Alex Denman was born with Bilateral Moderate Sensorineural hearing loss. This diagnosis meant that from the moment he was welcomed into this world and for five long months, Alex was nearly deaf. Small moments many of us would take for granted, like the chirp of a bird or the whistle of the wind, were things Alex never got experience. So when it came time to fit the bubbly little five-month-old with his first pair of hearing aids, his parents were overjoyed but apprehensive. They knew all of the strange sounds could be overwhelming at first, but they also knew it was the beginning of the rest of their son’s life. Mom and Dad had no idea he would have such a heartwarming reaction to hearing a very special sound for the first time.

As soon as the technicians switched on Alex’s hearing aid, a small grin spread across his face. They made sure to keep the volume on low as to not startle him and watched cautiously while he surveyed the room. It wasn’t until Alex’s mother, Jen, cooed to him, ‘Hey. It’s Mummy. Mummy. Hey, are you taking it all in? Yeah. Yeah,’ that the boy’s huge smile lit up the room. Hearing his parents’ voice for the first time was more than exciting for this sweet little one.

Jen later shared the footage of her son’s sweet reaction online, and soon thousands of people were watching Alex’s appointment on camera. While she loved the kindness was shown, Jen told the British talk show This Morning that the attention shocked her, “It was only meant for family and friends. And it just went crazy [from there].” Everyone just loved watching this precious moment unfold! Take a peek at this adorable clip for yourself below. We wish the entire Denman family a lifetime of happiness, laughter, and love!