Strangers step in for retired teacher whose card is declined


In my humble opinion, those people who work with children and help shape them into independent and respected individuals should get all the praise for their work, yet, teachers are underpaid and most of them are forced to work two jobs in order to be able to provide for their families. This speaks a lot of the flaws of our society.

For most teachers, seeing their students succeed is enough reason to continue do their hard work because no money can ever buy that satisfaction.

One retired teacher from Pearland, Texas, named Barbara Barbin has recently found herself in an unenviable position after her credit card was declined at Walmart. She was together with her 13-year-old grandson who is legally blind. After they took everything they needed, they headed to the register, but she was unable to pay for the groceries.

Source: KAMR Local 4 News

She started feeling anxious and embarrassed and told the cashier to give her her card back so that she could try and withdraw some money from it through the ATM.

“(I told the cashier) let me go to the teller machine to try to see if I can get it to work,” Barbin told ABC13.

However, at that moment, four men who were standing behind her decided to step up. One of them approached closer and put $140 in Barbin’s hand. She couldn’t believe that perfect strangers could do something so generous for her.

Source: KAMR Local 4 News

These man saved the day and spared her and her grandson from feeling embarrassed and wondering what the rest of the customers thought of them.

Barbin didn’t have to leave the store empty handed all thanks to the kindness those men offered.

“In times like this, me being a black woman, they were four white men,” she said. “They just came up because they felt the need.”

Once home, she decided to share her story and track down the people who helped her. Although she didn’t succeed in learning who her angels were, she still wanted to thank them for their unselfish deed.

One thing that this story teaches us is that no matter how big or small, every act of kindness goes a long way.

Source: KAMR Local 4 News

If you want to learn more of this inspiring story please go to the video below.

Photographer gives birth to different-color twin babies – teaches them to love their differences


Every child is special in their own way. But some are a bit more exceptional, just like this pair of twins named Kamis and Kachi. If you wonder what is unique about them, it’s their skin color. While Kamis is dark-skinned, his sister Kachi is totally white.

Their mother, Nigerian-Canadian photographer Judith Nwokocha, shared the brother and sister’s story along with some cool photos of them and they became sort of celebrities.

Speaking to The Epoch Time, Judith recalled how she knew she was carrying twins, even when the doctors told her she was having only one baby. Later, when it was determined she was having two babies, doctors assumed the siblings would be born with Down Syndrome.

The twins, however, were welcomed into the world perfectly healthy, with baby Kachi having white skin. “I was shocked- I thought they had handed me somebody else’s baby, I didn’t believe she was mine,” the mother said.

At the beginning, she had a hard time accepting that her children were different.

“Gradually, worry turned to sadness and I started questioning God, wondering why he would put me in such a situation. I worried about her future, how society would treat her, how she’ll be accepted… 

“I envied other black babies and thought, ‘Why me? Why was I the one to have an albino baby? How did I get black and white twins?”‘


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Over time, she learned how to focus on the positive side and that was that her baby was happy and healthy, and that was all that mattered.

“I began to see the beauty in her condition. I began to admire her gold hair, her brown eyes, her pink lips and everything about her,” the mom wrote for Love What Matters.

“I noticed how attractive she was to people whenever I took them out. People admired her a lot and she is usually the one who gets all the attention.”

And yes, she says that her girl looks exactly like her.


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This loving mother teaches her daughter that being different is a good thing and tells her not to be affected by the stares from random strangers she meets on the steet.

“It took me a while to realize I’m going to be raising an albino- I was really concerned about what people were going to say, it’s not a very usual thing to have an albino and a black baby,” Judith said.

“I was also sad, I was worried about how she is going to go through society, how people are going to treat her.

“I’m not sure she’s aware of her uniqueness at the moment, but eventually she’ll know, and it’s my responsibility to educate her and teach her to love herself no matter what.”

Kamis and Kachi are not only a brother and a sister, but also best friends who love spending time together. They don’t feel like they are different from one another, because they may not share the same skin color, but they definitely share many traits and love the same things.

We say they are very beautiful the way they are, each on their own way.

For more on the story check out the video below.

Elton John focused on his health and has gotten fit during lockdown after walking off stage


With a huge number of iconic hits and as many awards under his belt, Sir Elton John is one of the most influential musicians in the music industry. Throughout his long and successful career, he treated the world with music pieces which seem to become more and more popular as time passes by.

He is one of those superstars who took the world by storm and has remained on the pedestal for a very long time.

Elton’s love for music started when he was very young. At the age of just 4, he learned how to play the piano and knew that music was his calling.

“As a child, I got approval and love when I sang at family gatherings or weddings, and I felt safe and happy. Then I came off stage and, again, I had to deal with what was going on in my life,” the singer told CBC.


Speaking of his childhood and his relationship with his mother and father, Elton revealed in an article he wrote for the Guardian: “My dad was in the RAF so he was away from home a lot, and when he got back, he tried to impose new rules about everything: how I ate, how I dressed. That would set Mum off. I got the feeling they were staying together because of me, which just made things more miserable.

“The best way to escape it was to shut myself in my bedroom with my record collection and my comics, and drift off into an imaginary world, fantasizing that I was Little Richard or Ray Charles or Jerry Lee Lewis. I made my peace with it all years ago.

“They divorced when I was 13, both remarried, which I was happy about, although my relationship with both of them was always tricky. I was closer to Mum than Dad, but there were long periods when we didn’t speak. And my childhood is one thing I’m still sensitive about.”


At the age of 17, Elton started performing with a group named Bluesology, and in 1967, he met the man who became his best friend for life and with whom he achieved great things and reached for the stars. The first ever encounter between Elton and the person behind almost all of his songs, Bernie Taupin, happened when they both saw an ad in a local newspaper for Liberty Records.

Bernie was the perfect lyrics writer, and Elton was the best at making music, so they made the perfect match.

Iconic Crocodile RockIsland GirlBennie and the Jets, Goodbye Yellow Brick Road, Don’t Let The Sun Go Down On MeNikitaI Guess That’s Why They Call It The Blues and Candle In The Wind, among the rest, are just some of the songs the two worked on together. Pure magic, one would say!

Speaking of his eccentric performances, his huge glasses, and the costumes he wore on stage, Elton said it was that what gave him a sense of freedom. “Suddenly, I could dress how I wanted,” he said. “I could do what I wanted for the first time in my life.”

During a performance in Auckland, New Zealand, in 2020, as part of his final three-year tour Farewell Yellow Brick Road which he announced in 2018, Elton lost his voice. He was visibly distressed and told the audience: “I’ve just completely lost my voice. I can’t sing. I’ve got to go. I’m sorry,” and left the stage.

Elton revealed that he suffers from walking pneumonia, a type of lung infection, often caused by bacteria or viruses.


As he put his tour on hold because of the pandemic, Elton could focus on his health while at home.

“During lockdown I’ve really gotten fit. I’ve walked in the pool, I’ve played tennis,” he told People. “I just wanted to come out the other side not overweight and feeling that when I go back on tour I’m going to be the fittest I’ve ever been.” The singer is working out and feels great.


He is set to continue his tour in 2022.

Rude customer bullies a bag boy with Down Syndrome – an elderly woman steps up


How would you react if bullying takes place right in front of you? Would you step up for the victim and confront the bullies, or would you not interfere at all?

The truth is that different people react in a different manner when they find themselves in such situations. John Quiñones, the host of the TV show What Would You Do? observes how orinary people react when they face situations which impose the dilemma that requires from them to either take action or simply walk by. Everything is filmed using hidden cameras so each of the reactions is genuine.

In one of the episodes, a bagging clerk with Down Syndrome, played by an actor, is getting offended by rude customers, who are also actors. The filming of this particular episode took place at Kilroy’s Wonder Market within New Jersey. As customers were waiting for their turn at the register, they commented how slow the clerk was, with one even wondering why would anyone hire him in the first place.

Some of the customers are taken aback by the behavior of those who offend the clerk and decide to intervene, while others opt to ignore the entire situation and mind their own business.

The reaction of one particular customer, however, is what caught our attention.

An elderly woman, the one in the red shirt, sympathizes with the clerk and helps him with the packing, not wanting others to accuse him of being slow. She even gives him a hug before leaving the store.

These series, and videos like the one below, in which we see strangers stepping up for one another teach us that humanity is still pretty much alive, and we are so touched by that fact.

It doesn’t come as a surprise this emotional video has been seen by over 11 million people.

Regular customer at Dunkin Donuts learns cashier and her kids get evicted – pulls strings to save them


It’s so heartbreaking to know that it takes a little for many to be forced into homelessness. With the economies going down because of the ongoing pandemic, a huge number of people who have lost their jobs fail at making ends meet. When one is a single parent, it is even harder.

Suzanne Burke is a regular at the Dunkin Donuts drive-through in Mount Healthy. Over the years, she has always been greeted and served by 33-year-old employee and a mother of three, Ebony Johnson.

Source: YouTube/ WCPO 9

During the last couple of weeks, Burke noticed that Johnson wasn’t working. She got concerned and could feel something was wrong. Then, one day, Johnson was at her job again and Burke couldn’t help but ask if everything was fine.

Unfortunately, it wasn’t. As it turned out, Johnson and her kids got evicted and were now homeless. Despite her personal struggles, Johnson has always greeted her customers with a smile on her face, so not many people were aware of her condition. But since Bruke felt like the two became sort of friends over the years, she was aware of how devastated Johnson was.

“I wanted to give up,” Johnson told TODAY “I cried. I come to work every day and nobody knows what I’m going through because I always try to have a smile for our customers.”

Source: YouTube/ WCPO 9

Having working with social services her entire life, Bruke offered to use some of her connections in order to help Johnson get new lease of life.

Around nine months later, just before Christmas, Bruke managed to provide a new home for Johnson and her kids, all thanks to different organizations. She also received help from a number of local businesses that were more than happy to furnish the apartment.

Source: YouTube/ WCPO 9

“Oh my God, it was so amazing, I just busted out crying,” Johnson said of her family’s new place. “I never had a full furnished house. I never had help like this. I had been asking God to put us in a home before Christmas, and He really did. I’m just so thankful,” she told TODAY.

We are so glad this lovely family would get to celebrate Christmas in the warmth of their beautiful home.

Source: YouTube/ WCPO 9

For more on the story go to the video below.

Four brave skateboarding teens save drunk 15-year-old girl from sexual assault

Sometimes, being in the right place at the right time isn’t enough to make things right. Often, it also takes courage to show you are ready to stand for those in need and for the vulnerable. What seemed to be a night out like any other turned into an experience these four young boys will never forget. Arnaud Nimenya, Carsyn Wright, James Hielema and Starlyn Rives-Perez were skateboarding in an underground parking lot when they saw a quite unusual sight. A young girl, around 15 years old and intoxicated, had been forcefully dragged through the place by a well-dressed older man. This alarmed the boys who could feel something wasn’t right. The girl’s condition was pretty bad. She was so drunk that one of the boys recalls how “she was screaming and yelling. She just wanted to be out of there. She was all scuffed up and dirty.” But, after the boys approached closer in hopes of helping the girl get rid of that man, he claimed he was her father. She didn’t really say anything regarding that so they decided to step back. “You don’t want to really think of the worst in somebody like that. You don’t want that situation to be real, so you just brush it off and hope for the best,” Wright said. However, the boys’ somehow knew he wasn’t telling the truth so they decided to turn around and check on the girl once again.
CBC News
It turned out it was a decision that would help save this lady’s life. Having returned back, they were completely shocked by the gruesome sight. The man was sexually assaulting the young woman who was helpless and couldn’t defend herself. “You walk in, and you see something like that, and you freeze. You don’t know what to do,” Nimenya, one of the young men, said. They knew they had to act as quickly as they could so they ran towards the attacker. He started running and attempted to escape the parking lot. “He was trying to walk out and walk away from us,” said Nimenya. “He pushed me aggressively out of the way, kinda like just gives me the smile, like, ‘I can do this. You can’t do anything about it.’ These young heroes wouldn’t just let the attacker off the hook so they were determined to catch him. This ended with a physical confrontation after the man started hitting the boys with one of their skateboards. Luckily, the police arrived just in time. The boys were glad the woman was now safe and sound. The police officers, however, wouldn’t allow the boys’ heroic deed go unnoticed so they decided to thank them for their bravery and courage by inviting them to the Chief’s Awards Gala where they would be presented with awards and the public recognition they deserved. We are so proud of the way these young men handled the situation. They even risked their life for the well-being of a vulnerable and defenseless lady. You guys are our real life heroes and a true inspiration.

Mom takes a picture of son on military respite, the woman behind him in the picture has a surprise

The Armed Forces are, sure enough, a challenge, and having a son or daughter who are in the Armed Forces is both amazing and equally if not more so challenging in every way, especially about their safety and longevity. Which is why you take every chance to see your child as much as you can at every opportunity! Heather Almond has this realization every single day because her son Gavin recently enlisted in the US Army and is currently going through the basic training there! Heather jumped at the chance to spend a weekend with her son, of course, and quickly made her way to Fort Benning in Georgia to see him.
Facebook/Gavin Plowman
Just like any proud mother, she took her son out to lunch closeby at a sushi restaurant, but when she asked for the cheque something completely unexpected happened! What happened next she just had to share on Facebook:

“This weekend I went to visit my son at Fort Benning with my daughter and mother. He is at basic training and it was a family weekend.

He loves sushi, so we found a Japanese restaurant.


We probably ordered $100 worth of food and when we went to pay, the waitress said that the people at the other table had picked up or bill and they said to thank your son for his service.

They were gone before I found this out, but I happened to snap a picture of my son that had one of the people in the background.

I don’t know who she is, but I can tell you that it meant the world to us. We will find a way to pay it forward.”

These kind people have seen that Gavin was spending time with his family, in between basic training, and without even going over to them, wanted to help out.

Gavin’s family really will remember this moment for all time!

Facebook/Delta Company 1-168 Infantry

Have you been on the receiving end of a selfless act, or are you a soldier? Have you paid forward a selfless act to someone else, like a man or woman in uniform? Let us know in the comments what you do to contribute!

Grieving Golden Retriever receives Christmas gift to fill the void recently left in his life


Every dog needs a friend with whom they can have fun and goofy around. Unfortunately for Cash, a 12-year-old Golden Retriever, his best furry friend passed away. 

The two were inseparable and would spend their days running around together, but now, Cash was all by himself. Although his human parents love him to the moon and back, it was obvious he missed Rosie very much.

Marie Ahonen, Cash’s mom, decided it was just about time to bring another dog in the house. With Cash always being the good boy he is, that would be his ultimate Christmas present. Plus, they will provide a puppy with a forever home, which means they’ll grant the wishes of two dogs this year.

Source: YouTube/ Caters Clips

The family made sure to capture Cash’s reaction on tape. As they brought the box with the puppy in the room, the big brother could feel something was going on and felt curious to check it out. Just as he approached to sniff it, the lid opened and a tiny head popped up. 

Needless to say, the bond was instant. These two are bound to become best friends. 

Check Cash’s reaction in the video below and make sure you share it with a dog lover.