Daughter makes miraculous recovery after parents kiss here

You never know when the tragedy will hits your family. One moment you enjoy the beauty of life, and the next you struggle with the a deadly threat. Those moments are difficult, and knowing that there is nothing you can do is even more painful.

This is what exactly happened to Moore-Williams family and that shook them like nothing else by then.

Lee and Francesa’s love resulted with giving birth to two beautiful kids, Bella and her brother Bobby. Until Bella turned 14 months, everything was perfect and lovely. But, then, something terrible happened. Bella was diagnosed with Mitochondrial disease.

The disease devastated the family and made the kid suffer a lot. She started losing hair, she got chest infection and Bella even started losing her abilities to move. All of these things added to the doctor’s announcement that they do not expect her to survive crushed the family. Francesa recalls:

“We were told three times that it’s not looking like she was going to survive, so every day we were sat at her bedside praying.”

After several unsuccessful attempts to take Bella off the ventilators, the doctors gave up. Francesa adds that those moments were “very traumatic and we had the whole family by our sides”.

As the end was approaching, their saying goodbye to the little angel was inevitable.

The family gathered around the young patient and took, what was supposed to be, their last photo with Bella. Soon afterwards the ventilator was switched off, they kissed the girl and were left in tears.

However, a miracle happened in the next 30 minutes. Bella started moving and crying.

Bella started showing signs of life and the hopes were back on. Doctors examined the girls once again, now without her being attached to the ventilator, and they stated that the girl will indeed survive.

That was the best piece of news they got in their lives.

Francea says:

’30 minutes later her oxygen levels were back up to 100 per cent and the traumatised parents were later told Bella would survive.’

Bella’s recovery is still ongoing. However, the life-threatening conditions are long gone. With the help of the pills, she may continue enjoying her life with her lovely family.

Bella is a fighter and she proved that love can do miracles. Her parents’ last kiss provoked some higher power that gave her life back. We hope for the best!

“She’s about eight months behind where she should be but doctors are confident she will pick up quite quickly. She’s at nursery and to look at her you wouldn’t think she’s been through what she has” – says Francesa.

Baby Annoys Passengers On Flight, But Mom Hands Them Something Out

Being a parent means undertaking responsibilities and putting actions into work, whenever there is need of them. You always have to be prepared to find your way out of an unpleasant situation that you kid, especially baby, might put you in.

When you are home you can easily solve the issues concerning your kids. However, when you travel and you have to move around the globe, even the minor problems can be embarrassing or even quite serious. All of these things were taken into consideration by a young mother that traveled from Korea to the United States.

This story would not have been known to us if Dave Corona did not share the story and the images on Facebook. The normal regular flight from Korea to the States turned out to be quite uncommon and very surprising. The flight from Korea to the USA lasts 10 hours, which is very long for a baby. Therefore, the mother came up with some unique ideas of settling her fears that the baby will disturb all the passengers in the plane. All passengers on the plane got, believe it or not, a bag full of candies and a very interesting note. The note says: This impressed and pleasantly surprised all the passengers. They marvelled at the mother’s attention to details and care for other people’s comfort. Buying all those candies, printing and cutting all those notes is a time-consuming task, but the mother endured all of that just for the baby and passengers’ well being. Incredible! Since Dave was a cameraman, he shot some photos and shared the story on-line. This story amazed thousands of people. Even though the baby was calm and did not cry during the flight, the gifts and the note were still recognized and appreciated by all passengers. Their surprise was obvious.

There are not many people like this mother in the world. She deserves all words of compliments and admiration. Well done!

Daughter of military dad gets huge surprise at school

Military career requires a lot of dedication and sacrifice. It is not unusual for the military personnel to spend substantial amount of time on military base or some other defence camp. This automatically means spending less and less time with the family and the dearest ones. This affects the personal lives, and families have been experiencing difficult times dealing with such a situation. Enduring those difficult moments is a crucial for keeping the family together.

Young Haley from Missouri is aware of all of these things. Her father, a soldier, has not been home for some time due to his professional engagements. However, when he comes back home, he does not show up in front of her daughter as well all do. He prepares a touching surprise.

While Haley is playing her instrument during the school’s Veteran Day’s show, she is asked to drop the instrument and step forward. Unaware of what is happening, she obeys the requests. She stands up and she starts reading the paper she got from the organizers. At the beginning she thinks it is just another paper prepared for the Veteran’s Day, but she soon finds out it’s her father she is reading about. That astonishes her. By the time she finishes the paper, she sees her father in front of her. Haley cannot believe what she sees.

The emotional meeting in these unusual circumstances is just adorable. The father-daughter hugging and overflow of emotions warmed millions of people’s hearts. Even though the surprise made her cry in front of the camera, she does not regret it, and she is more than happy to see her father in person. A moment to remember for the rest of her life!

See the surprise for yourself by clicking the ‘play’ button below.

Marine surprises little brother after spending a year apart

Living separated from your family and from your friends is undoubtedly very difficult. Not being able to hug or kiss your loved ones while being miles apart is very painful and often requires a lot of strength to overcome the emotions.

There are many people who live or work in areas far from the birthplace where their closest family members reside. Whether the reason for staying separated is a work or study, the consequences are the same – we all feel homesick. Quite usually, being in a such situation does not mean that we struggle more with the professional tasks, but with the emotions that overtake us. This is equally difficult for those that go and for those that stay at home.

This battle with the distances and emotions is perfectly caught on camera, as it can be seen on the video below. The reactions and emotions are amazing.

The video posted on the Internet shows how the youngest member of the family struggles with his brother’s absence and ultimately with the surprise they have prepared for him.

His older brother has not been home for some quite long period and decides to come back. However, he, with the help of his family, designs a plan how to show up in front of his younger brother. He came up with quite interesting thing. They blindfold the youngest member of the family, while the older brother stands just behind him. To add a bit more suspense to the moment, they give him his brother’s hat in his hand and they ask him to guess what the object is. Very soon the boy guesses, but he still has no clue why such an object is given to him. Not until he sees his brother next to him.

Seeing his brother results with overflow of emotions. The boys starts hugging his brother while tears run on his face. The moment is so emotional and touching that leaves no one indifferent. The ending of the video is priceless.

Take a look at this touching video and see if you can hold your tears!

Emerald Belles high kick routine astonishes crowd

Everyone who has seen a dance group performing an act is left thrilled. But, watching a dance group performing a dance that includes high kicks, then the thrill turns to amazement. Adding to this the Emerald Belles you have the perfect show for the dance lovers.

The Emerald Belles took part in the Showmakers of America Dance Competition, and they did a wonderful job. Learning from experience and past competitions, our expectations for the dance team is nothing less than high. Once again the team deserved every single cheer from the crowd.

Showing up in blue tights, the ladies immediately started forming the initial position. The triangular formation quickly transforms into their well-planned movements and postures. The extremely well planned movements and synchronisation with the music was just mesmerizing. Even the toughest haters could not find any mistake or missed beat. They were simply wonderful.

Dances that include high kicks are not an easy act to perform. These types of performances require speed, high level of concentration, extremely good team work and excellent synchronisation.

Skipping one move or just slight alteration of a well planned position can destroy the whole act. People usually enjoy watching these types of dances because of the energy the team spreads across the crowd. You can feel the energy wave just by watching the show.

High kick moves can be detected right away. The regular sharp lines of the formations, the energy, the fast movements and the incredible synchronisation with the music thrills millions of people. We have often seen such dances, not only during dancing competitions, but also during sports games. Famous dance groups, like Dallas Cowboy Cheerleaders, have been entertaining people for years.

The challenge of having a perfectly synchronized high kick dance is a difficult task. It requires a lot of practice, remembering the moves and following the instructions that are given. A minor ‘change’ of the plan can result in a disastrous chaotic performance.

The outfit of the dancers is adding an extra touch to the act. The universal outfit of the dancers usually tries to reflect the mood and the energy of the dance itself. The Emerald Belles again nailed it with the outfit and they prepared a wonderful show for the audience.

We recommend you to watch the video below and enjoy the great Emerald Belles’ performance.

Preemie baby of heroin addict given 30% chance survival, then ‘Angel’ takes him home

To do a bad thing, maliciously violent act, is a very easy task. All you have to do is harm someone you prefer. However, to do a good thing, a thing that will dramatically change other people’s lives takes a lot of courage and desire. You have to believe in it in order to succeed.

Kelly Lively is an excellent example of such good caring person. This well-mannered woman from Indiana did not hesitate doing a lot of sacrifices just to provide love and support to another human being.

Kelly’s devotion to good-doing has been seen through a concrete example. The heart-melting story of Kelly and Marcus puts everyone on the verge of tears. There are very good reasons for that.

Kelly is a nurse and she sees people’s suffering on a daily basis. However, one child just touched her so deeply that it changed the lives of both of them. While volunteering for different NGOs as a nurse, she was in a contact with a lot of patients and social workers. One day, while doing her job, she met a social worker talking about a boy, 13 months old baby, who was abandoned by his drug-addicted mother. Kelly also found out that the boy was not only exposed to dangerous drugs, but also he was born prematurely, which gave him some 30% chance of survival. That just broke Kelly’s heart.

In addition to the terrible circumstances he was born in, the boy was left to be institutionalized. In other words, no one liked to foster care him nor even formally adopt him. That was the turning point for Kelly – she decided to adopt Marcus.

In 2017, Kelly and her sister went to meet Marcus. Their photo posted on Facebook tells everything. Kelly was too glad to take Marcus home and Marcus’ smile, as told by Kelly, was the sign that her love and care were accepted. She also adds that she is thankful for God’s good will and making that happen. Kelly’s sister, Tammy, adds:

“He’s a little fighter…all he needed was a mommy to love him and a chance.”

Marcus’ road to recovery was long. He and his Mom Kelly spent a lot of sleepless nights, fought the problems he was facing with and gave everything just to normalize his health. Nowadays, the boy still has problems with his speech since he has got trach tube. However, all those problems are not obstacle to continue fighting and loving each other.

Kelly’s undertaking was even prised by the doctors themselves. They did not expect Marcus to survive, but they add that thanks to Kelly, ‘the Angel from Heaven’, Marcus lives a second life.

Kelly’s life wasn’t smooth as well. Besides the redheaded sweet boy, there are two more additional reasons for her decision of adopting the cutie. Her inability to carry a child made her life very difficult and hopeless. In addition to that, her loss of her both parents made her extremely lonely. All of these things made her think about the idea of fostering. Luckily, she met Marcus and the wish came true.

Regarding the difficult moments of her life, Kelly says:

“The same day that broke my heart when I lost my mom was the same day I met my joy. I know that God brought us together.”

Hopefully we will hear about other similar cases in the future. We believe there are a lot of people like Kelly. The world needs more caring and lovely people, people that are nor selfish and egoist.

Barbra Streisand sings “It Had To Be You” with Michael Buble

As we grow up, all of us find some kind of idol in the faces of famous people. Whether the idol is a famous music star or some prominent sportsman, the selection is great. This is so true even for already famous and well-established celebrities. Michael Buble proves just the same thing.

We all know Barbra Streisand, I mean, who hasn’t heard of this extremely talented and prominent artist. For millions of people she is one of the most talented film stars, and for additional millions of fans she the best singer ever. Barbra is the music idol for many generations and she still shines on the stage. Michael Buble is one of those loyal fans.

The Canadian famous singer enjoys his fame and success he has achieved. With all those albums and songs and his established position in the music industry, he still thinks that the image is not complete. His wish to sing with Streisand is the thing that will fix that problem. And fixed it is!

Michael got an offer by Barbra to do a duet of the song ‘It Had To Be You’. Her idea was that he should be the one that will stand next to him while this amazing song is performed. Michael does not wait for a second offer – he crabs the chance immediately.

However, as an idol, Barbra’s presence during the recording session made him quite nervous. Therefore, he decided to calm down his tension by opening the session with a joke! He said:

“This is the cheapest recording session I’ve ever had… because you’re paying for it!”

Barbra isn’t one of the world’s most famous artists for no reason. She sensed Michael’s tension in advance and she prepared a special recording session. Knowing that Michael is a fan of big band style of songs, she did just the same thing. The live orchestra behind them did the trick. Both of them did a marvellous job and the emotions they are sending are just wonderful.

Barbara is known for experimenting with the music. This experiment with the live band during recording session is just another exercise of her skills. Regarding it, she says:

“This is the way I’ve always recorded. Since my first album. I’ve recorded with an orchestra. It’s so much fun! I get inspired by what the orchestra’s playing and it makes me do other things that I haven’t thought of until that moment singing with them.” 

The outcome of Barbra and Michael’s collaboration is incredible. Enjoy the song!

Bride cancels wedding when friends don’t foot bill

Meet ‘Susan’ – one of the most hated and most egoistic materialist in the world. Her ridiculous story that appeared on Facebook disgusted millions of followers on this social network. The thing that she did during the day that supposed to be her best is not under the scope of any definition of normality. Follow the story below to see what kind of selfish and immoral people live among us.

Everything started with ‘an honest confession’ and Susan’s intention of convincing the people that her view of the event that follows is the right one. She achieved the opposite effect. She informed the on-line friends that her wedding with her college sweetheart had been cancelled and they separated. However, that was not the thing that shocked the community.

Unaware of the absurdity of the text she was going to post, Susan continues writing to her group. The woman explains that she and her ex-husband have been together since college studies and she even adds that they have a child together.

The couple’s romance was planned to last longer and they started imagining their wedding. Susan and her husband started dreaming of a high-class wedding. The whole time they were together they were saving money for the wedding. However, expensive weddings cost a lot and they needed additional 45,000 dollars in order to be able to pay for the event. So, Susan did what she was best at – ruining things.

She asked all the guest that planned to come to the wedding to give them $1000 or $1500 as a wedding gift. She tried to explain that the money will be used to pay for the party, or in other words, to pay their own bill. Susan’s selfish way of seeing things can be seen from this extract of her announcement:

“I SPECIFICALLY, I mean SPECIFICALLY asked for cash gifts. How could we have OUR wedding that WE dream of without proper funding? We’d sacrificed so much and only asked each guest for around $1,500. My maid of honor (who shall not be named) pledged $5,000 along with her planning services. . .

Like, we made it CLEAR. If you couldn’t contribute, you weren’t invited to our exclusive wedding. It’s a once and a lifetime party.”

Since the number of people that gave money was little, she wasn’t able to pay wedding bill. The long-expected happy day turned out to be a nightmare. She even opened a fund rising page, but that was a total failure as well.

Her reasonable husband told her to organize a smaller wedding in Las Vegas, and this is how she responded to that:

“He wanted those cheap, raggedy, filthy, whore like Vegas weddings. Am I some Hooch piece of f—ing trash, a hooker?”

“My ex left the room and didn’t apologize for his horrid suggestion.”

The end of Susan’s confession is just terrible. If you haven’t built enough hatred towards her, take your time reading the end:

Fortunately for her, we do not know her real identity. If it was the other way around, we doubt she could have a nice comfortable life after that outrageous episode of her past.