Doctor Performs C-Section, But Something Grabbed His Finger

This moment was captured on camera


It is simply unexpected!

A couple named Randy and Alicia Atkins shared a special yet unique moment together, with proof in the form of a photo in which most parents would just shake their heads and gasp at – it was not something everyone would commonly experience. Plus, it happened during a surgical procedure.
While Alicia was giving birth to their daughter which required a C-section, her husband Randy Atkins had been informed, much to his surprise, by one of the doctors – that their daughter had grabbed onto his finger during the surgery! A very bewildered Randy took it upon himself to see the moment with his very own eyes and take a commorative photo of that phenomenon. Little did he know that soon the picture would go viral once uploaded on social media.
“The doctor called me over and said, ‘Hey, she’s grabbing my finger.’ So I ran over there and just grabbed the shot and I was just in awe looking at it. It was such an amazing picture,” recalled Randy Atkins. His wife added: “It was all the doctor could talk about for weeks.” Alicia mentions that her doctor even has his own canvas print of the photo.

The Atkins couple had dearly named their daughter Nevaeh, which actually meant Heaven, spelled backwards. The hospital staff discussed with the Atkins about that moment, as if there was something almost spiritual about the picture of their daughter holding onto the doctor’s finger before she was born. Naveah is the newest addition to their family, with two older siblings.
The photo has since gained more than 1,000 likes on Facebook. Alicia even got a few monetary offers from organizations who even expressed great interest in buying he photo!

Watch the whole scene unfold in the video below!

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