Donny Osmond breaks stigma on mental health struggles and speaks out about his own problems


We tend to perceive celebrities as people who have it easy in life. They are surrounded with glamour, luxury, and money, but as they say, sometimes there is more than meets they eye. The truth is that most of these individuals worked really hard to get to where they are today, and as everyone else, they experience struggles.

When they speak openly, however, of their problems and the issues they face, they help raise awareness of the problem in question.

Donny Osmond, 64, a famous household name we all love not only because of music, but also because of his personality, started his career as a very young child. He reached fame early in life and performed all over the country, which made him miss on his childhood. He would feel homesick and tired, but he never blamed his parents for that.

“It’s easy to blame the parent,” Donny Osmond told The Guardian. “I got over that quickly and realized my father is not perfect but he did the best he could.”

Source: Youtube/Dave’s Osmond Videos

He was considered a teen idol, but it was when he started performing along with his sister Marie that they rose to international stardom. All of a sudden, all eyes were on them. As their immense popularity grew bigger and bigger, so did the pressure.

“I remember times on stage where I physically got ill. I thought ‘what is going on here? I’m going crazy,’” Donny Osmond shared with CBS.

“There were times where I had the choice to walking on stage or dying, I would’ve chosen death. It’s that scary,” he said. “Ever since I started in the business, I knew that someone is looking at me all the time, I had to be perfect.”

Source: Instagram/DonnyOsmond

The initial collaboration between the brother and sister resulted in the hit singles, “Morning Side of the Mountain” and “I’m Leaving It All Up to You.”

Donny’s face was all over the media and the newspapers. He was dubbed an icon with millions of fans who were interested not only in his music, but his personal life as well.

In 1976, when Donny and Marie transitioned into television with the show Donny & Marie, she could feel something isn’t right with her brother.

“There were times when he was in his dressing room and he would have really difficult times,” Marie Osmond recalled. “I just thought it was stress. I don’t think he knew [what the problem was].

Source: Youtube/Dave’s Osmond Videos

At the time he was about to pursue a solo career, Donny faced a hard time again. From being dubbed teen idol, he now neded to turn to adult audience.

He had his big breakthrough with the musical Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat, and although he received great critics, stakes were higher than ever before and he faced mental struggles yet again.

He put pressure on him to be even greater than he already was by giving incredible performances every single night. During one occasion, while in Minneapolis, he suffered a panic attack. At the time, he was already married to his wife, Debra, with whom he has five sons and 12 grandchildren. She got scared for him and took him to the hospital.

“I collapsed. [I was afraid of] failing, of making a mistake,” he told CBS, recalling the event with tears in his eyes.

Source: Instagram/DonnyOsmond

Donny received help from Jerilyn Ross, President of the Anxiety and Depression Association of America. She taught him how to relax and how to organize his thoughts through exposure therapy. Three days later, he was ready to perform again. “I don’t think you’re ever cured. I think it’s something you learn to deal with, learn to handle,” Donny explained.

Opening up about his struggles, he helped break the stigma, and that helped many who face the same struggles. For his contribution in the fight against panic attacks and his advocacy about mental health, he became an honorary member of the Anxiety and Depression Association of America’s Board of Directors back in 2004.

“I’ve talked with so many people who were unwilling to do anything about their anxiety disorder because they were too embarrassed,” Donny said, as per ADAA. “I want to let people know that they are not alone and that help is available.

“ADAA is a terrific organization and a tremendous resource. I am proud to join the ADAA board and to help in their efforts to educate people about anxiety disorders.”

Source: Instagram/DonnyOsmond

Today, Donny is still very active and loved by many. Throughout his life, he had ups and downs, but he tends to remember only the good that has happened to him.

“I look back at my life as all these peaks and valleys, and Donny & Marie happens to be a peak,” he told Closer in 2015.

“The bad times dissipate and you only remember the good. When I see those old clips, sometimes I cringe, but it still brings a nice big smile to my face.”

Thank you Donny Osmond, for your music and your courage.

Homeless man seen throwing a birthday party for his dog


Those who have the least give the most, they say. I believe it is like that because those people who don’t have much know just how harsh life can be and they don’t want anyone to experience that feeling.

One man from Bucaramanga, Colombia, stole the hearts of thousands of people recently. Choco has been homeless for a couple of years, and as we all know, life on the street is far from easy, but that didn’t prevent him from throwing a birthday party for one of his four-legged companions, Shaggy.

Some passersby noticed him putting birthday hats on Shaggy and his other dog, Nena, and bringing a cake, so they couldn’t help but stop and take a video of the joyous occasion.

Little did Choco know that the love and compassion he offered to his canines, who are his companions and stay by his side through thick and thin, would make him a well-known name in the neighborhood.

Once the video of the birthday party was shared online, many showed their appreciation for Choco. Positive comments came pouring in and people who lived nearby paid this kind-hearted man a visit and brought a bunch of things for him and the dogs in an attempt to ease their life.

The reason why Choco is homeless is because he escaped abusive household. However, after many people learned of his life, we truly hope he would receive help and find a place to stay together with his dogs.

19-year-old accidentally moves into senior living complex and she loves it


Having good neighbors means having more peace of mind. They are the people who can watch over your property when you are not around and become your friends over time.

They say that you can choose your friends, but not your neighbors, and that is why it is very important to treat your neighbors with respect, because we all know that at the end of the day, we get what we give. The girl from our story got a lot more than she ever anticipated when she moved into a senior living facility without even being aware of it.

Source: TikTok

19-year-old Madison Kohout has been living by herself since she was 17. A serendipitous encounter with a woman named Mrs. Parker she met through TikTok, however, changed her life a great deal. Namely, Mrs. Parker and Madison, who goes by Madi Ann on social media, became close friends and she invited her over to spend Thanksgiving with her family. That plan failed, and they met in February instead. The friendship grew even bigger and stronger, and Madi decided to move to Piggott, Arkansas.

Source: TikTok

Once there, Madi was about to find a place to live. The offer was quite limited, but she eventually stumbled upon a two-bedroom apartment that was affordable and signed a month-to-month lease. The apartments were designed for senior citizens, but they didn’t discriminate for age, so the landlord didn’t mention that to Madi although she knew she was way younger than the rest of the residents. Madi believed it was the home of people from all ages. Not long after, she realized that no one around was younger than 65.

Madi, who is very active on TikTok, shared the story of what she did with her followers who found it extremely cute.

“I was looking around at my surroundings to see what there was I could do here, and I saw the sign that said ‘Senior Living Apartments,’ and I realized I moved myself into a retirement community,” Madi explained in one of her videos. “Once I saw the sign, all the things clicked. I was like, ‘Oh, my goodness, I can’t believe I did this.’”

Source: TikTok

Well, it turned out that her choice of apartment was a great one. She got to bond with her neighbors who offer her home-cooked meals on a regular basis.

“I’ve never had so many home-cooked meals in my life,” Madi said, and added, “It’s like having extra sets of grandparents.”

Source: TikTok

This young lady loves her new life very much. For more on this beautiful story watch the video below. You can check Madi’s TikTok here.

Five young men bring veteran to tears after they tell him what they think of him


People gave lives and sacrificed all they had so we can spend our lives in freedom and prosperity.

If that kind of sacrifice was not given by the defenders and military personnel, the freedom of movement, work and travel would have been impossible. Are people aware of the things the veterans did for the nation? Some people who personally witnessed that kind of sacrifice know and believe the difficult moments and terrible memories that the veterans have to struggle with.

Being aware or not, one thing is certain – we cannot find any way of repaying the veterans who put their lives at risk for the freedom’s sake. The physical and the emotional damage that they suffer from cannot be healed with any money in the world. However, paying attention to these people, helping them on regular basis and even reaching their families can be enormous expression of gratitude.

Source: YouTube

Lou Zezoff’s story may give us some ideas how we can express our gratitude to the veterans.

He recalls one situation that touched him very deeply. Lou and his wife went out in the town in order to have a nice dinner. The dinner and the couple’s conversation was interrupted by a young man. The young man and his friends turned out to be Marines. This interruption was unexpected and what they said left him stunned. Apparently, the Marines’ intention was expressing appreciation and gratitude for the veteran’s services.  Lou says:

“They wanted me to know how much they appreciated me.”

Lou and his wife were very surprised by the event. However, the surprise didn’t end there. As soon as Lou and his wife finished the dinner, they called the waiter and asked for the bill. The waiter told them that it was their lucky day since their bill was paid by the young Marines. This shocked the couple even more. Upon hearing this, Lou went to the Marines’ table and expressed his gratitude regarding that pleasant surprise.

Source: YouTube

“They filed in front of my table, stood in line, and each one of them again put his hand out, shook my hand, thanked me, hugged me, and walked to my right.”

Source: YouTube

Lou’s story is a good illustration of how veterans feel. Even small act of gratitude means a lot to them.

This reminds them that we, the people, have not forgotten them, that they are respected and they take a special part in out social existence. Things like this should happen more often and we have to let veterans know that we do care about them and appreciate all what they have done.

Kevin Costner says Whitney Houston was his “one true love” and feels that he let her down


At the start of his acting career, charming Kevin Costner only landed small roles, but as he always knew acting was his calling, he never stopped pursuing his dreams. After his first major breakthrough, the movie Silverado, 1985, critic Joe Leydon wrote in a review for The Moving Picture Show, “Costner, a relative newcomer, gives an ingratiating performance that should mark him for bigger and better things.” Well, he was so right, because soon after, the name Costner became known not only in the States, but worldwide, and he’s until this day one of the most successful actors of Hollywood.


At the time he was finally finding his place in the world of film, another rising star was finding hers in the world of music.

In January of 1985, talented singer Whitney Houston released her self-titled debut album. It was a huge success, with three songs reaching number one. Saving All My Love for YouHow Will I Know and Greatest Love of All topped the Billboard top 200 list for 14 weeks in 1986. The album is one of the best-selling debut albums of all time.


These two stars working together resulted in one of the best movies in the history of film, The Bodyguard, 1992.

“I didn’t realize in Bodyguard when I wanted Whitney to play that that was such a brave move,” Costner told US Magazine. “It didn’t seem to me to be a brave move at all. I thought she was the cutest girl I’ve ever seen.”

Many were surprised by the choice of an African-American woman to be romantically involved with the character of Frank Farmer played by Costner, but he answered back saying, “It just seemed like she was the best person. It didn’t feel like I was trying to cross ground. I couldn’t imagine anybody that didn’t want to kiss her.”


Once the movie saw the light of the day, people went crazy over it. In a blink of an eye, The Bodyguard became the second-highest-grossing film of the year globally, and 10th of all time at the time.

“I don’t know what it is about that movie,” Costner told Beach Palm Post. “Maybe it was the relationship, which was a very real one as written by Lawrence Kasdan. Maybe it was that (his bodyguard character) was not into her bulls. She was a diva, and as he tells her, ‘I’m here to keep you alive, not help you shop.’ And there’s some good man/woman stuff in there, that’s really pretty healthy. The idea that someone is willing to protect you is something very special that we all want to know in our lives. And maybe it’s that last kiss,” Costner says.


The movie’s song, I Will Always Love You, became a worldwide smash-hit and is very much popular up until this day. Originally recorded by Dolly Parton, the song won Whitney Houston three Grammy Awards, including the Album of the Year and Record of the Year in 1993.

Throughout the filming, Costner and Houston became very good friends and nurtured that friendship until 2012, when the singer passed away. The news of Houston’s death broke the hearts of millions of fans, as well as that of Costner.

Whitney turned to drugs and her addiction destroyed her life. Costner said he was writing her letters throughout the years. “She would always be close to me, she would always be somebody I appreciated. When someone says, will you write a letter to someone who you know is having trouble… I did. I don’t know if those letters were ever read,” the actor said.

Youtube/ViM Official

Houston was found drowned in the bathtub of her room at the Beverly Hilton Hotel in Los Angeles, California. She was only 48.


Costner spoke of their friendship at her funeral.

“Whitney returns home today to the place where it all began, and I urge us all, inside and outside, across the nation and around the world to dry our tears, suspend our sorrow – and perhaps our anger – just long enough, just long enough to remember the sweet miracle of Whitney. I was your pretend bodyguard once. And now you’re gone too soon.”

Costner blamed himself for not being there for her when she needed it the most and said he would live with that pain forever. “She was my one true love. I still have I Will Always Love You as my ringtone and I count it as a badge of honour every time I get mocked for it.”

Weeks before passing, actor Ed Asner confessed his biggest ‘regret’


From Lou Grand and beyond, legendary actor Ed Asner had given the world of film more than any actor can ever wish for.

Unfortunately, his family announced on Sunday, that great Ed, who won the most performance awards of any male performer in the history of the Prime-time Emmy Awards, passed away at the age of 91 on August 28.

Ed will be greatly missed by his family and his huge audience.

Kathy Hutchins / Shutterstock

The Mary Tyler Moore Show star led quite a life. And even at the age of 91, he believed he had so much more to do and to give to the world. Speaking to Closer earlier this year, Ed said: “If the good Lord is in a generous mood, he can give me another 91 years and I can show the world what I can do.”

Ed was born in Kansas City, Missouri on November 15, 1929. His parents were Jewish immigrants. Ed served with the U.S. Army Signal Corps during the war, and once his service was over, he could completely devote his time and energy on doing what he always loved to do; acting.

At the beginning of his rich career, Ed was part of the theater scene in Chicago and New York, both on Broadway and off. Later, he landed roles in prominent shows such as The Outer Limits and Mission Impossible, and the movies Kid Galahad and El Dorado.

Wikimedia Commons

He was working on making a name for himself when he was offered the role which helped shape and skyrocket his career, that of Lou Grand in the smash hit-series The Mary Tyler Moore Show. He played the boss of the series protagonist Mary Richards.

At first, he was hesitant whether to take the role because he wasn’t sure if he could manage to channel his comedy the way he wanted, but he eventually agreed to be part of the iconic show. “I didn’t really put my toe into the water of comedy until I went up to read for ‘Mary Tyler Moore.’ I was afraid of it,” Ed recalled in a 1995 interview, according to Reuters. “Not that I couldn’t do an initial spark of humor but I didn’t know how to maintain it.”

Wikimedia Commons

With each episode, Ed’s character was capturing the audience’s hearts more and more.

“He was a beautiful actor,” the show’s creator James L. Brooks told Variety. “He was an able team player. He was just as deeply a good guy as everybody sensed he was.”

Besides being an incredible actor, Ed was also the President of the Screen Actors Guild for two terms. Speaking of his commitment, Brooks said: “He really cared about the causes he got involved in. People respected that someone at his level cared to get involved at all.”

Other movies Ed was known for are Rich Man, Poor Man and Roots, both of which earned him Emmy awards, Dead to MeCobra KaiModern Family, and Curb Your Enthusiasm, Elf, in which he played Santa, and the Pixar film Up, among the rest.

Ed was a father of four and a grandfather of 10. He had three children with his wife Nancy Sykes whom she cheated on in the past with the mother of his fourth child, son Charles Edward Vogelman. In fact, Ed only reconnected with Charles later in life.

Speaking of his affair, Ed dubbed it his biggest regret in life. It cost him his marriage and the wife he loved. “I cheated on my wife and I lost her. I will always regret that loss,” he confessed in an interview with Closer.

Ed Asner was one hell of an actor. May he rest in peace.

Mom’s reaction to her son throwing rocks at police during riots is commendable


Teaching your child right from wrong is what great parenting is all about. Sometimes, in an attempt to show our kids how much we love them, we avoid to scold them even if they do wrong. Unfortunately, that triggers consequences later in life, because it shows them that there is a way for them to be let off the hook even when they don’t act the right way.

An incident which took place during the Baltimore riots back in 2015 is a proof that when it comes to raising children, parents sometimes need to turn to some “desperate measures.”

Rioters filled the streets of Baltimore and when the police tried to stop them, they started throwing rocks at them.

There was one particular young man among those who attacked the officers. He was wearing a ski mask which covered most of his face, but that didn’t prevent his mother from recognizing him. She saw him on TV and was so embarrassed by his act that she got out of the house and tracked him down.

Source: YouTube Screenshot/ WMAR

Getting near him, the mom tried taking his mask off, and she then started hitting him on the head. He received a few punches before he managed to separate himself from her.

The incident was caught on video by WMAR and the footage was later shared online. It attracted the attention of many. Even Baltimore Police Commissioner Anthony Batts praised this mother’s act.

“In one scene you had a mother who grabbed a child who had a hood on his head and started smacking him on the head because she was so embarrassed,” he said during a press conference. “I wish there were more parents out there who took charge of their kids tonight.”

He then added: “Take control of your kids. This is our city, let’s make a difference.”

Source: YouTube Screenshot/ WMAR

A number of people took their time to comment on the video. One person wrote, “That MOM in Baltimore that Smacked her kid for Looting, deserves MOM of the YEAR. Other MOMS should be doing the same!” Another added, “Mom of the year in Baltimore… my mother would have did same thing…”

She got the title “Mom of the year,” and we believe she definitely deserves it.

Go to the video below for more stories of special moms.

Mom, 37, eager to welcome baby number 12 as her eldest child turns 12 years old


Can you imagine what life must be like with 12 children under one roof? I guess it’s fun as much as it is tiring, but for one mother named Courtney, having 12 kids is a dream come true.

Ever since this mother welcomed her first child some 12 years ago, she has never spent a day without a bump or a newborn. In fact, she is expected to give birth to her 12th child in March 2022, about the same time her eldest child is turning 12 years old.

37-year-old Courtney and her husband Chris Rogers, 32, who is a church pastor, have been together for 13 years and live in a three bedroom home in Santa Fe County, New Mexico. Of course, with the arrival of their latest addition, they plan to move to a bigger house.

Six of the Rogers’ children are boys, and five are girls, so the proud father hopes to have another girl, while Courtney would be equally happy with another boy.

Now if you think this supper mom has a lot on her plate with having to prepare a couple of meals a day for so many people, sit down before we tell you that she homeschools all of them.

After the arrival of her 11th child back in November 2020, Courtney shared with Daily Mail that she would be sad and disappointed when she stopped having more children.

“I love being a mother and I would really like to have another one. We’ll probably wait a year or two to try.”

All of the children have names starting with the letter C, and they are planning to continue the trend.

Courtney is happy to share with the world what life is like with so many kids. She often shares adorable photos of her family on her Instagram page @littlehouseinthehighdesert. So far, she has around 32K followers.

“Ever since I became a mother, it’s just become my life and I enjoy it and love every minute,” she said in an interview with the Daily Mail in January 2021.

“Even though I have so many kids, I’m the type who will be sad when I have my last one and want to cherish each moment.”

As of her future baby, she told The Sun, “We’re so excited as we had wanted 12. I’m very thankful that it’s happening, and the kids are still going to be close in age.”

What a beautiful family!