Mother, 23, killed by stray bullet while reading the Bible to her 7-month-old daughter


Two young children lost their loving mother after a stray bullet hit her in the head.

The terribly tragic incident took place on Sunday night. At the time of the shooting, 23-year-old Melanie Yates from Zion, Illinois, was reading the bible to her seven-month-old daughter as she was putting her to sleep.

The police arrived at the scene at 2800 block of Enoch Avenue in Zion to see young Melanie bleeding from the head. She was rushed to the hospital but succumbed to her injuries on Monday.

According to Lake County Major Crime Task Force spokesman Christopher Covelli, Melanie was not the intended target.

Neighbors reported to have heard seven or eight gunshots at the time of the shooting.

Melanie’s brother, Stephan Calderon, wrote on social media, “Everybody who knew Lanie knows she loved Jesus Christ with every fiber of her being. There is no doubt whatsoever that she is in heaven at this very moment. But we on earth miss her very dearly.”

Source: GoFundMe/The Yates Family Fund

The entire family is devastated and heartbroken. They have a hard time accepting this beautiful young mother and wife is no longer by their side.

“You totally transformed the lives of my son-in-law and my granddaughters. They will never know their mother again. It’s heartbreaking because she wasn’t out and about, she was in her own home,” her mother Lam Calderon shared with Fox13 News.

The investigation is ongoing. So far, there is no information about the shooter, and there are no suspects. The police is asking anyone who has any information about the case to come forward.

A GoFundMe page has been set up to help the family during times of grief. So far, $134,600 have been raised.

“We miss her passionate, powerful prayers. We miss her infectious laugh. We miss her beautiful singing voice lifting songs of worship. We miss her feisty, witty humor. We miss her dedication to being an amazing, godly mom and wife. We miss her. And we wish with every fiber of our being she was here, but we know she’s in a better place,” her brother wrote online.

Rest in peace, Melanie. Our hearts go out to her family.

Former kindergarten teacher shares a blunt post about why she quit


Teachers have one of the most demanding jobs. Working with children and making sure they not only master different subjects, but also learn things about life and helping them become good and respected people deserves all the praise. And although their salaries are among the lowest in many countries, these incredible individuals do all that for the sake of their students because it really takes a heart of gold to be one. 

However, many times, teachers feel like they have a lot on their plate and can’t put up with the pressure imposed on them by the parents and the society, so they quit.

Jessica Gentry, an ex-kindergarten teacher, spoke openly of the everyday struggles teachers face and explained her reasons for leaving the job. 

Her Facebook post that was reacted upon more than 300,000 times is basically what every teacher out there feels and can relate to. 

Firstly, she speaks of the role of parents in their children’s lives and how many moms and dads refuse to take responsibility for their kids’ actions and always blame it on the teacher instead. She feels that the classroom is the only place where some of her students actually get disciplined and that’s a really sad fact. 

“Parents are working crazy hours, consumed by their devices, leaving kids in unstable parenting/coparenting situations, terrible media influences… and we are going to give the excuse that the KIDS have changed? What did we expect them to do?” she writes.

Then she goes on and speaks how technology is getting all over the learning processes.

“Kids already can’t read social cues and conduct themselves appropriately in social settings,” she said. “Let’s toss more devices at them because it looks good on our website.”

Source: Facebook/ Jessica Gentry

Jessica says how she had to take two planning periods a week to be trained on new technology approaches and states: “Render that time utterly worthless when it comes to ADDING to the quality of the instruction.” 

She quit her job both because of the educational system and the parents who refuse to ever be hold accountable for their actions. “I was cussed out by parents who wanted to attend field trips but missed the THREE notes that went home—and when they did attend a trip, sat on their phone the entire time,” she explained. 

Trapped inside the confusion her job brought inside her life, Jessica felt powerless when it came to helping children who were in a state of chaos themselves. “Watching them come in…dirty clothes…chaos at home…and knowing they need more than you can give them in a classroom…it breaks you,” she writes.

Her words make other teachers share how they feel about their job and many can relate to everything Jessica said. 

“It’s the same over here, and it’s why I’m on a break from teaching,” one teacher commented. “It’s so, so sad how it’s changed, and assessment had become more important than the kids.”

“Society has changed but we need parents involved!! God bless the teachers! It does start at home,” another wrote.

Many of us have no idea what teachers really go through every single day and what challenges they face. After all, they shape little minds and prepare them for the real life and that’s something we should all appreciate more than we actually do.

Three abandoned children and the deteriorating dead body of their sibling found inside Texas apartment


Devastating case of abandoned children and skeletal remains of another child believed to be their sibling shook the country. Harris County deputies say they have never seen anything like this before and are trying to solve the mystery behind the dead body.

As reported, the police department received a call from a 15-year-old boy who claimed that he and his two other brothers were left alone at City Parc II at West Oaks Apartments in Houston. What was even more shocking were the boy’s claims that the dead body of another boy was inside the apartment for almost a year.

When police officers and investigators arrived at the spot, they came across one of the most shocking scenes they’ve ever witnessed.

Three boys, who they believe are all siblings, aged 15, 10 and 7, were inside the place, with a deteriorating body of what looked like a young boy.

Source: YouTube/ ABC13 Houston

“It appears that the remains had been there for an extended period of time. And I emphasize extended,” Harris County Sheriff Ed Gonzalez told CBS. “[We’re] Connecting all the dots at this point, it appears [the kids] were in there while the body was deteriorating,” he added.

It was unclear whether any of the children attended school or how they found food. All three of them were undernourished and confused.

At the moment, they have been placed in country’s custody.

As the investigation is still ongoing, the officers managed to track the boys’ mother and her boyfriend down. They have been since interviewed but no further information has been released until now.

One of the neighbors complained about the smell for months, but nothing was done. On the other hand, it was reported that the apartment complex was conducting inspections over the past month.

We hope these children will be able to recover from the trauma they were forced to suffer.

Flight attendant saves girl from human trafficking after finding note in the lavatory

If you were see something bad about to happen or happening, would you have the strength to stop it? Even if you had some doubts about what was going on, but you had that funny feeling in the pit of your stomach, would you act on your gut feeling? This one amazing person, a flight attendant exactly did that! The person she saved, was a teenage girl, who was being sex trafficked! A well dressed older guy and a young girl were together, the girl looked like she had not been well cared for, they were on the plane together.
Source: YouTube/ Good Morning Britain
The flight attendant, Shelia Fredrick had a feeling that something was not right about them, they seemed like a really odd pair… They were definitely traveling together but apart from that they didn’t belong together at all, not at all natural, the way they interacted was all wrong! Frederick said:

“He was well dressed, that’s what kind of got me because why is he well dressed, and she is looking disheveled and out of sorts.”

She tried to talk to them both, kind of like scratching an itch, you feel a compulsion to explore your instinct, but even more oddly the guy closed down the conversation as quickly as possible.
Source: Alaska’s World
The girl gave off a vibe that she was scared of the well-dressed man, she felt she had to be really careful how she handled the situation, without any doubts there! She wrote a note in the bathroom then secretly signaled for the girl to use the bathroom, what good thinking on her part! Frederick said:

“She wrote on the note she needed help.”

The amazing attendant then quickly alerted the piolet who then contacted the authorities at the airport and by the time the flight had touched down the police were there waiting for them. The well-dressed guy was taken into custody and the girl was returned with her family, she was relieved and thankful, had that flight attendant not intervened she would have been gone, another sex trade worker or even worse on the streets as a prostitute forced to sell herself. Right now flight attendants are being trained to look for things that are out of place like this flight attendant did, if more staff recognized children in trouble then more could be saved! Frederick really has a genuine belief that it is training like this that will really make a huge difference to children’s lives for the better and be another thorn in the side for child sex traffickers! She said: “I’ve been a flight attendant for 10 years and it’s like I am going all the way back to when I was in training and I was like I could have seen these young girls and young boys and didn’t even know.” Frederick has stayed in contact with the girl, she put her phone number on the original note too, the girl memorized it! They quite often talk and Frederick also found out that the girl was doing really well at college! Please SHARE this amazing and shocking story with your friends and family.

Amateur ham radio operator saves the life of a fellow friend from 500 miles away


Different people have different hobbies. Some are very common, such as fishing, gardening, or walking. Others are more unusual, and that includes doing magic tricks, knife throwing, collecting strange items and more.

Bill Scott of San Joaquin County has a fun hobby too. Well, some people don’t even know that’s a thing, but Bill has been communicating with people from all over the world using a small black ham radio which he carries with him everywhere he goes, including family and social gatherings.

Source: YouTube/ SBC Sacramento

Over the years, Bill made friends with other people whose hobby is communicating using these small radios.

In case you wonder when this “trend” or hobby started, the answer is it did with the first transatlantic broadcast made in 1901.

As frequencies started interfering with official radio business such as military, weather, and commercial telecommunications, the radio ham lovers were given their personal regulated space.

Source: Flickr/ Jeff Keyzer

One day, Bill received a radio call from a man named Skip Kritcher who lives in Myrtle Point, Oregon, some 500 miles away. At first, Bill couldn’t understand what his radio friend was trying to say as his speaking was a bit strange.

“It was all kind of skewed and everything. I thought it was a prank call at first and so then after we finally established, he said ‘You are an amateur radio operator,’ and I said ‘Yeah’, then it all started coming together,” Bill explained.

As it turned out, Skip was in trouble. He was on the floor, unable to stand up, and dialed Bill’s number by mistake. However, based on the way he spoke, Bill’s wife, who worked as a nurse her whole life, could say he was having a stroke.

Source: YouTube/ SBC Sacramento

The quick-thinking couple called 911 and alerted them of Skip. They were able to give the officers exact directions to Skip’s place because they have visited him once in the past.

Luckily, ambulance was on its way and arrived just in time to save Skip’s life.

If it wasn’t for Bill and his wife, Skip could die.

“It’s pretty awesome, they are great people you know. I’m just glad I called them,” Skip said of the incredible experience.

Source: YouTube/ SBC Sacramento

If these two friends loved their ham radio hobby in the past, this incident will definitely make them love it even more.

For more on this wonderful story go to the video below.

Teenager’s speech during adoption proceeding melts over 13 million hearts


There is nothing better in this world than a foster child feeling loved and welcomed by the family they end up with. The sense of belonging with someone is priceless. What is even better is when the foster parents decide to adopt these children and prevent them from being moved form one place to another. At the end of the day, every kid out there deserves to be part of a loving family and experience a carefree childhood.

Source: Instagram/ Cozyd

Sara Cozad and Stuart Shank fostered two brothers named Dayshawn and Michael. The truth is that this couple never felt about these boys as their foster children, they loved them as though they were their own, so the logical thing was for them to adopt them.

At the time the boys were about to become official part of the family, Dayshawn was 13 and his little brother was 6.

The adoption process was pretty emotional, but no one really believed that it would reach to so many people.

Source: Instagram/ Cozyd

Namely, sweet Dayshawn’s speech was so moving that CBS News featured a short clip of the adoption. When the judge asked if the adoption should proceed, Dayshawn answered yes with a huge smile on the face. He then couldn’t help but tell everyone there how loved he and his brother were by their foster parents who were about to become their real parents.

Source: Instagram/ Cozyd

The judge then asked the boys if they were ready to commit to the adoption process to what Dayshawn said, “Yeah, I’m glad to be their son. They’re just really the best thing I’ve ever had. If I can wish anything in the world, I’d wish that I could just love these people for the rest of my life.”

Sara couldn’t contain her tears of joy as she was listening to her son explaining how happy he was with her and her husband.

Dayshawn’s speech went viral for all the right reasons.

We wish every foster child to find happiness just like Dayshawn and Michael.

For more on the story go to the video below.

Depressed lost dog is alone at shelter for 2 years, then recognizes familiar scent


Pakita is a dog from Argentina whose life story goes from heartbreaking to heartwarming.

She was spotted wandering the streets and taken to Arca Animal center where the staff welcomed her with open arms.

However, gaining Pakita’s trust and love wasn’t an easy thing to do not because she was a bad dog, but because she was too afraid and too shy to let anyone hear her.

One of the volunteers, Silvia Ferreyra, said that Pakita became even sadder when she saw people getting in and out of the place, adopting younger dogs, and she was still there. Not many visitors were interested in getting an older dog so Pakita spent two years in the shelter before a familiar scent changed it all for her.

Source: Ariel Naveira and Arca Animal del Ptdo. de Mar Chiquita

Most of the photos that the volunteers took of Pakita showed her looking aside or covering her head, and it wasn’t util they posted a nicer photo that someone recognized her.

Ariel Naveira lost his dog and now his mom showed him the photo of Pakita. She resembled his pet whom he hadn’t seen in two years and he couldn’t stop wondering whether it was possible for this dog to be his.

Source: Ariel Naveira and Arca Animal del Ptdo. de Mar Chiquita

Ariel visited the shelter the following day. Pakita was brought out, still feeling pretty doubtful and withdrawn. But then, all of a sudden, she caught a familiar scent.

Yes, Pakita was Ariel’s dog. He already lost hope of ever finding her, but his beloved dog was again by his side. The reunion was one of the most heartwarming we’ve ever seen.

Source: Ariel Naveira and Arca Animal del Ptdo. de Mar Chiquita

Now that she is home again, Pakita is her old self; vibrant, confident, and happy.

Source: Ariel Naveira and Arca Animal del Ptdo. de Mar Chiquita

We honestly hope these two will never have to spend a day in their life separated again.

Elderly man in a wheelchair gets outside to watch cranes every day so worker makes him a deal


Some people can’t wait to retire and spend the rest of their lives enjoying the beautiful things that surround them instead of being stuck at the office or other places of work long hours. There are also those, however, who are so passionate about their job that they simply can’t imagine walking away of it. One such person is Mr. Harold from this story.

Namely, Harold used to work as a crane operator and he loved his job very much. Unfortunately, due to health reasons, he ended up in a wheelchair and was forced to quit.

Now, Harold lives in a nursing home.

Source: Facebook/ Shawn Beveridge

Another crane operator, a young man by the name Shawn Beveridge of Ohio, loves what he does as well. While on the job, Shawn noticed this elderly gentleman in a wheelchair getting outside the nursing home and watching how the cranes operate for hours. At first, Shawn was confused. He wondered why someone would look at those cranes all day and couldn’t come up with a logical reason. What was very interesting was that the elderly man would take lunch brakes at the same time the workers would, and it made things even more confusing for Shawn.

“Since day one when I arrived on this job site I’ve noticed him sitting there every morning from 7 a.m., he takes lunch when we do and doesn’t leave until I shut the crane down and head out,” Shawn wrote in a Facebook post. “I originally had thought to myself, ‘He’s just a curious old man and wanting to enjoy his days outside vs being cooped up in his room.’ Well after a couple days, I myself got curious, so I walked over and introduced myself to him.”

Eventually, Shawn decided to approach the man one day and try to find answers to his questions. The man said his name was Harold and explained how he was a crane operator himself in the past.

It turned out that Harold suffered from clogged heart valves among the rest.

“He said he enjoys seeing what he use to love to do for a living and never thought he’d ever be able to see or be around a crane again. Let alone be so close to see one in action,” Shawn added.

Harold also told Shawn that his children, two daughters and a son, haven’t visited him in the last seven years, not once.

That broke Shawn’s heart so he decided to make a deal with Harold. He told the elderly man that he would come to him every day after his shift is over and he would bring him lunch of his choice twice a week. In exchange, Harold would teach him more about the job.

“He didn’t skip a beat before ABSOLUTELY! came out of his mouth. I guess I’m writing this post because if I would have never walked over to him Iwould have never gotten to know him. I’m thankful to have the opportunity to make this man’s last days enjoyable. Filled with purpose and to be able to help him smile again,” Shawn wrote.

Shawn’s post of the encounter with Harold touched many hearts. It vent viral in a very short time and people praised him for his kindness towards Harold.

The young man used that as a chance to encourage others to help people in need whenever they can.

“I challenge any of you on here to not be like I was in the beginning and don’t be afraid to make someone else’s day better. Always try to enlighten someone’s spirits. When God chooses to take this man home I’m happy knowing that I’ve been placed here at this location to make his days better. I’m happy with that.”

Thank you, Shawn. We should all learn from you. You are an awesome young man.