4 Children Orphaned After Car Crash, But Trooper Had Them Get Into His Car

These siblings were waiting at home for their parents to return from running errands, but what they didn't know was that both of their parents had died in a terrible car accident while they were out. State Trooper Nathan Bradley was sent to the house to deliver the terrible news, but instead of telling the kids what happened, he put them all in his car and drove off.


Faith in humanity restored!

The father and mother to 4 children, Donald and Crystal Howard, had gone to a local store in order to pick up some facepaint for their children’s 4 Halloween costumes. Their children, 13-year-old Justin, 10-year-old Amiah, 8-year-old Daimean, and 6-year old Trayvion, eagerly waited for their parents while all dressed up in their costumes. However, it was not meant to be as Donald and Crystal were killed in a tragic car accident, which unfortunately ocurred less than a mile away from their own house.

Trooper Nathan Bradley had been assigned the heart-wrenching task of checking in on the 4 children and informing them of their parents’ deaths. Their grandmother was informed, but she lived in another state and therefore would require at least 7 hours in order to be by their side. Bradley could not bear to tell the 4 children the awful news and did not want to phone the Department of Family and Child Services up either. “Not only would these children discover they lost both parents, but would spend their Halloween in a county jail until somebody could tend to them – it just wasn’t right,” he said.

Instead, Bradley decided to give the kids a day’s worth of blissful innocence before he delivers the terrible news.
Instead of informing them that their parents had passed away and placing them into state custody, Bradley took them out for a ride in his car. He drove the kids to a nearby McDonald’s and a Burger King outlet for fries and milkshakes. He also bought them some candy and ice cream before giving them a tour of the police station where the 4 children stayed to watch movies and read some magazines. For one more night, they celebrated Halloween just like any other child would. Bradley also recalled how difficult the night was for him due to the bad news he would have to break. He told the tragic news to them the very next day.

The four siblings moved to Florida to live with their grandmother. Even though they had left the state, Bradley still wanted to do whatever he could to help them in the difficult months ahead. To help them, he had even set up a GoFundMe campaign which has successfully raised over $500,000 since its inception! Despite the tragedy, the 4 children still regard Bradley as their hero and are greatly touched for the kindness he had shown them – and so are we.

Watch the report in the video below!

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