Nurse believed that the young girl’s family was not aware of what she did daily


One of the worse things is cancer, even more so when it’s concerning children.

Jonathan and Shelby thought that their daughter, Sophie, who is two years old, was suffering from allergies. She was finding it hard to breathe and her doctor thought it might be asthma. Unfortunately, it was soon going to be evident that it was much worse!

The little girl, Sophie was set to have an allergy test a few day later, but she didn’t get to take that test.

One night she stopped breathing…

For every parent it’s a worse case scenario, Her parents ran to call an ambulance and within minutes they were on their way to the hospital.

It was just at that moment that doctors finally confirmed that Sophie had a condition that was much worse than just asthma or allergies. She had developed cancer, a T-cell lymphoma.

Sophie has since then spent many months in hospital having chemotherapy, even though fighting it hard the cancer spread.

The treatment affected her ability to talk, walk, use her hands to eat, her tiny body is going through the preparations for a stem cell operation.

Shelby is keeping a constant watch over her daughter and is by her side constantly. So many times Shelby forgets to take care of herself, it’s just the only thought she has, to get Sophie better!

Jonathan and Shelby have created a Facebook page to record Sophie’s fight against the disease, they want friends and family alike to have an easy method to see updates on how Sophie is getting along. The page is called Sophie The Brave.

It’s not just family that follows the page, there are over 12,000 people following Sophie’s fight.

There is one post on the page that has especially been welcomed. Moms with sick children will also relate, very likely, to what Shelby’s said.

Shelby wrote:

“I see you. I sit on this couch all day long and, I see you. You try so hard to be unnoticed by me and my child. I see your face drop a little when she sees you and cries. You try so many ways to ease her fears and win her over. I see you hesitate to stick her or pull bandaids off. You say ‘No owies’ and ‘I’m sorry’ more times in one day than most people say ‘thank you’..”

“I see all of those rubber bracelets on your arms and wrapped around your stethoscope, each one for a child that you’ve cared for and loved. I see you stroke her little bald head and tuck her covers around her tightly. I see you holding the crying mom that got bad news.I see you trying to chart on the computer while holding the baby whose mom can’t-or won’t be at the hospital with her.”

“You put aside what’s happening in your life for 12 hours straight to care for very sick and something’s dying children. You go into each room with a smile no matter what’s happening in there. You see Sophie’s name on the schedule and come to check on us even when she isn’t your patient. You call the doctor, blood bank, and pharmacy as many times as necessary to get my child what she needs in a timely manner. You check on me as often as you check on her. You sit and listen to me ramble for 10 minutes even though your phone is buzzing and your to do list is a mile long.

“I see you. We all see you. No amount of snack baskets or cards can fully express how appreciated you are. You are Jesus to us every single day. Our children wouldn’t get what they need without you. Moms like me wouldn’t feel sane or heard without you. You save our babies and we couldn’t do this without you.”

Shelby got 26,000 likes on her post, its easy to see and understand why, all the amazing people at the hospital, the nurses, all deserve to be thanked and recognized for their great work.

Let’s all hope and pray that Sophie makes a fast recovery, and as it happens the family got some really great news, Sophie’s cancer is almost all gone!

Let’s also share Shelby’s words about the nursery and hospital staff so that more and more people can hear about the amazing work they do.

Bored Daddy

Love and Peace

Mom’s Clever Punishment Is Getting Love From All Over The World!

Sometimes children are children, but rules are also rules, so when this one mom found her son using his phone after bedtime, even though he knew it was again the rules. He then had to ‘earn points’ to end his punishment… 500 points! He was allowed to choose how to earn points, and his mom came up with an ingenious mix of household jobs for him to do it, each different job with a different amount of points.
This is what she wrote:

Congratulations! – You got grounded!!!

To get rid of your penalty, you must earn _500_ points.

Offense: _ Playing on the mobile phone after bedtime _

Write a nice letter to a family member = 10 points

Prepare and cook dinner = 50 points

1 load of laundry (get started, hang up, fold) = 100 points

Clean and organize a kitchen cupboard = 50 points per shelf

Empty the dishwasher = 25 points

Load the dishwasher = 25 points

Clean and wash off counters = 25 points

Clean out microwave = 40 points

Clean and vacuum the living room = 30 points

Sweep and mop kitchen = 30 points

Wash windows = 10 points per window

Water houseplants = 10 points

Dust living room = 25 points

Clean bathroom (sink, toilet and floor) = 50 points

Take out trash (and rebag) = 10 points per garbage bag

Clean the litter box = 10 points

Magic Mum
There is one absolute certainty here, the house is going to be very, very clean, by the time he earns enough points! What do think about this kind of punishment, I know I’ve done this before with my kids and it’s a great way to teach responsibility for actions! Share this if you agree that mom’s clever way to teach her son a lesson was great!

After Parents Jailed, Boy Is Alone At School, Cop Does The Only Thing He Can…

School for many children is a scary affair, there are tests in school, bullies at play time and simply fitting in is a challenge in itself. All in all it’s a lot of anxiety! A particular student, in Green Bay, Wisconsin, who is only 8 years old, had a recent fear come true. ON 23rd October he was left at school until the end of the day. That in in itself wasn’t to bad, but there was more, it was the boy’s birthday. He only had one patent recorded on his file, and that parent was in jail., the school didn’t even have someone listed as an emergency contact for him. The boys position was an awful and seemingly impossible combination of family circumstances. The Staff at the school did the only thing they could and called the police department.

Yesterday Officer Robinson responded to a local elementary school for a child that was not picked up at the end of the…

Gepostet von Green Bay Police Department am Dienstag, 24. Oktober 2017

Right at that moment the story could have ended in tears, but thankfully and thanks to the officer who arrived, it didn’t. Darryl Robinson the officer there knew just what to do, and soon the situation turned around. He realized that the young man had no-one to celebrate his birthday with, so having put the boy into his cruiser, he headed for the nearest Golden Arches. Robinson explained:

“We did have a phone number for his grandfather”

“I asked his grandfather if it was okay to take him to McDonald’s before bringing him home. He said, ‘Yes.’”

The Police department said on it’s Facebook page;

“Thanks to the owners of our local McDonald’s, we were given free cheeseburger coupons to hand out in certain situations. Officer Robinson took the child for a meal at McDonald’s and a ride around in the police car for his birthday. Family was eventually located and the child was dropped off.”

The actions of the officer, Robinson, had greatly impressed the boy and the community! One citizen commented on Facebook, he said: “Thank you Officer Robinson for treating that young boy like a human being even though his parents are having a hard time right now.”

What this Woman Sees The Plumber Doing Goes Viral!

Most of us, in general, have our office jobs, even some of us work from home, but some of us have to deal with dirtier harder jobs! One person who has one of these challenging and dirty elements in their work is Jimmie Cox. Just outside of Fort Worth, Texas, Jimmy is a utilities employee who regularly has to overcome problems most of us wouldn’t even think of. Recently when he went to service a broken water pipe in someones home, he encountered one of these problems.   The water just kept going, he couldn’t work out where the leak was. He decided then, to do the only thing that was left to do… He dove deep into the hole! He did it just to look after his customer, like he does for all his customers, this guy is not only dedicated to his job but he really goes above and beyond for all his customers. The owner of the house, a woman, came outside to see Jimmie’s torso, deep in the mucky water! After she checked to see that he was really ok, and he wasn’t in trouble, she took a picture of him (with his permission of course).   Jimmie wasn’t paying any attention to the woman taking the photo, he was busy on the job. Gladly Jimmie was able to repair the broken pipe, he really didn’t realize how the picture would go viral! Jimmie’s picture was even noticed by “Dirty Jobs” master, Mike Rowe. Mike saw the picture of Jimmie’s body totally submerged in the murky water and contacted him directly.   There was just one question he wanted answering; ‘was it a water main or a sewage main?’ Laughing Jimmi confirmed it was just a water pipe!’ Not only that, but Jimmy got a surprise from Wrangler (the jeans brand he was wearing) who sent him a year’s supply of jeans!   It just goes to show that it really does pay to go above and beyond!

Boyfriend Gets Makeover, It’s What Happens Next That Nobody Expects!

Claribel really has the look of being the absolute height of fashion, like she is from Hollywood, however, her boyfriend Brandon look about as casual you can get. The couple were really soul-mates, destined to be with each other, but at the same time, seemingly opposites. The couple grew up together so know each other really well, their fashion, well, they accept each other the way they are. As their relationship matures a little, it’s time for a change-up! Brandon wanted a look that was a little more professional and trendy, a really laid back kind of style; He would like to get his hair fashionably short and ultra professional. Brandon is about to get a new look and Claribel really is looking forward to finding out what her ‘new guy’ is going to look like, she is excited about a drastic change! Gretta Monahan, a makeup artist, share the secret plans for them with the audience:

“I just want to warn you all that your jaws are gonna drop”

“I have something in store for him that you’re not going to believe!”

Brandon goes backstage for his transformation, Claribel’s anticipates impatiently the result of his big makeover. When Brandon come back out the audience erupts with his amazing look! The smart gent comes onto the stage, with his fashionably short hair and professional looking suit and shirt with a tie he looks like a start from Hollywood. But no one knew that he had a secret of his own too! He is going to reveal it after his beautiful girlfriend sees his new look. When Claribel walks on stage, he can’t wait any longer! He gets down on one knee, in front of shocked Claribel, who is now overwhelmed by her amazing boyfriend, it’s the surprise of her life! Nobody could hardly believe Brandon’s new look, and the icing on the cake was what he did after that, what an awesome way to remember not only his makeover but the start of forever together! Have a look at the video, his unveiling plus his special request of Claribel has gone viral with in excess of three million views:

Rory Takes His Daughter Out Of Mainstream School For One Incredible Reason!

Rory Feek’s wife sadly passed away when she lost her struggle with cancer, at that time her fans were completely dismayed and saddened, everyone wondered what would happen about their favorite duo, the next couple superstars. A full year and a half after this, Rory didn’t feel the same without his one and only and had found it so difficult to perform again. ‘This Life I Live’, his website, has kept his fans busy though! Rory blogs as if he is writing an open diary, recounting his life after the terrible loss after Joey’s death. There are good reasons why the fans keep coming back, one is Rory’s daughter Indiana.
Facebook/Joey + Rory
Three years old and with special needs she is full of energy and smiles and keeps Rory grounded and happy when he needs it most. Just to show how much show is his latest blog post, he surprises his fans by telling us how deeply his love is for his daughter and her mom. At school, there is an awesome team of people, teachers and therapists right by Indiana’s since the first day she started to help her learn everything that other children the same age do. However, Rory thinks this isn’t what Joey would have desired… Rory said:

“If Joey were here … she would be homeschooling Indy … she would be way more interested in Indiana learning to be a good person than being a good reader. To love God and the life that He’s given her, more than what a lot of the world is telling us to love. And in her mind, home is the best place to learn those things.”

Rory really wanted to fulfil Joey’s dream, so much so that he deiced he was going to build a school on his farm, and give Indiana the best of both! He used an old schoolhouse built around 1892 in Kentucky as his inspiration, Rory has started constructing his one-room schoolhouse, right there on his land! Rory said:

“Fifty or more people… descended on our parking lot at 7 am this past Saturday morning with hammers and saws, hamburgers and hotdogs and hearts full of love. They were here to help build something big for someone little.”

The school when finished will have the room for about twelve children and as well as teaching the kids to read, write and mathematics, rural skills will be a big part of the curriculum. Rory said:

“… the kids will have a playground and their own garden … a hen-house/barn with chickens and other animals to raise and woods to build a birdwatching hut and make trails that the teachers can take them for walks in. And across the pasture, we have horses that they can care for and learn to ride and a concert hall where they can learn about music and put productions on the stage.”

This will definitely be great for three year old Indiana, just look how the community comes together to realize Joey’s dream and see it materialize!

Dad Loses Wallet, But Gets An Even Bigger Surprise With A Note From A Stranger…


It doesn’t take much in todays world to discourage some people, just a good look at the news of the day is usually enough to make most people feel down.

Somebody was held at gunpoint, an elderly person was conned out of money, thugs broke into the family home…

Most news sources use shocking events that occur in everyday life to catch the attention of their readers and to keep them interested, but more rarely are their reports of nice things that less people want to ready about.

Though, with all these negative vibes we are surrounded with, there are many acts of kindness that we do not hear about. Whether the media decides not to report them or not, we must think to ourselves that there are more good people than bad.

Beau Collins, an Australian resident, had not long ago had his faith in humanity restored, it was a complete surprise to him.

Just think about how it feels in the grocery store, the cashier totals up your full shopping cart and you see the amount in the display as you reach for you wallet.

Now picture that feeling of all the blood suddenly draining from your face, we all know that feeling!

Your wallet that you thought was safely in your pocket, or purse in your handbag is nowhere to be found. Standing there you can feel yourself turning white, then red, no way to pay your bill and frozen in a stupor how to deal with this situation.

Collins had assumed that his daughter had played a joke on him and hidden his wallet, but actually he had misplaced it. In the US over 1000 purses or wallets are stolen every two minutes, but Collins didn’t want to think about it.

He now accepted that he would have to get a replacement drivers license and credit cards, any cash he would just consider lost!

Collins had not been expecting a package, but one arrived at his house…

He opened the package, but was shocked by the contents, his wallet!

Everything that was in his wallet was still in there, safe and sound, nothing missing at all.There was only a note in the package, unsigned…

He didn’t know who to thank for the safe return of his wallet, and their honesty, so he went to Facebook to find the person that had so thoughtfully returned his wallet to him, but so far he has had no luck finding them.

It looks like the anonymous person that returned his wallet was going to stay anonymous!

Its a great thought to know that despite everything we hear in the news, that this story of kindness, although little hear, is here to inspires us all! Let’s share this amazing story and hope it inspires us all a little more!

Boy, 11, Reads Essay To Class About Hero Brother, He Turns Around To Get A Huge Surprise!

All children have heroes they look up to and admire, fictional or depicted by an actor, in sports, possibly a prominent political figure, film actors and many others, in essence, somebody to look up to, even perhaps a cool relative of a friend of the family. Role models like these are so essential for reinforcing good values in the young minds of children and young people, who of course copy their every move. Children want to be just like their heroes as they grow up and copy what their heroes do, of course, they can do no wrong! One of the greatest of these role models, at least in boys is his older brother, who holds, in most cases admiration and a sense they the younger of the two want to do as they do, especially when the older brother in a little more advanced in years. An 11 year old from Carnegie Elementary School, in Tulsa, called Damon Chiodo had not seen his bigger brother Devin Tomei, 25 years old, for more than a few days since March 2015. His brother was an Army Specialist in Basic Training and Damon holds his brother in such high regard.

Gepostet von Damon Chiodo am Montag, 9. Oktober 2017

Devin completed his basic training then after this was deployed in Germany, he worked on the CH-47 Chinook helicopters there. The brothers kept in touch with Skype and of course Xbox! They really didn’t get to see each other though… At school, Damon was asked to write an essay about his hero, so of course, he decided to write, without a second thought, about his brother! Damon didn’t have a clue that the assignment was not a real one… It was planned by his teacher and the school principal very cunningly…

Gepostet von Devin Tomei am Samstag, 27. August 2016

Devin realized that he was coming home, the Army was sending him stateside to Fort Campbell, Kentucky, his mom set a plan in place and Devin was in on it! Daemon stood on stage, he began reading his essay, if only he knew what was coming, his older brother was hiding just the other side of the curtain… Devin stood there listening to his little brother read his essay for at least 15 minutes, who read: “Hundreds of Army missions depend on these helicopters, and my brother must make sure that all of them are safe and ready to fly.” Then when he finished his speech Daemon turned round to find his brother there, in the flesh, the hero he had just told his class about. He was completely stunned at first for a second, but then leapt into Devin’s arms. Devin was trying his best not to cry in from of the room full of sixth graders, he said: “He was begging me to come home most of the time, telling me about all the stuff he’s doing” When Daemon finished reading the essay he was allowed to leave school for the day so he could spend time with his brother. Devin will be stationed over in Kentucky, which is still a fair distance away, however, he can now get home more often. Daemon sent a recent post to a television show, Ellen, DeGeneres, he said: “Hey, Ellen I was wondering if you knew me. I’m Damon Chiodo from the national news and I was wondering if I could show them what happened and have a conversation.” “I have always wanted to meet you and I think I can show you some things me and my brother like to do and show everyone the resemblance cause everyone always said that if I was born with Devin we would be twins but I think it would be a surprise for Devin to be able to see you because of him surprising me I want to surprise him.” What an awesome display of brotherly love, I think they will have definitely made their parents proud!