Tag: Russia

9-year-old sells paintings for food and supplies animal shelter

Pavel Abramov from Russia is a young boy who makes a huge difference in the lives of...

22-month-old Russian girl who spent 4 days in the woods vows to “never run away from mom again”

Believe it or not, a 22-month-old girl from Russia who wandered into the forest last Tuesday was...

5-year-old girl and her toddler brother found alone with their parents’ decaying bodies who died after eating poisoned pickles

A five-year-old girl and her toddler brother spent 3 whole days locked inside their apartment next to...

Couple leaves 16-week-old twins locked up for four days so they could go party – one baby dies, the other fights for life

Not everyone deserves to be a parent. Some people are so careless when it comes to their...

12-year-old figure skater from Russia performs some of the most difficult jumps

In the world of figure skating, some moves are considered ultimate and are only performed by the...

Baby dies after mother makes him drink vodka for a week so she could go partying

Nadezhda Yarych, a mother from hell, did the unimaginable. She killed her own son by forcing him...

Stray Dog Undertakes a Mission of Rescuing a Tied Up Pup

This story is probably one of the most amazing stories you've heard and seen recently. It speaks...

Foster Mom Starved And Drugged Orphan Boy For 8 Years To Claim Benefits Which She Splurged On Luxuries

Human cruelty has no limits. A woman from Russia shocked the world after she treated the young...

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