It all starts with a teacher, way over her head as a young teacher, based in Baton Rouge, Louisiana called Chelsea Haley, 24 years-old and single... Haley was part of teaching for America and her goal was to help, or...
There are around 3.5 million cats that enter the United States, in animal shelters, each year according to the National Kitten Coalition... It's thought that of those about 1.5 million are euthanized each year, and that is just because they...
Get yourself acquainted with the 2018 Gerber baby, this lovely 1-year-old picked from over 140,000 entries by other hopeful parents all across the USA. The baby picked was Lucas Warren... The 1-year-old from Dalton, in Georgia, is the very first...
Beauty really does come from the inside, but that doesn't mean that we don't care about how we look on the outside too, after all it's the first thing people see and perhaps says a little about at at...
One occasion that is always is joyful are weddings, but perhaps a little more special than that even is when you hear about gestures of love that are made at these wonderful events. The bride of this wedding was gorgeous...
These elderly women, both in their 90's, found out that their 97-year-old sister was in hospice care and rushed to pamper her. The medical staff was taking care of her, but the two sisters knew that she could use...
John Greene, a veteran had a home that had sadly fallen into disrepair, so much so that he had resorted to sleeping in his car each night, just to keep warm on the cold nights of the winter! Thanks to...
All through the year and in all weathers, hot, cold, in rain or snow, even in ice, that UPS guy keeps coming round, he never fails to show up! Living in a rural area, like being in the countryside means...
A powerful hymn is “How Great Thou Art”, but it's not only powerful as it is an awesome hymn to capture a glimpse of Gods glory, which is a challenging thing to do! It's such a classic hymn and it...
A hole in the heart doesn't so much describe metaphorically a heartbreak in life, but it does refer to an actual real hole in the heart, Christie Cunningham, 35, had exactly this condition, she was unaware of it... Her daughter...