Stranger Startles Grieving Mom As Babies Sob During Flight

Flying can sometimes be stressful, especially if you travel with very young children who have different demands and who can easily get irritated and start crying for no particular reason. Molly Schultz is a mom who had boarded a flight weighed down with sadness. She was too upset to be nervous about the flight, but instead grew incredibly agitated as her world unraveled around her.
Molly was on a last-minute flight back home to say goodbye to her father. His prognosis was dire and she had been summoned to his bedside. She said a sorrowful goodbye to her daughters ages three and two whom she left at home. But she had to take along with her her seven-month-old identical twin daughters.
The trio had already flown from Washington state to Minnesota where they endured a lengthy layover. For the next leg of the flight, the girls were inconsolable. Their tears prompted Molly to break down and cry herself. The emotional stress of her father’s impending passing and the arduous trip with crying wee ones became simply insurmountable. “The strict schedule we typically follow at home was completely thrown out the window this day and my twins were not handling it well. Why would they though? They were only seven months old. They were feeding off my frantic energy and everything just exploded half way through this flight.” Molly knew her fellow passengers were completely unimpressed at her daughters’ wails. She did what she could from her plane seat to console them. “Everyone had every right to be annoyed. None of you knew that one of my twins cried all day long, every day. She was just one of those babies who was never comfortable or happy. I was accustomed to drowning out the sound of her screams and know I did so while we were all trapped in that airplane. In all honesty, I just wanted to stand in the aisle and yell, ‘If you’re sick of hearing this crying, then please come and help me!’” Molly knew they were hungry and wanted to nurse, but didn’t know how to feed them without a nursing pillow, especially on a crowded flight. She had packed bottles filled with her milk, but at this point, she was beyond frazzled to even think straight. A complete stranger walked straight up to Molly and the twins. The young mom was afraid of what the woman was about to say to her and she braced herself to be judged for her parenting skills. Instead, this guardian angel plopped down next to Molly, grabbed ahold of one of the babies and began rocking her. The stranger stared straight into the baby’s eyes while she quieted her with a bottle of milk and some much needed cuddles. Molly wrote to Love What Matters that “you stepped in as the tears fell from all three of our faces.” This woman gave Molly a much needed reprieve. “You knew I needed you when I was too afraid to ask … You never once made me feel inadequate. Instead you showed me the most empathy I’ve ever been shown, and it was miraculously done in my darkest hour. You swayed and sang to her like any of her family would do back home, loving her the way she needed in that moment. Loving all of us in the way we needed in that moment.” Molly couldn’t believe this kindhearted woman just knew she couldn’t handle this journey by herself. She described herself as “mentally broken” and emotionally exhausted. “In hindsight I really wasn’t in a place to be taking care of those girls by myself, let alone flying across the country alone with them. But I couldn’t leave my exclusively breastfed babies at home when I had no idea how long I would be away. It felt like a lose-lose situation for all of us, but sometimes you just have to do what you have to do. Sometimes you just have to board that flight with your two babies and pray the eye rolls and sighs aren’t going to destroy your already low self-esteem.”
Love What Matters
This mom of four credited the stranger with saving her sanity, and probably everyone else’s on the flight. Molly said she couldn’t walk around with a sign pinned to her that said, “Flying alone with twins to say goodbye to my dying father while also leaving behind my other two daughters.” But somehow, this woman just knew. Molly doesn’t know her face and can’t remember her name, but she’ll never forget the kindness and empathy she showed her during such a difficult time. She wanted to thank the stranger for treating her with dignity and love when she desperately needed it. What a blessing she was to Molly!

School wants parents to “teach their kids manners” – Now their poster is spreading like wildfire online

It seems that parents rely on the schools too much. They expect from these institutions to provide their children with the appropriate level of knowledge and at the same time teach them manners. Now, the question we ask is: What exactly are the school’s responsibilities? Do we know where they begin and where should they end? This is especially relevant when considering where to draw the line between what constitutes parents’ responsibilities and a school’s. A Portuguese school decided to clarify the matter once and for all, by sticking a poster in its halls- and the message they’re sending is now spreading like wildfire. The school’s sign was later shared on Facebook, where the message contained within it quickly began to spread around the world. The simple but effective message highlights five key points which the school is determined should be managed by the parents, as follows: Dear parents, We would like to remind you that magic words such as hello, please, you’re welcome, I’m sorry, and thank you, all begin to be learned at home It’s also at home that children learn to be honest, to be on time, diligent, show friends their sympathy, as well as show utmost respect for their elders and all teachers. Home is where they learn to be clean, not talk with their mouths full, and how/where to properly dispose of garbage. Home is also where they learn to be organized, to take good care of their belongings, and that it’s not ok to touch others. Here at school, on the other hand, we teach language, math, history, geography, physics, sciences, and physical education. We only reinforce the education that children receive at home from their parents. The online response has been immediate. Do you think that schools in the US should be posting this in their hallways, too? Share if you agree that parents need to take responsibility for their children’s behavior!

A Man Found Someone Selling A Talking For Only $10. But When You Hear Why So Cheap… HILARIOUS!

A guy sees a sign in front of a house: “Talking Dog for Sale.” He rings the bell and the owner tells him the dog is in the backyard. The guy goes into the backyard and sees a black mutt just sitting there. “You talk?” he asks. “Sure do” the dog replies. “So, what’s your story?” The dog looks up and says, “Well, I discovered my gift of talking pretty young and I wanted to help the government, so I told the CIA about my gift, and in no time they had me jetting from country to country, sitting in rooms with spies and world leaders, because no one figured a dog would be eavesdropping. I was one of their most valuable spies eight years running. The jetting around really tired me out, and I knew I wasn’t getting any younger and I wanted to settle down. So I signed up for a job at the airport to do some undercover security work, mostly wandering near suspicious characters and listening in. I uncovered some incredible dealings there and was awarded a batch of medals. Had a wife, a mess of puppies, and now I’m just retired.” The guy is amazed. He goes back in and asks the owner how much he wants for the dog. The owner says, “Ten dollars.” The guy says, “This dog is amazing. Why on earth are you selling him so cheap?” “Cause he’s a liar. He didn’t do any of that stuff!” SHARE if it made you LAUGH.

This Woman Wrote Her Own Obituary, And We All Need To Read What It Says

Dealing with a terminal illness can completely change person’s life. If they used to make plans about their future, now, although the hope is still there, thinking about death is inevitable. As soon as they receive the bad news from the doctor, these patients are forced to confront their own mortality. It’s a difficult thing to grapple with, and only the most exceptional people can do so with reason and humility like Moscow, Idaho’s Sonia Todd. Diagnosed with a terminal form of cancer, Sonia knew her death was imminent, so she did something unusual: she wrote her own obituary. However, the humor and poise with which she did so is truly inspirational… Sonia Todd of Moscow, Idaho, died at age 38 from a terminal form of cancer. Before she passed away, Sonia wrote her own obituary, and the humor and dignity with which she confronts her own passing is incredible. “I don’t like the timeline format because, let’s face it, I never really accomplished anything of note. Other than giving birth to my two wonderful, lovable, witty and amazing sons (James and Jason), marrying my gracious, understanding and precious husband (Brian), and accepting the Lord Jesus Christ as my personal savior – I have done very little. None of which requires obit space that I have to shell out money for.” “I also didn’t want a bunch of my friends sitting around writing a glowing report of me, which we all know would be filled with fish tales, half-truths, impossible scenarios, and out-right honest-to-goodness-lies. I just don’t like to put people in that kind of situation.” “The truth, or my version of it, is this: I just tried to do the best I could. Sometimes I succeeded, most of the time I failed, but I tried. For all of my crazy comments, jokes, and complaints, I really did love people. The only thing that separates me from anyone else is the type of sin each of us participated in. I didn’t always do the right thing or say the right thing and when you come to the end of your life those are the things you really regret, the small simple things that hurt other people.” “My life was not perfect and I encountered many, many bumps in the road. I would totally scrap the years of my life from age 16 to 20 – OK, maybe 14 to 22. I think that would eradicate most of my fashion disasters and hair missteps from the 80s. But mostly, I enjoyed life. Some parts of it were harder than others, but I learned something from every bad situation and I couldn’t do any more than that.” “Besides there are some benefits to dying youngish, for example, I still owe on my student loans and the joke’s on them [because] I’m not paying them. Plus, I am no longer afraid of serial killers, telemarketers, or the IRS. I don’t have to worry about wrinkles or the ozone layer and/or hide from the news during election season.” “Some folks told me that writing my own obituary was morbid, but I think it is great because I get a chance to say thank you to all the people who helped me along the way. Those who loved me, assisted me, cared for me, laughed with me and taught me things so that I could have a wonderful, happy life. I was blessed beyond measure by knowing all of you. That is what made my life worthwhile.” “If you think of me, and would like to do something in honor of my memory do this: “Write a letter to someone and tell them how they have had a positive effect on your life.” “If you smoke- quit” “If you drink and drive – stop.” “Turn off the electronics and take a kid out for ice cream and talk to them about their hopes and dreams.” “Forgive someone who doesn’t deserve it.” “Stop at all lemonade stands run by kids and brag about their product.” The self-written obituary concluded: “Make someone smile today if it is in your power to do so.” Wow…that’s both incredibly sad and comforting at the same time. Hopefully, we can all take a page out of Sonia’s book and address death with honesty and humor. Share this inspiring obituary with your friends!

Lonely homeless man is ignored for 60 years. Cop goes to warn him and finds out his true identity

Homelessness is an issue that concerns not only the developing countries, but also the leading countries like the USA. The reasons people become homeless are different, some of which include domestic violence, unemployment, and poverty. But, no matter the reason, these people share same destiny, which isn’t always bright. Nick Myers was a homeless person living on the streets of California alone with nothing. He used to stand alone on the highway asking for some cash. Mick was never married and he never had children. His adopted mother was the only person who showed him love. He felt ignored by the world around him but he has one thing that makes him forget about this which his passion for music, he used to play outside the train station for whatever money he can take. Deputy Jacob Swalwell of the Alameda County Sheriff’s Department knew about Mick. He gave them several warnings when he saw him begging for money, since it’s illegal. But one day, he decided to go further and handle matters a little bit different. Jacob realized that giving the homeless guy a citation wouldn’t help make his situation better, so he decided to get closer to him and know more about his circumstances. So, Mick is 67-year-old and he has no social security, no identification cards and he doesn’t know anyone who can help him. Jacob was sad to know that Mick is a lonely old person with no one to turn to. That’s when he became determined to help Mick gets his life on track. After that moment, everything started to change for Mick and all thanks to Jacob, who took notice of him and gave him help. Mick got his necessary ID and Jacob was able to get him on Medicaid and receive social security benefits. However, there something more important than all of this, reuniting Mick with his birth family because he doesn’t deserve to live the rest of his life alone. A private investigator was on his case. And 250 miles away, after six decades, Mick’s true identity began to emerge. Watch what happens in the video below: What an amazing story. Share this with your friends!

Baby Girl’s Emotional Reaction To Dad Singing Has Internet Falling In Love

A father is a daughter’s first love, and the bond between the two can never be broken. The video below proves exactly that. The proud dad Joe Cocker is totally infatuated with his baby girl of two months that he decides to sing her a serenade. The dad becomes emotional, and what you’ll see will warm your heart.
Singing “You Are So Beautiful” while cradling her tiny head, dad puts on a performance to remember as the baby girl basks in the outpouring of love coming her way. At first, she watches dad with big curious eyes, but it doesn’t take long for her to break out in giggles and coos as she takes in all of dad’s undivided attention.
While all parents love seeing their children happy, it is clear that Joe is getting just as much out of this special moment as the little infant. As wonderful as the experience is for his baby girl, it is such a blessing to see dad’s reaction to his precious daughter. Watch the beautiful moment a dad serenades his two-month-old baby with a special song in the video below – this put a tear in my eye!

Divorced Dad And Ex Wife Plan Wonderful Surprise For Their Kids

It’s amazing how some couples, or ex couples, can overcome their issues for the sake of their kids. No matter if they get divorced, putting kids’ interest and needs before their own is what makes them excellent parents who do parenting the right way. Divorced mother Laura Dee was ready to put the stress of daily life behind her and jet off on vacation to Cyprus with her two kids, Darcie, 11, and Callum, 9. Their bags were packed, the tickets bought, and the trio headed off to the airport with dreams of sandy shores in their heads. Unbenknownst to Darcie and Callum, a fourth guest was accompanying them on their trip – and it was someone who would bring them both to tears immediately. Thankfully, Laura decided to record her big reveal and share it online for the world to see.
Laura, Darcie, and Callum waded through the crowded airport walkways in search of their gate. Then, out of the many faces, a familiar one appeared! It was her children’s father, her ex-husband. Even though they separated eight years ago, they worked together to make a fun family vacation possible. Laura told Newsflare, “As parents seeing our children upset is hard, all we want is to make our children happy. Co-parenting is hard for many people, but we are proud of what we have achieved with bringing our children up.”
Instead of bickering, putting the kids in the middle, or whatever mental and emotional games divorcees play with their former spouses, Laura and her ex-husband did what was best for the children. Now they’ll be able to make their kids feel whole and create life-long memories with them at the same time. Watch Callum and Darcie’s heartwarming reaction to their father’s surprise appearance in the video below. This clip is the perfect example of how beautiful co-parenting can be – and how much of a positive effect it can have on the children!

Sister Sings Elvis Classic But When The Brother Joins In It Suddenly Transforms Into Chilling Mash-up

When Capri, a talented young girl, started singing Elvis Presley’s song, it was an amazing start to even more amazing mashup. Her brother Kenny joined and sang along with her. Kenny created the blend of the songs using his music and sound equipment. The duo put a lot of creativity in their performance and stunned everyone who listened to the impressive and catchy mashup. Capri used to have a soft-sweet voice whereas piano skills of Kenny are also incredible. The made a perfect conversion from one song to the other. Kenny joined with Capri by singing “But I can’t help falling in love with you”, as Capri sang “Wise men say only fools rush in”. Thus by hearing their song, it is clear that music truly can’t be bounded in any limits. It’s surely very risky to recreate the Elvis classic but their effort in the attempt is just speechless. As you hear them singing it is hard to distinguish where the two change from one song to the other. The song got even better when you just think that it can’t get much beautiful. The brother-sister duet is just simply talented and love for music can be seen through the way they sang the two classic songs. It’s just marvelous to watch the duet sang an unforgettable mashup.