Most people see a black crow in this picture – but can you find what’s really there?

Every once in a while we come across optical illusions that have the power to play tricks with our brain. We see things that are not there, and sometimes even miss the obvious. Illusions definitely confuse us and blow our mind, but are fascinating and interactive at the same time. Sometimes they go viral and spark debate among the Internet users. You may well remember the famous dress. What was its color? Was it white and gold,or black and blue? I guess we’ll never know the answer. The recent illusion that caught our attention was posted on Reddit, by the user Robert Maguire, and later started trending on Twitter. It’s a picture of a crow- or at least that’s what most users say. However, if you pay closer attention you may end up seeing a quite different animal. Robert Maguire writes: This picture of a crow is interesting because… — Robert Maguire (@RobertMaguire_) October 28, 2018 At first glance it looks like a black crow facing to the right but in reality, it is a black cat that is turning its back neck and looking into the camera. Did you see it? And yes, another fun thing about illusions is that once you figure them out, you can’t unsee it!   Here is another one? Can you count the elephant’s legs? You may hear answers such as 5 or 6, while others believe there are only four. So what do you think? Both these illusions fooled me! Now share them with your friends and pass on the challenge.

Confirmed by Scientists: Babysitting your grandchildren improves your life expectancy!

People tend to do things they believe will provide them with a happier and a healthier life, like having long walks, avoiding fast food and opting for healthier choices such as fruits and vegetables, quitting smoking, exercising, and a lot more. However, the secret behind extended life expectancy seems to be found in taking care and babysitting the grandchildren. Yes, you’ve heard that right. If you believed that young kids have the power to make you feel younger when you are around them, then you are not far from the truth. When they get to bond with the grandchildren, the elderly are calmer and less depressed. The sad reality is that over the years people lose their friends, and sometimes the only companion remaining is the TV, so getting the chance of spending time with their children’s offspring is really refreshing and rewarding, as well as life changing. This has been confirmed by the science as well. A group of researchers conducted a study involving 500 participants who were over 70 years old. The results imply that those who didn’t babysit their grandkids frequently were at greater risk of death than those who did. According to Dr Ronan Factora
“there is a link between taking care of someone and reducing our overall stress levels.”
Doctors advise older people to stay physically active as much as possible, and is there anything better than running around the young rascals? Physical and cognitive stimulation are critical in keeping the body healthy, and taking care of those you love the most is a perfect balance between exercising and having the time of your life, surrounded with smiles, hugs, and kisses. So, if you are a grandparent, don’t hesitate a bit, and offer to babysit right away. I know I can’t wait for my kids to have children. The relationship between grandparents and grandchildren is significant and pure, and it should be encouraged for the benefit of both.

Doctor Asks Terminally Ill Children What Truly Matters In Life. Their Answers Are Incredibly Wise.

We often take things life has to offer for granted. How is it that we are only grateful for what we have once we lose it? Many people don’t really understand how lucky they are for simply being healthy, having roof over their head and food on their table. Life is sometimes cruel and when we hear of stories of people who lost it all, we do realize how fortunate we are and what are the real treasures in life, and that’s the well-being of the people we love. Dr. Alastair McAlpine knows how to cherish the good things because he often witnesses devastating destinies and sees kids losing the battles with their illnesses. This man decided to share with the rest of the world the wisdom he learns from his terminally ill patients. These children are between four and nine years old and tell us what they believe makes life worth. You may get surprised how much shrewdness is hidden behind their words. Dr. McAlpine is a palliative care physician in Cape Town, S. Africa, who eases the pain of kids who are dying.
When he asked them what truly matters in life and what doesn’t, he hoped many people would hear what his patients had to say, but he didn’t think their words of wisdom would spread among people like a wildfire. 1. No one wishes they spend more time online. 2. Animals make human lives better. 3. They love their parents. 4. Ice cream, duh. 5. Reading makes a big difference. 6. Worrying is a waste of time. 7. Everybody loves the beach! 8. Kindness matters. 9. Laughter is the best medicine. 10. Children love their toys. 11. Family time is the best time. Dr. McAlpine wrapped up his thread with one last important recap: The way these children perceive life is what we all should live by. They remind us of the importance of the “little things” and how the essence of our existence is to love and be loved. Please share their wise words with those you love!

Mom who fought cancer while pregnant with twins receives life-saving transplant

It was a miracle.

Susie Rabaca from Southern California has quite a story to tell. This brave woman learned that she had cancer while she was carrying twins. In order for her life to be saved, as well as that of her unborn babies, she was forced to undergo a bone marrow transplant. Things didn’t seem easy because the first thing that was needed to be done was to find a perfect match donor. Luckily, some good news were on the way not long after the devastating diagnosis. The mom-to-be had issued a personal plea for people willing to register for a match – her own sister was deemed unsuitable with a 50% match. Susie, who was already a mom of three, was overwhelmed by the number of people who signed up to be potential donors. As she is both Latino and Caucasian, she wasn’t sure if she’d be able to find the perfect match as that proved to be difficult in the past for people of her heritage. Incredibly and to the surprise of many, just a couple of days after Susie’s plea went viral, at least 40,000 people had registered as potential donors on the ‘Be The Match’ registry. Julie Kornike, who was the founder of ‘Be The Match’, stated: “Only 3 percent of our registry is mixed ethnicity, and so it can really difficult to find a matching donor. The fact that we have identified a potential match for her is really exciting.” Susie will be undergoing a transplant before giving birth. “For me to find one and for it to be 10 out of 10 at that, is amazing. Nothing better in the world right now. Whoever you are out there – thank you so much. You’re saving my life. You’re an angel, and I hope one day to meet you.” Susie remarked with tears in her eyes. Watch the news report in the video below! Share this story!

This is one of those doctor’s visits one never forgets – Hilarious

Gynecologist appointments aren’t always that comfortable and it does take a little bit of extra effort in order to look more ‘presentable’. This woman, however, went a step further without even realizing it, so it turned into one of the weirdest doctor’s visits ever. We doubt she will ever visit him again. I was due for an appointment with the gynecologist later in the week. Early one morning, I received a call from the doctors office to tell me that I had been rescheduled for that morning at 9:30 am. I had only just packed everyone off to work and school, and it was already around 8:45am. The trip to his office took about 35 minutes, so I didn’t have any time to spare. As most women do, I like to take a little extra effort over hygiene when making such visits, but this time I wasnt going to be able to make the full effort. So, I rushed upstairs, threw off my pajamas, wet the washcloth that was sitting next to the sink, and gave myself a quick wash in that area to make sure I was at least presentable. I threw the washcloth in the clothes basket, donned some clothes, hopped in the car and raced to my appointment. I was in the waiting room for only a few minutes when I was called in. Knowing the procedure, as I’m sure you do, I hopped up on the table, looked over at the other side of the room and pretended that I was in Paris or some other place a million miles away. I was a little surprised when the doctor said, My, we have made an extra effort this morning, haven’t we? I didn’t respond. After the appointment, I heaved a sigh of relief and went home. The rest of the day was normal… Some shopping, cleaning, and cooking. After school when my 6 year old daughter was playing, she called out from the bathroom, Mommy, wheres my washcloth? I told her to get another one from the cupboard. She replied, No, I need the one that was here by the sink, it had all my glitter and sparkles saved inside it. Never going back to that doctor again…Never.

Boy’s Southern Shopping List Is Melting Hearts Across The Country

Young kids can be hilarious. They are quite honest and always speak their mind, and very often say words they are not really allowed to, which makes them even more interesting and lovable. One mother shared a video of her lovely son doing the grocery list and he somehow became one of the loveliest children we’ve ever seen on the Internet. His mother assigned him a very serious task and he simply makes sure he won’t miss any of the items they need to pick up from the store by carefully repeating them one by one.
Facebook/Chrystal Logsdon
It’s obvious he is pretty excited to be accompanying his mommy that he quickly grabs a pen and a pad of paper and starts listing the items. However, what makes Chrystal’s youngest son so unique is his sweet Southern accent. Each word is filled to the brim with a down-home country twang! The video mommy uploaded on her Facebook page vent viral and has been seen by more than eleven million people, all of which are stunned by the way he pronounces the words.
Facebook/Chrystal Logsdon
Although everyone agrees how he does it in the most adorable way possible, many wonder how can a boy that young have such a strong Southern accent. According to scientists, that’s not an unusual phenomenon because accent starts developing at kids as young as six months. The Smithsonian publication explains this, stating:
“As early as 6 months, [a baby] begins to differentiate one bit of verbal input from another, mentally reviewing and silently rehearsing for the moment when the vocal cords are ready to deliver. And when the words do tumble out, they will be reproduced with the distinctive, localized twang or lilt overheard in Mommy’s and Daddy’s (or Mama’s and Papa’s) own funny speech. Accents, in whatever language, stubbornly hang in there for years, decades, a lifetime, without being easily rubbed out.”
So whenever a baby hears a word, it is stored into their brain along with the sound or the way it is pronounced. Children can have a bit of accent even when they say their first ever words. This vocal imprinting is definitely what happened with Chrystal’s adorable little one. It looks as if he and his parents are pretty proud of the way he speaks.
Facebook/Chrystal Logsdon
Take a look at the little boy and make sure you share the video with your friends.

Millions Love Traffic Reporter’s Version Of Disney Song

Winter is our favorite season because of all the joy the snow brings. However, if you are driving around during heavy snowfall and harsh winter weather, you may unfortunately end up stuck on the road or even involved in an accident. That is why it would be for the best to avoid being on the road when the weather conditions are not favorable. One traffic reporter decided to warn his viewers of the possible consequences of driving in bad weather in the most unique way.
Bob Herzog is a reporter who wants to make sure his fellow Cincinnati residents stay safe and sound. He is well known among them for his great personality and unusual way of presenting the news. Everyone is so fond of him that people started calling him “The Traffic Man.” This time he chose to pass a warning by singing a parody of the Frozen’s song “Let it Go,” hilariously turning it into “Just Don’t go.” The end result is simply hysterical.
He starts by singing the following lyrics:
“The snow blows right on the roads over night, not a lane strike to be seen. A town with no transportation – and the info comes from me. Highways are crawling like some slow ants in a line. They won’t all stay in, heaven knows I try…. They can’t stay in, so they must see. Be the traffic man you have to be. The wheels they squeal, spinning the snow. And now they know… Just don’t go!”
Bob really knows how to entertain his viewers which makes him their favorite presenter. What do you think of this lovely idea? Did you like his singing? Share your thoughts with us.

Triplet Baby Boys Create A Game Mom Will Never Forget

Having more than one child to take care of might be challenging. Now imagine having three babies that are the same age under one roof. That is definitely a house filled with fun, laughter, and games. We are sure the parents of the most adorable and most competitive triplets from the video below are never bored around their lovely children. Not only they make mommy and daddy laugh, but the whole nation as well. The video of their epic race has been seen over 20 million times and people never get tired of watching it over and over again.
Mommy places their bottles of milk on the floor, and she is patiently waiting for them to start crawling towards their meal. Although they may not be that interested in having the milk, each of them is eager to make it to the finish line before their siblings. The adorable babies turned their feeding time into an epic game that took the hearts of everyone who witnessed their competition. They are way too young to set the rules of what is acceptable and what’s not, but they still understand what the game is all about and it’s beyond adorable.
Vanessa knows this will make her triplets more interested in their meal knowing they’ve “earned it” themselves. We are so happy she could put this unusual race on tape.
Brandon, Christian and Aiden are real athletes with vibrant personalities whose speed will leave you speechless.
Watch the ultimate game of “who gets to the bottle first” which will put a smile on your face. Pay attention to the music in the background as well. Vanessa really is one cool and creative mother.