Child D-ies Waiting For Heart Transplant, But Her Death Sends Powerful Message That’s Gone Viral

No parent should ever experience the pain of losing a child. That grief doesn’t compare to any other and unfortunately never fades away.

There are many people out there who are left heartbroken with the news that their children suffer from certain condition or disease and fighting the battle against those illnesses can be hard and exhausting, but as long as parents knows there is hope for their child to recover, they will never give up.

Source: Suha Dabit

One expectant mother heard what every parent fears of – that their daughter who was about to be welcomed into the world will be born with Congenital Heart Disease. That turned their world upside down, but Suha and her husband were ready to fight for their daughter’s life with all their strength.

Source: Suha Dabit

Thankfully, God wanted the little baby girl to come out from the battle against her condition as a winner. Now Suha feels the need to give other mothers who are sadly going through what she had to endure the support and the words of comfort they desperately need.

Source: Suha Dabit

“After five and a half months of waiting, we received the call. They found a perfect match, a whole, four ventricle heart, her lifesaving gift, a new chance at life,” Suha writes to Love What Matters. “After nearly six months of waiting and praying, we were able to bring Nadia home again. This is why I became a photographer.”

Source: Suha Dabit

Suha who is not only a mom of a little fighter, but a photographer as well, says she does all this because she knows how it feels like to see your child suffering without being able to help. She takes photos of the families and says:

“I wanted other families to have portraits they could hold on to and cherish forever,”

Source: Suha Dabit

Suha’s job is rewarding, but at the same time it is something that reminds her of her daughter’s condition. She says that roughly 1 in 100 babies are born with a congenital heart defect every year. Luckily, many of these newborns manage to overcome the condition thanks to modern medicine and organ donors, but sadly, many of them pass away.

Source: Suha Dabit

One of the devastating losses she witnessed was that of a child who suffered from CHD and unfortunately didn’t survive. Her parents Kristi and Justin could see their baby daughter taking her last breath in front of their eyes.

This made Suha raise her voice in order to raise awareness about CHD along with the powerful message:

Source: Suha Dabit

“I could tell you that Adalynn is one of the 20 people that die every day waiting for a transplant. Or, I could tell you about my perspective of what it was like being in that room to document their last moments together as a family of six. But there aren’t any words to describe the pain and love I witnessed.”

Source: Suha Dabit

She ends the post saying “Fly high baby girl. You fought so hard and touched so many lives.”

Source: Suha Dabit

Please spread this story to help people get familiar with the Congenital Heart Disease and to raise awareness of the importance of organ donation.


Monica Pop
Monica Pop
Monica Pop is a senior writer for Bored Daddy magazine covering the latest trending and popular articles across the United States and around the world.

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