Mary Desin was a nurse who devoted her whole life saving and taking care of her patients. Sadly, on June 3, 2019, she lost her life due to brain aneurysm.
The lights on the top of the University of Pittsburgh Medical...
The following story is just another proof that not everyone deserves to own a pet. I guess that before taking one in, people should pass certain psychology tests the same way they do when babies are being adopted.
This would...
Most people are fond of animals and enjoy spending time around them. Unfortunately, there are also those who fail at treating these creatures the way they deserve. As a result, very often, we hear stories of many animals being...
Although they were once considered America's favorite breed and were widely used as nanny dogs, pit bulls are nowadays considered one of the most aggressive dogs. Unfortunately, this belief is a result of the way humans treated them throughout...
We can all say how dogs are our most loyal furry pals, our best friends, and the cutest living creatures ever, but the reality is that there are no really words to describe how important and valuable they are...
By the time they arrive at shelters, many dogs look pretty unhealthy, puzzled, and scared. Such was the case with a pooch named Holden who ended up the the local animal shelter in Georgia.
However, this particular dog wouldn't...
Those who have ever attended a government or a town meeting know how serious, yet boring they can be. Going through long and tiring discussions isn't always easy to pull, but luckily, there is always someone who knows how...
Nothing really beats the relationship between dogs and little kids. Growing up around one turns the little ones into better and more responsible individuals.
And the love between them is always a bit stronger than any other out there.
The little...
Living near the woods has lots of advantages. You get to inhale fresh air, away from the heavy traffic, and get up every morning looking at the trees. What's most, you also get to hang out with some wild...
Most stray dogs have struggles fending for themselves on the streets as they depend on the kind people who are willing to share with them their scraps.
When the volunteers from a Ukrainian shelter came along a confused and unhealthy...