A Girl Asked a Stranger to Switch Seats on a Plane and Accidentally Changed Her Destiny

It’s truly amazing how we sometimes determine destiny by the actions we take today, even if we are complete unaware of it most of the time. Rosey Blair shares with us one of the most amazing stories we’ve stumbled upon in a long time. This is actually how life works in order to make things fall into place. Rosey and her boyfriend were heading back to Dallas, but their seats were not next to each other. Since she really wanted to be sitting next to him during the long flight, she approached a young girl and asked her whether she would mind to change seats. The girl was fine with that, so Rosey thanked her and jokingly told her how she could end up sitting next to the love of her life. But little did she know, that it could really be the case. As the plane took off, Rosey saw a handsome young man sitting next to the girl she switched seats with. She though it was very sweet that the travel companions started chatting so Rosey decided to share on her Twitter account parts of the conversation she was overhearing. The whole story that was later shared on Bright Side, had more than 900,000 likes, 370,000 retweets, and 11,000 comments.
© Rosey Blair /Twitter
© Rosey Blair /Twitter
© Rosey Blair /Twitter
© Rosey Blair /Twitter
Rosey really thought the two could make a nice couple.
© Rosey Blair /Twitter
© Rosey Blair /Twitter
© Rosey Blair /Twitter
© Rosey Blair /Twitter
© Rosey Blair /Twitter
At one moment, they started showing each other family photos. Hmm, does it mean something more serious is on the way?
© Rosey Blair /Twitter
© Rosey Blair /Twitter
It seemed that many people were eager to see how everything will turn out at the end. Viewers were staring at their screens in anticipation for some pictures with info on how the “relationship” progressed. A girl even took her phone into the shower, not wanting to miss a thing. Rosey only had an hour of free Wi-Fi, but bought additional time because she didn’t want to keep the spectators waiting.
© Rosey Blair /Twitter
© Rosey Blair /Twitter
© Rosey Blair /Twitter
© Rosey Blair /Twitter
Once the plane landed, the newly made friends could be seen leaving the airport together.
© Rosey Blair /Twitter
Rosey managed to track them on Instagram, and she plans on following them, and see if the two will end up being together. If yes, it will all be because of her, and her plane seat.
Another Tweeter user shared his own similar story, on how he and his wife met during a plane flight and are still together and happy after ten years.
© Warwick Goodall/Twitter
Do you believe it was destiny that brought these two together? We would certainly want to hear more of the story. Preview photo credit Rosey Blair‏/Twitter

No Family Shows Up To Claim Veteran’s Body, So All of Nashville Attends Funeral

Whenever we hear of military men and veterans who served our country, we always feel deep respect and the need to bow in front of them, and make sure they understand how grateful we are for the sacrifice they make. What happened last Wednesday, on November 9, is a proof of the love all Americans have for these brave people. A war veteran, Marine Corps Sgt. Leo Stokley passed away at the age of 69, but he was living all by himself. He had no children or any other family members, so the funeral director didn’t expect a great number of people to attend it. But, just two days before the service, the funeral company’s phone didn’t stop ringing. Many people were interested to attend it in order to honor Stokley. It appeared that a Facebook group U.S. Army W.T.F! moments, posted a call for attendance, and wanted to make sure the hero was not alone, but surrounded with people who respect what he did for America.
“Yesterday morning, everything changed,” Funeral Director Alan Desmond told WKRN. “The phone hasn’t stopped ringing, the emails and the texts haven’t stopped since then.”
On the day of the funeral, Middle Tennessee Veterans Cemetery was crowded with people who came to say the final goodbye to the man who fought for our well-being, among which three women who had served as his caregivers during the last days of his life. Tea Gray, Cay Cross, and Samantha Anderson loved Leo as though they were family. They were happy so many people attended their friend’s funeral.
“He was one of our sweet eaters who always wanted chocolate chess pie,” Gray told WSMV.
Nashville resident Kay-Lynn Carew was one of the people who was present. He said he heard about it from his daughter and felt the need to attend and honor the veteran.
“She knows I live here, I work here,” said Carew. “She said can you show up, I said heck yeah I can show up.”
“When you hear about a veteran, and nobody’s gonna be there, somebody’s gotta be there,” Carew said.
“Lots of people forget, there’s a lot of veterans that don’t have any families left. We’re all the family, we’re Americans, we’re the family.”
The women knew that Leo would have loved it to see how many people respected what he did.
“I can say we were his family,” said Gray. “He became our family.”
Rest in Peace Marine Corps Sgt. Leo Stokley, and thank you for your service.

Flight Attendant Breastfeeds Stranger’s Baby in Flight When Mom Runs Out of Formula

Stories like this restore our faith in humanity and give us hope that there are still compassionate people out there who are ready to make a difference in the world. While on her job as a flight attendant on a Philippine Airlines flight, 24-year-old Patrishia Organo heard a familiar sound. She quickly got out of her cabin and wanted to make sure that everything was just fine, although she could easily assume what was hiding behind the cry.
“You know the difference between a cry of hunger, a cry of sleepiness, or a cry of something else,” Organo says, whose the mom to a one-year-old child herself, alluding to the fact that she could tell the baby was hungry.
She quickly rushed to the mother and could see her helplessly looking at her infant child with tears in the eyes. When Organo came closer, the mother told her how she ran out of formula milk, and had no idea what she could do in order to calm the baby.
“Passengers started looking and staring at the tiny, fragile crying infant,” Organo said. “There’s no formula milk onboard. I thought to myself, there’s only one thing I could offer and that’s my own milk.”
The mother embraced the unusual offer and was beyond grateful for what Organo did for her child.
“I saw the relief on her mother’s eyes. I continued to feed the baby until she fell asleep. I escorted her back to her seat and just before I left, the mother sincerely thanked me,” Organo said.
After this caring flying attendant shared the story on Facebook, more than 175,000 people reacted to it. Many praised this woman’s generosity. One comment says, “Thank you, from one mom to another!” and another person added, “What a wonderful woman and such a selfless gift she gave to the mother and tiny baby.” Well, we guess it’s true when people say that it takes a village to raise a child. Please share your thoughts about this story in the comments.

When Bride Sees Her Husband’s Ex At Her Wedding, She Stops Everything and Asks Her to Stand

The wedding day is definitely one of the most important and most memorable days in the life of a woman. That’s the day when everything has to be perfect, starting from the wedding gown, the make-up, the veil, the perfect venue, the exciting guests, and the vows that speak the promise “to love and to cherish till death do us part.” And while everyone expects for the big day to be all about those two people whose love we celebrate, that wasn’t the case with Katie Hild’s wedding ceremony. Her soon-to be-husband Jeremy is a father to a lovely boy named Landon. And although both the parents are very fond of their son, Jeremy and ex-wife Casey didn’t get along. And now, as both of them were involved with different people, the tension grew even bigger. Knowing all this, Katie felt the need to smooth things over if she was about to get married to Jeremy. She really didn’t want him and his ex to be constantly fighting, so she did her best to become Casey’s friend. Not only the two women became close, but they managed to get Jeremy and Casey’s eventual new husband, Tyler, on good terms which lead to establishing a loving co-parenting environment. As a way to acknowledge the bonds between this blended family, Katie wrote two other sets of vows. One was for Casey and Tyler, and the other for Landon. She asked Casey to stand up and said to her:
“First, I want to thank you for accepting me as your friend and allowing me to be a part of Landon’s life. I promise to be an amazing mother to your son. I will guide, teach and love him every single day. . .”
No one could hold their tears back, as Katie turned to four-year-old Landon and said:
“Landon, I will love you more than you will ever know. I’m so happy that I now officially get to be your bonus mommy. . .”
What Katie did was sort of amazing. No one was prepared for what was coming, and it was the ultimate surprise that touched the hearts of the guests. But Casey was the one who was surprised the most. She thought it was a selfless thing to do.
Katie H. Musser via Facebook
When Katie shared the photos and the video of her wedding day, she couldn’t assume it would be seen and shared by so many people who praised her for what she did. After all, Katie’s heart of gold knew that Landon’s happiness was the most important thing, and she showed everyone what a perfect co-parenting should look like. Landon is one happy boy with two sets of parents who love him to the moon and back. What do you think of Katie’s act? Please share you thoughts about co-parenting with us in the comment section below.

Morgan Miller Believes Late Daughters Angel Appeared In New Ultrasound

The devastating news of the tragic loss of the 19-month-old daughter of the Olympian Bode Miller and his wife Morgan, broke our hearts in thousands of pieces. Once a child is lost, the whole world turns upside-down and than collapses. Bereaved parents face the ultimate pain and have a hole in the hearts that can never be filled. The grief is something that never fades, they just learn how to live with it. Little Emmy said her final goodbye when she drowned after falling into the neighbor’s pool. But this loving child will always remain in the hearts and the memories of those who knew her and loved her. Recently, something extraordinary happened, and it reminded her parents, that even though Emmy is not physically present in their life, her angel made a sweet visit.
Bode and Morgan learned they were expecting a baby boy when Emmy was still alive. They were beyond happy with the news of welcoming another child into the family, but Emmy’s death changed that. They now couldn’t cope with the idea of having a baby, when their daughter was no longer there. When the time came for the first ultrasound following Emmy’s passing, the Millers realized their daughter was looking at them from above and cared for her little brother. The image that appeared on the screen left everyone in awe. Morgan took to Instagram to share a snapshot of the ultrasound, sharing her thoughts on the small face nudged up next to her unborn son’s. She said:
“When we walked out of the hospital without our Emmy, despair and uncertainty surrounded us. The parting words from the medical staff, in those early hours after we lost our baby Emmy, was to check on the baby in my tummy. So, 5 days after losing her, I reluctantly had the ultrasound tech come to check on the baby growing in my belly. To step into my future without my daughter felt like a dagger to my heart. How can life change so quickly? During the last ultrasound, my baby Emmy lay in my arms wondering what she was looking at on the screen. And, now, she was gone….”
“This time, I asked the tech to be quick. She asked if I wanted a 3D image to which I replied, ‘no.’ She swiftly maneuvered the wand around my stomach, checking on all parts. As she viewed the baby’s profile, she told me, ‘I know you don’t want a 3D image but this is a perfect angle and I feel like I need to do one. I will be quick.’ As the screen switched over to 3D imaging, I saw my sweet baby’s face. He looked so much like my other babies: just like Bode with that sweet nose and those full lips. But as quickly as I saw this new baby, my eyes moved to the angel lying to the right of his face, holding him, arms around his neck. Almost as if to say, ‘It’s okay. I’m here. It’s going to be okay. I love you.’ I hold onto this picture as a clear sign that my son knows his sister. That my baby girl Emmy is still with us. And now that our sweet baby boy is here Earth-side, he now holds her.”
Even though nothing can ever ease the pain of their daughter’s loss, these loving parents found a little comfort knowing Emmy is looking after them from Heaven.
Take a look at the amazing video. Do you believe little Emmy is her brother’s guardian angel?

Twin Brothers Comfort Each Other Just Moment After Birth

The arrival of a new baby in the family is the most precious thing in the life of two people who committed to love and cherish each other. Even though raising a child requires lots of patience and finance, it’s still something parents wouldn’t change for the world. Now, imagine welcoming two babies at the same time. Yes, it can be challenging, but twins are those special siblings whose bond is stronger than any other. At least you’ll know your kids will have a best friend for life. When this loving family learned they will be having twins, they needed some time to wrap their heads around. But when the boys were born, the family and the doctors witnessed one of the most emotional scenes they’ve ever encountered.
The beautiful babies announced their big arrival into the world crying and sobbing, pretty much like most other babies who lost the comfort and the warmth of the mommy’s tummy. They seemed to be inconsolable, but that’s when the magic happened. Baby brothers reached out for each other, and as soon as they felt each other’s presence and skin to skin touch, the noise stopped. Everyone watched in awe, while the cutie pies cuddled.
The parents didn’t want to separate the twins at night, so they placed them in the same bed. Although many people will judge this decision, believing it’s not safe for the kids, the National Health Service comes with the following explanation.
“You may put your twins to sleep in a single cot while they’re small enough, either because they slept together in [the] hospital or because space is limited. This is called co-bedding and is perfectly safe. In fact, putting twins in the same cot can help them regulate their body temperatures and sleep cycles, and can soothe them and their twin. If you put your twins in the same cot, follow the same safe sleeping advice as for a single baby. They should be placed on their backs with the tops of their heads facing one another and their feet at opposite ends of the cot, or side by side on their backs, with their feet at the foot of the cot.”
That means the babies will get to cuddle as much as they want, even while sleeping.
Take a look at the most adorable scene in the below video, and please share it with friends.

John Travolta Shows Off Grease Dance Moves 40 Years Later

When thinking of the 70s, it’s simply impossible not to recall those youthful days when dancing was all we needed, and all we did. It really was a thrilling time to be alive in America. Among the disco music, and the long hair trends, there was the leather jacket and the smoking hot Danny Zuko, who was every girl’s fantasy. The movie “Grease” remains one of the symbols of that time. It tells the love story of Danny and Sandy, who met during the summer of 1958, but Sandy had to return to Australia. They said goodbye with a promise to see each other again. One day, during a football game, the Pink Ladies surprised Danny with a new student, his girlfriend Sandy.
Wow, it was a scene many of us will never forget. Two lovebirds standing in front of each other. And just when we thought it was the most romantic thing ever, Danny’s friends, The T-Birds make fun of him for being in love, which turns him into ‘impossible to get’ with ‘too cool for you’ attitude. Believe it or not, that’s when we started hating all men, because what Danny and Sandy had, was something we all wished to experience. Their impact on the youth of that time was so huge that many of them copied the dancing moves from the movie. The singing and dancing featured in “Grease”, along with the mooning mishap, the car races, the prom, were part of the period that helped shape the American culture.
What added to the amazing dancing choreography of the movie was a move known as ‘the four corners’ which was originally introduced by John Travolta, who played the role of handsome Danny Zuko. The choreographer believed the scene of Sandy, played by Olivia Newton-John, hopping off the fun house at the school carnival to join Danny on the ground, should have been accompanied by unique motion, and that’s how it became the most famous dance move of the 70s. Now, 40 years after Grease first premiered, John appeared on The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon who told John how his nephew and niece enjoy the choreography even after so much time.
What happened next is sort of amazing. We got to see the famous move performed by Travolta himself. The host even joined John on the stage and it’s exciting to watch. The audience, especially the ladies, went crazy when the two started moving their hips on “You’re the One That I Want.”
Take a look at the interview and the dancing in the video. If you enjoy it, share it with friends.

Father And Son Go Cold Seeing Word ‘Help’ Scrawled In Dirt

The father-son hunting trip of the teenage boy named Ryle Gordon and his stepdad Chris Trumbich turned into a hunt of life and death the two will never forget. Both Ryle and Chris were looking forward to spending time together and hunting deer, but never could they imagine that it will turn into a different kind of pursuit. As they were walking through the forest they stumbled upon something chilling. The word HELP was written on the ground, in the mud. They were completely puzzled and had no idea who might have been in trouble. The problem was that they were already deep in the woods and whoever needed help was probably lost somewhere in the wide area. They couldn’t assume when have the person, or the people, left the message, and wondered whether it was too late to help the lost.
Determined to figure out what was going on, they started making guesses. Chris thought it might have been a means of communication between the hunters, but something was telling them that it was a serious matter. Ryle though the message was creepy and took a photo of it using his phone. But soon after, they recalled how they saw some members of a rescue crew who were looking for a 19-year-old girl who got lost two days prior. Katie Ogle was from Hayden, Idaho, and it was very probable that she was the one who left the message in the mud.
The stepdad and the son knew they had to act fast, because every minute counted, so they rushed down the mountain in order to alert the authorities of what they witnessed. The rescue crew was about to finis the search for the day, but Ryle and Chris got just on time to show them the picture they’ve taken. It was a crucial lead that could save the girl’s life. On the day she disappeared, Katie wasn’t wearing any shoes, and the prognosis weren’t bright because the weather during the time she was lost was pretty bad and the girl’s cognitive ability was that of an 11-year-old. Everyone was suspicious that the search would result with a happy ending, but still, everyone hoped for the best.
The team quickly went to the place where the word HELP was written in hopes of finding Katie alive. As soon as they arrived, one of the crew members yelled “hello” and a voice from behind the hill could be heard back. Everyone was relieved when they found Katie lying in a sleeping bag. Ryle told KFBB that the teenager seemed very frightened:
“She looked very scared when she came out, like she was scared she was going to get in trouble like we were going to yell at her for being in the cabin. Katie, if you’re watching this, we’re just happy you’re alive.”
The interesting thing was that Ryle and Chris helped save Katie’s life twice that day, because the bag she was sleeping in was actually theirs. They believe she took it from their family cabin which Chris keeps unlocked in case any lost hunters need shelter or food. They were beyond happy to take part in the rescue of the poor girl. Fortunately, they got a happy ending. Take a look at the video of the amazing rescue below.