12 Obvious Signs That Guardian Angels Are Really Protecting You

It sometimes happens that we avoid an accident without an explanation, and while we believe we were just lucky, it may be that our guardian angel was there to stop anything bad happening to us. There are many signs that speak angels are all around us, guide us through life, and enhance our spirituality. Guardian angels may protect us from harmful situations by providing a rescue, or they protect us by not letting us enter one. So whenever you believe an angel is near you, you may want to take a look at some of the signs that will tell you whether you are right. Some of those signs, according to ask-angels.com are the following.


Finding a feather is definitely a sign of an angel who is by your side offering support. If you find it in an unusual place, such us your home, that is even more powerful sign of an angel being around and protecting you and your home.


Wikimedia Commons
Angels are likely to reveal their presence by creating angel shaped clouds in the sky. It’s usually a way to tell you that they are there for anything you need. A heart-shaped cloud on the other hand, is a message your angel wants to send you about your closest relationships.


Lovely scents that come to us out of nowhere tell us an angel is making his presence known. It could be the smell of flowers, chocolate, or any other distinctive smell. We may sometimes even smell the perfume of someone we loved, but is no longer around us. Their signature scents is there to remind us that they love and guide us.

Babies and Animals

If you have ever noticed a baby staring at the ceiling and giggling, that’s usually because they see angels. It is believed that animals and young babies get to communicate with “the other side” easily. Guardian angels are always there, we just need to pay close attention and learn how to read the signs and the messages they try to convey with their presence.


Sometimes we think we’ve heard angelic voices singing in choir. It is a beautiful music that seems to come from outside the physical world. Others believe that angels communicate with us through recurring songs on the radio. Pay close attention for a common theme among the songs you’re drawn to – this could be a message from your angel!


If you find a coin on the street, or someone gives you a lucky penny, that might be a message from your guardian angel that there is a financial help coming to you.

Sparkles of Light

How many times have you been alone in a room and caught a glimmer of light out of the corner of your eye? Unexplained shimmers of light, flashes of color or floating orbs that appear without an actual light source are clear signs that your angel is in the room! Has it ever happened to you to see a sign just when you needed one? For example, thinking of your late father, and then suddenly you her his favorite song playing on the radio. That is a definite proof that the deceased one knows you are thinking of them. No matter what, these little signs are reassuring treasures that remind us all that we are not alone.


Rainbows are the classic symbol of Divine love. When you ask for assistance and see a rainbow soon after, you know that your prayer has been heard!

Temperature Change

If you are meditating and suddenly feel a warm glowing light around you, be certain that this is your angel giving you a big warm hug! No need to worry, you are protected!


Sometimes when we feel like someone has just passed near us, but actually there was no one there, it must be an angel letting you know of his presence. Your angel might be reaching out to you, pay attention to what comes next!

Signs or Advertisements

Sometimes the words you’re looking for are right in front of you. Angel lovers believe that we mostly given subtle direction, but when that doesn’t work, an angel will point you towards something more obvious. Stay open and alert for certain words or phrases that relate to the guidance you’ve asked for!


Photo by Libertarian Girl from Flickr
Do you see 11:11 multiple times throughout the day? Numerologists believe that Angels contact us through the divine order of numbers. Find out what these repeating numbers symbolize to get your special angel message! Please let us know if you believe in the presence of your guardian angel in your life. 

Against All Odds, Couple With Down Syndrome Celebrates Their 24-Years Wedding Anniversary

Tommy and Maryanne have been happily married for 24 years. As they celebrate their anniversary, they recall the day of their wedding. Back then, the beautiful bride Maryanne wore a Cinderella like gown and it was an amazing ceremony the loving couple shared with their families and friends. However, when they decided to tie the knot, many believed they won’t last long, and that’s because both Tommy and his wife have Down Syndrome. During the years, their relationship has been subject to many negative comments and judgement from members of their family, as well as from random strangers. But the two are very much in love and although they get stared at all the time, they know how to cope with everything that stands on their way to happiness. When talking about the time they first met, both agree it was love at first sight, and during these 24 years it only grew stronger. There is a 13 years of age gap between the two, but they never saw it as an obstacle. They get along very well knowing their personalities are quite different. While Tommy is shy, his wife knows how to draw him out of the shell. 18 months after they started dating, Tommy though it was just the time to propose. Maryanne was over the moon when she said yes, although the ring was the one Tommy got from a vending machine. Later, he bought a real one. Initially, many people were suspicious whether the two could go along with the marriage idea, but they soon realized the couple was ready to spend their lives together. As for Maryanne’s mother, she has always been supportive of her daughter’s relationship and was glad and happy she found true love. They have been very happy with each other, and they are probably the first couple with Down Syndrome to get married. They have recently been part of This Morning where they shared with the viewers what it was like to be married for so long. People believe they make an amazing couple, and many commented how they would like to find someone to share this kind of relationship with. They are still going strong as they are aware there will always be people out there who will not approve of their marriage, but they have their family who supports them, and most important of all, they have each other. As for those who labeled their relationship as “disgusting”, we hope this couple’s happiness will make those people open their hearts for those who are a bit different.

Young Farmer Has Priceless Comeback When His New Boss Yells at Him for Not Making More Sales

How many times you’ve gone shopping and ended up buying things you don’t even need, only because the sales person was really persuasive? I know that has happened to me many times. These salesmen are real professionals and pretty good at what they do. They know exactly what to say in order to fool you into buying bunch of unnecessary things. But we as buyers should know when to say no and simply leave the store before we spend all of our money. At the end of the day, it’s their job to make sure they sell as much as they can.

The below story is a great one. It’s about a salesman from North Dakota, who made the sale of the day, or maybe the month, or even the year. It’s so hilarious that it will make you burst out laughing, that’s for sure.

Although the story is fictional, it’s one of the best we’ve ever read. A young man from North Dakota decided to pursue a career in New York and started looking for a job at a big department store. The Manager says, “Do you have any sales experience?” The kid says “Yeah. I was a vacuum salesman back in North Dakota.” Well, the boss was unsure, but he liked the kid and figured he’d give him a shot, so he gave him the job. “You start tomorrow. I’ll come down after we close and see how you did.” His first day on the job was rough, but he got through it. After the store was locked up, the boss came down to the sales floor. “How many customers bought something from you today?” The kid frowns and looks at the floor and mutters, “One”. The boss says “Just one?!!? Our sales people average sales to 20 to 30 customers a day. That will have to change, and soon, if you’d like to continue your employment here. We have very strict standards for our sales force here in Florida. One sale a day might have been acceptable in North Dakota, but you’re not on the farm anymore, son.” The kid took his beating, but continued to look at his shoes, so the boss felt kinda bad for chewing him out on his first day. He asked (semi-sarcastically), “So, how much was your one sale for?”

The kid looks up at his boss and says “$101,237.65″.

The boss, astonished, says $101,237.65?!? What the heck did you sell?” The kid says, “Well, first, I sold him some new fish hooks. Then I sold him a new fishing rod to go with his new hooks. Then I asked him where he was going fishing and he said down the coast, so I told him he was going to need a boat, so we went down to the boat department and I sold him a twin engine Chris Craft. Then he said he didn’t think his Honda Civic would pull it, so I took him down to the automotive department and sold him that 4×4 Expedition.” The boss said, “A guy came in here to buy a fish hook and you sold him a boat and a TRUCK!?” The kid said “No, the guy came in here to buy tampons for his wife, and I said, ‘Dude, your weekend’s shot, you should go fishing.’”

Three Year Old With Flowing Mane Gets His Very First Haircut

Aiden is a lovely and a very sweet young boy who had the most amazing ponytail, and boy was it long, since he hasn’t had his hair cut for three years, which means this would be his first time ever to visit the barber. The boy was a bit nervous, because he had no idea whether it would hurt or what would really be going on once he visits the guy with big scissors in his hands. He was also worried whether his mane will grow again. It was a very nice experience he shared with his father, who was there all along, and filmed the whole thing.
Once the parents decided their son’s amazing locks should go, they certainly didn’t mean to throw them in the garbage, but instead decided to do something really amazing, donate the hair to those who really needed it. They tried to explain to little Aiden how it will be easy for his hair to grow back again, whereas there were people out there who will never have that in their life. But although he knew he does that for the less fortunate, he was still kind of scared and anxious about the first cut. Million thoughts ran through his mind, but his daddy was there by his side.
The barber though it would be nice if the father made the cut of the hair which was put in a ponytail, so he handed him the scissors. Dad knew Aiden was still a bit nervous so he said to him:
“Mira (Look). You’re a big boy, right?”
Aiden acted like a real little hero and tried to hold his tears, but once the hair was gone, he broke down in tears. He could feel his head was lighter, but he still couldn’t stop crying. Dad shed some tears of joy himself while he was hugging and kissing his brave son. This was a really touching moment shared between a father and a son both will remember for a long time. The hair which will bring joy in someone else’s life was described by dad as a haircut “three years in the making.”
It’s so promising to see parents teaching their children how to do good deeds from very young age. Take a look at Aiden’s first ever haircut.

After Plane’s Delayed, Woman Snaps Pic Of What Crew Was Up To

Being stuck at the airport because of a flight delay can be nerve-racking, and while the reason is usually a bad weather, or the recent increased number of flights but not enough runways, it’s not that unusual for it to be a single passenger. A woman named Kristen Wiley shares an interesting story about a delayed flight with us and we are so happy she did that. The plane she was in at the Seattle-Tacoma airport was about to take off, but there was something going on, so they were around 45 minutes late. The cabin crew and the flight attendants gathered around one of the passengers, and that’s When Kristen decided to take her phone out, take some pictures, and post them on Facebook along with a description of what was happening. There was an interesting reason why her Alaska Airlines Flight 748 hadn’t budged an inch. The post said:
“We are currently sitting on a plane, with a 45 minute delay. Why? Because there is an elderly woman suffering from dementia, who is very upset and confused.”
The poor woman was confused and had no idea where she was, or why she was on the plane. She was completely scared, and only a few passengers could witness the whole thing because the guard crouched down the aisle and did something amazing.
Facebook/Kristen Wiley
The woman found support in her dog who she started cuddling as she was trying to figure out the situation she found herself in. These people don’t have it easy because they never know when their condition will worsen, so they live their life from moment to moment.
“The incredible staff of #alaskaairlines is being extremely patient and compassionate, in what can only be a very scary situation for her. Explaining every step, cuddling her dog, working with her husband/caregiver to find the best solution.”
When Kristen saw how nicely the woman was treated by the airplane company’s employees not only she wasn’t mad for the flight delay, but she was happy there were still good and compassionate people out there. The crew members were patient and came up with a solution. In this cruel world, it’s not everyday that we witness emotional scenes like this unfold right in front of our eyes.
The woman, along with her dog and her husband were escorted off the plain by the crew who explained the passengers why they did what they did. The woman simply needed to take her time to come to terms with herself. She felt too stressed and pressured because of the trip, so the company made a generous offer.
“Alaska Airlines calmly assisted the woman, her husband/caregiver and sweet pup off the plane, providing hotel and transportation with plans to rest up and try again the following day. Again, incredible compassion given to the both of them while quietly explaining the situation to other passengers.”
Whereas it’s not unusual for some drama to be happening on board every once in a while, the way the company and its employees deal with it is what speaks of them as humans. We are happy Kristen shared this story with us, because it’s everything we need to hear in a world in which people are forgetting what it means to be empathetic.
“This is how I would want my mother, my sister, my aunt, my daughter, my niece, my friend cared for. “
This story is a nice reminder that we should always offer a helping hand to a person in need, because we never know who is witnessing our good deeds and who do we inspire to become a better person. Our kindness can go a long way and restore someone’s faith in humanity, and that’s how the World becomes a better place.

Girl Starts Dancing Randomly In Airport, Minutes Later There’s An Epic Flash Mob

Most people hate it when they get stuck at the airport, whether the reason is a delayed flight or the crowd in the queue for purchasing tickets. And as we usually get beyond bored while at the terminal or waiting, the passengers who found themselves at the London Southend had a totally different and unique experience.

That was indeed a day to remember, as to everyone’s surprise a young girl wearing a green jacket stood in the middle of the airport and started dancing. As soon as they noticed the lady, people started gathering around her.

But things got even better when a young man joined the lovely Irish dance that included lots of feet tapping, which is always amusing to watch. The commuters went wild when another man joined and they realized they will be enjoying a flash mob. Cheering and clapping could be heard, as more and more people took the airport’s “stage.”
It was an amazing sight. Everyone was simply wowed by the dancing skills of the young dancers, who were tirelessly tapping and dancing. Many people took their phones and started shooting the mesmerizing performance.

The floor was later filled with another group of young men and women. The dancers were incredibly talented and it was obvious they practiced the dancing moves, because they were all flawlessly moving around in perfect sync.

People were entertained and enjoyed every single move as well as the great choice of music. They were clapping to the rhythm and it was an unbelievable experience. At one moment, the dancers took their jackets off and their shirts revealed they were performing for the launch of Aer Lingus Regional Service.
Around 40 young people put in a memorable performance that day, and stunned the onlookers. Well, it’s not something we see every day. The young dancers from the McGahan Lees Dance Academy – an arts school located in Essex, England rocked at what they did. This Irish dancing performance is one of the most popular airport flash mobs to date seen by more than 9 million people since it was uploaded on YouTube.
Take a look at the outstanding performance yourself and tell us what you think.

‘Permission granted’: Officer’s tear-jerking first salute from grandpa

The grandparents are the ones who are the greatest support in the life of their grandchildren. They know how to spoil them rotten, be there for them whenever they need a helping hand, and are equally proud of their successes as the parents. The below video is a heart-melting moment shared between a grandpa and his loving granddaughter. It was posted on Reddit, and people are struggling to hold their tears back. In the emotional moment, the Marine officer is receiving her first salute, and it comes by the grandpa, who says,  “Staff Sgt. Williams, requests permission, ma’am, to hug his granddaughter, 2nd Lt. Charlotte Williams.”
“Permission granted,” the lieutenant says before hugging her grandfather, thus making us all cry tears of joy, including the guy in the back who tries to play it off like it’s no big deal.
Dave Williams/YouTube
The video was released on YouTube in 2013, but it is still one of the greatest we’ve ever seen. The grandpa, James Williams, is a retired Marine staff sergeant himself, and he is proud of his granddaughter’s accomplishment, and very happy because she chose to follow in his footsteps. The scene took place in front of the crowd at the National museum of the Marine Corps in Quantico, Virginia. Take a look at the video below, and share it with friends.

A Girl Asked a Stranger to Switch Seats on a Plane and Accidentally Changed Her Destiny

It’s truly amazing how we sometimes determine destiny by the actions we take today, even if we are complete unaware of it most of the time. Rosey Blair shares with us one of the most amazing stories we’ve stumbled upon in a long time. This is actually how life works in order to make things fall into place. Rosey and her boyfriend were heading back to Dallas, but their seats were not next to each other. Since she really wanted to be sitting next to him during the long flight, she approached a young girl and asked her whether she would mind to change seats. The girl was fine with that, so Rosey thanked her and jokingly told her how she could end up sitting next to the love of her life. But little did she know, that it could really be the case. As the plane took off, Rosey saw a handsome young man sitting next to the girl she switched seats with. She though it was very sweet that the travel companions started chatting so Rosey decided to share on her Twitter account parts of the conversation she was overhearing. The whole story that was later shared on Bright Side, had more than 900,000 likes, 370,000 retweets, and 11,000 comments.
© Rosey Blair /Twitter
© Rosey Blair /Twitter
© Rosey Blair /Twitter
© Rosey Blair /Twitter
Rosey really thought the two could make a nice couple.
© Rosey Blair /Twitter
© Rosey Blair /Twitter
© Rosey Blair /Twitter
© Rosey Blair /Twitter
© Rosey Blair /Twitter
At one moment, they started showing each other family photos. Hmm, does it mean something more serious is on the way?
© Rosey Blair /Twitter
© Rosey Blair /Twitter
It seemed that many people were eager to see how everything will turn out at the end. Viewers were staring at their screens in anticipation for some pictures with info on how the “relationship” progressed. A girl even took her phone into the shower, not wanting to miss a thing. Rosey only had an hour of free Wi-Fi, but bought additional time because she didn’t want to keep the spectators waiting.
© Rosey Blair /Twitter
© Rosey Blair /Twitter
© Rosey Blair /Twitter
© Rosey Blair /Twitter
Once the plane landed, the newly made friends could be seen leaving the airport together.
© Rosey Blair /Twitter
Rosey managed to track them on Instagram, and she plans on following them, and see if the two will end up being together. If yes, it will all be because of her, and her plane seat.
Another Tweeter user shared his own similar story, on how he and his wife met during a plane flight and are still together and happy after ten years.
© Warwick Goodall/Twitter
Do you believe it was destiny that brought these two together? We would certainly want to hear more of the story. Preview photo credit Rosey Blair‏/Twitter