Being in the military takes lots of courage and dedication because it doesn’t only mean fighting for the safety of the country, but also spending time away from the family and the loved ones. However, this kind of life is as difficult for the military dogs as for the humans.
After serving in the army, many dogs have difficulties adjusting to their new way of living.
The four-legged soldiers face different challenges during their service such as gunfire, sniffing out bombs, stumbling across bodies and many more. They don’t get to enjoy all the luxuries family pets receive, such as sleeping in a comfy bed, playing fetch, walking in the park, or having bunch of dog toys.
After spending certain time in the military, many of these dogs get physically exhausted and are no capable of performing their duties and as a result of that, they are dismissed. But the question is, what happens to these dogs afterwards.
Well, we know where the fortunate dog soldiers continue their life; under the wings of a very special man named Mike Ritland who is a former 40-year-old Navy SEAL. After serving 12 years in the military, Mike founded the Warrior Dog Foundation where he strenuously strives to bring these poor pooches back from the shell of a dog they’ve become.
For six years now, Mike has been working with the dogs in hopes of reprogramming them from what they were trained to do, and that’s apprehending enemy soldiers and sniffing explosives. Mike does all this because he wants the dogs to be able to enjoy a peaceful retirement “in dignity and grace, the way they deserve, for their service to their country.”
‘”Every one of these dogs would be in a box full of ashes on somebody’s desk if we weren’t taking them. So we are the last-ditch resort for these dogs.”
Because these dogs’ sniffing abilities are so keen, they are huge targets for the enemy. For that very reason, they must wear bulletproof vests and have security cameras attached to themselves.
‘”It’s impossible to quantify the amount of lives that those dogs have saved. It’s in the thousands, or even tens of thousands. The ‘man’s best friend’ adage … is understated. We definitely got the good deal out of that.”
Make managed to help over 50 dogs that was brought to him. Most of them are now rehabilitated and adopted by loving families.
‘”These dogs ask nothing of us and provide so much for our troops, for our police officers, for our communities, for our nation. For us to give these dogs what they deserve is both an honor and a pleasure. It’s important that these dogs are never forgotten.”
The dogs are now trained again, but this time the training teaches them how to run free, play fetch, play with toys and everything other dogs do. Eventually, each of these furry animals will end up in a home where they will be surrounded with people who will treat them as family.
Watch the video below to see Mike’s story and what he really does for the dogs.
Please share it with your friends.
There are not many things worse than seeing unhappy animals, for us animal lovers anyway, they all deserve to be fed and to have all the love and attention that we can possibly give them.
It’s a great shame to say that far too many fall through the cracks and don’t get the love or attention, quite the opposite actually.
This little Shih Tzu dog called Liz really had a hard time of it, more so than most, poor girl!
She was found by a great samaritan that took her to the Trio Animal Foundation shelter, in Chicago, Illinois.
When she got there the staff were completely shocked by the poor girl, she was really sick she was so skinny, with a weight of 4 pounds, it was a wonder that she was even alive.
Liz’s body temperature was not good, she was so cool that it hardly registered on the thermometer even, completely emaciated and her fur all matted to her skin.
As if things could be any worse for the poor girl she was soaked in her own urine too.
Trio Animal Foundation
The staff at the shelter took her straight away to their partner vet for immediate emergency care, the vet was even astonished at her atrophied muscles, there was nothing of her hardly at all…
She certainly couldn’t even stand up on her own, it makes our heart sink….
Normally an adult Tzus could weigh in between 10 and 12 pounds, as you can imagine Liz’s weight was alarmingly low compared to this.
Trio Animal Foundation
They gave fluids to Liz with an intravenous drip into her body, and then also some small pieces of meat, it’s really crucial to feed her really slowly, because of how weak she was.
The treatments began to work, albeit very slowly, but it looked like Liz was on her way to recovery.
Trio Animal Foundation
Liz’s condition gradually began to improve, and her stomach could start to handle larger portions of food. Just a few days later she was able to hold her head up by herself.
Trio Animal Foundation
It is unclear how Liz ended up in her dire condition, but she is thankfully improving and making great strides. Whoever abandoned or mistreated Liz in any way should be justly punished, but unfortunately, it remains a mystery how the sweet Shih Tzu ended up in this way.
Thank you so much to the good Samaritan who had the heart to bring Liz in for treatment instead of just leaving her to her horrible fate. We wish her all the best of luck in the future and hope she gets the loving home she so deserves!
In today’s society, we must all be very aware, one prime example of this is a 12-year-old boy called Duncan, he was walking home from his cousin’s house and a man, who drove by in his car, tried to snatch the boy, right off the street!It’s the worse nightmare of all parents, a terrible and grave thing when a stranger attempted to get Duncan to come closer with the promise of candy!He really was not prepared for Duncan’s awfully clever trick, one that taught the guy a real lesson that he would not easily forget!!Image Source: YahooPeople that linger around schools and on the streets near schools and on school runs are not a new thing at all, sadly, trying to capture children, but parents are educating children against how to cope with these situations for a good long time now.When this 12-year-old, Duncan, was on his way home, walking, going from his cousin’s house to his home, he felt very anxious as he passed a car that was stationary because it had a guy in the car that looked suspicious.The guy would roll down his window and, according to the news channel, he shouted:
“Hey kid, do you want some candy?”
Not suspicious at all right? Well, Duncan was on to it…..He straight away gave a very firm and defiant ‘No’ to the question, but the stranger did not want to simply give up there!THe guy then stepped out of the car, walked towards the boy and apparently grabbed him by the shirt!Image Source: YahooDuncan retaliated though, he tried to drag Duncan into his car, it was then that the boy, only 12-years-young did a completely awesome trick his parents taught him to do.Image Source: YahooDuncan held a keyring tight, in between his knuckles like he remembered his parents showed him, and as the stranger turned his face he punched him with that hand.The guy dropped in pain and shock, it was just the time duncan needed to run to a park and hide behind some rocks there, then he saw the guy drive off!Dad Jerry said:
“There’s 1,000 different scenarios that could have gone differently”
“One little thing could have gone wrong and be a different story. We don’t even want to think about.”
Share this story with everyone you know, it could save even more children and hepk parents to educate their children, it could be the impetus to take action for their children!Stay safe and stay vigilant too!
This is the story of Nate and Issac, two 11-year-old boys who show us what it means to love and respect the country you live in. What they did during a stormy and rainy day stole the hearts of many Americans.
The boys are very devoted to their job as safety patrol at their school Coppergate Elementary in Middleburg, Florida. The boys couldn’t even imagine that what looked like their ordinary day at the job will be noticed by so many people who will show their respect towards their action. They took great care of something Americans see as sacred, The Stars and Stripes of the nation.
Facebook/Coppergate Elementary School
The boys who were given the task of lowering the American flag during school dismissal didn’t see the bad weather as an obstacle to treat the flag with utmost respect. They simply knew they have to approach their duty seriously because they are aware of the importance of the flag for the people of their country, and for them as well.
Not only they got out on the pouring rain, but they completed the 13 folds and they gained the respect of everyone who got to see their action.
The school media specialist wrote a Facebook post saying, “Not only did they bring the flag down, they also stood in the wind and rain and calmly completed the 13 folds. Then Nate protected the flag as he walked with honor and respect to retire it for the day.”Facebook/Coppergate Elementary School
The whole story was reported by the FOX 30. According to them, Issac and Nate don’t think what they did was special because that is how everyone should approach the country’s flag, with respect. People believe that the American politic is currently in turmoil and seeing young children treating their country with such respect gives us hopes that in the future things will be better.
Facebook/Coppergate Elementary School
The school representatives say the boys should be given recognition for their“…responsibility, respect, devotion to duty, and love of country.” And they add, “They were folding the flag reverently. They were reverent. And they were doing 13 folds … and you know, our country is in a little bit of turmoil … it just struck me. When they walked away they held it … cradled it to protect it. And it was just a moment that was meant to be, I think.”
The school added that “this is what RESPECT looks like at Coppergate.”Facebook/Coppergate Elementary School
Many people praised the boys and felt the need to thank them for what they did. They also believe that Issac and Nate’s action will serve as a lesson for their peers to treat the flag and the country the same way, as real patriots.
That very first day of school is pretty scary for most kids, maybe also a little exciting for some too, but not knowing what will happen and what’s in store for you on that first day can be enough to freak any kid out, even the confident kids!
Getting to school has its challenges too, are they going by public transport that is, it’s a huge issue for one little 11-year-old boy who had his first day at a high school that was a real disaster for him.
Another boy, called Tom O’Brien, 15-years-old, was on going home after the first day back at Holy Family Catholic School, in Liverpool, in England.
He asked was asking other younger boys on the same bus how their first day at school went for them at their new school.
One boy, called Alex Furlong, had spent a nervous but exciting first day at the Holy Family School.
Tom was a thoughtful boy and he had not forgotten how that first-day experience felt, and in turn wanted to see that the younger boys were all ok about their first day, what a nice boy!
Tom was with two of his friends too, and they saw a boy, 11-year-old, that was crying at the back of the bus, Tom went to ask what was wrong?
He said that he’d got on the wrong bus and that he was heading away from home without a clue how to possibly get hole now.
Tom together with his friends knew that they had to help the boy, they got off the bus at the next stop with him and called him a cab, they even offered to pay for his journey home!
The local newspaper said that the cab driver didn’t charge the boy, he dropped the cash back off at school for Tom, yet another great guy!
“Faith in humanity restored a little today”
Alex was so happy and enthused about his day, the older boy Tom really was his hero, he just met him but already the older boy left a great impression on him.
His mom was really so impressed with Tom and his friends that she went straight to Facebook to write about it!
Tom’s sister saw the post and knew it was her brother Tom, she said:“Ahhh everyone it was my little brother. I’ve just been tagged in this by a friend of mine who’s seen this status. We are so proud of Tom and it’s so lovely to know he’s a good lad in the outside world”Photo courtesy: Kenny O’Brien“What a wonderful young man Tom is and such a great example to these new students at his school.”Please do pass this on and share it with your friends and family too, what a wonderful example to show and inspire others with!
We all remember some part of our childhood, and most of us and our siblings were not so easy to keep an eye on for sure, we wanted to run and explore, all over the place….
The babysitter really struggled too, but this is a quite common occurrence for sure, but at the grocery store that is another thing again, running up and down the aisles…
There have been occasions children are lost while doing the grocery shopping, and children a little older that can’t be found, could well be assumed to have gone home, where else could you look for them?
Times like these strangers often feel our pain and offer to help us, the elderly and wise among us are very often to the most sympathetic and eager to help us.
It’s a hard situation to be in, but when we look at the situation for mom Amanda Cropsey Florcyzkowski, of Texas, USA it’s even harder and quite scary!
This mom Amanda, in February 2016, was in a supermarket doing her grocery shopping with her little two-year-old daughter, then quite suddenly, heard the words “Say bye to mommy”…
This chilling experience rocked her to the core, the fear ran through her bone like shooting pain, its tankful she heard and realized what those words meant!
She reckons that the man and the woman stood at the checkout the ones who looked quite normal, had sinister plans to kidnap her daughter, and take her away!
We feel so relieved that the mom was a super mom, to realize that her family was about to be victims in a sinister crime.
It was only September 24, of 2018 that Texas was hit by another similar incident, where a mother was out shopping with her four-year-old daughter too.
Mom tried like all parent do to keep her eye on her daughter all the time, but just two seconds is all it takes for her to be taken that fast…
The police reported that a man and a woman tried to take the girl out of her mom’s shopping cart, thankfully a store employee saw what was going on and stepped in!
The couple slunk away and were not to be seen again…
Thankfully the little one escaped with no injuries, but of course, the police are actively investigating the incident!
Sometimes it’s almost impossible not to take your eyes off the children for a second or two and really sadly there are some who watch us for these opportune moments to pounce and make their move.
The key here is to educate children as to the real dangers around them, and what to do in those cases, about strangers and how to react…
They really do have to fight for their lives because they well could actually be fighting for their lives if they were to be taken, who knows what awaits them?
It was truly fortunate that one mom was saved by a really observant shop assistant, thank god there are some good people in the world!
Please do share this story on Facebook with friends and family make them all aware of the risks that come with child abduction and trafficking. We really do need to teach our children and achieve a brighter future together!
The constant argument, even some would call debate about the controversy of teachers giving out homework has been ongoing for quite a long time now.
There are some that think it’s not fair at all, giving more work to children to complete at home when they should be relaxing.
Whilst some others think it’s completely essential to give this work to children, and that for the education of the child this extra work really solidifies their knowledge and it’s essential to have it!
This might well be an argument that is not really gaining traction in a big way, but it has for sure started to gain new heights.
Another teacher has been fired because they did not give credits to students that did not finish a homework assignment they had been given.
According to the news channels Diana Tirado was fired and her contract terminated for not giving the kids 50% when they didn’t finish a task she said they had to do.
Dianna said:
“Teaching is a calling for me.”
When she began her teaching career and started teaching at West Gate in Port Saint Lucie last month, that what she believed.
She set the kids that were in her class project with an explorer notebook, many of the students did not submit the work.
It was a really hard lesson to learn, she describes it as the school’s ‘no zero policy’ reflected in the student and parent handbook.
YouTube / WPTVDianna said:
“But what if they don’t turn it in, and they say we’ll give them a 50. Oh no we don’t”
She was fired for this on 14 September, but still, there is no clause in the letter to say why because she is still in her probationary period of employment.
The very last day of school for her she wrote a message to all the students on her class whiteboard, this is what it said:
“Mrs. Tirado loves you and wishes you the best in life! I have been fired for refusing to give you a 50% for not handing anything in.”
She also put the image on Facebook, where, unsurprisingly, it’s been getting more and more traction as people start to react and with how many people consider it unfair dismissal!
Dianna said:
“I’m so upset because we have a nation of kids that are expecting to get paid and live their life just for showing up and it’s not real”
It is definitely a case to be talked about and discussed, don’t you agree?Was the school right to fire her, was that the right message to send to students and the world?We would love to know your opinion about it in the comments below…
Andrea West is one very brave mother. She shares her life story of how she lost her baby and the grief and the pain that followed. Many parents who went through the same ordeal felt for her and her husband and were encouraged to speak out loud themselves.
The couple met during their college years and knew they would be spending their life together. They moved in at Andrea’s place in New Jersey, and by October 2006 they were married.
Their life resembled a fairy tale, and learning she was expecting a baby only added to their happiness.
Flickr/Andy Rogers
Sadly, just 11 weeks into pregnancy, Andrea suffered miscarriage and her world turned upside-down.
“I was an absolute wreck. I didn’t know what to do, who to talk to, what was appropriate to discuss, or who could help me. Little did I know that 1 in 4 women suffer the same and people just don’t talk about it. I didn’t know if I could ever deal with being pregnant again.”
Love What Matters
Andrea blamed herself for losing her baby for a long time, but her supportive husband was there by her side to assure her everything was going to be alright. Shortly after, Andrea was pregnant again and this time she made sure she did everything right, including controlling her weight by leading healthier life.
“I didn’t drink any diet soda (my life blood), didn’t eat lunch meat, soft cheese, sushi … nothing on the ‘naughty list.’ I followed the blogs and community pages. I read the books and set up my nursery the ‘right’ way. When I found out I was having a boy, my heart grew 3 sizes. I have always had many guy friends and I couldn’t wait to be a ‘boy mom!’”
The couple welcomed their rainbow baby into the world on 21st September. Andrea gave birth naturally, although she had hardly any amniotic fluid.
They named their bundle of joy Adam, after her husband’s friend who died at the age of 21 from a brain tumor.
These new parents were over the moon, but when the doctor didn’t call Andrea’s husband to cut the umbilical cord, but rushed to do it himself, they felt something was wrong. That’s when the doctor told them some devastating news.
“‘Honey, there is something wrong with Adam’s leg.’ I was exhausted, a bit delirious, and just wanted to hold my baby, but I will never forget my response. ‘I’m sure it’s just a bruise.’ I gave birth in a teaching hospital and before I knew it at least 20 different people were in the room. Doctors, nurses, and students got to see my newborn baby before I got to really see him. They brought him over to me for a few minutes before whisking him off to the NICU. Then… everyone left.”
Love What Matters
At first, no one knew why the baby’s abdomen and part of his leg were all covered in red markings and bruises, but he was eventually diagnosed with a rare vascular malformation known as Cutis Marmorata Telangiectatica Congenita (CMTC). At the time, only 500 cases of this condition have been reported.
In my mind, he was the most beautiful thing I had ever laid my eyes on. My rainbow baby. But, would he be OK? I was euphoric and crushed at the same time.”
Doctors ran all sorts of tests, as well as brain and heart ultrasounds, and Adam passed all of them and was discharged from the hospital.
During the first weeks of his life, Adam had seen many dermatologists, geneticists, and orthopedists. All of the tests these doctors did would come back normal.
Love What Matters
Ever since Adam was born, his parents are researching and learning of his condition. They have attended many conferences, including one at Washington D.C. where they met with other families whose children have this condition.
Most of the people and the doctors there have never heard of CMTC, and Andrea and her husband make sure as many people as possible learn of it.
The only thing these parents were worried about was whether Adam would fit in with the other kids. So far, he’s doing amazingly and does everything his peers do. He’s involved in sports and loves being around his friends.