position to question our looks or our abilities, but once we learn to love ourselves, everything will fall into place.

The story of actor Michael Berryman cannot be a better proof of that.

This man was born with a rare congenital disability known as hypohidrotic ectodermal dysplasia. This means he doesn’t have fingernails, hair, and teeth, and his head has a unique shape. Despite all this, he did manage to fulfill his dreams and we can all agree that he succeeded that a great deal.

Michael was born in Santa Monica, California, on September 4, 1948. From the start, his life has been full of challenges, but he managed to overcome each and every one of them, although it was never easy.

Bobby Bank/Getty Images

Although anyone can be born with hypohidrotic ectodermal dysplasia, in Michael’s case, doctors were able to trace the cause. Namely, his father was a surgeon in the Navy and shortly after the US had dropped their atomic bombs in Hiroshima and Nagasaki, he was sent there to monitor the effects of the radiation. Michael’s mom fell pregnant with him upon his father’s return from Japan.

“I was the second born and I had a whole bunch of birth defects which is, obviously, from the radiation damage to my father from being at ground zero for an atom and hydrogen bomb,” Berryman told Lacomba Express.

He added: “I learned a lot about reality, humanity and medical situations growing up as a child. I dealt with bullying and learned what makes  someone a decent person and what makes someone a tool.”

Besides the struggles, he was determined to succeed in life so he moved out from his parents’ house and attended university. At first, he studied to be veterinarian, but the program was shut down because of lack of funding, so he majored in art history and continued studying theoretical physics.

Eventually, he returned to his hometown but found himself in a crossroad and didn’t know what to do next in life. Then, he decided to open a gift show, and that decision changed his life.

“We didn’t have flowers, we had house plants, and some local artists would bring in their paintings and sculptures, and we would display them,” Berryman recalled.

“It wasn’t a booming business in ’73 or ’74. There was an antique store across the street, however, that catered to the wealthy of Beverly Hills, really upscale people, and they had Ming Dynasty and egg urns, and this and that. We were friendly with our neighbors in business, and there was a big sale going on at the Gala Mofrey, which was this antique store across the street in Venice near our store, so we put in some palms.

“We made the place look nice. So we were waiting for the sale to finish that evening and when it was finished we took our plants that didn’t sell back over to shop, and that’s how I met Producer George Pal.”

betto rodrigues/

George Pal, who was a legendary film director, learned about Michael from his son who owned a shop next to Michael’s. It was then that Michael was offered to take part in his upcoming film Doc Savage. Michael said yet to the role of Juan Lopez Morales, the chief coroner in the film. 

“I said, ‘Maybe this’ll be fun,’” Michael recalled. “So I worked for two days at the estate of Herald Lloyd, and I had enjoyed it so much.”

Although he found acting fun, Michael never meant it would turn into a career. He had a plan to go to Alaska and find a job there when he received a call that changed everything. “That phone call was from George Pal’s casting directors, Micheal Fenton and Jane Feinberg. And they were casting for a very famous movie that won seven Oscars, and that movie was called One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest.

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“They said,’ we saw your picture from George Pal. You have a look we need for a lobotomy patient called Ellis,’” he recalled in a 1995 interview.

“We got to talking; I told them I’d had a medical history. My father was a brain surgeon, my mother was a nurse. So I had a lot of intuitive feelings about hospitals and institutionalization.”

He added: “They said, ‘we’re basically hiring you just for your looks, but now that we’ve talked to you, we realize that you’re intelligent and sensitive enough to do the role.’ So I didn’t have to audition at all.”

Although these acting credits were very significant for his career in the world of film, nothing could really prepare Michael for what followed.

In 1977, he was cast in the horror film The Hills Have Eyes.

“My agent sent me to meet the producers and Wes, and he told me the back story of the Bean family and how that was somewhat factual, and they said, ‘We saw you in Cuckoo’s Nest, and the family perhaps has mutations from living on a bomb range,’ which is kind of ironic,” Berryman said.

“I was born with some defects that were the direct cause of being irradiated, so it sort of dovetailed with the Hills story.”

He added: “They said, ‘We’re hiring you because of your looks,’ and I said, “Okay, perhaps the performance will meet your expectations,’ and I believe it did.”


As expected, this role helped Michael rise to stardom and become fan favorite among the lovers of the horror genre. The film remains iconic until this day.

 “It feels great, especially because of the friendships that we made. We had a cult following come about, and it just reflects on Wes’s brilliance in writing, directing, and how he put the film together. It’s just very well executed, and it holds its own,” Michael said of the film. “A lot of the more recent horror films go in and out with the fascination with splatter, special effects, etc., but Hills was just so well put together. It has just been a blessing to have met Wes and worked with him on numerous occasions.”

Other films he took part in are My Science Project, Evil Spirit, The X-Files and Star Trek: The Next Generation, among the rest.

Michael’s life motto is not to take yourself seriously and try to laugh at least once a day. “I want you to be lazy because it takes 27 muscles in your face to frown, and it only takes three to smile,” he says.

Besides being an actor, Michael is also a gardener and chef who adores Rachel Ray.

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Elvis Presley’s private jet from 1962 for sale – the untouched interior is just fantastic


No matter how good someone is when it comes to creating music and performing it, there will always be only one king.

Elvis Presley gave the world some of the best hits like Jailhouse Rock, In The Ghetto, Hound Dog and Love Me Tender, which are incredibly popular until this day and will likely be listened to and enjoyed by many future generations.

Besides being a rock legend, Elvis was known as someone with exquisite fashion style. He also had magic fingers when it came to interior design, and Graceland, his home, is the perfect proof of that.

Recently, the King’s privately-owned jet plane, which he purchased in 1962 and custom-designed it to suit him personally, has been sold. It only takes a glance inside of it to realize how good Elvis’ style was. The Lockheed Jetstar model was owned by Elvis for 35 years, but sadly, following his passing, it was abandoned on a road in Roswell, New Mexico, USA, and converted into a tourist attraction.

The plane was auctioned-off at a Florida auction and was sold for $260,000.

The interior consists of wooden panels, carpet and red velvet chairs. There is also a ‘high-tech’ TV and a small kitchen behind the main room with a microwave which probably isn’t working after all those years.

If you take a look at the bathroom, you’ll spot more more velvet and a luxurious sink.

We can surely imagine Elvis Presley using this plane which is a true representation of his sense of style.

For more, go to the video below.

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Heather Locklear’s daughter is all grown up and people say she’s her mother’s reincarnation


Landing the role of glamorous Sammy Jo Carrington in the long-running TV show Dynasty back in the day, helped actress Heather Locklear secure her place under the Hollywood sky and become a much-loved celebrity figure.

Born in Los Angeles in 1961, Heather rose to stardom during the 80s and has had quite a career. Today, she is 61 years old and looks as stunningly beautiful as ever. What’s most, her only child, daughter Ava Sambora, is a spitting image of her famous mom.

Heather Locklear in 1993 / Wikipedia Commons

Ava, 25, has even taken after her mom a little bit in terms of modeling and acting.

Heather had Ava with her second husband, Bon Jovi lead guitarist Richie Sambora. Previously, she was married to Mötley Crüe drummer Tommy Lee, whom she divorced in 1993.

Heather and Richie tied the knot in 1994 in a private civil ceremony in New Jersey. Their formal wedding took place in Paris, and the Melrose Place star wore a candlelight white gown designed by Nolan Miller, who also designed the lavish costumes for Dynasty. 

The couple stayed together for 13 years before calling it quits. As of Ava, being a child of two celebs was quite a ride. When she was young, she could often be seen on stage during the Bon Jovi concerts. Sometimes, she would introduce them to the audience and she even danced with the members while they performed.

Today, Ava is a very successful young woman. In 2020, she graduated from Loyola Marymount University with a bachelor’s in psychology, finishing with a GPA of 4.0, and pursued a master’s degree in marriage and family therapy at the University of Southern California.

When it comes to her acting career, Ava appeared in a handful of movies, including This Is 40, which marked her debut in the world of film. Her latest acting credit is from 2020, when she starred in the independent crime-thriller A Dark Foe with Selma Blair.

As mentioned before, this beauty, which resembles her mom in so many ways, tried herself in modeling too. In 2010 she walked the runway for her father’s clothing line, “White Trash Beautiful,” at Los Angeles Fashion Weekend.

Recently, Ava posted a collage of photos of herself holding flowers. The caption read, “I like flowers,” along with a tag to her friend Sarah Wermers.

As expected, people couldn’t help but comment how Ava looked exactly like Heather, with some writing, “You truly are a stunning beauty, taking after your beautiful mother!!” and “My gosh she is her mother, even her voice sounds like Heather’s.” 

Of course, there were also those who couldn’t see the resemblance.

When it comes to Ava’s private life, what we know is that’s she’s dating Tyler Farrar, an investment associate at Pacific Partners Real Estate Investments. The two have been together since 2019.

Heather did an amazing job raising her daughter.

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