Bryce Dudal is a 17-year-old pizza delivery boy with a passion for the piano. While he hardly gets to play anymore with the chaos of school, work and applying for college, Bryce did have the chance to stroke the ivory keys recently.
Now his impromptu performance is going viral online – and we understand why!
It all started when the Varchetti family called their local Hungry Howie’s for a few pies. It was pizza night in their home! Once the pizzas were made and ready to go, Bryce was assigned the delivery duty. He had no idea that fate would take that evening in such an interesting direction.
Facebook/Julie Varchetti
When Bryce arrived at the Varchetti’s home, he grabbed the pizzas and walked up to the door, just as he had done countless evenings before. After handing over the pies and collecting the cash, Bryce saw a baby grand piano out of the corner of his eye.
The yearning to play suddenly took over his mind – that’s all he wanted to do.
After politely asking to take a closer look at the piano, the Varchetti’s agreed and let him in. The group chatted about the piano and how no one in the family has used it in years – and that’s when Bryce sat down.
He confidently stretched out his hands and placed them carefully on the keys. Then, without warning, Bryce broke into a breathtaking rendition of Beethoven’s “Moonlight” sonata!
Facebook/Julie Varchetti
Byrce told the Washington Post that playing the piano was always a passion of his – and he likes to test the limits of his talent when playing for others.
“[Learning to play the piano] was a long process. You have to sit there and think and try to put it on the piano, piece by piece. I couldn’t read music back then. I would sit there and listen for hours and hours and try to figure it out… A lot of people sit down at the piano and play something slow and beautiful. But when I play for someone, I like to go all out.”
The entire Varchetti family was blown away by Bryce’s performance. Even the youngest Varchetti child stopped his favorite video game to watch Bryce play the classical piece! We’re just so happy someone decided to record his performance and share it online for us to see.
By the looks of things here, Bryce has a bright future in the music industry!
Facebook/Julie Varchetti
Watch this incredible impromptu performance for yourself below. What a talented young man!
Packages swiped from front porches and vandals causing trouble in yards sadly is on the rise. More and more homeowners are installing cameras and other security devices to monitor activity at their home while they’re away at work or sleeping.
When Jamie Carlton checked his home surveillance video, he could not believe what he saw on it. Approaching his front porch was a trio of kids that meant business.
Jamie had been scanning the video monitoring for suspicious activity as a precaution. He watched as the kids strode up to his home single file, then rang the door bell.
The oldest of the three began saying something to the camera and motioning around. Jamie couldn’t quite make out what was being said.
Then the kids did something out of the line of sight of the camera. They quickly turned away and hustled down the driveway.
On the video, the kids hopped on their bikes and sped off. Jamie rushed outside to check out his porch area and see what on earth the kids had done after he watched their suspicious actions on video.
He didn’t find any signs of vandalism or theft, but instead he found a black wallet. Jamie flipped it open and discovered it belonged to his son Nigel.
The trio of kids were Haylie, 13, her brother Reagan, six, and friend Ashley Dayton. They were biking to the pool when they spied something lying underneath a car.
When they realized it was someone’s wallet and it was full of cash, they picked it up. They flipped through it and couldn’t believe what they were seeing — $700 in cash!
The kids had no intention of confiscating the money. Instead, they wanted to make sure the wallet and its contents were safely returned to its owner.
“Someone else could take it and it wasn’t safe leaving it there in plain sight.”
They checked for an address on the driver’s license and trekked their way to Nigel’s home. When no one answered the front door, they opted to hide it on the front porch after realizing that a camera was recording them and they could leave a message.
“We found your wallet outside of your car and we just thought we would give it back to you. I’m going to put it over here so no takes any money. You’re welcome. Thank you.”
Jamie said watching the video and knowing what the kids did has “restored my faith in humanity.” Haylie and Reagan’s mom Kerri Eddy Wenke told the Daily Mail how proud she is of her kids for doing the right thing.
“As parents, I think we always hope they are doing the right thing when we are not around or when no one is watching.”
Nigel’s dad Jamie decided to share the home surveillance footage in order to thank the kids for their honesty and honorable actions. People commented on Jamie’s Facebook post how wonderful the kids were to consciously decide on their own to return the billfold with all of the money inside.
Check out these kids who are being hailed for their actions in the video below.
When your moral compass kicks in and you experience that sudden urge to do something kind, you get that warm and fuzzy feeling. It could be something as simple as quickly holding open the door for someone or swiftly offering to help a person carry something heavy.
Singer-songwriter Andy Grammer suddenly felt compelled to take action one afternoon. He was enjoying breakfast at the Sea Ketch restaurant in Hampton Beach when a group of women caught his eye.
Facebook/Andy Grammer
He had noticed what he described as five “SUPER CUTE” elderly ladies. Instantly he was awash with sadness as he longed for his mom, especially now that he’s a parent.
Andy later wrote on Facebook:
“I felt a strong urge to pick up their check. I don’t know them and didn’t want to bother them but I just did it.”
The musician didn’t want to draw attention to himself, so he secretly paid for their meal. But then he had another urge, one that he just could not ignore.
“…a lot of times it’s better to just do nice deeds without asking for acknowledgment but something felt like I should tell them I missed my mom, like they might like to hear that. So I walked over and said ‘You are five of the sweetest ladies I’ve ever seen. I lost my mom a while back and something about seeing you made me miss her this morning so I’m getting your check.’”Facebook/Mary Conant
Instead of being starstruck, one of the women felt her own urge to act. She popped up from her seat, threw open her arms and uttered words that stunned Andy.
“COME HERE. I lost my son and really needed this.”
She embraced Andy with a “mom hug” he admitted needing. He reciprocated with the “son hug” she craved.
Andy ended his Facebook post saying,
“We are all so connected. #imnotcryingyourecrying #cryingwithstrangers”Facebook/Andy Grammer
These women had no clue that day they were going to cross paths with a star that day. Andy could not have imagined being blessed with a hug from a super sweet senior either.
One of the women, Mary Conant, shared on Facebook that they were meant to meet Andy. It was fate!
“Your Mom sent you to us today.”
Things definitely have an interesting way of working out! Since Andy posted his story it’s been shared more than 6,900 times.
Tukwila police officers playfully known as Sergeant Modest and Officer Bashful were patrolling on foot when they spied something alarming. The partners were keeping Cascade View Park safe at the moment and couldn’t believe what they saw.
A group of young boys were running around having fun, which was great to see on such a gorgeous day. But it’s what one of the boys was missing that alarmed the officers.
Facebook/Tukwila Police Department
One boy in the group did not have any shoes on. The officers scanned the area but didn’t see a discarded pair lying around anywhere.
They looked a bit closer and noticed that his socks were torn and dirty. One of his feet was bleeding quite a bit from a decent-sized cut on the bottom of his foot.
Flickr/Perry French
Parents know that running around without shoes on can be dangerous. A child can step on broken glass or sharp plastic and seriously injure himself.
So the officers cautiously approached the child. The little boy allowed Sergeant Modest to examine then clean and treat his foot with the first aid kit they carried with them.
As the sergeant worked on his foot, they chatted about where his shoes were at. The little boy sheepishly admitted that he didn’t have shoes that fit him anymore
The officers decided they just couldn’t turn the guy loose to run around and harm himself again. So Sergeant Modest took off to find a pair of shoes that would fit the active little boy while Officer Bashful hung out with the group of boys and kept an eye on them.
Not only did Sergeant Modest return with a pair of shoes, but he brought popsicles! The boys were thrilled.
“…what is better than a cold popsicle on a hot summer day?!”Facebook/Tukwila Police Department
While the little guy slurped on his popsicle, Officer Bashful helped him slip on the shoes and tied them for him. Then the officers joined the boys for a popsicle snack before they resumed patrol.
After the Tukwila Police Department shared this heartwarming tale of two officers and the case of the missing shoes on their Facebook page, the public has gone crazy over what they did. The department emphasized that the outpouring of support has been “truly astounding.”
A small gesture like this meant the world to this little boy and probably for his parents who might not have been able to afford new shoes. How awesome are these two officers?
From the moment Jonathan and Kacie met, they knew they were going to spend the rest of their lives together. Both had troublesome relationships in the past and had serious baggage to go along with them. One of Jonathan’s pieces of “baggage,” or so he thought, was his daughter Brilee.
However, instead of casting Brilee aside and trying to start fresh with her new husband, Kacie brought the teenager closer to her heart…
Facebook/Sharing Is Caring
Growing up, Brileee desperately wanted her mother to be involved in her life – but no matter how hard she pleaded, her biological mother couldn’t be swayed. She was too selfish and self-involved to love another human being, let alone care for a child.
Thankfully, Kacie was there to pick up the pieces and make Brilee’s heart feel whole again.
Over the course of four years, Kacie and her teenage stepdaughter became close. Their relationship continued to developed until it reached a point where Brilee anxiously approached Kacie and asked to adopt her as her daughter. Kacie was honored, but knew the road to adoption would be challenging!
Sadly, Brilee’s biological mother refused to give up her parental rights which made adoption impossible.
Rather than take the setback and give up, Kacie went to court and battled day-in and day-out to call Brilee her child. Her odds of adoption didn’t look good at first – then, they got the miracle they had been praying for!
Facebook/Sharing Is Caring
On the final day of their legal proceedings, Brilee’s biological mother failed to show up for court. Due to her carelessness, the judge awarded Kacie with parental rights – she was going to be Brilee’s mother (officially)!
After getting home from the courthouse, Kacie called Brilee into the living room. She had big news to share and couldn’t wait another second. With Brilee sitting confused on the couch, Kacie explained what happened in the courtroom and said:
“Brilee Davis, you have been like a daughter to me, from the day that I met you. Now I want you to be not like a daughter. Will you be my real daughter?”
Tears started to pour from Brilee’s eyes! This was the moment she had waited months for – and it wasn’t a dream. Now they truly get to be one big, happy family for the rest of their lives!
Facebook/Sharing Is Caring
Watch this emotional reveal unfold in the video below. What a sweet moment!
It’s only been a short while since Mom and Dad brought the newest addition to the family home. While they worried their first child would react poorly to some small person hogging all of their attention, thankfully, he couldn’t have been more excited to bond with his baby sister. He was fascinated by his teeny tiny sister from the time Mom and Dad placed her on his lap. But when they recently came around the corner to find him singing “You Are So Beautiful,” they knew all of their fears could melt away!
Even though most of us think “You Are So Beautiful” is an ordinary love song, that couldn’t be further from the truth. The co-writers, Billy Preston and Bruce Fisher, created the song as a way to honor Preston’s mother. She was an actress and the guiding force through Preston’s life. So when he found out one of his musician friends was using the song to shoutout young women during his concerts, Preston was furious. He called his performer friend and chewed him out – how dare he turn the once-beautiful song about his mother into some trick to attract women! After the dust settled, Joe Cocker released the slower version of Preston and Fisher’s song (the version we’re all familiar with) later that year. Now, it’s one of the most well-known musical tracks in history.
The song’s heartfelt words and beautiful composition is why Mom and Dad always played it in the house. After hearing it so often, Brother eventually picked up on the lyrics and decided to serenade his sweet baby sister. Mom watched with her mouth agape as her baby boy cradled the newborn in his arms, gently rocked her back and forth, and sang “You Are So Beautiful” to her. This moment was one she will remember for the rest of her life. Take a peek at their heartwarming family moment for yourself below. We’re sure he’s going to be an excellent big brother!
If you’re paying attention, you can always find a way to help those around you.
In a viral video that’s warming hearts all over the world, we meet a humble builder named David Love from Victoria, Australia. Recently, he was grabbing a quick bite to eat at McDonald’s with his partner, Melanie Langley. As David stood at the counter placing his order, he noticed an elderly man digging through his change to pay for his meal.
Quietly, Melanie took out her phone and began to record video. She knows David well, after all, and she was sure he would do something kind. Hoping to share a moment of happiness with the world, Melanie aimed the camera at David as he did, in fact, step up to help the man.
David quickly pays for the man’s meal with his own debit card, and the man thanks him profusely and steps to the side to wait for his order. “There’s still some nice people here,” the old man tells him.
Although we can only see David from behind, you can tell he’s considering something as he stands there at the counter. Wordlessly, he reaches into his pocket and takes out his wallet a second time, this time removing a bill and stepping back towards the man.
Facebook“That’s for your next coffee,” he says over the man’s faint protestations. “Put that in your pocket.”
The grateful man accepts the money, telling David, “Thank you very much. You’re a gentleman, thank you.”
When David returns to Melanie, he explains that the man is on a tight pension and was clearly almost out of money. David might not be rich, but he’s got a good job and works hard, so giving a little bit to help an elderly man out is a simple thing he felt he could do.
Facebook“I’m helping the old fella’ out, he’s down on his last 20 bucks,’ David told Melanie. “He’s standing there with a whole heap of change. He’s a pensioner and he’s old, so I paid for his meal and I gave him 20 dollars. It is what it is, honey. It’s life.”
Melanie was moved by her partner’s graceful handling of the situation. She shared the video, which she had told David she was definitely not recording, in order to share the love and magic of David’s “incredible act of kindness.”
“Your true character is revealed when nobody’s watching,” Melanie wrote.
Truer words have seldom been spoken.
Thank you, David, for looking around and finding a way to be the light people need in the world. You are truly a great example for us all.
Watch David’s quiet, gentlemanly approach to helping out his elders below, and be sure to SHARE.
Quite rightly, as youngsters, the majority of us were taught to respect others, our elders, and people who are vulnerable in some way. That applies to those that have a mental or physical impairment just as much as it also goes for the able-bodied too.
This terrible news comes from Suffolk in England, there is a photo spreading like fire burning through the internet, and for a really good reason!
This 40-year-old woman with a mental disability is pictured in the image, abused by these four teenagers, also in the picture.
Looking at the reports on the British News, the four teenagers threw eggs and flour over the lady, who is mentally handicapped, then posed for a picture behind her as she was slumped over the park bench.
Facebook / Robin Armstrong
The woman in the picture is around 40-years-old and she suffers from a mental disability, we hope that the law will deal with this situation appropriately!
A witness said that the woman had a breakdown, which is hardly that surprising considering her ordeal that day, she started to shout at the boys who sprayed her with water, flour, and eggs.
The local police said that the woman was severely distressed by the whole thing and that she was not physically harmed.
One of the youths decided, in his even more foolish, or perhaps some would say a twisted view of reality, that he would post the photo to social media, to Snapchat.
He was perhaps expecting to get either adulation or laughter, but instead, like most of us would expect, he was met with a huge backlash which leads to him being visited by the law!
The news reports that the four teens have been taken in for questioning, they range from 15 to 17 years old, the person who took the photo has so far not been named or identified.
Inspector Anthony Bridgland said:
“This type of behavior is totally unacceptable and we are treating the matter seriously.”
“We know this incident may have caused concern and anger both in the local community and online, but we would like to reassure everyone that we are tackling the matter robustly and supporting the victim.”
Just hearing about this incident made my blood boil, and we know that many more people feel just the same way too.
Please SHARE this post and sham this awful act, this behavior is really not acceptable and there really must be consequences for their actions!