The constant argument, even some would call debate about the controversy of teachers giving out homework has been ongoing for quite a long time now.
There are some that think it’s not fair at all, giving more work to children to complete at home when they should be relaxing.
Whilst some others think it’s completely essential to give this work to children, and that for the education of the child this extra work really solidifies their knowledge and it’s essential to have it!
This might well be an argument that is not really gaining traction in a big way, but it has for sure started to gain new heights.
Another teacher has been fired because they did not give credits to students that did not finish a homework assignment they had been given.
According to the news channels Diana Tirado was fired and her contract terminated for not giving the kids 50% when they didn’t finish a task she said they had to do.
Dianna said:
“Teaching is a calling for me.”
When she began her teaching career and started teaching at West Gate in Port Saint Lucie last month, that what she believed.
She set the kids that were in her class project with an explorer notebook, many of the students did not submit the work.
It was a really hard lesson to learn, she describes it as the school’s ‘no zero policy’ reflected in the student and parent handbook.
YouTube / WPTVDianna said:
“But what if they don’t turn it in, and they say we’ll give them a 50. Oh no we don’t”
She was fired for this on 14 September, but still, there is no clause in the letter to say why because she is still in her probationary period of employment.
The very last day of school for her she wrote a message to all the students on her class whiteboard, this is what it said:
“Mrs. Tirado loves you and wishes you the best in life! I have been fired for refusing to give you a 50% for not handing anything in.”
She also put the image on Facebook, where, unsurprisingly, it’s been getting more and more traction as people start to react and with how many people consider it unfair dismissal!
Dianna said:
“I’m so upset because we have a nation of kids that are expecting to get paid and live their life just for showing up and it’s not real”
It is definitely a case to be talked about and discussed, don’t you agree?Was the school right to fire her, was that the right message to send to students and the world?We would love to know your opinion about it in the comments below…
Andrea West is one very brave mother. She shares her life story of how she lost her baby and the grief and the pain that followed. Many parents who went through the same ordeal felt for her and her husband and were encouraged to speak out loud themselves.
The couple met during their college years and knew they would be spending their life together. They moved in at Andrea’s place in New Jersey, and by October 2006 they were married.
Their life resembled a fairy tale, and learning she was expecting a baby only added to their happiness.
Flickr/Andy Rogers
Sadly, just 11 weeks into pregnancy, Andrea suffered miscarriage and her world turned upside-down.
“I was an absolute wreck. I didn’t know what to do, who to talk to, what was appropriate to discuss, or who could help me. Little did I know that 1 in 4 women suffer the same and people just don’t talk about it. I didn’t know if I could ever deal with being pregnant again.”
Love What Matters
Andrea blamed herself for losing her baby for a long time, but her supportive husband was there by her side to assure her everything was going to be alright. Shortly after, Andrea was pregnant again and this time she made sure she did everything right, including controlling her weight by leading healthier life.
“I didn’t drink any diet soda (my life blood), didn’t eat lunch meat, soft cheese, sushi … nothing on the ‘naughty list.’ I followed the blogs and community pages. I read the books and set up my nursery the ‘right’ way. When I found out I was having a boy, my heart grew 3 sizes. I have always had many guy friends and I couldn’t wait to be a ‘boy mom!’”
The couple welcomed their rainbow baby into the world on 21st September. Andrea gave birth naturally, although she had hardly any amniotic fluid.
They named their bundle of joy Adam, after her husband’s friend who died at the age of 21 from a brain tumor.
These new parents were over the moon, but when the doctor didn’t call Andrea’s husband to cut the umbilical cord, but rushed to do it himself, they felt something was wrong. That’s when the doctor told them some devastating news.
“‘Honey, there is something wrong with Adam’s leg.’ I was exhausted, a bit delirious, and just wanted to hold my baby, but I will never forget my response. ‘I’m sure it’s just a bruise.’ I gave birth in a teaching hospital and before I knew it at least 20 different people were in the room. Doctors, nurses, and students got to see my newborn baby before I got to really see him. They brought him over to me for a few minutes before whisking him off to the NICU. Then… everyone left.”
Love What Matters
At first, no one knew why the baby’s abdomen and part of his leg were all covered in red markings and bruises, but he was eventually diagnosed with a rare vascular malformation known as Cutis Marmorata Telangiectatica Congenita (CMTC). At the time, only 500 cases of this condition have been reported.
In my mind, he was the most beautiful thing I had ever laid my eyes on. My rainbow baby. But, would he be OK? I was euphoric and crushed at the same time.”
Doctors ran all sorts of tests, as well as brain and heart ultrasounds, and Adam passed all of them and was discharged from the hospital.
During the first weeks of his life, Adam had seen many dermatologists, geneticists, and orthopedists. All of the tests these doctors did would come back normal.
Love What Matters
Ever since Adam was born, his parents are researching and learning of his condition. They have attended many conferences, including one at Washington D.C. where they met with other families whose children have this condition.
Most of the people and the doctors there have never heard of CMTC, and Andrea and her husband make sure as many people as possible learn of it.
The only thing these parents were worried about was whether Adam would fit in with the other kids. So far, he’s doing amazingly and does everything his peers do. He’s involved in sports and loves being around his friends.
Simon Cowell might be a strict judge when it comes to singing and performing, but his love for dogs and animals makes him one of our most favorite celebrities. This multi-millionaire television judge and producer is also known as an animal rights advocate.
Now dog lovers love him even more knowing that he has given a significant amount of money to the Humane Society International (HSI) which is a protection organization whose aim is to help all animals—including animals in laboratories, animals on farms, companion animals and wildlife.
The generous donation of £25,000 is to help shut down one of the many dog meat farms in South Korea. These funds will help rescue around 200 dogs and puppies who are at the farm where they are bred over and over again for the sake of the dog meat industry. This is not the first time for the HSI to fight against these farms, and it’s been reported that so far, the organization saved around 1,400 animals.
Claire Bass, the UK executive director of the Humane Society International, said:
“Simon’s generous donation means the world to us and provides a huge boost to our appeal to close this horrendous dog meat farm. More than 200 dogs are languishing in the most appalling conditions, but we have a real chance to save them.”
With every dog farm we close and every farmer we help to switch to a more profitable, humane business, we’re showing the South Korean government that it’s possible to end this cruel trade. These poor dogs have had the worst lives so far, so we’re desperate to get them out of those dreadful cages and show them love, soft beds and loving arms for the first time in their lives.”
This is why Simon’s donation is of great importance.
Simon Cowell and his two dogs Squiddly and Diddly attending a photocall for ‘Britain’s Got Talent’ at St Luke’s Church, London. 09/04/2014
The dog meat trade is one of the most serious animal welfare issues in South Korea, and Simon discussed this issue before in the media.
“It’s like eating your friend. Ironically, some of those people who are eating dogs, if those dogs were their pet, that dog would be protecting that person’s life, that’s the irony. The joy, the love they bring into your life, what they do for you, you can’t put it into words.
In South Korea, there are an estimated 17,000 dog meat farms.
It is a strength, in my opinion, to say we’re not going to do it. If they all could come together now, maybe through social media, maybe through a different generation who just say no, enough people will listen. That’s what happens in the world today.”
Although this violent trade doesn’t end, in recent years, this trend became controversial not only in South Korea, but all over the world mainly as a result of the actions by the animal rights activists. According to the newest information, consumption of dog meat is becoming less common among the young South Koreans so the practice is significantly declining. However, the number is still high.
A South Korean court ruled for the first time this years that it’s illegal to kill dogs for their meat. We hope that this practice of dog meat consumption will decline even further up to the point no dog will be killed for its meat.
Thanks to people like Simon Cowell who support the fight against the dog farms, less dogs will be caged and killed each year.
Humans and horses go way back. These elegant and graceful creatures have been our companions for as long as we can remember and the benefits we get from them are numerous.
Not only are they of great assistance when it comes to farming, but they also make great friends.
Horses are naturally calm animals and they often spread that feeling of harmony to humans. That’s way spending time around them can feel so relaxing.
The video below is just another proof of how awesome these animals can be. A girl is desperately trying to mount on a horse’s back but fails each time. That’s when she gets an unexpected help. You wonder who stepped in? Well, the horse itself.
As she was doing her best to place her leg over the animal’s body, the horse realized he should step in and lend her a helping hand. In the next moment, he decided to lean down so that she could mount with ease.
The woman filming the incredible scene was so surprised with the horse’s action that she couldn’t help by burst out laughing.
Take a look at the video below and you’ll know why horses are such incredible animals and friends.
Sometimes, the cruelties that happen are impossible to understand. This story fits right into that category, and it’s possibly one of the worst stories I have ever heard.
In Santa Fe, Argentina, a 3-year-old boy died after a violent rape.
At the Santa Fe child hospital, his just 10-month-old sister fights for her own life.
Both were originally admitted into Niños Orlando Alassia Hospital. The hospital manager said the boy came in critical condition. With several fractures to his skull, chest, and ribs, hospital staff revived him. Sadly, he passed away that night in his sleep.
The staff noticed his injuries indicated he had been sexually abused. Him and his sister alike both show clear signs of physical abuse along with neglect.
The staff questioned their mother. When questioned, the mom accused the children’s stepfather of the attack. Since then, authorities have arrested him.
Currently, the girl is being monitored in the hospital throughout the rest of her recovery.
Life is full of challenges that cross our path when we least expect them. However, living and surviving means being able to cope with those challenges the best we can. Sometimes a little push from someone is all we need in order to overcome the issues we face, because a small act of kindness can go a long way and restore our faith in humanity.
February 23rd was the day the young parents Jesse and Maria Hulscher welcomed to the world their second baby boy. This made them happy beyond words. They just couldn’t wait to take their son home from hospital and introduce him to his brother and the rest of the family. Since the winter was pretty harsh, they knew they had to make the place warm an cozy for the newborn.
But, they encountered a problem. The furnace in the house stopped working in the middle of the freezing weather, and just before the arrival of Maria and the baby.
Maria Hulscher
Jesse was left alone with his 2-year-old to come up with a quick solution. He was pretty worried because he knew that companies offering repairing services are often very busy and he wasn’t sure whether they could act fast.
“Instantly I panicked,” Jesse said. “I have a two-year-old here, a newborn coming home in a couple days and this was before the big potential snow storm.”
Jesse called Magnuson Sheet Metal to ask them if they could come and fix the furnace before he brought his wife and newborn son home. Jesse’s voice was trembling as he was speaking with the co-owner Craig Aurand who could easily notice that Jesse was in a desperate need of help, so he decided to offer it to the worried father. Just 20 minutes after they spoke on the phone there was someone at the front door. When Jesse opened it he couldn’t believe the staff of Magnuson Sheet Metal could have arrived that quickly.
“He said ‘the fan’s not working, the furnace isn’t working, my wife is in the hospital, we just had a baby yesterday,’” Aurand recalled. “I just said take it easy, we’ll be right there.”
The company repaired the furnace in no time. The heating was on again and now everything was prepared for the big moment.
But, acting quickly and efficiently wasn’t the only thing about the company that stunned Jesse. When he asked for the receipt, he was left in awe once again. Instead of listing the amount of money he should have paid, they left a heartwarming note.
“I opened it up and looked at the receipt and it said, ‘no charge, take care of the new baby,’” Jesse said. While Maria recalled, “I was like, ‘what? No. This can’t be real.’ And he’s like, ‘I know I can’t believe it either.’”
It appeared that Magnuson Sheet Metal was a company known for doing good deeds for people who are in need of their services by not charging families for small jobs which happen on holidays. Things like these make the world a better place.
“We didn’t do it for the PR, we just did it to be good people. That’s it. Just to be nice to these people,” he said. “That’s what this is about.”
There seems to be a never-ending issue with poaching. The sad truth is some species are so close to being extinct because of this ‘trophy hunting.’ Often killed for their horns, rhinos are at risk from poaching too.
Recently, rescuers stumble across a mama rhino killed by poachers. They had set upon the baby too. Rescuers found the sweet baby lying next to her dead mother unsure of how to live.
Upon crossing the scene, rescuers realized the baby was still alive. Too late to save the mother, they hoped they could at least save the baby.
They took the baby to Care for the Wild Rhino Sanctuary. The poor rhino was in poor condition. He had one toenail cut to the nail bed, a machete wound on his back, and seemed horrified.
Petronel Niewouldt of the Care for Wild Team said,“It was instinctive for him to try and stay close to his mother to protect her, and the poachers with no sympathy or hesitation whatsoever lashed out at him so that they could finish their heinous crime of taking his mother’s horn as quickly as possible.”
After sedating the rhino, a surgeon operated on the wounds.
The rescuers say that the baby, now named Arthur, is now doing well in recovery. Sadly though, he still searches for his mother. Not understanding she’ll never return, he still calls for her. This sound is heartwrenching.
“He still calls for his mother, it is a heart-wrenching sound and one that he should never have to make. Her death will affect him emotionally long after his physical wounds have healed.”
In the wild, a mother stays with their child for nearly four years. She teaches the baby everything they need to know then. Even if he could have survived the wounds, he would be unable to continue and defend himself.
We’re never getting tired of good jokes that bring laughter and improve our mood. The following is oldie but goodie.
Two women go out one night without their husbands.
They go to a bar, have a chat along with a couple of drinks and then head back home.
On the way home one of them turns to the other and says:
“Sorry, but I need to go to a toilet. Can we stop for a minute?”
The other looks at her and replies “I also have to go there, but where can we go in the middle of the street?”
“Oh, look, there is a cemetery over there we can go there.”
“Yes, but how are we going to wipe?”
“I’m just going to use my underwear and throw it out.”
Her friend however, was wearing her favorite (and rather expensive knickers) and didn’t want to ruin them. So she elected to take a wreath off a nearby grave and use that.And so they went home.
The next day the husband of one was concerned that his normally sweet and innocent wife was hungover and still in bed, so he phoned the other.
“Do you know where our wives went last night? Because mine came back home with no underwear.”
“Well you are luckier than me, my wife came home with a ribbon in her butt and on the ribbon it was written: ‘From all of us at the Fire Station. We’ll never forget you.’ ”
SHARE if it made you LAUGH!